장음표시 사용
.ained a provision that a dishonest uardian must restorem 6 doubi os that os,hieli te ad defraude his ard. 38 circumscriptio adolescentium, σι audin O minors, i. e. O Person unde the age o tWenty-five. The lex Plaetoria es tablished hi distinctionis age bet veen hos above majores)and thos bel0 minores tWent sive ear os age. It objectinas to ive legat protection to the alter against haud an dimposition. to hiel the were considere to e peculiartyli able On account of their outh and inexperienee, Without intersering illi the old principi os fuit eo capacit bellig
rat . stricti juris. The sui mundo on the laltera indisfietio was calle a judiciunt , and was tried by a judeae, hos authorit Was eonfined illi in the limits of the formula of the praetor. The sui munded noli sorme hin o aetio agoalle an urbitrium, nil Was tried by an arbiter, robabi socalle beeaus the whole matter in dispute a submitte tollis udgmenta and e Was empoweredo decide ecordin tothe justice and equit of the case Withou being ettered by the
39. Additur, se in the ormula of the praetor that theo biter hali decide ex fide bona, ae ordiri to good aith. Gr. Reliquorum judiciorum, i. e. of the remaining cases of
1. Haec the folioquing See p. 45, line 34, note. III
ill Diet. Autiqq. Que,tioti relat indit it belonge to the actione/bonae dei, and were decide by an arbiter. Melivs aequius, i. e. et the arbiter decide aceordin to this principie Melius e8t, quicquid aequiu3 8t, o Quantum aequiua et meliu id dari 'here re aecordin t equity. r. 3. Fiducia denote a contrae sor a transferen ei properi yto another, for the Sahe of greater Securit o sor ther sum- cient reasons, with the agreement that it hould e restor upo certain conditions. In fiducia, therefore, for in iactiones luciae means in the casei a uit for the restorationis sue ut rust. Ut tamquam Bene agier hone8 deussing Se oportet. Foruli complete formula see p. 113, line 29. Agier. For thesorm se M. 115 Z. 150, OOt-note. 8. Rebus contrahendis See p. 12, line 23, note. 10. Qui-liceatur, the readin os ali ut ne of the M , and adopte by Br. o. Ηe., and r. he Person phona LHpurelia se assign to thi busines apponet , and wh rei ea ost sensibi a hi rivat, renee, contra licen8,-Seelis, li, vsii si bid, to depreciate the thin offered sor sale, and by ut bid-d inito hee the inest nationis other to bid, and thus the expectations os the feller so that the realiureliaser secur sthe properi adia cheaper priste He. ther editore, soli ing one M S., read qui contra retice Mur, bida bach i. e. lower thun a bidalready made, o produce the impression that the arti eloci nolworth What has been offere so it. The verbis liceri, hoWΘver,
11. Ad eloquendum, se the priste hicli the oneris pillin totali and the ther Olay.12. Quintus Scaevola. See p. 44 line 37, note . 14. Indicaretur Se Lex. s. v. II. B. 15. Aestumare se. fundum. centum milia. e. e. fertium 17. Ut si, an more than is r. Strictly there is aster utas ellipsis os sapienti fuisse nessant.18. Igitur introduces no inferene Domoliat in mediatselut recedes, but seem in indieat a return to the chies thought os ali his discussion See p. 95, lineo et seqq. P. I, 2 line II. Pernicies, perniciori ides. 19. Ex quo Unde, In conseque ne of thim reserrinito illa pernicies, etc. Ennius. The suhstanee oni is here givon os a
25. abere rationem. c. iii in increas os, a the hie --
2 though originalty one of the w summit os that hili Ther
vias a place of Observation On the rx calle Auguraculum, which Was consecratei for the purpOse of ta in the inspiceri augurium agere.)12. caelio monte. It was necessar that the augurs, hoface the east should have the origo u nobstructed ut highiuild in on his hill might intercept the vie v, and wOuidb mueli more lihelyrio, is the poliatis observation Isin ille S. .sea of the Capitoline than is it Werein the N. E. height.
the one reserre to incline 12.18. Arbitrum-adegit, a common expression or illum αδ-duaeit ad arbitrum, the seconi accusative depending on the ad in composition. Cf. Iusjurandum adigere, animum advertere, etc. C. 122 note 2 H. 376 A. 239, M G. 330, Rem. I. vic- quid-fide bona, the formula hicli the praetor ave to the arbiter, and with Whiel, he instructed him respecting the questioni law. The fuit forna in his case ould read thum M. Cato arbiter esto. QVod T. Claudius Centumalus P. Gupurnio Lia uario aedes in Caelio monte sitas vendidit, post uni fui moaressuribus, etc., quidquid ob eam rem T. Claudium P. Culpurnio dare facere oportet eae side bona ejus T. Claudium P. Culpurnio condemus. He.
19. M. Cato, a grandeson os the censor an satheris Cato mi. censim nostri in He a tribune os the Plebs, and diei candidate so the praetorshil'. Sententiam dixit, pron uod the decision Se Lex. . Sententis, I. B. 22. Igitur. See . 1 line 23, note Judex, Sed here sorrerbiter. For the distincti in ei v n hem, se ii li 0 line 38,
25. Pertinere, et . i. e. ilia is asin necessary requi ite ostii honest contractis sale. r. 27. Frumentarius ille, sc mentione Mon p. 107, Iine 25.
28. Venditor See p. 108 liue 26 et eis.
29. comprehendi, e sineri includes, Se in the si Mute est 2
P0 the confirmation of this, the soli 3 vin exam Ρle is giVen. Where two eminent uriSis ere at variane O the question hether a certa in case came unde the Statu te. He. 30. Tenentur Sc. jure e te bus, i. e. inrepunis d. r. 31. Gratidianus, the O O grandSoni M. Gratidius, hosesister marrie licero' grandlather heuce theterm propinquus noster Preular lieaker, and wice ad praetor C. Sergio Silo, a Praetor, B C. 97, ho received the regnomen rata be- lius he Ore two large old rings, Or, accordiu in another Writer, becauSeis his fondia es soraoldfish He. 33. Serviebant, trusi redou iubility. Certatu tand of legalco utrolisve Objecis e re calle serruistes praediui , ei ther ur-b tuorum Or et Micorum, e g the right of inseruii a beam in
the wallis an assi ining house, o carryin Ddrain through aneighbor' gro undS, a rightis Way, ete. Dici Antiqq. Mancipio. Iu the account giveu in the De Orat. I. 29, the expression is inuncipii lege, in the contruci offula Foruli technica mean-ingis this term se Diet. Antiqq. 35. Crassus See p. 42 linera Antonius. See p. 76, line 27. 36. Jus urguebat, pleuded the letter of the law.
38. Qui vendidisset, a causal clauSe. 1. Quo jure subject to ha liability, ο legat contro I. e. 113What legat incumbrance there asin it. 2. Teneret, i. e. Sciret. Quorsus haec, Se dico Or pertinent.
Wit actua offences, veri acis. e. change the readin toteneri, as belle suile to the sense. 8. Suntne Nonne unt. s. Excitaturus, se feras, Domiheir lair agitaturus, hunt. Ipsae i. e. of thei OWn aecord . 11. abulam, Se reuionarium, advertisemen es sale The
occasione byriis connectio With tabulam. He. 12. Domum vendas, brachete by Br. o. andine Ra Uurious, speciali sine eam an refer oni to plagam, o tonomum.
ii Id. Lege and Iure civili cannot here tan in opposition toeae other asin p. 47, line M. Rather suus the de velopinent of the genera principies of jurisprudence through the edicis of
liti M. Ianciri See LeX. . r. II. 16. Societas est f. p. 24 line 32 et seqq.18. Interior Cf. p. 24 liue 35 20. Jus gentium. See p. 98, line δέ note. 21. Non idem continuo, et: Distitio stere uriis' etc. Tli civit Ia may contain ue that the la os nations oeci L22. Quod autem-debet, c. ecause the la Os nations coimta in thos genera principies of Whiel thes a cirile emi dies particular applicationS. 24. Solidam, mode of hord uteries, solid, subauritot expressam, perfecti deline Med emgiem, is, s hioned by ari, as a Statue, in opposition to the flat, ina ', meret oviline form sumbra et imaginibus of a draWing. He.
26. Feruntur, themure copiis Naturae xemplis, modetior originulti hic eae iat in nuturein truth He. r. renders
Veritatis, reality, practica iiD. 27. Vti ne-sim. his is the ormula of the laintiss and both his and the followingielon to the actio, luciae Mel.
111 linera note . 28. Fidem tuam, ruri in o M. See p. 52, line 17, note. 29. Vt inter fraudatione. See p. 111 linera note . 31. Scaevola. See p. 44 line 37, Ole. 32. Summam vim esse in-arbitriis, i. e. thclt then Pereo fme greatra importance. r. that the jud ge persorme a very great an dissiculi usiness, ho decide lis case of this ind.
34. Manare latissime Iuliari ne utere. I. . , line 33.
q. Est locata, hu res proper pluce. t. s. p. 103 I in M,
b. Malitia oes noti ave here iis litera signifieation. It is
iliat adnes in the pui pose hicli consist in a au's avni linghimself of a legat right oris legat sorius, in a manner hichmoralit condemn s. Ong' Verres Taylor desines tuo be any sequi trichi Whiel the en d os justice ere frustraled thoughth letter of thecla remulae inviolate. 6. Ponit ante. The tmesis gives prominenc in the mean ingo the preposition, as in Ibi se sequor for Praei equor; et itis seli in found in prose riting. He. 7. Ductum a natura, derised boni the nutu rui relin ofri'hi He. as far ascit equalty illi the jus gentium proceedssrom the Delingi right of mankind. r. 8. Mancipiorum, sive . See . 112, ira 33, note for the
111 um. The curule aediles h ad the superintendetice os marheis and of things exposed for sale, Such a StaVeS. Heredum-est, The a se of those rho in herit lave is di erent, beeaus theycould noti supposed to know their lautis. 15. Intelligentiae, here uspientiae. s. p. 111 line I For the meaning of the whole phrase, s line 2 p. 122 line
16. Videantur, a clause of result and appositive. 17. Quotus quisque, Howseto. m. 74 Obs 2; Z. 710. 18. Ignoratione omnium proposita. s. p. 103, line 2 24; p. 104, lines 9-12, line 20. chap. XVIII. 20. Periclitemur, c veracitem huju8 8ente ut irae. He.
25. Fatigandi in cohibendi, coercendi. 28. E Graecia, c. here he had ted. Quod-obtinerent, i. e. the might procure alid ity for the me. Valerius MaximuS, Who narrate the Same occurrenee, probabi Dom his passage Says ejus conjirma nil gratia. The sua expreMion, in the Ian age of the Roman law, as obtinere hereditialem. BI. 32. lieni facinoris i. e. received through the crime fothera. 33. Munusculum. The for denotes contempl. Se p. 21, line 18, note an M. 182, 1. Satin-hoe, i. e. icthis, se that
thei earance, etc. He. 36. Alterum . . . alterum Se p. 20 line . note, and Z. 700, Ole. Alterum vivum, se Hortensius. Cicero as his successsul rival in orato , and sor a considerable time his opponent in Polities. et after B C. 60, henmortensius reti redfrom politica life the usuali aeted together profession ally, and werem term os cordia frienduehit'. Cicero oves e re sion to hisaries a the dea th, Hortensius, and Pay a hearly tributeno his orth in the fit, chapi r os the Brutu . Alterum -m0rtuum, M. M. Crassum. See P. 5, line II, Dote. Durin his lis there asiit ter stimi tyiet ween him an Cicero beeau Cicero had charge him illi hein privnto the conspiracyis Catiline, and becauseae had et ther opposed Cicero' banishment nor labored fortis recall. aet Crassus ought to concili-
nte Cicero aster the retur of the Iaiter, an besere his οwn 114
36. M. Satrium, after his adoption by the tincte here mentioned calle M. Minucius Basilus atrianus. II Was a con Panion O ADtOny, and is SPOhenis contemptuoustyi Cicero Phil. II. L as the putron udis Italia toWns. 38. Patronum P. 1 line i , O te. 39. 0 turpem - illorum. This S the ea diu of the M,S. . but it is no possibi that Cicero ould cal Basilus Βασιλευς , whic Was a commota a Surnam in the cris aean Regulus in ther families, a turpi mita temporum and et the exclamation 0-temporum must reser torali restis the Parenthesis. Nomen illorum is the margina note O Sometra criber holid uot understand that the exclamatio resersto the recedin patronum-Piceni, i. e. it i a disgrace that States hiet have the right o citi genslii pratio ut choOS apu- ω- like conquered nations and froin the parti San Oi ut svie o Cicero that the should seleet an Anton an Satrius ruther than sueti as Brutus an Cassius. I nomen ere genuine Cicero ould have used horum illicit beeuus Satrius, stili putronus at the time henae rote. II e. 1. Principes, o Crassus an HortenSius civis He. 115 and Bl. Who regardiit a a genitive expresse to emphasige thegreatnes of the rong. Br also has civis, ut alie itis an accusative illi hic principes agreeS Gr. andin. read,
3. Injuriam. the construction, se Z. 469. Propulsat Only enhances the meaning of defendit, an is adde so the Sahe of rhetorica symmetry, illi referene to the follOWing non repellit and adjuvat. l. 4. Ut in primo libro Se on p. 14 liue 3 et Seqq. P. 16, line10 et seqq. In See p. 10, linea note, and Z. 481. 7. Verae, i. e. not obtained by forged Wills.8. Malitiosis. The wichedues is practised against therightfu heir, horis d0prive os his inherilauce He. ff.i
15. Errore. s. p. 95, line 20, here Opinio ue corresponi t errore. Qui, i. e. nil hi8, Se divellere. On the genderis ita relative, Se p. 6o, line 36, Ole, and Z. 372.
21. Dares. In animate, disturae, instead os a proto sis illi 3i, the condition is Some times expressed in an independent clause, and that hiet would have beeu the w osis soli , , salso in a distinet elause M. 442, a, Obs T Z. 80. 22. Qui re vera rei ore in in re lily, ct 23. Mihi crede, tu the sense os profecto, is sed deluch fro the res of the construction, the empli is reStin Ora hel)ronouia implyin hora noto it belle . . 801. In foro saltaret, c. for joy. Excepi in connection illi religi Ous festivulsand rites, it a considerei indecent for a citigen to dance. s. Pro Murena VI. p. 54 line I et eqq. 24. Sentimus CL p. 47, line M. 26. Hoc-admiratur, toni es, inmured ut his i f. Ρ 79, line 17. He. 27. Animi volvere, i. e. O bring into distinet conseio us- Des the dea Da good man whiel, lies undeveloped in his mina He complicatam. The figure is orrowed rom thesibidin together of books, letters, etc. Lex. O the meaniugi, notionem, es. I Pico VII. 31 Notionem reppello re ' -