장음표시 사용
31. Malobant suppinii the omitted antecedent os quibus. 935. M. Licinium Crassum M. Licinius Crassus as a Romancitigd of high rank and of immense wealth. Heia distinguished himself in the war against Spartacus, and ad hol the hiraest ossicos in thostate Ther is litti reason to thin that he had an sympath With
2. Si nIuisset, fore. What Would thisio in the Direct Discoursea G. 32, 4 530 L-Apud Ilos, mong them i. e. the conSpirators, implio in conjuratio.
XVIII. XIX. Catiline' Eariter Attemst a Convira γ, 66 B. C.
4. Antea Q. e. tW yearibe re. 5. De qua concerning whic conspirata. Qua refers to conjuratio implied in conjuravere. s. I. TuIIo . . . On SuIibus G. c. in hooea 66 B. C.
seem tot misplaced ascit record evenis,hic too placo in the summer of 65 B. J Whilo the sentence bufore and the sentenc astor both relato to the latior par of 66 B. C.-Pecuniarum resetundarum, of eaetortion sit. V moneys to e demande haedi M. 238.10. Quod . . . nequiverat He could not announce his intention pro fieri tot a candidat Whilo the indiciment Was pendi g.-Intra Iegitimos dies i. o. sevent00 daysios ore theseleelion. 11. Cn. Piso; i. e. Cn. Calpurnius Pigo. See Introduction, p. 43.14. Consilio communicato, making common cause I lit., me plan
15. NuIendis Ianuariis i. e. during the eremonios Os inauguration Whicli Ooli place o theirs of January.-L. Cottum, etc. L. Cotta an L. Torquatus, rival candidates of P. Autronius an P. Sulla, Were declared 0nsul aster the lalter,ere convicte of bribery.
IG. Ipsi fascibus correptis, themselves soleting the fasces Q. e. theconSularioWer represente by them. θεi, though elonginii senserioth Abi Absol. is madesto agre With the leading subjeci. 17. Duas Hispunius i. o. Hispaniam iteriorem an Hispaniam Ulteriorem For the genera facts Se Introduction, p. 43.19. Iam tum even them i. e. evenis that early date, thei planwas substantialty the sameras it Was three o lauroears later, Wheu finalty
21. Quod ni . . . maturasset The execution os tho lan was sortunatet frustraled by a mistahe o the parco Catilino, Who avo thesignat hesor his accomplices,ere ready for action.
24. Ea res i. e. the mistak of Catiline in giving tho signia co
25. Quaestor Pro Praetore, a quaeotor Mith praetoria p0wer i. e. , a governor. A praetor Wa a Roman Ossice nexi in ran to the consul,
an a tho expirationis his terminossice Was usuali sent out as the ov- ornoris a province Q. e. pro praetor I but that a quae8tor, a much l0Wer ossico ordinarii in charge of the public money, should e thus en- trusio With praetorian poWer, is Ver remari able. 2G. Adnitente Crasso, through the insuetice of Crassu8 lit. Crassus exerting himself Abi Absol. 27. Inimicum. Se Syn. L. C. 344.-Pompeio dependent uponesse to e Supplied.-Tumen, et t. e. although ne ould carcelyhave expected the senatorio ive Such p0Werrio Piso. 28. Invitus G. 443. 29. Oni the nobies. 30. Praesidium in eo, a proteolion in him i. e. against their opponenis, especiali Pompey. 33. Sunt qui dicunt G. 501 I.-Ita m. 04 II 6. 35. Iientes, adherenis i. o. thos Whom he had gathere ab uthim in that province a se years besor Whil ongaged in the War against Sertorius. OIuntnte ejus, in accordano reit his Pomp0y's reish. Obsorvo that thici a mere rumor. 36. AggreSSOS; Supply δεθ.-Praeterea, eaecept in his instanee Ilit. besides this. I. In medio, unδeuled lit., in the mi te.
XX. XXIII. Movements of the Conspirator sonet theeuro par of une 64 D. Q to the Consula EDd-tion of that ear.
3. Paulo ante i. e. in hapter 17. Sallust resumes the narrative
interrupte by the digressi0n containe in hapter 18 and 19.
4. Cum singuIis reissi them individually. 11
G. Aedium. orce of the plura G. 132. S. Ni forent, cecidisset G. 510.-Spectui mihi teste by me: lit., lewed an heno seriore t me. G. 439, 2.3).-Nequiquam, frustra. See Syn. L. C. 338. D. In manibus construe Wit dominatio, fovereigi power atready)inisur hanius i. e. Π0 meret fiopes Spes magna). Wit this interpretatio tho predicat is frustra fuissent. 11. Incerta . . . notarem, gravis refiat iuncertain impiae Urehat is certati t. o. imperil ali that Phave in graspiniat uncertainties.
12. Tempestatibus, emergencies. M. 426. 13. Eo, . . . Simu quia, O thia account, . . . an also ecause. G. 414.14. Vobis . . . dona maInque esse l. e. that yoihavo the samo interest a I.
15. Ea demum, his indeod. Ea attractu Do id, o agr0 Withamieitia, is in apposition it idem elle . . . nolle the subject of est. G. 363, 5 445, 4. 17. Diversi separate0. IS. Mihi unimus, my mind. Mihi is Indiruet Objec os aeeenditur, but it is noti est olendor literalty. 19. Futura sit G. 525.-Nisi . . . in Iibertutem, ij me do not
21. Ius utque dicionem, jurisdietion and contro 22. IIIis i. e. pauci potentibus.-VectigaIes, tributary.-ESSE Hist. Insin. 24 VuIgus fuimus have been the rabbie i. e. SO realed. 25. Quibus formistini, G. 390.-VRIeret, reamin force. 28. Quousque tandem, ho long pray his diomatio usu os tan
29. Per virtutem, brave . 30. Ubi nIienne . . . fueris, in hie you have been the spor of the insolene of thers. Observo the orco of the person in fueris. G.
32. Verum enimvero, but inised Thor is an ellipsis in os Latinaster erum. Thusci ut this neu not o for indeed. In Englis Woneed not suppi thesellipsis.-Pro deum . . . idem m. 381. Pro is an interj0etion deum so deorum. 33. In manu nobis est, is in ur handa lit., is o us in hani G. 387. 34. Consenuerrint, haη beeome enfeebled. 35. Incepto G. 419.-Cetera res expectiet the est illaci e care
do . . . Coaequanilis. Se notes on subversoland constrata, p. v lines
nent. moneo tho Indicative in emunt, te. 4. NOUn i. e. , Ven ne bulldings. 5. Trahunt, quander. s. Summa Iibidine, it their greates extravaganoe lit., d ire.-Vincere, to eaehaust lit., to conquer I a militar term.
S. Quid reIiqui, etc., reficit have, test lit., of est. 10. Quin, qui lar quo and ne, his not I
26. Fert bring reit them. 27. Esse suppi a ver os saying implied in sollieeri. 28. P. Sittium. Publius Sittius, of Nuceria in Campania, here
represented as a partisan os Catilino, is incidentali defendo by Cicor 12
in the oratio Pro Sulla.-Participes in apposition Wit Pisonem andi illium. m. 363, 4. 29. C. Antonium Gaius Antonius, afterWard the colleaguo fCicero in the consulShip. See Introduction, p. 44.
31. Circumventum, neompa8Sed - Initium . . . facturum,
uould begin the reor Suppi esse. 33. Iium egestatis; G. 410. 35. Quibus praedae m. 390.-Ea, i. e. the victor os Sulla.
3. Humani . . . Sanguinem, etc. his is fortunatet presented
4. Inde V it, referrinito sanguinem vino permixtum. 5. Fieri consuevit, is customary, is reonta be dones impersonat. s. Quo forent G. 489 497. T. AIius alii, ne to nother. Alius is in partitivo appositis Withtho subjuc os forent, Wit Whie eonscii agroes. -AIii facinoris G. 399 6.8. Ficta Suppi me. s. Ciceronis invidiam, si unpopularitios Cicero, Who Wa consul hen the conspirae Was discoverod. 0 astorWard ecame ery unpopulariecause of the part Whieli hest00 in the cxecutioni sivo ofth loadin conSpiratorS. 11. Nobis in mysui ment lit., ω me.-Pro magnitudine, in
vlew of ita importanee I i. e. so grave a charge require Stronge proola. 13. Loco station. M. 422 1.14. Senutu . . . move runt, had evelle fro the senate, ecause
15. Vnnitus, indiscretio. lit., emptineas.-Reticere dist. lasin. Is Suninet, his oron. M. 185 2.1τ. Neque dicere, etc. he did nos care eithe what he auid or,hath dii ieere and facere are the objects of habebat, quicquam predicate Acci, and pensi partitive Gen. IS. Stupri consuetudo, illiei intima..19. Cui to her. m. 391. 20. Muria montesque usu metaphoricali sor great hings, lareXtravagant promisus Polliceor is to promisso osse os ne sis 4r00-Will, bile promitto icto promise at the roques of another. 2I. Minuri ferro threalene irae reissi death, referring to the prO-
24. Hau . . . habuit, id not kee secret.-SuhIuto nuctore, reithou namino her informant. 25. Quae quoque modo refiat an in refiat manner. 26. Ad . . . mundundum, to intrus the consulah G. 565. 28. Invidia nestuabat, reas furious from falsusy.-AeStuntini, credebant. Notico the change of number. M. 461 1 3). 29. Homo noVuS, a ne many i. e. One hos ancestora ad nsivo hold any of the higher public ossices. 31. Post fuere, Vere ubordinate i. e. to considerations O Sasely.
XXIV. XXVI. Novements of the Consmirator iromtho Consular Eleetion B. C. to that of 63 B. Q.
32. Comitiis habitis, after the comitia Mere held. 34. Concusserat. Observo the force of the tensorio denote comploted actio a tho time os minuebatur.3s. Locis G. 422 1.-Sunisse . . . mutuum, hireton his oreneredit. 37. MunIium. Se Intr0duction, p. 44.14 1. Princeps BeII faciundi, the fratcio egi the rear lit., of therear to be reaged. 3. Ingentes sumptus toleraVerunt, had borne great evenses. 4. Tantum modo . . . Iuxuriae, ni to thei gains, ut not nequo to thei lueturious habila. M. 384 II. s. Servitia, the lavra. D. Sempronia The Wis os D. Junius Brutus, and thesmotheris D. Junius Brutus Albinus, ne of the assasSin os Caesar. IO. Gener . . . forma, in fami ly an in persona beau . hobolong0d to the samous Cornelia genS.
12. Docta modisiud, )by the Abi litteris 2 by the Insin psallere, etc. andra by the Ace alia. M. 3 4 3, 2 and 4.
22. In proximum vnnum for the neat ear i. e. 6 B. C. Ig23. Si . . . foret, is hecisiould b electet aut Perseo in tho Direct Discoursu. M. 32, 4. 24. Ex OIuntate, as e Dased lit , ut of aecordinito his Catilinu's destre. 26. IIIi, o him ς i. e .lo Cicero. 28. Ut proderet Mixed Purpos e. G. 492, 1. 29. ibi, o him i. e. to Cicero. 30. Pactione provinciam; i. e. by exchangin provinces With his colleague resurrinito the province of hicli the were toto overnorsat tho expiration of thei termis ossice Cicero ad obtained by tot thericli province of Macedonia, Whichie transferre to Anton in exultangola Cisalpino Gaul, o comparativel litile alue. Se Introduction, p.
XXVII. XXX. Militar Treparations Attemst Non the Lis of Cicero. Aetion of the Senate.
37. Igitur C. MunIium ne suIns, etc. Ther suum tot somellitie confusion in Sallusi' acc0unt, as in hap. 24 Manlius is atready at Faesulae, an in chap. 30 hesis sal to have alien up arnasin thera tho October i. e. oestheia bus ore the election. 3. Quem ubique, etc., euch ne to the placo here ho thought, etc. 15lit. rehom and here, te. 4. Romae a Rome G. 421, II. s. Cum teIo esse, erit armet lit., reas Mith a evon.-Jubere Suppi cum telis esse. T. Festinare, he rea bu8y.
ferrinito Catiline. s. Intempesta nocte, late a night O tho night astor thorath os XoVember. See Introduction, p. 45. his meetinishould noti avo been mentione here, ut in hap. 31. Sallustris no very accurate in his chrο- nol0gy. 10. Penes . . . necum, at he house of Laeci lit., ith, etc. 12. Paraverat. Observe the orce of in Indicativo. M. 531, 4. 15. Oppressisset Do the ut Perseo os the Direct Discourge. G. 32, 4. Consilii. Indirect Objectis incere. 19. Salutatum G. 569 Roman magistrates, and ther distin-
1b guisho citigens, mero in tho habit os receivinivisit at a very early h0ur,
especiali from thoi clients. 23. Iunii prohibiti. The at Was closed against them. Ianua,
27. SuIIae dominatione. Sulla had confiscato their property. 2S. Lutronec Objec os sollieitare. 29. v I unis coIoniis. Seo note o Sullani milites,4 9, lino 10. Quibus Gndirect Objec os fecerat. 3O. Reliqui fecerat, had est. Se note o nihil reliqui fecere, p. I, linem. 31. Ancipiti nIo, a Gubis daver lit., vil i. e. srom the comspirator Within tho cit and Dom a hostilo arm Without. 32. Privato consilio Q. e. unaided by the senate. 34. Quo consiIio, hut ere iis intentions lit., reith rehator se a Abl. o Characteristic. G. 428.-Compertum habebat, ad ascertained. Compertum is in the cc. neuter, an agroes illi the clauso eaeeroitus Manlii . . . foret. a senatum refert tho usual technical expression lar the actio of the consul in bringinta subject to the notice of the Senate. 3G. In utroci negotio, in case of great peril.-SoIet supplyferi. 3τ Darent operum, etc. B Auch a decres passe ovi in timesos rea public perit, extraordinar poWers ore conferredipo the con suis. Sallusi' chronolog is again a fauit. The decree in question Waspasso at an earlier m00tinio the sonate, o the 21st os October Seo Introduction, p. 45. Darent Mixe Purposse, ut omitted. G. 492, 3;493, 2.-Quid detrimenti m. 396, ΙΙΙ. 2, 3).16 1. En potestas uxim permittitur, his is the greates power intruste H lit., tam greates pomer is intrusted. 2. Exercitum parare, etc. the subjectis permittitur, tot supplied. 4. ImΡerium . . . Summum,supreme power militar and judiciat. 5. NuIIiu earum . . . est the consul has no the rightuo do any one of these thinga This generat statomen requires qualification, as theconsul abroad militiae Was entillo to tho imperium by virtuo os his
D. Ante diem . . . Novembros,in the sietth ambe fore me Calenda os November ς i. e. On thera th of October oritho methodis obtaining
tho Englisti date, seu G. 10, II. Ante diem sertum Kalendas m dio sexto 16 ante Kalendas, o me stat dis more, etc. G. 08 III. ut thoWhole expressio ma be regarde a an indeclinable nou in tho Ablativo o Time. M. 08, III 4 426.-Novembres adjective agreein With Kalendas 08 III. 2.10. Id quod solet, ascis common I lit., that hich is reoni. G. 445. . 11. Arma portari; i. e. to conVenient places sor futuro use thoughth meaning mayae that arma re carried i e , that mena armed.- Capuae in Apulia. Explain dissereno os construction. M. 42 l. 12. Sennii G. 119, 3. 13. Faesulas, in Apuliam m. 379 379 4. 14. Circumque Ioca and the surroundius places. Loca dependaupo in.-Ad urbem nea the city. The had jus returned victorious Doni thei provinces Marcius rom Cilicia, Metellus seo Croto and had asked Do the senato the honor os a triumph. They,ere sorbiddenhyda to onter the cit untii tho questio Was decided. 15. Imseratores i. e. in the capacit os commandet s. alio stillretainsed the imperium.-CuIumnia by the intrigues. 16. Omnia venderes subjectis erat. IS. Permissum Suppi est.-Uti compararent G. 495, 2.21. Sestertia centum, α hundred eatertia a litile more than 84,000.22. mpunitatem ejus rei impunisy for this crimes i. e. sor participatio in the conSpirney. 23. Iudiatorino familiae, companie of gladiators. The gladiatorsW0re trained in schoois, o companies, O Whic the name familia Was applied.-Capuam 'imit os Motio dependiniupo distribuerensur. 24. Pro . . . opibus, coording to the abilitios eaem i. o. os caeli
25. Minores magistratus conSUIS, praetorS, an cenSors, erecallod majores magistratus I allisther a aedileS, tribunes, quaeStOPS, etc., includin the tres viri capitales, and the tres viri nocturni ero callod minores magi8tratus. The tres viri capitalis and tho tres siri noeturni had charge of the cit polico, an a re probabi here meant.
XXXI. XXXII. Cicero's Tirs oration against Catiline. Mene in the Senate. Catiline Daves the City.
16 33. Magnitudine ; construo illi insolitus. The greatnos os tho republicia protecte them .-Timor See Syn. L. C. 305.-InSoIitus incesserat, had raret come lit., unuSual ad come insolitu agrues with timor. 35. Rogitare, as e question continual0.36. Sihi m. 384.17 1. Lege Plauti la providiniso tho punishment os ali disturber of the publicieaee.-Interrogarus erat. Se note On interro- sut 4. 10 linera. 3. Sicuti . . . foret G. 506.5. Orationem; the sirs against Catiline. For particulars see Introduction, p. 45.
s. Scriptum edidit G. 579. D. Ea familia, froni suo a fami0. M. 25 3 1).-ortum, se
10. Ut in spo haberet, that he had reason to hos for. 11. Ne existimurent. Subj. rom theompurative of the troci Discourse G. 29 530 II.-Sihi Perdit . . . opus esse that he had any nee of ruining the republio I lit., o a uined republic G. 419,3 580. 14. Inquilinus, of foreis birth a term mos unjusti applied οCicero, as Arpinum, his native t0Wn enj0yed ali in right os Roman
19. Ex curia, rom the senate. O this occasionali sonato me intho tomple of Jupiter Stat0r, though it ordinarii mot in tho Curia Hostilia, whie stood o the northerii fide os in Forum. Domum m. 3 9, 3. 20. ConsuIi Gndirect Objecti procedebant. 22. Optimum agreeing With Geroitum augere.-Factu G. 5 0. 23. Legiones referrinito tho ovies toto madea Q. Pompeius and Q. Metellus. Se chap. 30. 27. Confirment Mixod Purpos ut omitted. 29. Accessurum suppi esse. aliis infinitivo depend upo a verbos saying implied in mandat G. 530 1.
XXXIII. - XXXV. Resresentations of Manlius and Catiline in restar to thei Movemenis.
35. Qui Tho antecedent is implied in nostra. G. 45, 6.-Cru- deIitate faeneratorum. The rapacit of the Roma money-lendersis genurali admitted. 36. Patriae, Lamu 0th dependent iapo expertes the enitive is