장음표시 사용
PAR IV. eo a Se observando et colendos putabat, quos ille dilexisset et quibus carus suisset. Itaque et ad me in Ciliciam venit multisque in rebus mihi magno usui sui et fides eius et prudentia, et, ut opinor, tibi in AleXandrino bello, quantum studios et fidelitate consequi potuit, non defuit quod cum speraret te a quoque ita existimare, in Hispaniam ad te, maXime ille quidem
suo consilio, sed etiam me auctore, Si prosectus. Cui ego commendationem non sum pollicitus, non quin eam valituram apud te arbitrarer, sed neque egere mihi commendatione videbatur, qui
1 et in bello tecum fuisset et propter memoriam Crassi de tuis unus esset et, Si uti commendationibus vellet, etiam per alios eum videbam id consequi posse : testimonium mei de eo iudicii, quod et ipse magni aestimabat et ego apud te valere eram X- pertus, ei lubenter dedi Doctum igitur hominem cognovi et 413 studiis optimis deditum, idque a puero nam domi meae cum Diodoto Stoico, homine meo iudicio eruditissimo, multum a Puero
fuit: nunc autem, incensus Studio rerum tuarum, eas litteris
Graecis mandare cupiebat. Fosse arbitror : valet ingenion habet
I se observandos. The dative is much more common it gerundives. P. Madv. 2 a Obs Iri umpi, L. G. 65 ;hut the present constructio is found Ad Fam. 5. 4, II admonendum potius te a me quam rogandum puto.' Stipfle remarks o Ad Fam. 5. 4, II that the ablative an preposition re sed either I to mahemore prominent the person it who an actio originates, ahto preserve uniformityos construction-is .g. a past participi e passive has been sed in a parallel clause. Cp. Pro Planc. 3. 8 nec si a populo prae
teritus est quem non oportuit idcirco a iudicibus condemnandus est qui praeteritus non
Ille, P. Crassus. a. In Ciliciam, durin Cicero' go-vernmentis Cilicia, I-5 B.C. 4. Ut opinor p. o the orce of this expression ΕP. 4o, I, Ole. 5. Quod cum speraret: P. Madv. 449. It is a pleonastic sage ' quod potntising to the accus and infin solio aeing. Supsterender onrahat poliat. 6. In is paniam Caesar a no
7. Cui ego . . pollicitus, to homI idiot promise a recommendation. om mendationem is the emphatic ord. 8. Non quin non quo non.' nwhich, p. Ep. 28, 7, note. 9. Neque . . et CP Ep. 6 4. Ole. IO. De tuis unus esset, ris ne Dyour dependents. O the abi. it 'de,' p. Madv. 284, Obs. I. The se of unus in this indefinite sense is colloquial, and found maint in the comi poets, uniess, as here, used with a partitive preposition. p. Pro Milon. 24 6 se gladio percussum esse ab uno de illis.'Ia. Me . . iudicii gen Possess. Cp Εp.
I 4. Igitur . . cognovi, I may sarthenthat Iano him.
Hominem in eum: CP Ep. 9O, 3 note. I 6. Diodoto Diodotus a Cicero'steacher, an sor many years an inmate os
his ouse, here e continue his studies even aster he had ecome lind. p. De Nat. Deor. I. 3, 6 Tusc. DisP. 5, 39, II 3. e die 59 B.C., and equeathed
Meo iudicio a sorinos the ablat caus. Cp. Madv. 255 Obs. 3.I7. Studio rerum tuarum, Wit enthusias sor ou exploiis. Litteris Graecis mandare, a Write an account of in Greeh. O the phrase mandare litteris, cp. De Orat. 2. II, 53.18. Cupiebat, probabi the epistolaryimperfeci. Cp. EP. I, I, Ote.
usum iam pridem in eo genere studii litterarumque versatur; satis sacere immortalitati laudum tuarum mirabiliter cupit. Habes opinionis meae testimonium, sed tu hoc facilius multo pro tua singulari prudentia iudicabis. Et tamen, quod nega-Veram, commendo tibi eum quicquid ei commodaveris, erit id smaiorem metha in modum gratum.
I. I grieved mutarior the deat os Tullia, an it is hard to console o sor a losswhic Pshare: et a surely, aster ali, have suffere as citigens, o ought o bearthis private log wit firmness. oreouer . he had litile to live sor, considering the present aspectis things. 4. The sight of many samous cities lying in ruin latelymade me formis juste estimate os individua lise Think too, o many eminent men have die prematuret in ur civit Wars. 5. Tullia Moyed lis an honour aston a lis Was orthoaving. Let our philosophy, hici has console othera, anticipate sor ouriel the healing or os time. he whomao lament, is hestili is conscious of anything, Wouldio have you inllige excessive grief. ' matteros prudence do no let hos in poWer suspect that ou re reatly bewatim in fallos the commonwealth. hew ouraeis, lastly a firm in adversit as o have been moderate in proSPerity.
SERVIUS CICERONI S. Postea quam mihi renuntiatum est de obitu Tulliae, filiae tuae,
I In eo genere studii soli. in historical composition 3 Manut. Passages
like his hew low the wor studium tende even in Cicero' time to assume iis later meaningis literar pursuits. Cp. Epp.
justice tofour immorta exploits by 'orkthat shal last a long a thei remembrance e- ita scribere de rebus tuis ut Scripti: Suis aeque immortalitatem laudum tuarum.' Laudum. Laus metonrmice dicitur de recte factis. Forcell. 3. Habes : p. Ep. 88 6 note. Tu hoc . . iudicabis. O the acCus., cp. Ep. 4I, 3 note On the ood and ense, ep. Ep. II, 3, Ole. . Tamen, aster saymi Mould noldo so.' p. Lx commendationem nou sum pollicitus.
,hateuer o do to oblige im. ommodare in benigne sacere concedendo alicui
quibus tu quaecumque commodaris erunt mihi gratissima. 6. Maiorem . . in modum. rare
7. Renuntiatum est, ' neWs Was
February- see Ep. 96, note on date, after
the birthis a son Dolabella ha divorced
Sane quam pro eo ac debui graviter molesteque tuli communemque eam calamitatem existimavi, qui, si istic adfuissem, neque tibi defuissem coramque meum dolorem tibi declarassem. Etsi genus hoc consolationis miserum atque acerbum St, Propterea quia Per
quos ea confieri debet propinquos ac familiares , ii ipsi pari
molestia adficiuntur neque sine lacrimis multis id conari possunt, uti magis ipsi videantur aliorum consolatione indigere quam aliis
poSS Suum ossicium Praestare, tamen quae in praesentia in men
tem mihi venerunt, decrevi brevi ad te perScribere, non quo ea te 1 sugere X istimem, sed quod forsitan dolore impeditus minus ea perspicias Quid est quod tanto opere te commoveat tuus dolor 2 intestinus p cogita, quem ad modum adhuc ortuna nobiscum
egerit ea nobis erepta esse, quae hominibu non minus quam
liberi cara esse debent, patriam, honestatem, dignitatem, honores 1 omnes. Hoc uno incommodo addito quid ad dolorem adiungi potuit aut qui non in illis rebus exercitatus animus callere iam debet atque omnia minoris κistimare An illius vicem, credo, a
I. an quam, assuredly. Cp. Sp. 33, 2. Pro eo ac debui, lit. in proportionas I was bound o do so.' p. adv. 4 4 b. An instance of the common se of aes in
a. Istic, in Italyr here Cicero as.
Neque . . coramque : P. In Cat. 2. I 3, 28 ut neque bonus quisquam intereat pau- Corumque Poena vos salvi esse possitis.' Neque . . et is however, muc more com
3. Genus hoc consolationis, i.e. thecondolence of those ho themselves suffer. 4. Miserum atque acerbum, painsuland distressing.'Quia Cicero ould probabi have writiei quod. manui. 5. Confieri. Confici is more common, Madv. 43,aut P. Ep. 58 3. Propinquos, soli. I these Word are genuine, the accus must be explaine asused by attraction to quos. Cp. Madv. ao7, Obs. Zumpi, L. G. 8I4. 9. Brevi CP. PP. 29, 3; I, Isor the suppression o a substantive ith brevi. mota. IO. Sed quod . . perspicias. A these Word expres the rea motive of Sulpicius' conduci, e liould Xpectrahe indicative
see Ep. 28, 7, note); ut perspicias is accounted o by the insertio of forsitan.' Cp. Madv. 35 b, Obs. 3. II. Quid est quod p. nihil est quod 'Ep. 92, 5. note. II. In testinus, private,' personat. Mulier. A rare sense of the word apparently CP Ep. 99, 2 sor a simila oppositionis public an private assairs. I 4. Honestatem, dignitatem, reputatio an position.' monestas in bona fama. Matthiae Cp. Pro ROSc. Am. 39,
II damnatus . honestatem Omnem amitteret.
16. Qui, probabi an adverb. In illis rebus exercitatus, that hasbeen trai ne in that schoo os public calamit in hich, have been trained. Ille os something wellanown. p. adv. 485 b.
Callere, rare in his sense Forceli onlyquotes this Passage. I7. in oris existimare Cicero does notisse ' existimare in his way, ut p. Corn. Nep. Cato , a magni eius opera
existimata est. An. o m. reads at; Μr. H. A. J.Μunro,
Journa o Philology, 4. 249, belleves that
credo is a mistakerior Cicero. See r. Jeans note. r. J. E. Yonge, ib. 5, 2, prefers lat. Illius vicem, her sate, or in her account.' Cp. Ep. 29, 2, Ole.
doles' Quotiens in eam cogitationem necesse eSt et tu Veneris et nos saepe incidimus, hisce temporibus non pessime cum iis esse actum, quibus sine dolore licitum est mortem cum Vita commutare Θ Quid autem sui quod illam hoc tempore ad vivendum magno opere invitare posset quae rei quae spes quod animi s
solacium' Ut cum aliquo adulescente primario coniuncta aetatem gerere. Licitum est tibi, credo, pro tua dignitate e hac iuventute generum deligere, cuius fidei liberos tuos te tuto committere putares An ut ea liberos e sese pareret, quos cum florentes videret laetaretur qui rem a parente traditam per Se tenere Iopossent honores ordinatim petituri essent in re publica, in
amicorum negotiis libertate sua usuri Quid horum fuit quod non Prius quam datum est ademptum sit At vero malum est liberos
luthon Oreti. p. Mulier incidimus
should e co-ordinate illi veneris, notwit ' necesse est. Hota remarks that et -et' may be interpolations and nos saepe incidimus originali a parenthesis. a thedifferetice etwee venire ' an incidere, Oudend. p. Mulier remark venimus in cogitationem ratione et prudentia : incidimus casu. Cp. Ad Fam . . , a Cicero to Curio ' quod in rei publicae tempus non incideris sed veneris-iudicio enim tuo, non casu in ipsum discrimen rerum contulisti tribunatum tuum. Perhaps Sulpicius means yo must frequently fas a philosopher have arrive at the opinion hic has ostenoccurre t me a man of the worldJ.' a. Cum iis esse actum: P. P. 94 I.
3. Sine dolore, naturally, opposed toa deat by violence Si ipfle.
Mortem . . Commutare, to receive
deat in exchange for tise. The verbiore osten means 'o ive in exchange.' P. Madv. 258, Obs. 2.5 Quae res, what present enjoyment.'Wiel. p. ' neque solum spe sed certa re Ad Fam. 2. 25, 2. 6. Ut . . gereret This clause, and theCΟ-ordinat ut . . pareret explain quid in
quid autem fuit. soli., hic is developedint quae res quae spes ΤCum . . . adulescente. Tullia adproba bl been about o ear old at thetime of her death. p. Ad Att. I. 3, 3. Adulescens was a Word sed veryloosely by the Romans Cicero speaks
of Brutus and Cassius as adulescentes' Philipp. a. 44 II 3 at a time heia both
Were praetors, and when Cassius ad ista an important command in Syria in years
besore. Also of himself hen consul and aged 3. Philipp. 2. 46, II 8. Aetatem gereret, ias her i .'
under hos protection o would hinkyour chil sa seu ironical, of course. Iuventute. Iuventus multitudo iuvenum. Forcell. 8. Liberos, sonaetimes sed os ne child cp. In Cat. I. occisus est cum liberis M. Fulvius consularis,' .e With hisson. ut is it no meret indefinite memight a Ventrusi ou children. 9. An ut ea . . laetaretur, o that she
IO. Per se, tu independence,'without the protection o a patron such a Caesar Militer. II. Possent has a suture sense, Mould beabie. Cp. Madv. 3784, 2. Ordinatim in ordine composite' Forcell). in the orde prescribe bylaw, stomwhicli Caesar ha departe in favour of his friends. Sulpicius means, holding each ossice in proper orde an a the prope age. I 3. Prius quam datum, besore theprospectos it has been iven by theirbirth.
Ad emptum, .e by the usurpatio os
PART IV. amittere.' Malum nisi hoc peius est, haec sufferre et Perpeti Quae res mihi non mediocrem consolationem attulerit, volo tibi commemorare, si sorte eadem res tibi dolorem minuere pos it. Ex Asia rediens, cum ab Aegina Megaram VerSu na Igarem, coepi regiones circumcirca prospicere : post me erat Aegina, ante 'me eg ara dextra Piraeus, sinistra Corinthus; quae OPPida quodam tempore florentissima suerunt, nunc prostrata et diruta ante oculos iacent. Coepi egomet mecum Sic cogitare nos homunculi indignamur, si quis nostrum Interiit aut OCCISUS 1 est quorum vita brevior esse debet, cum uno loco tot oppidum cadavera proiecta iacenti visne tu te, Servi, cohibere et memi-
At vero, early - at enim, but certainly Wiel. p. Philipp. a. 5, 38 at vero Cn. Pompeii voluntatem a me abalienabat orati me I malum, nisi hoc peius, loll. a
a. Quae res, a periphrasis sor quod. Cp.ap. I, 3, Ole. . 3. Commemorare . his vestris ostenused without an accusative solio in it. P. Ad in F. I. I, 37 ita de tua Virtute . . . commemoranti Here the sentence quae res . . . attulerit Ἀηm the objeci.
Si forte in the hoperibat perhaps. 4. x Asia rediens. Sulpicius seemsto have retire t Asia aster the batile os Pharsalus, and perhaps Caesar me him ster his victor ove Pharnaces CP EP. O, ,
Megaram. Cicero uses his for Ue Divin. I. 27, 57; but the plural Ib. a. 65, I 35. Versus, clowards 5 Regiones circumcirca regiones quae circumcirca sunt. Supsse. p. Ep. 82. I, note so thisisse of an adverb. The ordis no Ciceronian apparently.
8. Hem indignantis rorcell. 0. Homunculi, po mortal S, rare. Cp. Tusc. Disp. I. 9 IM homunculus unus e multis Io. Brevior esse debet, mustae some-what short O the force of the comparative se Madv. 3 8. oppidum This sor of the gen Plur. seems notrio occur elsewhere in prose. It is some ha irregular. p. adv. 37. ObS. 4.Wes must remember that Sulpicius, sot Cicero is the writer. II Cadavera A some what simila metaphor occur In Cat. 4. sepulta
Visne tu. Vis tu ' dicit qui aliquem hortatur aut rogat aut modeste iubet ' and. Turseil. 4. 8a Cp. IuV. 5 7 Vis tu consuetis audax conviva canistris Impleri, and r. Mayor' note n the orces ne, cp. Des Seneci. Io, videtisne ut apud Homerum saepissime Nestor praedicet. Ac cordindito P and B it nonne
nisse hominem te esse natum λ Crede mihi, cogitatione ea non mediocriter sum confirmatus Hoc idem, si tibi videtur, lac ante oculos tibi proponas modo uno tempore tot viri clarissimi interierunt de imperio populi Romani tanta deminutio facta est;
omne ProVinciae conquaSSatae sunt in unius mulierculae ani 5 mula si iactura facta est, tanto opere commoveris: quae si hoc tempore non diem suum ObisSet, paucis post annis tamen ei moriendum fuit, quoniam homo nata suerat. Etiam tu ab hisce rebus animum ac cogitationem tuam avoca atque ea potius reminiscere, quae digna tua Persona sunt illam, quam diu ei opus iosuerit, ViXisse P una cum re publica fuisse; de Patrem Suum, Praetorem, OnSulem, augurem Vidisse adulescentibus primariis nuptam fuisse ; omnibus boni prope periunctam esse cum reSpublica occideret, ita Xcessisse. Quid est quod tu aut illa cum
sortuna hoc nomine queri possitis Denique noli te oblivisci s
2. Hoc idem . . . proponas. With Bairer' punctuation I hink idem is thenom sing. I hould like ou also toset e re ourself the following thought.' Wieland' translation connecis these ordSwith hat has one e re in hiclicas ' hoc idem' ould this amethought. Hostia. ut a fuit sto aster proponas. 3. modo, jus lately butis hori time ago. Melmoth compares illi his passage Addisonys reflections in Westininster Abbey. Spectator, O. 26. Tot viri clarissimi: p. p. 87 2. 4. De imperio . . facta est, the Overeignt of the Roman eople has been im- patre a seriousi asso know. Sulpicius means that the eople' contro ove theempire, O perhaps the reputatio of the empire 'ad been diminished-not the extentos ille empire lessened. 5. Conquassatae, convulsed, no Ciceronian apparently in his metaphorical
nius calis his iis Muliercula. Animula is rare, ut occur in a quotation Ep. 6 I, I also in the well-known hori poem ofHadrian animula vagula blandula. Spartian. 25. For his sense of in ' it the ablat., P. P. 27, 3 magnum damnum factum est in Servio. 6. Quae si . . i. he demonstrativeis inserte on account of the change Dom
the persona the impersonat construc
7. Diem suum obisset. Sulpicius uses his expression again Ep. IOI, 2), but diem obire sinpi is more com
8. Moriendum fuit. O the indici, ep. P. 38, 2 note. Homo, a mortal Cp. Tusc. Disp. 3.17, 36 qui mortalis natus condicionem postules immortalium. Et iam tu, do ou as et a I. Cp. above cogitatione ea non mediocriter sum
IO. Tua persona P P. I, Io, note, bour positio an character Cp also Ep. 6 , I, Ole. Opus fuerit, Was duantageous de- strabie. p. p. 29, 25. note. II. Una cum re publica fuisse, that heroi se asted o longe than the common-wealth Cp. De Orat. 3. 3, Io ut ille qui haec non vidit et vixisse cum re publica pariter et cum illa simul exstinctus esse videatur. Ia Adulescentibus primariis. c. C. Pisoni, P. Intr. to Pari I, D8; a Furio Crassipedi. p. Epp. 24, 2 25, 3, Otes P. Dolabellae, P. Ep. 42 I. I 3. Omnibus bonis prope perfunctam esse, ' that he enjoye to the fuit early every blessin iis can osser. Perfungi is used both o calamities an enjoyments. Forcell. p. Ad Fam. I. 8, 3 cum et honoribus amplissimis et laboribus maximis perfuncti essemus I 5. oc nomine : P. D. 38, 3 note.
PAR IV. Ciceronem esse et eum, qui aliis consueris praecipere et dare conSilium, neque imitari malos medicos, qui in alienis morbis profitentur tenere se medicinae scientiam, PS Se curare non POSSunt Sed potius, quae aliis tute praecipere soles, ea tute tibi subiice atque apud animum propone multu dolor St, quem non longinquitas temporis minuat ac molliat hoc te exspectare tempus tibi turpe est ac non ei rei sapientia tua te occurrere. Quod si qui etiam inseris sensus est, qui illius in te amor sui pietasque in omne Suos hoc certe illa te sacere non volt. Da hoc illi 1 mortuae; da ceteris amicis ac familiaribus, qui tuo dolore maerent da patriae, ut Si qua in re opus sit, opera et consilio tuo uti POSSit. Denique, quoniam in eam ortunam devenimus, ut etiam huic rei nobis serviendum sit, noli committere ut quisquam te putet non tam filiam quam rei publicae tempora et aliorum vicis toriam lugere. Plura me ad te de hac re scribere pudet, ne videar
I. Ciceronem O the se os propernames to Xpres character o distinction, cp. Ad am a. 4 quid est quod possit graviter a Cicerone scribi ad Curionem nisi de re publica; ' p. I 5, 15 civis Romanus et Cato.
neque imitare.' and a the lette is notCicero's, perhaps there is no suffcient eason
more regular. 3. Tenere, to possess. Not very common in the precise sense, apparently. 6. Hoc te e X spectare . . CCurrere
cp. Cicero' own advice to itius, Ad Fam. 5. I 6 quod allatura est ipsa diuturnitas quae maXimos luctus vetustate tollit id nos praecipere consilio prudentiaque de
7. i rei . . te occurrere, that oushould anticipate the effect of time, lit. go sor ardo meet the result. Occurrere remedium adferre, praesertim cum de malo agatur quod nondum accidit Forcell. p. In Verr. 2 Act. 4. 47,
Io sentio . . occurrendum esse satietati aurium.
Quod si qui . . sensus est, ' and Deventhe departe have an Consciousness. Onthis sense of inferi' cp. In Vat. 6, 4 Inferorum animas elicere.' Sulpicius speari very doubilati as to a lis after death. 8. Qui illius in te amor fuit. nihis constr. - pro' Mith the ablat., P. Madv. 4 6 4uch was her assectio sor ou
Illi mortuae a sat instance of the se of the demonstrative as equivalent to the Gree articie Cp. Nagelsb. I. D3, 2 b, Who quotes Cic. de Orat. a. 46, 9, De Nat. Deor 2 3 7 usc. Disp. 5. 27, 78. II. Si qua in re opus sit, is our id canae os service loci in anything. I 2. Denique Sulpicius has atready used this ord in It is probable thath intende to finis his letter illi theword ' uti possit, When a res topic o curre t hi m. The letter oes no seemto have been caresuli revised Stipite;
Mulier. uoniam . . serviendum sit, sincewe have come into suc a positio that wemus tali account of such considerationsas the solio ing. Devenimus. Devenire in in locum perniciosum venire. Forcell. I . Aliorum in alterorum,' sc. Caesaria norum .' p. Liv 24. aliae partis hominibus, of one of two parties a doubisul Passage hoWever: also Caes. Beli. Gall. I. I
I5. De hac re, o this subject, i.e thegenera subjectis the letter. For the nexi sentence suggest a neW topic, and does notdwellis that last mentioned.
prudentiae tuae dissiderea qua re, Si hoc unum proposuero, finem laciam scribendici vidimus aliquotiens secundam pulcherrime te serre ortunam magnamque ex ea re te laudem apisci lac aliquando intellegamus adversam quoque te aeque erre POSSe neque id maius, quam debeat, tibi onus videri, ne e omnibus Virtu stibus haec una tibi videatur deesse. Quod ad me attinet, cum te tranquilliore animo esse cognoro, de iis rebus, quae hic geruntur, quemadmodumque e Provincia habeat, certiorem sa-ciam. Vale.
M. CICERO S. D. SER. SULPICIO. 1 Ego vero Servi, vellem, ut scribis, in meo graviSSimo caS Ioadsuisses quantum enim PraeSens me adiuVare Potueris et consolando et prope aeque dolendo, acile ex eo intellego, quod litteris lectis aliquantum acquievi; nam et ea ScriPSiSti, quae
I Prudentiae tuae dissidere, a dis- trust Our Wisdom, i.e Four γwer of thinkinisor ourseis alid controlling ourseis. Si . . proposuero, wheno have et besore ou Si in ubi or postquam. Forcell. Cp also Madv. 34O. a. Pulcherrime, mos creditably, i.e.with moderation. 3. pisci. The simple sorm is rare. As a ule the Latin authors of the est perio preferre compound to simple sormsos verbS. 4. Aeque , wit equa credit. Supfle. so too, orcell. - ut illam. 5. Id sc adversam serre fortunam. 6. Haec una, firmnes in adversity. 7. Tranquilliore. The reading of the S. seem to tranquilliorem, and Wesenb retainscit.
8. Geruntur . . habeat The Iastwor is in the conj. ecause quemadmodum ' implies a question Cp. Madv. 356.
Provincia, P. EP. 9o, a note. Io. Ego vero . . vellem. When vero occurs, as here, at theaeginning os a letter. it mustae taken in close connection it a previous letter. Here the word are anans erri Ep. 98, I, ut scribis' shews,
levare luctum possent, et in me consolando non mediocrem
ipse animi dolorem adhibuisti. Servius tamen tuus omnibus ossiciis, quae illi tempori tribui potuerunt, declaravit et quanti ipSe me faceret et quam suum talem erga me animum tibis gratum putaret ore cuius ossicia iucundiora scilicet saepe mihi
merunt, numquam tamen gratiora. Me autem non ratio tua solum et societas paene aegritudinis, Sed etiam auctorita consolatur; turpe enim SSe XiStimo me non ita ferre casum
meum, ut tu, tali sapientia praeditus, serendum putas Sedio opprimo interdum et vi resisto dolori, quod ea me solacia deficiunt, quae ceteris, quorum mihi Xempla propono, Simili in ortuna non desuerunt. Nam et Q. Maximus, qui filium
conSularem, clarum Virum et magni rebus gestis, amiSit, et
L. Paulus, qui duo septem diebus, et vester Gallus et M. Cato, is qui Summo ingenio, Summa Virtute filium perdidit, iis temporibus fuerunt, ut eorum luctum pSorum dignita consolaretur ea, quam e re publica conSequebantur Mihi autem amissis orna 2 menti iis, quae ipse commemora quaeque eram maXimi laboribus adeptus, unum manebat illud Solacium, quod ereptum
a. Adhibuisti. yo fhewed. Cp. Tusc. DisP I. 29 7 Socrates . . adhibuit liberam
3. Illi tempori, to this calamity. Cp.
EP. I, 4, Ole. Declaravit, shewed. 5. Iucundior . gratiora, have ostengive greater pleasure, ut have neve deserved more gratitude. Cp. Ad Att. I. I 7,6 sui mihi saepe et laudis nostrae gratulatio tua iucunda et timoris consolatio grata.'Scilicet : p. Ep. 12, 4, note alib. 7. Auctoritas, the weight of our
Ia in Maximus in Fabius Maximus
Cunctator the celebrate genera in thesecon Punic War. p. Tusc. Disp. 3. 28,7o. is sola a consul IVB.C., an re-
covere Arpi for the Roman in that ear. Cp. Liv 24. 43'47. I 4. L. Paulus. Son of the Paulus hosello Cannae. Η defeate Perseus at Pydna 68 B.C., and conquere Macedonia. His Wo sons here referre to die about the time of his triumph. p. De Seneci. I9,68 Vell. I. o. The were his KO Founges sons thei elde brother ha been adopte by . Scipio Africanus, o of the conqueror of Zama, and by Q. Fabius Max
Vester Gallus C. Sulpicius Gallus didgood service against Perseus, unde the Command of L. Paulus cp. Liv 4 . 37 , and
was consul I66 B. C. He was a learnedman, speciali in astronomy. p. De Off. I. 6, 9; Brut. o 78. The death of his ςon is referre to De Amic. 2 9. Cicero inseris his nam here probably, a a Com plimen to his correspondent; it oes notoccur in a simila list ive Tusc. Disp. 3. 28, O. Vester, as ne of the gens Sulpicia. M. Cato the censor. His son as praetor designatus' hen e die in I 53B.C. CP. Tusc. Disp. l. c. , and is mentioned
8.I5. Qui . . perdidit refers of courseoni t Cato. I7. x re publica stom political liis. Cp. P. I, 9.
Ornamentis . . quae . . Commemo
ras, the distinctions hic yo mention. Cp. p. 98, 5 te, Patrem suum, praetorem,conSulem, augurem vidisse. Cicero must
mea that he hadesos the position to whichsuch distinctions entille hi m. I9. Illud solacium, i.e. the pleasureis Tullia' society.
m. 99. EPISTOLARUM AD FAMILIARES V. 6. Iest. Non amicorum negotiis, non rei publicae procuratione
impediebantur cogitationes meae ; nihil in foro agere libebat;
aSpicere curiam non poteram; Xistimabam, id quod erat, omnes me et industriae meae fructu et fortunae perdidisse. Sed, cum cogitarem haec mihi tecum et cum quibusdam AS communia, set cum frangerem iam ipse me et cogerem illa serre toleranter,
habebam quo confugerem, ubi conquiescerem, cuiu in Sermone et suavitate omnes cura doloresque deponerem : nunc autem hoc tam gravi volnere etiam illa, quae consanuisS Videbantur, recrudeScunt; non enim, ut tum me a re publica maestum domus IoeXcipiebat, quae levaret, Sic nunc domo maerens ad rem publicam confugere OSSum, ut in eius bonis acquiescam. Itaque et domo absum et soro quod nec eum dolorem, quem e re publica capio, domus iam consolari potest nec domesticum res publica. Quo magis te X Specto teque Videre quam Primum is cupio : maior mihi levatio adserri nulla potest quam coniunctio
I. Non . . impediebantur cogitationes, the ourse of m thought was notchecked. Amicorum negotiis, by attentionio m friends' assair in the senate an in the ouris os justice. Procuratione, administration. Forcell. 2. In foro, las an advocate; perhaps
also as a popular orator. 3. Aspicere curiam non Poteram.
4. Industriae . . et fortunae, there ard of my industr an gists of ortune, to hic Cicero allowed considerable influence in Warding public honours Cp. Pro Muren. 7. e refers here to his publicdistinctions an to the credit an influencewhic the should have secure him. p.
5. Haec this tos O position. Te Cum et cum quibusdam, ithyo an certain ther might ame.' emeans such friend of the old constitutiona ha furvive Caesar' victory. 6. Frangerem . . ipse me, Was breakinidown m resolution, was giving Way, forcin myseis into acquiescenCe.' P. EP. IO, A, fregit meum consilium.' Frangere in vincere. Forcell. p. Tusc. Disp. I. I, 9 Pro Sull. 6, 18. Illa, the losses have referre to.'7. Quo confugerem, soli., a refugean resting-place, i .e. Tullia' society. p.
9. Hoc tam gravi volnere, owingio his heau blow. Ablat caus. Illa, the old wounds.' p. the begin- ning of this section. Consanuisse, apparently used here onlyin a metaphorical sense. Orceli. osm saysthat it is peculia to the letters of Cicero.
Tum, while Tullia lived. Α re publica maestum, retiring insadnes Dona public lila.' Maestum a 'seem to unite this meaning with saddenedby, but the combination is ne hardi pos
Recens a volnere Dido.'II. Omo . . confugere: CP. Madv. 275, Obs. 2. 2. Ut . . acquiescam, to derive con
appears that Tullia ad lived unde his roos
for ome time. From the ad associations
he had with his usculan estate, it has been argued that he die there cp. Ad Att. a. 46), ut Ascon in Pisonian. p. 22, and Plut Cic. I indicate that he die in thehous o Dolabella. Is Videre : CP ΕP. 8I, 3, note. I 6 Levatio, relies' - consolatio. Fo celi. eseiab has maior enim levatio mihi. T. has Maius solacium assere ratio; M. Τhuro suggesis maius solacium levatio afferre nulla.
consuetudinis Sermonumque nostrorum quamquam Sperabam tuum adventum-Sic enim audiebam-adpropinquare. Ego autem cum multis de causis te Xopto quam Primum videre, tum etiam, ut ante commentemur inter nos, qua ratione nobis tradu-5 cendum sit hoc tempus, quod est totum ad unius Voluntatem accommodandum et prudentis et liberali et, ut PerspeXisse videor, nec a me alieni et tibi amicissimi. Quod cum ita sit, magnae tamen est deliberationis, quae ratio Sit ineunda nobis, non agendi aliquid, sed illius concessu et beneficio quiescendi Vale.
M. CICERO S. D. A. TORQUATO. Peto a te ne me putes oblivione tui rarius ad te scribere 1 quam Solebam, Sed aut gravitate valetudinis, qua tamen iam
Io Coniunctio . . nostrorum, meetingssor stiendi intercourse an conversation. I. Consuetudinis. Consuetudo' convictus. Forcell. Quamquam sperabam, I hope however. Cp Εp. I. I, Ole. a. uum adventum, Myour arrival hom our province, here Sulpicius term
3. Cum . . tum etiam: P. Epp. 26, 3, noteri 9 Ia, Ole. 4. Ante, .e. besore Caesar' return
Commentemur, Meditemur For- celi. consider. Qua ratione, soli., in What way eare tosas this time in hicli, must alto-gether consul the wishes Pone man. Traducendum agendum. Forcell. 5. Tempus, sed Mike lates, for halpasses incit.
7. Tibi amicissimi. Sulpicius ad
various claim On Caesar' good will. During his consulfhi he had not supporte theviolent proposais of his colleague, M. Marcellus it is doubtia i he had gone to the campis Pompe during the civit,ar; hisson ad serve in Caesar' army an hehimself ad accepte the overtamen os Greece rona Caesar. p. p. 9 and
67, 2 Magnae . . deliberationis, It is racas for much discussion. Deliberatio' in συμιβουλευσις. Forcell. 9. Illius . . beneficio, ablat. CRUS.
Quiescendi, of retirini hom activelise. Quiescere in 'in otio esse. Forceli.
quatus is mentione more than iace ithregarda Cicero. too part wit Pompe in the civit War, and after the batile os Pharsalus lived in retirementis Athens. p. Ad Fam. 6. I, 6 in urbe ea es ubi nata et alta est ratio et moderatio vitae. Η was subsequently allowe to return to Italy butnot apparently to Rome. p. note On
Paulum Videor levari, aut quod absim ab urbe, ut, qui ad te
ProficiScantur, scire non possim qua re velim ita Statutum habeas, me tui memoriam cum summa benevolentia tenere tuasque omne res non minori mihi curae quam mea AESSe. v Quod maiore in varietate versata est adhuc tua cauSa, quam homines aut volebant aut opinabantur, mihi crede, non St Pro malis temporum quod moleste serasa necesse est enim aut armis
urgeri rem publicam sempiternis aut his positis recreari aliquando aut funditus interire Si arma valebunt, nec OS, quibu recipieris, vereri debes nec eos, quos adiuvisti; Si armis io aut condicione positis aut defatigatione abiectis aut victoria detractis civitas respiraverit, et dignitate tua frui tibi et ortunis licebit sin omnino interierint omnia sueritque is eXitus, quem Vir prudentissimus, M. Antonius, iam tum timebat, cum
this itiness,as cause in part by his regret for ullia.
I. Quod absim. No absum, aecause Cicero refers to the opinion he would have Torquatus hold, o to the fact. Qui ad te proficiscantur, ,hathiend or messenger are goin to ou, SOtha I might entrus letters to them. a. Statutum habeas, ' assure Fourseis.'on habes, with the past pari pass. usuallyoni os verbs denotin insight o resolution, cp. Madv. 27. 5. Quod . . non est quod there isn reason, considering the ainsul circumstances of these times, forsouno regre thalyour complete restoration has been delayed.'o the orce os est quod, p. P. 93, 5,
Maiore in varietate . . . est, hasbeen subjecino a more varied combination
os lenit an rigour.' Wiel Matth. in substance Caesar ould ni grant thepardon o Torquatus by degrees. Cicero
ye asiaving something stili to request stomCaesar Ib. 3. Ο I3. I, 2 . Manut. takes ather a disserent view of the passage, an explain ii as quod varietas fuerit inter causam Torquati et voluntatemque opinionem hominum. 7. ut armis . . interire. ither, says Cicero, the civit,a must astrior ever, Oron iis conclusion the Commonwealth musit some Xtent recover, o b ulteri destroyed. In the rst two cases o have nothing to ear in the last, nothing Orsethan others. For the infinitives after ' necesse est, cp. Madv. 373, ObS. I. 9. Si arma valebunt, si perpetuum bellum erit ' Mulier is, of the three possibilitie I have mentioned continue War bethat hic comes to pass. Eos, a quibus recipieris, c. ' in fidem,' 'hose ho hali accepi ou su mission, and thereb promise ou ou liis. The Caesarians are meant on his senseos recipere, cp. In Cat. 4. IO, hostes . . aut oppressi serviunt, aut recepti beneficio se obligatos putant. Io. os, quos adiuvisti, i .e the Pom
Io: p. 82, 3 note. Armis . . detractis, aster arm have been laid down pon terms, o thrown Wayin eariness, or reste stomone si de by the ther' victory. Cicero mus have
used metaphoricatly achere. I 3. Is exitus in ulter ruin. I . Iam tum, evenae re the civit Waros Marius an Sulla. Manut M. Antonius the orator a murdered by orde of
llis prophe , cp. De Orat. I. 7, 26.
tantum instare malorum suspicabatur, misera est illa quidem consolatio, tali praesertim civi et viro, Sed tamen neceSSaria,
nihil esse praecipue cuiquam dolendum in eo, quod accidat universis Quae vis insit his paucis verbis- plura enim
5 committenda epistolae non erant-, Si attendes, quod sacIS,
profecto etiam sine meis litteris intelleges te aliquid habere, quod Speres, nihil, quod aut hoc aut aliquo rei publicae Statu
ti mea. omnia si interierint, cum superstitem te esse rei publicae ne si liceat quidem velis, ferendam esse fortunam, PraeSertim quae 1 absit a culpa Sed haec hactenus Tu velim scribas ad me, quid agas et ubi suturus sis, ut aut quo scribam aut quo Veniam Scire
. Quae vis . . verbis, the dris of these se hinis Plura enim . . non erant, Whic areat ilia I is to entrus to a letter.' pi
Enim explains,li Cicero id not writeat greate tenglh. 5. Si attendes, cis o consider. In Englis these ord would precede quae vis . . insit, 'is o conside the force of thes DNwords.' Attendes, sc animum ' ut theverb is osten used absolutely, achere. Forcell. 6. Sine meis litteris, withou any letter hom me. On this se of the poss.
Aliquid habere quod speres, thatyo have something to ope sor, i .e complete restoration to his previous position. Cp. note o the add res of the letter. 7. Aut hoc . . statu O the ablat. abs., P. P. I, 2 note the present orannother sormis legat overnnientie maintained. Cicero had told Torquatus Ad Fam. 6. I, 6 'non debes . . dubitare quin aut aliqua re publica si is suturus qui esse debes, aut perdita non adflictiore condicione quam
ceteri. , Aliquo seem here to mean ' an other.
Cp. In Cat. I. 8, Catilina dubita . . soundi Marcellus here, an spent the
abire in aliquas terras; ' ac Ann. I. 4 Tiberium . . ne iis quidem annis . . all- quid quam iram . . meditatum. Aliquisis sed in negative clauses here thenegative particle is attache to the verb, o where the negatio applies to a specialamrmative dea. therwises ullus o quisquam ' is sed . Cp. Madv. 49 ObS. I. 8. omnia si interierint, adverSat. Conj omitted. Sin autem ' ould e more regular Cp. O the omission ΕP. 6, 2, Ole. Cum superstitem . . velis, since ouwould wishoo survive the Commonwealth, no even i ii hould e in our power todo so.' So these ord may be literalty translated. In Englisti the order of the wo clauses,ould e changed 'so would notwish to survive the Common ealth, even fyo could. On the tenses of velis and liceat. p. Ep. 5, 3, Ole. 9. Quae absit a culpa, ins yo have
This seem to hew that Torquatus had agood prospectis returning to Italy for Cicerowould hardi have proposexto ros the eat him. Manut thinks that Torquatus Was
b P. Magius Cilo, and that the assassin ad ille himself A I re near
Piraeus a da n, ahin surgeons it me Pheard that arcellus a dead. 3. Itook ac the od lo Athens in m litter, an ha it burne in the Academy themOS honourable place here such a ceremon could legali be persormed. I also caused the Athenians to provide so the erectionis a monumen to Marcellus here.
SERVIUS CICERONI SAL PLUR. Etsi scio non iucundissimum me nuntium vobis adlaturum,
tamen quoniam casus et natura in nobis dominatur, ViSum St iaciendum , quoquo modo res se haberet, O certiore lacere. A. d. X. Kal. Iun. cum ab Epidauro Piraeum navi ad Uectu eSSem,
ibi M. Marcellum, collegam nostrum, conveni eumque diem ibi sconSUmPSi, Ut cum eo essem. Postero die cum ab eo digressus
eSsem eo consilio, ut ab Athenis in Boeotiam irem reliquamque iurisdictionem absolverem, ille, ut aiebat, supra Maleas in Italiam UerSu naUigaturus erat. Post diem tertium eius diei, cum ab Athenis proficisci in animo haberem, circiter hora decima nocti Io
you ill e thecies surprised froniano ingthat nature and hanc contro ou lives.' The distinctio belween natura an casus is ather popular than philosophical Deathb disease, however sudden, ouldae called natural de ath by the and of an assassin, casual though casus, in the strictest sense, is confine to evenis hicli exclude humanagenc altogether. p. orceli. Manut..hOwever, thinks that ni a death rom id age couldie stricti called naturai. O thesing dominatur, CP Εp. 34, 6, note But Andr. hinks that 'dominantur' should e
Visum est in placuit.' Forcell. 3. Quoquo modo res se haberet, the circumstances, however ainsul, whateve may be the natur of the case.' Mieauch immer die Sache sicli vertialten moclite. Andr. Vos certiores facere. The infinitiveis to e accounted foris following one of the verba voluntatis. Madv. 396. Wesenb has daciendum . . ut sacerem, WhichCobet also suggestS. 4. A. d. X. Kal. Iun. Ma 23.
Piraeum Cicero thought aliis dormmore correct in Latin than Piraeea. Cp. Ad Att. 7 3 Io. Navi. his ablat has an adverbia force. Supsse. p. Ad Att. q. o I. O the form, P. Madv. a. I and 3. 5. Collegam nostrum, My colleagueas consul γ' or our colleague a augur Τ'
Mi ille an Andr thin the former: Billerb.on 6 3, and Weseiab. the lalter. P. O, 3, rather supporis Mulier. 7. Reliquamque iurisdictionem, the res of m judicia business, whichhe had to discliarge e re leavin his province It was usual for the overnor tomati a circuit of his principa towns sorahis purpose. Se Cicero' account of his pro- ceedings in Cilicia, Ep. 36, 9. The province of Achaia ould include early al Greece Proper even is Macedonia a not also unde the overtamen os Sulpicius. p. ΕP. O, , Ote; mitti' Dict o Geog.
8. Supra Maleas, ' round Maleae. The singula formis this ord is more common
abi a reposition, correcting in.' ToItaly I mea in that direction. Cp. o celi. 9. Post diem tertium eius diei. Probabi on a 26. his expression is no apparenti Ciceronian, P. Madv. 76. Obs. 6, ut resembles postridie eius diei, whic is common in Caesar. Io. Hora decima noctis This ouldbe bout two ours e re day-breah, rratheraefore 3 'cloc in the orning. P. Smith' Dici of Antiq. ' hora, P. 6I
P. Postumius, familiaris eius ad me venit et mihi nuntiavit M. Marcellum, collegam nostrum, poSt cenae tempus a P. Magio Cilone, samiliare eius, pugione percuSSum Sse et duo volnera accepisse, unum in stomacho, alterum in capite Secundum aurem;
Sperari tamen eum vivere posse magium Se ipsum interfecisse postea ; se a Marcello ad me miSSum SSe, qui haec nuntiaret et rogaret, ut medicos cogorem Coegi et e VeStigio eo Sum Prosectus prima luce. Cum non longe a Piraeo abessem, puer Acidini obviam mihi venit cum codicillis, in quibus erat Scriptum, paulo io ante lucem Marcellum diem suum obisse. Ita vir clarissimus ab homine deterrimo acerbissima morte AES adfectuS, et, cui inimici propter dignitatem pepercerant, inventu CS amicu S, qui ei mortem offerret Ego tamen et tabernaculum eiu perreXi: inveni duos libertos et pauculos servos reliquo aiebant Prosu-35 gisse metu perterritos, quod dominus eorum ante tabernaculum interfectus esset Coactus sum in eadem illa lectica, qua ipse delatus eram, meisque lecticariis in urbem eum referre, ibique pro ea copia, quae Athenis erat, unus ei satis amplum faciendum curavi. Ab Atheniensibus locum sepulturae intra urbem
I. . Postumius is apparently only herementioned. Oreli., nom. a. A P. Magio Cilone Some suspected Caesaris instigating Magius aut bothirutus and Cicero disbelieved the charge, and
Cicero thought that Magius hille Marcellusinis fit Prage a Marcellus havin resused hi hel in ome mone dissiculties. Cp.
Ad Att. 3. O, 3- - 7. Medicos cogerem T. has medicos ei mitterem itaque medicos coegi.' vestigio, at once. Forcell.
8. Acidini C. Manlius Acidinus asa outh of good famil studying at Athensapparently Cp. Ad Att. 2. 32, 2.9 Codicillis, tableis, on hic letters
II. Acerbissima. erhaps mos un- timely. Cp. Verg. Aen. 6 428-9. Ab ubere raptos Abstulit atra dies et funere mersit acerbo, wit Conington' note I Marcellus aselecte consulos early a he was qualisied for election, he wouldae orty-nine yeais oldii 45 G. I 3. Ad tabernaculum Piraeus Ia mruin cp. p. 98, 4, note , so that those
Tamen, though it a to late tot offervice to Marcellus. Andr. I . Profugisse . . perterritos. testthe shouldae punished sor complicit withthe assassin, o sor attingo deland theirmaster provision or the punishment os flaves in such a case a probabi containedin the Lege Corneliae L. Sullae); an a decree of the senate embodyin a similar provision was adopte unde Augustus-the Senatus Consultum Silanianum Cp. Digest. 29 5, 25. Later legislation a very severeon this subject Cp. the case of Pedanius Secundus Tac Ann. 4 42-45 , on hichthe historia remarks that it was vetus mos in the whole is a manys domestic flaves to e execute i he had been umdered in his house Cp. ac Ann. 3. 32. I 7. Meisque lecticariis, ' and by the hand of m bearers. Abiat instr. ' per
Madv. 25 . Obs. 3. The wor lecticarius occurs Pro Rosc. Am. 46, 34. Referre. Marcellus the had probablypassed throuo Athensi hi Wanto Piraeus. See Andr. I 8. Pro ea copia . . erat, s sar asthe means avallabi at Athens allo ed.
ut darent, impetrare non potui, quod religione se impediri dice
rendi neque tamen id antea cuiquam concesserant quod ProXimum suit, ut in quo vellemus gymnasio eum Sepeliremus, nobis permiserunt. Nos in nobilissimo orbi terrarum gymnaSio Academiae locum delegimus ibique eum combusSimuS, POSteaque curavimus, ut eidem Athenienses in eodem loco monumentum ei marmoreum aciendum locarent. Ita, quae nostra ossicia
suerunt, pro collegio et pro propinquitate et vivo et mortuo omnia ei praestitimus Vale. D. pr. Kal. Iun. Athenis.102. a Q. VALERIUS ORCA AD FAM XIII. ).
I. Quod . . dicerent: P. PP. I, 3;
a. Neque tamen, soli These ordsadmi sonae justice in the Athenians plex; quod . . dicerent would rather impi thati Was a mere preteXt. mowever, I maysa in thei delance that he had evergrante the privilege to any one besore. The word are rather obscure every te in the argumen is no drawn out aut his is natural nough in a letter. The Greelis
generali burie thei dea without thewalis of thei cities. Se Thucyd. 2, 34;
but p. Plut Timol. 39. r. Jean re marks that this passage shows, as r. Longjusti potnis ut the toleratio of the Romans for the nationa an religious customso the disserent peopte in thei empire.'Quod proximum fuit, the ex bestthing, or, as Andr m nexi requeSt.' 3. Gymnasio. The gymnasia ere places held in much esteem. p. Corn. Nep. Timol. 5. 4. The term a now Xtendedso as to include school an places of discussion perhapsiecause originalty the public places of exercise ere chose by philosopher for thei lectures an conversations. Cp. P. 3I. . orbi terrarum, in the whole worid. Cp. In verr. 2 Act. 4. 38 8 cuius amplis
simum orbi terrarum clarissimumque monuis mentum est. Andr read orbis.
Academiae. The celebrate gardens here Plato augiit, o the non fide os
Athens. 6. Curavimus, i. e. by command oro
quest There ould e litile disserencebetween the two When made by a Roman
7. Quae nostra . . fuerunt, the attentions hich could e expecte hom α' Wesenb omit the comma aster suerunt an places orae aster propinquitate. 8. Collegio, our relation a colleagues
Cp. Liv Io. nihil concordi collegio firmius ad rem publicam tuendam esse, Ib. Io ac invidisse Decium concordibus coli giis tribus. Propinquitate, intimacy. Forceli. does no give this sense a Ciceronian butSulpicius may have been es precise an Icannot in that he was connecte With Marcellus by lood o marriage Andr., ho ever, assumes a relatioushi belween Sulpicius and Marcellus.
PAR IV. M. CICERO S. D. Q. VALERIO Q. F. ORCAE LEGATO PROPR. Cum municipibus Volaterranis mihi summa necessitudo S. 1 magno enim meo beneficio adfecti cumulatissime mihi gratiam rettialerunt; nam nec in honoribus meis nec in laboribus umquam desuerunt Cum quibus si mihi nulla cauS intercederet, tamen,
quod te vehementissime diligo quodque me a te plurimi fieri
sentio, et monerem te et hortarer, ut eorum ortuni consuleres,
praesertim cum prope praecipuam causam haberent ad ius obtinendum primum quod Sullani temporis acerbitatem deorum immortalium benignitate Subterfugerunt, deinde, quod summoto studio populi Romani a me in consulatu meo defensi sunt. Cum enim tribuni plebi legem iniquissimam de eorum agris promulgavissent, facile Senatui populoque Romano PerSuaSi, ut eo ciUeS,
praetor 57 .α and ad supporte Cicero's recal hom exile. Post Red in Sen. 9, 23. Next yearae governe Africa a propraetoror proconsul KAd Fam. I3. o. and when his lette was ritte he was ne of the commissioner appotnted by Caesar osuperintendis assignation Pland in Italy,
Ad FamiliareS. I. unicipibus. The eople of Volaterrae ad probabi received the Romanfranchise by the lex Iulia 'io B.C. Theircit was an ancient anxiamous ne in thenorthis Etruria, stili calle Volterra. 2. Magno . . beneficio adfecti: p. notes the facis. O the expression adficere beneficio, cp. Pro Muren I, honore adsecto. 3. Honoribus . . laboribus: These Wo word seem to reser to Cicero' days of good and evi fortune respectively. p. Ad Fam. I 3 7 for a simila contrast. 4. Defuerunt, c. suffragiis. 'salle tosuppori me a thei votes. Cum quibus si . . intercederet, andis no such tie existed belween s. Causa coniunctio. Forcell. p. Pro Quinct. 5, 48 quicum tibi . . Omne . . causae et necessitudines veteres intercedebant. Intercedere' de iis dicitur per quae alteri iungimur vel alienamur. Jorcell.
5. Quod te . . diligo. Cicero' regardor Valerius inducedaim to warn him howCaesara ad interposed so the protectio ofVolaterrae. Cp. ex section. 6. Ut isorum fortunis consuleres, that ou ould proieci them in the nio ment of thei property.'7. Prope praecipuam causam, mell-nigh the strongest laim. 8. Sullani temporis acerbitatem. Volaterrae had assorded an asylum to sonae fili proscribe partisans o Marius, an hadstood a siege of tw years, surrendering at asti Sulla pon terms Sulla had then declaredits and confiscaled, ut ad not assigned them to new occupanis and ad carrie alaru a Rome depriving the eople of Volaterrae of thei righis a Roman citigens. The couris,lowever, resuseda recogniZethevalidit of the lalter law, and the confiscationwas neve actuali carried out mence Cicero represent that the godchad interposed inproieci theseople of Volaterrae. heir susserings in the cause os Marius ould ive them aclaim upo Caesar Cp. Pro Caec. I. 8
89 0. Summo studio populi Romani, wit the most early approva of the
Roman people. Io In consulatu meo. Is his a thesrs service hicli Cicero rendere to thepeople of Volaterrae, it seem probabi thattheirs obligatio mus have been conferred by them, sor in honoribus can hardi reserto a time subsequentrio Cicero' consulfhip.
II. Tribuni plebi Rullus too thelead among them. p. Intr. to Par l, 4. Cicero pleade again for the exemption os the land of Volaterrae ro the operationo the law of Flavius in o B. C. p. Ad Att. I. 9 4. Plebi a rare en hom plebes. Forceli.
quibus ortuna peperciSSet, Salvos esse vellent. Hanc actionem meam C. Caesar primo Suo consulatu lege agraria comprobavit agrumque Volaterranum et oppidum omni periculo in perpetuum liberavit, ut mihi dubium non sit quin is, qui nova neceSSitudine adiungat, Vetera sua beneficia conservari velit. Quam sob rem est tuae prudentiae aut equi eius auctoritatem, cuius sectam atque imperium Summa cum tua dignitate secutus es, aut certe illi integram omnem causam reservare illud vero dubitare non debes, quin tam grave, tam firmum, tam honestum municipium tibi tuo summo beneficio in perpetuum obligari velis. Io Sed haec, quae Supra Scripta Sunt, eo Spectant, Ut te horter et suadeam : reliqua Sunt, quae pertinent ad rogandum, ut non solum tua causa tibi consilium me dare putes, Sed etiam, quod mihi opus Sit, me a te petere et rogare. Gratissimum igitur mihi feceris, si Volaterrano omnibu rebu integro incolumes 13que esse olueris eorum ego domicilia, SedeS, rem, fortunas, quae et a dis immortalibus et a praeStantissimis in nostra republica civibus summo Senatu Populique Romani Studio conser-
vatae sunt, tuae fidei iustitiae bonitatique commendo. Si pro
I. Fortuna: p. deorum immortalium benignitate, in o. 2. Lege agraria. In 59 B.C. CP. Intr. to Pari I, o 7. 3. Omni periculo . . liberavit, se cured against ali anger of seein iis andsassigned unde an agraria law. This might perhapsae essected by clauses inserted in thelaw of 59 B.C. 4. Qui . . adiungat, seein that he is formita ne connections,' .e by favours conserre on disserent cities. 6. Auctoritatem, the authorit of his
7. Sectam, party, Whether philosophicalis political. For the lalter sense, P.
Liv 8. I9 Vitruvio sectamque eius secutis. Summa . . dignitate, Without nysacrifice of in dependerace Onaour Part.' 8. Illi integram . . reservare, tokee the whole case or Caesar' fre deci- Sion, i .e noto tali an ste that ould commit Caesar. Illud vero . . qui . . velis o the accus. illud, cp. Madv. 229 a The words dubitare . . quin . . velis mean hesitate todestre.' p. p. 7I, 5, note, O the Onstruction. 9. Grave moribus firmum opibus: honestum, splendore municipum. manui. II. o spectant . . suadeam, are byway of exhortatio an advice. I 2. Reliqua . . rogandum thesu
I 3. Quod mihi opus sit, ,ha Doughtto ask. O the difference of opus esse an necesse esse, CP Εp. 29, 25, note. I 5. Feceris, si . . volueris . hedouble suture perfect impli es that the completionis both actions illae simultaneous. Cp. Madv. 34 , Obs. 2. omnibus rebus, soli., with at their properi untouched an unimpat red. I 6. Rem in rem publicam. Wiel. For- celi. p. iv I. 28 inter Fidenatem Ro
I 7. Praestantissimis . . civibus.
Cicero probabi reser to himself an Caesar See the precedin section Mulier. I9. Bonitatique ' bonitas speciatim sumitur pro benignitate liberalitate elementia. Forcell. It is noticeable that the meaningo bonitas ' an malitia ' a narroweddown rom genera goodnes an badnes to
PAR IV. meis pristinis opibus facultatem mihi res hoc tempore daret,
ut ita defendere possem Volaterranos, quem ad modum OnSUeUitueri meos, nullum ossicium, nullum denique certamen, in quo illis prodesse possem, praetermitterem; sed quoniam apud te nihilo minus hoc tempore valere me confido quam aluerim Semper apud bonos omnes, pro nostra Summa neceSSitudine Parique inter nos et mutua benevolentia abs te peto, ut ita de Volaterrani mereare, ut Xistiment eum quasi divino consilio isti negotio praepositum Sse, apud quem unum no eorum Per io petui defensores plurimum Valere POSSCmUS.
CICERO S. D. CORNIFICI COLLEGAE. Quod Xtremum sui in ea epistola, quam a te ProXime accePi 1
stances ave me at this time power o protect theseople of Volaterrae as effectivel asm previous influence id. I. Res in factum Forceli. Cicero refers probabi to the years etween 63-6o B. C. When he had been ne of the ostinfluentia me in the State. 3. eos, myririends' o clients. Not posedo ' Volaterranos,' ut including them in a large claSS. Certamen ' contest' it those hoattempte to ron them. 5. Hoc tempore, ' even O . 6. Bonos. The insertio: of this ordseem necessary for it ould e no complimento Valerius o say have a much influence ii yo no a I have alwayshaxwith all. unless indeed, semper mean always in belle times. 8. Mereare. The form in -re of thean pers sing. of passive verbs is mos commoni used by Cicero, excepi in the presentindic Cp. Madv. II i. 9. Isti negotio. the usines in hichyo are engaged, i .e the assignation clands. Cp. the introductor note on this letter. CORNIFICIO. his Cornifictus a probabi the son fine mentionedip. I. I. Metoo Caesar' fide in the civit War ani aster the batile os Pharsalus was entrusted it thegovernment of Illyricum. Cp. Beli. AleX. a. In 4 43 B.C. e findaim governing Africa, Where te supporte the authorit os thesenato, an after ard os octavian, against Antony Me was, however, deseated and killed by . Sextius aci in in Antony' interestos overnor os Numidia. Cp. Dion Cassius 48. I. me is mentioned Ep. 24, I as Oint colleague os Cicero an Antony, probabi as augur his positio at thedate of this letter, p. 6 I, Ole. II. Quod extremum fuit. A complaint, apparently that Cicero id o write osten enough. p. below epistolas requiris
ad id primum respondebon animum advorti enim hoc vos magnos
oratores sacere nonnumquam epiStolas requiri mea ; ego autem numquam, cum mihi denuntiatum esset a tuis ire aliquem, non
dedi Quod mihi videor ex tuis litteris intellegere te nihil commissurum esse temere nec ante, quam ScisSes, quo Ste nescio qui Caecilius Bassus erumperet, quicquam certi conStiturum, id ego et speraram prudentia tua fretus et, ut confiderem, secerunt tuae
ratissimae mihi litterae idque ut facias quam saepissime, ut et uuid tu agas et quid agatur scire possim et etiam quid acturus Sis, valde te rogo. Etsi periniquo patiebar animo te a me digredi, o tamen eo tempore me consolabar, quod et in summum otium te ire arbitrabar et ab impendentibus magnis negotiis discedere:
Hoc . . facere, i. e. ans e the last re- mar of another first. p. p. 8, I, here Cicero speak of the practice as Omeric. Vos magnos oratores. Cornificius seem to have had some pretension to eloquence and learning. p. Ad Fam. a. 7, a. t has been thought that Quintilianassigns the Rhet ad Herenn to im. p. Inst. Orat. 3. I, 2 9. 3, 98. I. Requiris: P. p. I, I.
3. Cum mihi . . a tuis, Wheneve Ιhad received information rom ou stiendshere.' 'Denuntiatum differs stom renuntiatum, o which, p. Ep. 98, I, Ole. Esset his tense is sed because num quam non dedi mean neve falle togive, a tuis, stom our agent an representatives here.' esenb. Suggest ' est,.saying that the sense of quotiescunque suito cum here belle tha that os post
. Quod mihi . . intellegere, a forwhatra thin I ma inser. Cp. P. 97 3,
Nihil temere soli. In acceptin thedangerous commission offere him by
5. Nec ante . . constituturum It is doubtit,here Cornificius as at this time. Fro Ad Fam. a. 7, I ex Syria nobis tumultuosiora quaedam nuntiata sunt quae quia tibi sunt propiora quam nobis . .' emaninis that he held soni commissio In theaast, and was in doublio I ac Withregard to in Caecilius Bassus II Was subinsequently entrusted wit the conductis thewar in the ast, and wit the province of Syria, b Caesar cp. Ad Fam. a. 9, I , but seem speedit to have resigne it sorino B.C. he was overnin Africa Cp. introductor note on this letter. Scisses. Videor intellegere implies a past ense, I seem to have gathered, and the constructio soo drops into the pastiens altogether. Quo . . erumperet, What that Bassus was alming t. siel. 6. Bassus rose in insurrectio against Caesar' authorit in Syria, organiete a plotwhic te to the deat of Sex. Caesar lieu-tenant of the dictator, an procure Parthia suppor sor his enterprise. p. Ad Att.14 9, 3 Pro Reg. Deiot. 9. 254 Dion Cassius 47, 26 and 7. The prospects of Bassus might influenc the decision os o nificius bout accepting the overnment of
heardorom ou et . . litterae, and your letter gave me confidence.'8. dque ut facias. he contextrequires apparently a reference to litterae, that ou Wil continue o rite.
I 8 6, Ole, P. II 4. Io. Per iniquo, a rare Word It occursPro Leg. Man. 22 63- , II. Eo tempore Cobet om. tempore. In summum otium, to a m si ea e-sul districi. This ould hardi be rue os Africa where reli. cp. his Onomasticon thinks that Cornificius no WaS.Ia. Ab impendentibus . . negotiis.