장음표시 사용
been cut out by Some edd. ecauserit recur below, 787, but it canhardi bu spared rom ither place. - For the figure inicere tragulam ei Epid. 690, tragulam in te inicere adornat MOSt. 570, continuo adueniens pilum iniecisti mihi. g1O. una imul Cum colloquia ivlneSs i expression SoMost. 1037, Poen. 553, an una simul, Pers 170 Poen. 1117. 412. Aepulorum is no elSeWhere sed i an id an in the passage ironi Laberius quote by Lor. it means a tombstone, nota grave, as here But ei. Sin. 92, capuli decus, Mil. 62b, capularis, fit for the ier, ' and Ad 687, ilicernium, iuneral-1east, ali i id men. g1g. Pseud retires into an angiportum perhaps that et Neen Simo' hous an Callipho 's, heroi cani Seen by the audieiicebut noti annone sentering the stage froin the Side.
sia comm satus in th literat ense in passage, Passage-Way Vis used in tho Mil. Glor. here it is transferi sed ironi the militaryus supplies carrie through, ' Epid. 343, ut inportem in coloniam
hunc . . . commeatum, Mil. 224, ibatu commeatusque.
a beam an diogged, and the dea here is that the paris i theiody
ire, uenire, uertere, et Engi. Q get round a person.
432. fors fuat an later fors sit an, forsitan, hichil does notuse, though Ter has it three times fuat alao fit ii, suas, fuant)is an id subjunct. res trom Stem fu peri fui. Ibυω uSed Some-What frequently by L, speciali in formulat phrases like thepresent, ut in ordinar conversation larget driventuti siet and sit. It is Sed by Verg. Aen. X , 108, is found in id carniina Liv. XXV. 12, ), and was assected by the later archaisis. Neue, II. 591.
cognatast magum the last two lso illustrat tho position a thoend of the clauso, hiel, appearctoi frequent. g35. uetus nolo faCiat, i. e. Uthat is exacti Whates objectrio, that s hora id tollo tho old Ways instea o improving ponthem. ' faciat is a jussive subjunct. sed paratacticalty ith nolo. - ΠΕ-uis, hieli a be rition as ne or o ait o is used by PL e. Merc. 150 Per 358, Trin. 1156 by the id o non uis Trin. 1l60 Men. 788, Most. 336), justos non scio and nescio reused in his caseos in ome thser tho origina negative ne had notoe been croWdediuti iis se illi indic by the intrusion i
g39. ipsus is found very here in early Latin by the id of tho more stricti correet ipse is-pse ei. 721, 29, 30, 70, etc., Mithipse, lo2 220, 79, etc. ipsus ears the fame relation to ipse that
gg f. Your discreditabie conduci as nough to have iurnished a hare to every an in town ii it ad besen dividod a thopublic moneycis. V i. Aul. 10 f. nam noSter nostrae quis magister curiae diuidere argenti disit nurninos in uiros, and 180 a thsesse division sit money are nota noWn to have ahen place in Rome asearly a the time of PL, the retereiace to the custom are probablyiro in the Greeli original.
3. his s. has a hiatus in the caesura hicli is remove intho tox by the insertion o aeque Militer Goetet o by ritingi auculi Spenget'. ut the position i in and the 2 pers estisar stili peculiar. The ense liould e, Mo se me are Sosasy-gotii a Callipho i He is the in os ather a son oughtto have. -5. Pseud has spolien aloud so that he is supposed tot over-h0ard by the old en, an a the turn Pseud Steps ut rom his hid ing-Pl Ree. Φ51. Aint absol. i. Epid. 19, quid ubi tris dicam nisi quod est 'Amph. 93, quid ego aureio id quod est the facis. 453. itur a te has a hostile ense, ei Don. On Ter Andi . . , 5 16 2bi quasi ad hostem, Capt. 34, sunt ad te hostes For hiatus in change of speahors, e Introd. Id. 452. his s. stand in tho mss. and GoetZ alter Gl, her itis distincti out o place Rit change it to tho position in thetext. For the sense, i. Capt. 202 in re mala animo Si bono litare, adiuuat. inimictiumst mali Engi. Viali ho batil0. Vg56. Auperfieri is Plautino for superesse, Trin. lo, Mil. Glor. 356, St. 592, etc. - n quid astitur and th litera ansu er Whichris intentionali coo and annoying, Se 273 and note . ASB. Atatum is attracte in to the main clause, cf. h. 986, inpurum uide, quantum ualet CaS. II. 3, 30, uide palliolum, ut rugat,
and speciali With neut pron. a in Ps. 954. The res of tho Sentence ould regularly be mini basilicust, but the veri, is omittEd, as osten illi quam Andr. 136, reiecit se in eum lens quam familiariter , and basilicum talies the casei stat itan. 459. actAtitiAAe, peri froni Stem sta eXcept J Ierc. 187 ut Ways Withires sense, stand , ' and this connect it illi res sisto, I have placo myseli in I standi ather han illi sto, hichwould bo I stood, have stood. V o Capt. 661, ut con identer mihi contra adstitit, Mil. 213, euscheme hercle adstitit, St. 271 Trin. 25,
Men. 865 Mil. 1251, ali xcept tho last two in describin the
462. Aunt quae illi th indic is regula in L the subjunct., whicli 0dam the uling ut notrili invariable ood alter est qui in classica Latin is ustiugi nning toae usui in L cf. 390 Men.
nelaulam. The light confusioni figure occurs also Capt. 1023. audisse me quasi per nebulam Call. is tollo in out his ido that ver polite and triendi questioning ould succee best. g65 Socratem. The de that Socrates Was a rea Sophist, a man Oi ords, is no doub traditiona in comed iror Aristo
question is quid ais ' i quid uti or quid est ' follow0d by th mainquestion, or occasionali by a statem ent Whicli calis for comment.
l 577 and 1605, illi noto translatiniit by putato. J
gB2. C quam in agreemento illi a noula, Speciali a nounwhieli has definite application loses almos ali it force excopi the interrogative So more Clearly belOW, ecquas bini minas. The
Groeli repties are intended by S. to cari y ut his assumption ith functions of the Delphic oracle si Capt. 880 i. ΑΒ is gi ven again in the mss. iter 27, here it is more in
Amph. 211, 2424. Cui c. 363 Cist. I. 2, 18, Most. 276 Men. 98, Poen. Prol. 106, St. 557 - ali except the las having the tibi clausefirst, as here i. also extemplo tibi . . . ilico, Curc. 81.g91. me. This construction appe arctoae unique celor aliquidis the regula passive See Draeg. I. - 371.g93. erum, Calidorus; Pu erum, Simo; ut the ambiguit is intentionat. g94. ivlaeren, Would D Dyou . . . 3 it effect i nonne and so the ther cases o impi. Subj. Mith ne Trin. 178, Capt. 713 4. The threat i 0ndin a laveri Wor at the haud-mill pistri-riun Di Ver common, e. g. Ost. 17, Bacch. 781.g95. immo contradicis the negative implied in numquid .g97. PECCata mea. GoetZ peccatan ad alter Bothe. g99 This s. is iven a it appear in the SS., Xcept mundolor mundum arid arim ior faXem ChariSius, P. 201 explaining in mundo by palam et in expedito ac cito Se Lex. Under adj mundusJ, quotes in his forin quia sciebam in i. e. mi pistrinum in mundo fore, and o Flech. Lor , GoetZ Changi nito mihi sciebam. I have hept to the mss. bellevin that th quotation is a confusion o 699 and 500. - id fari in is changed by advig, pusc. II. 69, to ni. si is ot course illogical, ut the writer ad in minit tho negati vo
classica Latin, ut is very common in V. So 1227 Trin. 582, Mil. 85, 1089, 119l, etc. Dalil on ut p. 275 i. J512. facinus in original sense, deed. Fig. etymol. 515. aetatem, ins long as o live, ' is used a an adv. of time in Pl. Asin. 21, 274, 281, etc.), Ter Hec. 747 Luer. VI. 236. Tho obj oi habiturum ictoae supplied, quod apstuleris. 517. Egon ut See D. O 205. his sine of the mos frequentati strikin forins of the repudiatin question Example are Aul. 690, egone ut te aduorsum mentiars Trin. 378, egone indotatam te uxorem ut patiar Sc ducere), Truc. 441, egone illam ut non amem egone illi ut non bene uelim Cl. Without ut Capt. 139, egone illum non feam ' ego non defleam talem adulescentem y Without ne Amph. 91, te ut deludam contra Trin. 750, etc. illi uitlier ne nor ut Aul. 829, reddam ego aurum ' Mil. 496, ausculta, quaeso. lego auscultem tibi, PS. 1315, and osten Tho subjunct. expreSses themillii the thur spuaker, liherili subjunct. in dubitative questioris, an ut is exclamator a in WiSheS. SI B. Em isti With hiatus, e Introd. D35.519 graphicium, a stan termis admiration, generali ironicat. Trin. 936, nimium graphicum nugatorem 1021, graphicum furem, an dea thises, 'ci Engi. a perfect picturo os innocence, fwoo; orom his, illi ord o genera meaning Very harP, admirabi knowing.
523. Instancesti the repetition o thought Peculiar to colloquies stylo have been notice above, e . g. 456 f., 0 I. The two forinso 523 illustrat a Lindis repetition hieli ould notae permitted by any riter in an Style, and the shouldio compared illi thecases above. The ni question is hieli S. is the interpolation. Abraham, Stud. l. p. 182, hoWs that Pi never Se ausculto Mithin fili. loqui) nor illi an adv. lubenter but alWays With an adj. lubens) and that agedum is segularly used e fore another impV. Th seconixus is thereior a glos iapon the ivst.
524. Priu quam . . . PriuB, cf. 885 . Poen. 321, prius quam Venus ea erctis alui', prius deproperant, Aul. 792 f., optestor ut, si quid . . . Pec sui, ut ignoscas, and the tende ne to opea that in long sentenues in English. Colloquia language Seeli clearnes atth HXPensem grammatica CorreetneS
525. ala pugnam, ais Bacch. 273 cf. 357). Similar X- pression o the de of heatin are pugnam conSerere, Ba. 967, Pusinasti Epid. 493. 52B. tilaicinam illam is alien ii again in the bl ea, hi elicircumducere requires When l. Wrote the aec he had uot et su-l his verb. 800 . o 401 f. and cf. 18, Poen. 11, hunc chlamydatum quem uides ei Mars iratust, Mil. 140 f. 53 i. ises ling objecis o utrumque on the round that oulyone of tho two plans has b00n mention sed in the immediate conisext but th othser is russeri dixi in 24, hiuli is non enoughin, and toopera m facinora as un-Plautino It is truo that Lisses opera pl.
tion, sud to leadis to the in lin stipulatio Otho phrases are quid causa est quin Rud. 758, numquid causam dicis quin Amph. 852, haud causi ficor quin Aul. 755, ali rather formal. 53 P. uoluntate, o in three syllabies se Introd. , D40 42.53B ctatio, inque that is, complete the sponsio for hic Ps. has proposed the question in dabin . 539. iECe, nom. l. The authorities for his pellingor inscriptions abolit si cases doWn to the fit Si centur B in and mss. os Pl. and Ter. Mil. 486 Pers. 856 Rud. 291, Amph. 97J, Capt. 35 Ter Eun. 268, etc. Also in nouus o 2d decl. Mil. 374, hisce
ocidis, and in inscriptions. SAO. e Conpe Cto Uine in Oneert, V rom conpeciscor, 13. COnAutis, i. mPh. 3671. . . . conpositis mendaciis adilenisti consutis dolis i immo equidem tunicis consutis huc aduenio, non dolis. Lor.
thinlis this is sertaini fro in the original Greeli lay ρύπτειν-axa, but the figure is obvious nough o have originate separatet in
inter nos conse simus. For the pelliti conterauimus Se LeX. under peiero.
Sqq. quaA quom, ins heia, V ei MoSt. 277, itidem olent, quasi quom una multa iura confudit coquos, the Smel justos hen a
is scrupulousi exae in the legat torui os arguin S, ODSequetice, POSSibly, o his commercia eXperienee But Salippe's remedy, o read iii 538 dabo, inq/ie. dabo: at enim . . . Recepted by Lor. is uiasatisfactory 1 the argain has been ad Simo Would ardi express suspicion, and Ps. Ouid certain lymo Protest his innocen cera earnestly Ii ho ever, e SuPPOS a lacuna alter 515, in hicli Simo accepi the protestations o Pseud undcompletes the bai gain, o have a motive for the precedin SpeecheS, and the abrupines of 516, hiuli is ther is great, I remoVed. I have thereior marhed a lacuna in the text. 5δε luctos That is the trielior o Ps. is to furnisti amuso-ment, lik the publicaames Sora52 an osten. Bring on Our play. 5 B. The construction is Without parallel, both in the usu os te alter occupes an in occupare ad aliquid, ut not inconsistunt With