Extracts from Cicero, narrative and descriptive;

발행: 1890년

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II. is ROME' RULE O NE PROUINCES. 27 IPOSui, tum eo hortatus sum, Ut CaUSae communi salutique ne deessent ut illam laudationem, quam e Vi ac metu

coactos, paucis illi diebus, decresse dicebant, tollerent. si Itaque, iudices, Syracusani haec faciunt, Stius clientes atque amici. Primum mihi litteras publicas, quas in aerario Sanctiore conditas habebant, proferunt: in quibus ostendunt omnia, quae dixi ablata SSe, perScripta, et plura etiam, quam ego potui dicere perScripta autem hoc modo : QUOD

IOVIS, QUOD EX AEDE LIBERI Ut quiSque eis rebus tuendis conservandisque praefuerat, ita perScriptum erat, quum rationem e lege redderet, et quae acceperat, deberet tradere

petisSe, ut ibi, quod hae re abeSSent, ignosceretur itaque 3 23 omnes liberatos di SceSSisse, et esse ignotum OmnibuM: quas ego litteras obsignandas publico Signo deportandasque curavi. De laudatione autem ratio Sic mihi reddita est. Primum quum a C. Verre litterae aliquanto ante adVentum meum de laudatione venissent, nihil esse decretum deinde, quum

33 quidam ex illius amicis commonerent, Oportere decerni, maXimo Sse clamore et convicio repudiato : OSteaquam meu adVentus appropinquaret, imperaSSe eum, qui Summam potestatem haberet, ut decernerent decretum ita SSe, ut

multo plus illi laudatio mali, quam boni posset asserre. Id 335 adeo, iudices, ut mihi ab illis demonStratum St, Sic vos ex

13. MOS Si Syracusis, ut, si qua de re ad Senatum reseratur, dicat sententiam qui velit. Nominatim nemo rogatur. Et tamen, ut qui Sque honore et aetate antecedit, ita primus 3 o Solet Sua sponte dicere : idque a ceteris ei conceditur. Sin aliquando tacent omnes, tunc Sortito coguntur dicere. Quum hic mos esset, resertur ad senatum de laudatione Verris. In

quo primum, ut aliquid esset morae, multi interpellant de Sex. Peducaeo, qui de illa civitate totaque provincia optime meritus 345 SSet, SeSe antea, quum audiSSent ei negotium lacessitum,


27 EXTRACT FROM CICERO. Sect riquumque eum publice pro plurimi eius et maximis meritis laudare cuperent, a C. Verre prohibito esSi iniquum esse, tametsi Peducaeus eorum laudatione iam non uteretur, tamen non id prius decernere, quod aliquando Voluissent, quam quod tum cogerentur. Conclamant omne et appro 35 bant ita fieri oportere. Resertur de educaeo. Ut qui Sque aetate et honore antecedebat, ita Sententiam diXit ex ordine. Id adeo ex ipso Senatus conSult cognOScite : nam principum Sententiae perScribi Solent. Recita. QUOD VERBA FACTA SUNT DE SEX PEDUC o. Dicit, qui primi suaserint. Decernitur. 355

Resertur deinde de Verre. Dic, quaeSo, quomodo QUOD

VERBA FACTA SUNT DE C. VERRE Quid poStea scriptum est ΘQUUM SURGERET NEMO NEQUE SENTENTIAM DICERET Quid hoc est soRS DUCITUR. Quamobrem Nemo erat voluntarius laudator praeturae tuae, desenSor periculorum, Prae 36

Sertim quum inire a Praetore gratiam posset nemo. Illi ipsi tui convivae, consiliarii, conScii, Ocii Verbum sacere non audebant. Atque etiam hoc me docent, eiusmodi Senatu consulto Sese fecisSe laudationem, ut omnes intelligere possent non laudationem, sed potius irrisionem ess 365 illam, quae commonefaceret Stiu turpem calamitoSamque

praeturam. Etenim Scriptum eSSe ita: Uo iste IRGIS NEMINEM CECIDISSET '. a. quo cognOScetis nobilissimos homines atque innocentiSSimo Securi SSe perCUSSOS: hoc autem Scriptum etiam, quod proferre non auderet reus, accusator 37Orecitare non desineret: QUOD PRAEDONES PROCUL AB INSULA SICILI PROHIBUISSET VERREM: quo etiam intra Syracusanam Insulam recepi SSet. Quae poSteaquam e illi cognovi, discessi cum fratre e curia, ut nobi abSentibus, Si quid vellent, decernerent. 37ξI . Decernunt Statim primum, UT CUM L. FRATRE ΗΟSPITIUM PUBLICE FIERET, quod i eamdem voluntatem erga

SyracuSano SuScepiSSet, quam ego Semper habuissem. Id non modo tum ScripSerunt, verum etiam in aere incisum


II. 13. ROME S RULE O HER PRO INCES. 7338 nobis tradiderunt. Valde hercule te Syracusani tui, quos

Crebro Commemorare Soles, diligunt qui cum accusatore tuo satis iustam causam coniungendae necessitudinis putant, quod te accusaturus sit, et quod ad inquirendum in te Venerit. Postea decernitur, ac non Varie, Sed prope cuncti Senten-

RETUR. At vero, quum iam non solum discessio facta esset, sed etiam perscriptum atque in tabulas relatum, praetor

appellatur. At quis appellat i magi Stratus aliquit nemo. Senatori ne id quidem Syracusanorum aliquis minime. 39 Quis igitur praetorem appellat i qui quaestor istius fuerat, Caesetius. O rem ridiculam l o desertum hominem l o desperatum ac relictum a magistratu Siculo Ne senatus consultum Siculi homines sacere possent, ne Suum iu SUiS moribus suis legibus obtinere possent, non amicus Stius, non

395 hospes, non denique aliquis Siculus, sed quaestor populi Romani praetorem appellat. Quis hoc vidi, quis audivit ZPraetor aequus et sapiens dimitti iubet senatum. Concurrit ad me maxima multitudo. Primum senatores Clamare, eripi sibi ius, eripi libertatem : populus Senatum laudare, gratias ηo agere : Cive Romani a me nusquam discedere. Quo quidem die nihil aegrius factum est multo labore meo, quam ut manus ab illo appellatore abstinerentur. Quum ad praetorem in ius adisSemus, XCogitat Sane acute, quid decernat. Nam ante quam Verbum facerem, de sella surrexit atque os abiit. Itaque tum de Oro, quum iam advesperaSceret, diS

15. Postridie mane ab eo postulo, ut Syracusanis liceret Senatus OnSultum, quod pridie secissent, mihi reddere. Ille enimvero negat et ait indignum facinus esse, quod ego in io senatu Graeco Verba fecissem quod quidem apud Graecos Graece locutus essem, id serri nullo modo posse. Respondi homini, ut potui, ut volui, ut debui. Tum multa, tum etiam hoc me memini dicere, lacile esse perSpicuum, quantum inter


274 EXTRACT FROM CICERO. Sect. V. hunc et illum Numidicum verum ac germanum Metellum interesset. Illum noluisse sua laudatione iuvare L. Lucullum i5 Sororis Virum, quicum optime conveniSset hunc homini alienissimo a civitatibus laudationes per vim et metum comparare. Quod ubi intellexi, multum apud illum recentes nunti OS, multum tabulas non commendaticias, sed tributarias valuisse admonitu ipsorum Syracusanorum impetum in ea 4 otabulas lacio, in quibus senatus consulta perScripta erant. Ecce autem nova turba atque rixa. Ne tamen Stum omnino Syracusis sine amici S, Sine hoSpitibus, plane nudum SSe ac desertum putetis : retinere coepit tabulas Theomnastus quidam, homo ridicule insanus, quem Syracusani Theoractum a svocant: qui illic eiusmodi est, ut eum pueri Sectentur ut omnes, quum loqui coepit, irrideant. Huius tamen insania, quae ridicula est aliis, mihi tum molesta sane fuit. Nam

quum Spumas ageret in re, arderent oculi, Oce maxima

vim me sibi afferre clamaret, copulati in ius pervenimus. 3o Hic ego postulare coepi, ut mihi tabula obsignare ac deportare liceret. Ille contra dicere negare esse illud senatus ConSultum, in quo praetor appellatus esset negare id mihi tradi oportere. Ego legem recitare, omnium mihi tabularum et litterarum fieri potestatem oportere. Ille Uri OSUS Urgere 435 nihil ad se nostras leges pertinere. Praetor intelligen negare sibi placere, quod Senatus Onῖultum ratum Sse non deberet, id me Romam deportare. Quid multa λ Nisi vehementius homini minatus SSem nisi legum Sanctionem poenamque recitassem, tabularum mihi poteSta facta non SSet 4 o Ille autem insanus, qui pro Si contra me vehementissime declamaSSet postquam non impetraVit, Credo, ut in gratiam

mecum rediret, libellum mihi dat, in quo istius furta Syra-CuSana perScripta erant quae ego iam antea ab illis cognoram et accePeram. 4 5


N O T E S.

T. ire ' Leiter o his roster Quintus.

Cicero, brother of Marcus, a Praetor in 6 B. C. At the expirationo his ear of Ossice, he, as was usual was appo intexto a Province, and thato Asia et to his tot The followin extrac froni Meri vale' Translationis Abehen' Lis of Cicero p. o wil sum cienti explain the circum Stances

under hicli his letter Was ritten. The passages in hicli Cicero mentions his brother Quintus at this perioddeserve particular attention He describes imas a ni an o sanguine and irritable temperament, riendi an geniat, ea sit offended. ut as ea si lypaci fies tender-hearled, and possesse of great hiladnes of disposition. ut these qualities, though accompani ed by an excellent understanding, were notbasexupo strength of character or ill and we hali se in the sequel intowhat error such a disposition could ea him. That Quintus posses sed considerable talent is evident stom the long letter his et de brother ad dressed tollim henae a Pro-praetor of the Province of Asia, hi ther he was sent in 6 B. C., the ea astera ha held, in conjunction illi Caesar, the ossice of Praetor. It is true he was De sto in the common vices of Ronian governors, corruptio an avarice, but his fauit a that he trus ted thers to ea si ly, and his administration as antin in that vigorous an uncompromis ingspirit of justice hicli is the rs virtve of ver man who filis an Sciat station, hether it e great or mali. In many o Cicero' letters to Atticus we perceive ho much he had it at heari, that his brother' conduci shouldbe bove reproach. Noth in mean or dishonou rabie, he felt, ought to attachio the a me of Cicero, thema me Done ho aspirexto e regarde a clites

of the optimates. On his account he exerte ali his influence to et his brother' ossice prolonge a secon year, opinille might thus retri eve theerror of the fir st. It was in fac prolongesto a third year, against the wisheso both and thereupon the et de Cicero ad dresse the ounge in the longleiter illi, hicii the present period loses a letter hicli nil ght ather ecalle a reatis o the right go vertament of a Province So ricli in fac is itin the obtest politica principies an morat axionis, an in Xpression os


gratitude to a peoplerio homae Ned much os his own menta culture solat os orldly isdom, an betraying o pro undis nowledge of humanna ture so pure, moreover, an lost is the style in hicli it is Mitten thali deservos o e considere a modet of iis ind. It is a the fame timea monument of true fraterna assectio endeavouring to efface or mitigate thesens os a rother' error by the remembrance of his virtues. T. I. Dubitabam, an epistolary imperfeci a sit is called. At the beginning and en o letters the Roman generali used ast tenses, hicli ould eappropriate to the time hen the letter a received sonae considerable time generali elapsingle tween the en d in os a letter anxiis arriva at iis destination. In the od of the lette the generali change in to the present, thenatural ense so the writer o Se See notemnit. I. Sect. I. I. 3.3. Desiderio nostro, m longin to get o home.' 6. Unis. Observe the plural of unus in agreement With a substantive plura in or but singula in meaning It is more common in the sense of


Quum concessive, although. 7. Spem maturae decessionis, 'a ope that ou might wo leave Four province. Io. Contentio. essori, literalty straining os muscies. 18. Contra quam. Quam, 'han, naturali sol lows a Wor expressing differetice. Transi. contrar to hat, ' c. 2O. Non succederetur, no successor as appotnted o ou. The verbis impersonat.

23. Id commiserim ut, allowed; literat ly, lacte in such a way, that,' C. 27. Ad omnes partes bene audiendi, to do verythin necessar toga in a good reputation, literalty for ver depariment of eing et spolaenos Bene audire is cloae et spolien of Seerat. I. Sect. I. 24. O. 36. Eiusmodi partem rei publicae, in qua, c., a depariment osgovertament, in hicli,' c. 39. Prorogatum. Rogo an severa o iis compound are sed inpolitical senses. 'Rogo is properi applied to the residin officer ei therat an electiori or a debate. It means there re either, I . to propos acandidate; literalty as the electors hether the suppori im; or, a. 'o ut a mea sure hence called rogatio, 'a bili' to the vote, literat ly. to as the assembl whether the approve oscit. The compound are sed, so me in ne sonae in the ther ense, ome in both. The ollowin scheme exhibit them at a glance:-



candidate. I. propos a man's continuance in ossice: then 2 generali tocontinue in ossice, prorogare alicui imperium o magistratum. I. propos a mara's


to the vote. Not sed. To propos the repealos a law,'- abrogare legem. To propos an additionis ride to a law.

a propos a measure whicli clashe with, and o supersedes another,'-obrogare legi. 42. Quae tenet, quae videatur. Observe the Wo relative clauses,one in the indicative, the ther in the subjunctive ood. In the firs theantecedent ea is regarde a a simple demonstrative pronoun, in the secondas talis, and there re requirin a subjunctive. The sense of the passagewould admit os both clauses ein trealed ither Way the had os dissereiaceeXpressed by the combinationis the two is an instanc O the flexibi power of the relative in Latin. 9. Ut in such ise, that.' With gubernatores optimi supply

superare non possint.'5 . Humanissimum, mos civilised. 56. Publicani For an account of the Publicani. se Dici os Ant sub voce Cicero speak of them a closely connected withaim and his rother,


because the were chi ess of the an of Εquites, o hicli Cicero iniselfbelonged, and with hos interest he had n severa occasion identified himself57. Nostri consulatus Here is an instance of Cicero' excessive vani ty. He injure the credit hicli his overthrow os Catiline' conspiracylia Diri earne hina, b his constant display of his consciousnes of his

59. At enim, Staris a supposed objection, in orde to answercit. 6 I. Id is explaine by the ollowing clause, non te aliquantum negotii


64. Quid est negotii, what dissiculi is there in γ' e. Negotii is genitive os quantity rei dimensae aster quid, hicli in quantum. Observe the delicac with hicli Cicero hinis to his rother his nee of

sel Dcontrol. 66. Sit, a potentiat claus instea of an hypotheticalis concessive one. Se note on l. I. SeCt. I. I. 67. Cuius natura-potuisse, ,hos disposition is ne hichisne canse was capable of set restra in even ithout education. 7o Excolere, M refine.

7 a Credo is ironicat. 73. Nam reser to a suppresse sentence, sor,hicli it gives the reason: somethingis his hind may be supplied anxit illisnlyte the negotiatores and publicani who ere Roman citi gens who wil give o any trouble, Drthe Greelis the natives of the Province),' c. 74. Quemdam ex annalium memoria, one os the heroes of their

ancient records.

8 I. Conditio pecuniae, a bribe, literalty, term O money. 85. In luce Asiae. in the broad daylight of the Province of Asia.' Asia in Cicero' time meant that partis Asia Minor hicli ad been theΚingdona o Pergamus and which was thears Province hicli the Romansgo possession os in the Continent of Asia This is the meaning of Asia in the Acts of the postles It boundaries varie a disterent times Thegovernor of the Province resideDat Ephesus. 87. Itineribus, progresses. The Roman overnor made thei progresse through thei Provinces at the expense of the provinciais, an ostenput them to great ΟSt. 9O. Urbs-domus, ' each ity, ea chaouse. 92. Profecto, Ilam ure, used when omethiniis alien or granted. 96. Praestare, to e answerable sor. Frona the litera meaning, tostan before another, conae naturali the sense of ecomita furet soranother. It is sed in the fame sense elow ll. 17. Ia I. And cp. Cic. deor 2 28 Impetus populi praestare nemo potest. Legatos. Legatus is properi the pass. part os lego, depute.'It means, an ambas sador, as eing the representative of the fovereigra orpeople ho en him. ra. As a militar terna, a lieuienant-generat, subordi-


nate to an imperator, and acting as his representative. 3. As a civit term it describes an officer attending on the overnor os a province, an actin forhim in various uties here e a no present in person A governor had severat suci Legati the number varyin accordin to the importance of the Province, ut thei duties ere mos frequently of a civit character. 98. Tubero. No writings of his have furvived nor is nythincknown of them. IOΙ. Noster est, is urs, i. e. is attached o s. Ioa Nam here again is ellipticat, sonae suci phras as, ' andes nee notmentio more, is to e supplied in thought. IO8. Ferres eatenus, c., yo would no intersere literalty Myouwould ear it' so long as he was ni neglectinilaws to hich he was personali responsible, ut o would no allo hi in to se literalty notso that he hould use' for his own gain the power hichoo lent hi in togive hi in rank. III. Hi mores, the habit of the day. III. Ambitionem, ' courtin populari ty. II . Quanta- committere, 'o trusi acti man in proportion to his

II 8. Ex domesticis- apparitionibus, 4mong our private intimates Ο neceSsar attendants.' Apparitor' a the regula term for Sciat in watting pon a igh ossice of state suci a lictors, c. Apparere issonaetimes sed for to e an apparitor.' p. Liv. 9. 46 Quum appareret aedilibus, Vasa was attendant on the aediles. II9. Quasi This ord is inserte because, stricti speahing, hos towhom Cicero reser in his hapter ere not include in the cohors praetoria, a thos of homae hascius been speaking were. Ia . Rudis 'inexperienced. 'I3o Vas, an utensit, i. e. his signet must notae regarded a meant sor

13 I. Accensus as an ossice in attendance o Roman magistrates,

especiali When administeriri justice. I the word e translate at ali, perhaps the word marshal would cnder ii as et a any. I 32. Qui-deferebant, 'who, regarding the office notos a iece of patron age, ut as a post o tot anil service, set dona estowexit on an butthei own freedmen. Beneficium' as a technical terna sor sonae definite grant of honou or emolument, formali conferred, ei the by the eopte orb a magistratus. The ecclesiastica terni benefice, beneficed, comesrom it. I 35. Non suae sed tuae lenitatis. Cicero means, letaim not hoWconsideration to those ho conte unde his and on his own account, butoni at ou bidding. 'I36. Maioraque-potestatis, ' and et the asces hicli e carries besore o be emblem os ran rather than os power.' Maiora is here


fascesque praeserant illi ac secures dignitatis magis insignia quam potestatis, but the position os maiora ives more emphasis to the comparison a thelea dinii de of the sentence. 1 o. Aliquid acceperint, 'alae a bribe. 143. Se apud te multum posse, that he have reat insuence ith

I 5o. In quo iam offenderis, Mith honi o have at ready ad tosind fauit. 155. Huic quantum credendum sit vide, tali care o sar outrus him. Non quin m non quo non, and non quo in ' non eo, quod noti thegro und that, notis i f. Observe that the negative sentence, as speaking of supposed reason, has the subjunctive, the oppo sed positive sentenc introduce here by sed ' ostener sed quia 'Das giving the real re ason state das faci, has the indicative. Zumpi, Sect. 537. p. Cic. Tusc. 2. 23 Pugiles in iactandis caestibus ingemiscunt, non quod doleant animove succumbant sed quia in profundenda voce omne corpus intenditur, venitque plaga


16 I. Qui pecuniae,&c. The antecedent to qui eos, to e supplied after invenire. How then is it possibi sor ou to find in that classos eo ple the Provinciales ' hom he hasciust mentione d persons ho. Whil unde the incite ment of the love of gain the are fore go in ali hosethings storia hicli, cantio bear tot severed, shallo et sinceret flove ou. Who a re a strange to them, an no meret preten to do so sor heir own ad vant age γ' iis omnibus,' c., Cicero means their country home,stiend the dignit os residita a Rome, hic holies men, ho Jent into the Province to malae their ortunes, ga Ve P. 16 . Permagnum, a very dissiculi matter. 167. Tui amantiorem, quam temporis, More devote to ourselfthan to his own occasion S.'I68. Ascribito Cicero, laying own rules for his rother' conduci, naturali adopis the future imperative, in the style of laws, wilis, c. I 75. Sic vero, tu now-a- lays, oppo sed to vetere Graecia. 177. Adhiberi be entertain ed. 182. Iam- censes. The orde is, clam quo animo in servis censes esse me, qui cautus esse velim ac diligens in eiusmodi rebus, in quibus vereor etiam ne durior sim. In servis is literalty in the caseis flaves, i. e. in dealingwith hem. I 88. Ut si- faceres. i. e. ut se gererent, si-saceres A this is a supposition contrar to the actuat sact, it is rightly ut in thecim P. Subj., and nee no b altere a in sonae edd. into facias. Elthe way of expressing the supposition is admissibi here.