De vita excellentium imperatorum

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 208페이지


분류: 전쟁


I. Causes of his semestrue conquere in Atheniana in the Pe- Ioponnesian war, and subjecta them to the Spartana: ia great hition m est listas in decemvirate in ad the Grecianvtutes. II. His crueit an perfidae to the Thasians. III ruis attempta abolis the regia ossice at Lacedaemon an to bribetho oracles o Delphi Dodona, and Iupiter Ammon, for that puri Poso By the pries, of this last, hetas accuse to the Ephori: an acquiued II is stata in a mar against Thebes me orationmon in his Mus aster his death. v. He hecomes his own accuser by means of the levero Pharnabaetus. II. Confecisse: properly to have put a sto to; though, 2

promised that he movidae sereve his. Proprius implies Whatis ranatant euher in time ors div. Me itis applied Mintimam, p. 3T,I. M. Id metian is evidently antin here, in the teri, since there is nothin state that maias his an instans of Lysander' 'Melicandores . The manne in hic helaoceived the Thasians, Nas his: Myriere the partisans of Athens, and of courae the nemies of Sparta, a these Wostates mere iam CalWays rivias On his lancing thereium,


many of the principia inhabitanta secrete themaelves massembled theseopte in the templa fruercules, an solemnlyassure them that the past Nas sergive an largorien 'ose Who mere conceiaed the came pent formard. A sem da af ermatas, hen the supposed inemelves in ne midat faecurid, he attached them Mawares an destived them. 15. hi Me radem Something mem to have precededines Norda though in readinci in textris stricti accordinem in manuscripta excepi that avom menciose in brachela, asit is probabb not genuine. The common editions have Sisiaster potestare, bucit is notrio heriound in the manuscripta.16. Sustulerant This is no sto a reo, ut is generalbum a the preterite os tollere, hic occurs missi in fame meaning in the nox line, and hos proper preterit is obs lete.- go dolore miner provocation than Minime, thee et Ming put semine octuae. M. I tum potvisset. Constructione potvisset non lacere remere M. Mee p. 26, I. M. Acmmum Me crimine: indicted M. Gr. R. XXIII. s. 2.M. Foria Dinearum. This has reference in the decision of

16. visae probassetque i. e. Pander. veram stideest: i. e. Phamiamus. Man passages occur in Nepos, in sense of wMehris much confiised by the sudden change of the Stilbere. Is Postquam diserat. Construction: postquam, erat, ea qua retarem, de avita, M. 22. Coentasma This, d properi means is herame aeqviante mith, ut is osten sed in the sense of to read Beemme instances hereuiter. Ni die dative.


I. ius character, an extimettion II. Ηis Meedin and du-eation. III. Η is appotate to conduci the war againstrari cum me statues of Mercu in Athens are thrown tam by



night an inrupicio fixes upo Alcibiades clatine iam missipere ming mysterious rite in his omn)o e. IV. Foroius hois publici arriagned; ut his tria is postpone unti his departum for Sicily Whenc heris immediately recalle to ansmer totho charges: Ηe absconta Matrio Italy, nextri Elis, then to Thebes and finaltyrio Sparta: eris cursed by the Eumolpio

Priosis, an his properi confiscared. V. The Spartans, e hin suspicaeus endeavouro destrochim: Η flee tosius phemes, prefectis in hin o Persia Is mon received by the Athenian amy, and restored by the citigens: is successagainst in Spartans. I. The jommissi hic heris received by the Athenians, o his return VII , mon alis under inela displausure, and retirecto Thrace. VIII. Ηia piariotiam exhibited in the advicerae vives to the Athenian commander Philocles, ho declarat. IX. Plundered by the Thracians, hessees to Pham agus in Asia, Whereae triecto mata interest for Athenii. X. Efforis of the Spurians in destro hims,hic are successsul. XI. Further particulus relatincto his character. 26 Possit. The present is here ver elegantly used for thoimperfeci, to strenotan the idea:-not hae in eoiad do in that particular case, but What sta canio in an care. 6. Commendatio: popularib,' Crathero populamem; i. e. 2 -hae mill gain popularib.-Oris atque orationis of his personand adesosa; in serme haring refereno to the permnia v-yearanee, and the lauer, to the dismurae itaeis, octo the a te fum ing.8. rem minus in vita, uam in victum noctes in his embpage, than his table; or perhus, noctes in his public inanius private ii . Vita signifies ethsbite to thera victus reserario hae Supporta lisse. s. Temporibus algidissim inseresens most Mewvictime-

servire.'Io Simia ac se remiseriae is oon arae hae relaxe hi-self; i. e. hominis labis.11. Neque catis subrevi: meitherbae there secret cauae. Id. Dissimilitiainem may be rendere inconsisten , oner dietion candi erum is here used in the sense of Opposite.

his imagination, heraeither could have conceived of more numerous strueles of wealth nor embrace greater, than, M.



intelligebant, eum posse non noceri, decrederent quiescensim esse in praesenti, et iliud tempus evectandum esse, 'O M.

2 3. Triarem. in is iram trieris, nearer the Gree form. Io. Id quod tim enervi: that of hic there ad been


II. Ut se demovement that the should curae him.'-Utisque demtionis, M. Construction: que exemptam eis demtionis, incisum in lapidea pila esse positum in pullico, quo memoria ejus earet testatior note re p. d, I 13, D. IT. Neriam parvisse M. eos These infinitives Mem to boinfluenred by dixit underet d o by the sense of praedicare mentali transferre into inis sentence rom in precessint thus, Fordo sata that the had expelle iam rom it sine common. meiatvi, when the perceived that he M. 3I. Id Alcibiadi inutivare ari non potuit. r. R. XXVI. Obs I and underi XXHIII. Ea sagacitate. Me note is p. 3, I. 3.3 2. Et Athenienatam videret Construction Get videret pes

Atheniensium Senescere, M.

Io Uerbaserit. Me note is p. 8, I. 13. M. Domi bellique at home in abroia, in iis domestieandri eign relations. Gr. R. LIII. Obs. I. M. Aihil enim M. Me note tos Io, l. 21.28. Sieret rem aecidit. The litora renderin is obvious; butine phras Mem to signum is in case missi M. M. Hiae madosui se R. XXII. 32 3. Communivit. Me note re p. 1s,l. 12.



16. Magare. From s , and M, a mine, iam in arm t. Sub arctetam: a Neapon Norn under inerum, a Militis. 2I in minem comparatum. Monstruction: At more, quaerensiaris visere eum re, erem it eum, sor ejus corpus moristim, Miseerum sua muliebri rate, incendio aedi ii, quod erat eompa rarum ad interimensim eum iram.

28. Theopomptis, qui fuit post iam fluo nares Theopompus Evodist years later than Alcibiades.

que 'do, M. 33. Super se, meresue, and the oster infinitives Moughthe paraWEph: See note re p. 2s,l. 12. II. die imitatum Construction: Mum imitatum esse M


I. is virines, taeda, and meritari, opposes the inhvtymus. II., sorti s himself, Wit a se- asserenis, fidit in Phyle inen in Munychia, Where in tyranis trichin him arerepulae mitiuareat losa in humaesiit an patrioliam Theletaer of the tyrant is hillectan a secon evagement. III. Bythe mediation of insanias, iunco Sparta, a Mace hichrestores to theseopte in a aes of the commonme in is agre tost Thrasybulus, on term of the greatos humaniv; -ho iam procures the passage of a l- - oblivio for Dat ostencea. Iv. Η is rematae missi an olive cro . The manner of his destin. 18. Niud se est thus mutaris, M. This pronom, acinthia mae, osten refers to the sollaminhinum.18. I minem huic praeferor I placebo ne besere iam. Praefero here imp es mea iaceatimamin, Whic is hac of the under anssing Wherea Our Nord prefer implius hiare, hiphis an actis the wid. 26. vis uti,nisera natura quodam bono fecit tueri: ahewhiae of mhichae that is, Alcibiades , by a certain natural taci,

I. Itaque praeiacare Construction: Itaque miles suo bremniae non se album ore vero fortiana vindicat Flamma, que poterirere praeineare, se hic advires plus, iam praedem, a



I. Conon's command an deeta in the Peloponnesian war. II. is patriolium Unablerio serve his countv at home, sorine pur se of opposin ita nemius he offers his services to Pharnabaetus in Persian satrapri Ionia. III. His communio

tion missi the hin o Persia, an his testimony against Tisa phemes. IV., is imi honorest an trusted by the hirum;

in Whos refovices heri res a fleet, attacks the Spartans Et Cnidus, an completet overthrows inemn, re ira motiuens, and rebulld ita malis for Whichae contributes sty talenta, presente to iam by the in os Persia. V., attempta torestore to Athens Ionia an aeoli hom in poWer of the Perisians; mho, dimoverin his desim, reachero ly mahe them--Ives master of his person, and secreti de rvaim. Io. Erem bellom in last par of the war. Gr. R. II. M s. 3. These adjectives are osten used in both manners, and the construction an ae determine only by the connection. Tbus, stinima arbos means in Mehere bee, When in tre is compare mithrethera; ut the tomo a tree, When it is consideredint resereno toriis other paris. Id. Diligens imperii V strict in command a disciplinarian.' M. Genemrem et pro murum Generum implies that he mari



I. ius relation to Dionysius the lder: is haracter maintimac missi Dionysius in cohael; Whos foret' et lana emanages mit great abiliv. II. By the indulgenrem Dionysiua, Maring Plato in Syracum and the tyrant beata the philos pherbit in greatest ab e me occasion, Whic Dionysius hecomes suspicious o Dion. III. The influenee o Platoum Dionysius an also that o Philistus in historian. v. The suspieions of Dionysius increa re, M senda Dion toonfinis, and horum uis mos violent ab e Mon his famib. v. At Corinth, Dion joina Heraclides 'ho viso ad Men ex Red by the tyrant in misin an expedition against Syracum arid, missi a mali armament, tanta in the vetant' absence, an ea b


tae Saso emion of the goveriment. I. Dion ab eisi v mmis out missi mraclides, and emisos iam to e taliud. II. Conciliatin the favor of the amy, he loses that of the nobilitae, unci hecomes odious to the eopla. VIII. Biratagem an impia ovae perfidy o Callicrates. IX. The conspiracchein mellomaenised, an ali ining inela prepared, o the occisionis a Pobtic holysiae Dion is amassinate in his haember, by persona dimitte undis the gulae of friendahip. X. Theraeopte immediaetiaram in to the recollectionis hi servires heris publieb

ta e an interest in. Id. Maena ambitione: missi great display. IS ippe quem A Whom, to mit. 2. I rem ei gemit Noterio p. 13, I. 1s. 328. Usque eo corresponcti tu in the ollamin chinae, and theresere helancto non Mevia: Iebas a far unablerio Mar


Iso Nomm.