장음표시 사용
ance illi ho natur of that ood, hiuli represent a neuter Substantivo. Wo avo scire tuum ' and ridor meum 'in his Satiro verses 27, 1223. Horae has thre instaneos Clos togethor in p. i. 7.
sonium ' roser here to tho sevorit o a studiolis fauo. moros spem to have been a common exclamation astor Ciesro' tempora, o moros V orso 27 is cirrowod frona Lucilius cit is quo ted rom Persius vit. Augustine. On scire tuum ' se above note On verSe
2B. At pulcrum digito monstrari This is tho attompto dosones.
35. Assensere viri: This is in tho pie voin Nunc is 'astor his. 'Cippus is tho monumenta stone, On hieli as Ofter en gravedS. T. T. L. O sit tibi serra levis, and that wus no of tho common dormulae in ahi nilo avo of th duad. Convivae ' a distinguishodirom 'viri, aro the inferior guesis. ThDir applauseris stronger laudant 'in .go nimis uncis Naribus indulges t his is tho last thing, hiuli ho
53. O Iano, a terno II says that Janus, Who ookod both Ways,
Praiso. Ait is tho prosecutor says Posuisso laudatur is equivalent to claudat a quod posuerit laudatur olim posuisse Conington culis tho infinitivo 40alty the Cognato necusative XpreSS- in tho ruis revolvo i,' and refers o M. 400. Add G. 528 and R. Z. 60I; R. 1353. Romules stan is forti doscondanti Romulus 'Cevere' is suid of tho vitost sorti mon: holastis in indignation Whether Romulus is a man or omethin vitor than ullo omon that o hould applaud uel trasti.
bis rony, and ascis, hethor, i his producossors in satire, Lucilius and Horaee, Wore alloWod the onerio lusii tho town and the thera turnit into quis ridicule, he mannot have permission to mutteris Ord. With 40cuit' o hould naturali suppi orbere or flagello.'It has been suggestud that genuinum requires uso rendo thevor hy gna eur ut it seonis ottor to holit to tho usual mean ingon seu uit' and to considor thes passagorus one o Persius' eXampleso mi Xod metaphor. Genuinum regit probabi resors to the stor of tho ipse and th filo to,hicli Horae alludos in . it. 1. 77, thoughhoro the imago is uant to he to tho honor of Lucilius, ii fastonedon his nemies Without carinisor the OnSequenCeS. 115. Omne vaf r vitium Titis is a celebratea description o Horneo's stylo Oi satiro, Whieli Was on the wholo good-naturei and reo rombit ternoss. Amico sesem tot in opposition to populum ' h had
12 O. Hic tamen infodiam. This solio amo id0 continuod Hosay that tis, ill bur What se has to su hero, that is in his poem, whiuli ho orsonifies nil addi sessos as i th book ore tho hol in whiuli ho uanto depositolio rore spero that ho isto in to toll. In tho lis o Persius attributod to uotonius it is suid that he wroto Mida rochabot land that his frionii Cornutus, after his death, erased Mida rox and ut in qui non, thini incit helter o suppreS Soobviolas a rocloetion on Noro. I am hali inclinon to thin Casaubonright in oditi ni Mida rox, though at tho SS. have ur presentroad in g, and thougi Pthin tho allusion to e primarit at least, topeopte a largo and noto the Emporor; for Cornutus might avo chango it i ho thought that thoro was any ungor that Nero, hociatmodo bo a no post, ould alio it to imsoli. O the othorband it sotim hest O retain quis non raecause then, have herotho holo of th question hiuli Nas 0gur in verso , and thus hosperet,ith Whieli ho post has besen laboriri comos o light. In eithoreasse, a Plook ut it tho mean iniis tho fame . his eurset, hi j okoo his Worthles ascit ma seem, tho poet nyche Will notiarte aWayior an Iliad sueti asa has usuribsed ab ovo verses , bo).123. Audaci quicunque ossat Cratino The post goes on to appealto thos Who aro familiar, illi ho id comi Writor of thens, Say- in that tho will road his satiros and thus ut lasti givos a realaris Woruo Quis logo haseu 3: ' in vorse . He oin togethor Eupolis, Cratinus, an Aristophanes sus Horace, S. i. 4. 1ὶ Tho latior is hero allud 'praegrandis senex, Willi referene to his antiquitWrat horthun to his ago. Amato is ut in tho vocativo illi a verti in thospeoni person, as in iii 28, 29. Seo A. 53 M. 299, b obs 2 Η.