장음표시 사용
our Loi d, by a many different an independent historians. The narrative of Jolan excepi during the weel of the Saviour' passion contain very lituo statis found in illier of the ollier v riters That o Liulce, although in iis firsi partan a the closo it has nuch in common utillimauhes andiarit, comprisos nevertiteles in the mid ite portions a large amount of mauer peculiar in Luhealone. .atthemand Maricliave in generat more resemblance to achithera though,atthaeW being more fuit, presenta much thia, is no found in ari or Lince, hilemarh, though briefer has omo hing no containe in an otin rest. The Evangelista utero led, unde the Didance of in Spirit, to rite acti vii a specis obieci in vie v, an for different communities orclasses of readers. ence Whilo tho narratives ali necessarii exhibit a certain depe of liheness, the also bear eachrior irael the stant of independen . The four vitriter vary like vise in ei chronologica ordor an characterio the one hand it appears that,arh. and Johin, vult have litae inatter incommon, foliosv vitii lavi exception in regula an truo sequenm otio eventa an transactions recorded by them ascis furitie noto belo v, at eclose of this Introduction. nolis other liand Μati heman Lulis manifestly have sonaetimes notis much had regar in the regula orderis tinio a ther have been uide by the principi o association so thiat, in them, transam tious havin certain relation to eacta oster are noti seldom groupe togester,iliough the nia have happened a different times an in Various places.Yet along Willa ines man diversities, tho Gospeis otiatine u Maric, and Luhe have nevertheses a strihin amni pith ach other in their generalseatures of time an place. Ivlien, ho ever, the are compared viti Johu's Gospei, liter is seen to be a diversit nocles sinicinii etween theni an stolauer, nolint in respecta the chrouolora, but like vise a in the pari es tho
liis deaui. Jolin, o the ollier hand nai rates Inaint sues intractes and di murae of ou IMAE M occurrod ut Jerusalem, o Variotis forine occasion as
received reading in Liulce and wlia it means is virtuali unknovin laut clearly the incident occurre in early summer, o spring, and this involves the a oeptance of a Passove no mentioned by these three mitere.J This differen clining thus satisfactorii explained the existence of iste se Mid dissereno is of cours accounte for I Jolin is right in enumerati
severat Passovers, horas right in narratin What ob lx place a Jerusalem onthos occasiona. ut more tha this, re an in the other Evangelist severat
In temo the fame circumstances, it solio v also that tho Gospe of Jolinis an vias intende in lae supplementar in the thers ; aud generali speaking, narrates oni suci facts and event a lia no been recorde by thae other Evangelista This, ino, is every Whero manifestin the page of themaraiony,
one borrone matter ima another, o that anni o derived the common mai ter iron one Writis document Caresul an re aled comparisons of the sections treating of the saniem ut rences justis the bove statement.
contra lictor tomach other, acto parra,ru the Mavest suspicion in regar in
ΙΙ. The marinion matrer in the Synoptim has been esuinalec in many Ways, soni of thematelain no Valuatile resulta. A count of vomis ives norideaol in correspondences an divergences ori tho proportionis narrative and dis urso. A comparison by sections faucis indicato tho extenti variationi languam. Oreover, altra ut the more recent comparimus are incoram ovring to tho inaccurac of the w-casse Received Texia The generat restitia
2. In theso parallel sections verba divergences are so numerous asamore than ne hali of the vord used in ille thre Gospel are peculiar inone or the ollier Evangelist, and tho proportionis coincidences in au three is arnali Schin estimates idio coinciden mulie , ne vor in even
Mnces more marice in the narriiuve portiona.
historica truthiulness. The tendenc in harmonige has introduce many minor cormptions in to tho Greel text happil Wemo have sufficient autho ities to remove them. his edition of the armon present man more divergences than the earlierines butthus many nes Ahades of thought ars suggested Above ali, hae peculiarities of the severat vangelisis ure preserved. The mos minute matters of style an be o literat' importance; an ii ille recor os ur Lord' His ve cannot be satisfied villi anythingstior of the litotest attainaiae accuracy. The Revise Versio has his asciis cro ning merit, that it presentario the Englisti rea ier laeue than an other known versio in coincidences and livergences of in Gospes narratives.)
burning o incens on illo altari incense in thorars or uter sanctuary, and
in unis a r WMehimur Loid'a birit couli uo hau talcen placo, and thus sola coi recta tho error inade by later chronologista in respectrio the commenc ment of the Christia era It appears also froni astiGnomicat calcillatio that duriniusta. yeaae A. U. 750 there vas no other eclipse of the uioon visibi at Jerusalem; and during the nexi ea non at ali Ideler i. c. 2. Another noto os time occurs in Lulcera: I, 2, Whem Jolin tho Baptis is
Gemini, C. Rubellius an C. Fufius inat is, in A. U. 782. S Tertullian,
years in tengui se beginning of in III. and accepi the 14this Nisan se Introducto mole, Par VIII. as in dat, o in crucifixion, ovo tho
sub Augusto in uilaea per Sentium Saturninum. ' e. Grelon, 4. 19. I knox ista Sentius a proconsul of Syria froni A. U. 44 tii A. u. 748. Ivith this Moord the triuiition in ome of thio athers that thio hild Jesus remaine a least tum years in Egypt and this it is sald, is strengiliene by the διετη o Matti 2 16. Aocor ling to this te. Christ Was a Uut ivro anda hali Dare old a, Herod' Math So Sanclemente, De viagaris Erin emenda Eoue, lib. IV. Rom. 1793 sol. Comp. Ideler, l. c., II. p. 394 sq. Tertullian
mentaret . The iussissime o ine overnor a P. Sulpicius Quirinius notQuirinus, a many Englisl Writer stili holdi Cyrenius V A. V. is merely
betis evidenc against ilia I Wil lis notice that i potnis to a later dato than A. o. 747, and that 2 rendera probatile a dato in to tho deau M
for the literature, Schuror, N. Testam niseseritate. J6. More definitet stili is the sanie tear, A. U. 747, fixodis nos the dato o Christ' birili, by thoso vlio regum tho Maron the acu as having been tho κγnjunctionis the planeta Jupiter an Saturn This idea vas fidit imposed by the celebratod epleri Tho appearano an re mamno es that star vere coincident vitii the bisu os Jesus and ii is kuo vn by the nos exactastronomica calcillation, that in his very year, A. D. 747, these ivro planeta Were tune in coiijunction, in tho signis uae fisti Therarat timo, in illo 20thismay Wlien ille uere visibis in the eas besor suurige ut secondtime, omine 27thii october, thon the were visibi a Tuiduisit in the fouila. The were so ear eaol other, linat in hine unaidedisy the would appea as a single stari See Ideler, Hanct de Oreonα, ΙΙ. p. 399 sq. 406 sq. - This a Iulion of the dissiculi question laesore iis is certaint reconlinende by simplicity, definiteness, an a scientific basis an it is also supported by the coim siderations resented abovo in No. 5. It is furitier favore i perhaps by uteready explanation vllicli it assoriis of the dissiculatos contiooto .itholio a munt of uiat sta in the narrative of tho Evangolisti The calculations of ple have been verisio an extende in eoelut eam, but an careel lissat lcio id id eriai clarones cia uia. Die time o deparium and lielengili es the journe of the mao aro altogether Incoriain. Moreover, in Februar an Marcii, A. U. 748, ars as adde to the planetai clusior, and this may havs le thoin to D to Judaea. The commau, to lay ali chil-dren in Bethlehem ironi tum yoars old and unde Vivata. 24 16 migi, india cate an interva o sonio me bet oen ille appearance of the star and thoarrivalis the magi. OCleusin M. Irit.), ivli accepta December 25, A. U. 749, a the duis of themativi , finta in the conjunctionis the planet uir monition coinculin urith the conception os olin uis Baptist Oct. 7483. ple telis of a nen an transitor star, Whici appeared ea the planet in oct. 1604, and a si initar lienomenon may have occurre in . U. 748 or