장음표시 사용
Matthes alid ar contain no allusio at ali in the festivat o Tabernacles; no do peran sua expres mentionis it in Lulce. et Liulco ci 5 is most naturali referre totur Lord's ourne at that timo an it implies also, that thi Was his finia departuro rom Galilee se Noto ona 81. Luke and Jolui are therefore, here parallel. The Ircumstances os angor, luch hiad induced Jesus during the summe to retire froni Galile in varicus directions se Note Ona 68 , as .ellis the approach of tho tinis,lien die laould bereceived up,' aro insons of suffcient veight to account for his havin transferred, at this time, thoracene os liis ministr an labor iron Galile and thonorii to Jerusalem and Judaea, includin excursion to the countr oti an binyond the Jordan. In regare to the transactions during the wliolo interva o time comprised in his Pari, tho Gos is os atthemand ari ars silent exceptis here theyrelat that our Lord, after his departure froni Galilee, approached Jerusalem for the las uino throno Poma and by Waro Jericho, .liere lae a solio ed
18 15 ag in becomes parallel to tho accounts of attho v and arh. Such sor example, is in incident of the Scribo and of anosior in Liulco 52
of this portionis Liulce, chap. 13 1 18:14 Wissimo exceptionis chap.
ssed, amoniis transactions os ur Lord' ininisu in Galilee bet Mi his secon Passove an his rotarite in ille festiva o Tabernacles. The remiander of this vitiae poriton of Lulce, nainely, chaps 10: 7-11 13, and 13 1 17 10, as also 17 l8 14 reinaincto be dispose Lot in the present Parti Wissi many lea ling modern continentators, prefer here toriollo thema rativo o J6hn, an inter that ou Lord di not again returi to Galile asterino festiva o Tabernacles. O this principio, thereiore the presentia Inonyra constriacted. ence, Liulce 10 17 11 13, is inserte betiveen illo festiva o Taberatacles an iliatis Dedication se the particular in tho te on 3 8 89. Iviui illis arrangenient, excepi a regatas uae missiones the Seventy, inere is general aoeeinent amon recent Ommeiatator and harmonisis, although there is diversit acto ho v many onine evenis narraind
most audicious aro In doubi acto his mini. Soni assim paria o Matthe 'sparuliel 1 ruunt in the laber period. The place on his uae y, is supposed toliave been nem Memasalem Bethanyxor In Persea. 6. Liulco 13 1 17 10 fornis a continuous narrative so Meyer), an stedis urses vero uti ere in Persea. ut Dr. Robinson conuecta this portionisi Liulce immediatoly vitia 17 ID: 11 19 laeing placed earlier), and regatas the wholmas occurriti afer ias arsing of Lazarus and the et trement to Ephraim. His position is abi defende above, an seonis tora, stili tenablo,not villistanding the ac tiliat mos harmonisis differ frona lim Tho visu
oation, thus Inalcing Jotin's narrative nintermapte froni cliap. 10 22 u in the arrival a Bethany This seenis to conssic With tho accountsalven is ino Synopi ista of the ourne io Jericho an Jerusalem 107-110ὶ. The main question, though connected With many incidenta variations is r spectiniine positionis the mising of Lagarias It seeuis in fori a suin clumactae mur Loes s intractes; lieno the tenden a placerit a late a possibio in the histo . Plumptre in Ellicoti's Commenta , assim it a position after
as genuine in vis 3 of tho eight oi eviden , exteritia and internat, against t. For the auinorities Oinittiniit, and also torrui many Various re ings in those containing it, se critica Notos. It is ho ever, lihel tora B a true tory, though no 3 iue by Jolin Compare in Revise Version, Whicli viri uallyrmecis it iroin the texi, but oves it a place inii margin. Tho omission of the passage vovi connec Johan 8 12 more closely Willi
cusiae,med in raminither at this festival butes Mauso he had reniatnod in the vicinit sinco the festivalis Tabernacles se tho Introd. Noterio Pari VI. p.
227. The placo P Where dolin a ait therarat baptizing ' 10 40 vas messe
Bestia. Biit Ephraim, accorisin to Johi 11 54, ac near to the wllde Dess V or desert and thi oni desert in uia region is o thae eus o Bethel, namely the desert of Judaea lying on ine est of the Dead ea and the valle of the Jordan, an extendin noriti ard ut eas asciar a to the parallelo Shdoli, it notriarther Ephraim Was also a place of streianli, lihe Bethel. An these Balbinations Oint definitet an distincti to the lost sit o tho
more than different orans os the sanie nam beloning to ne tu the fame places This uould seem no impri halbie since both forins have uae amo genera signification, faeton, fretontiae , smin ille ouri P, a faeton; hae nctbein simply the feminine fori of the noun, ain the ther alcin ille erycomino terminatio D. Precisely the fame differenco is Mund in the proper