A harmony of the four Gospels in Greek

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miadis of Augus and the niddie of November, A. u. 748 o 749. I talis in inoan timo, octobera.' Se Lardner' mortes, Vol. I. pp. 370, 372, Lond. 1835. - There is, o uiis mini; no valid tradition. Accordingis in earlies accounts the stathii January, o Epiphany Was celebrate byssi oriental esturcii, in uino ui 1 and laurili centuries, a the festiva of thoiartii and baptismii Jesus Cassian, Collat. X. c. 2. In the occidental est urch, alto tho intadio of the fourtii century the wen initiis December Christis inasybori in iis ineptis the festival of Christ' nativi ; this dantiavinibeonfixedipon, parit a least, a Mincine illen current Wiliter solstice Thus, a lato acui tinis i Leo tho Great ob. 46l , there vere manni Rome, quibus limo dies solemnitatis nosum non tam de nativitate Christi, quam donovi, ut mount, solis ortu, honorabilis videatur.' Gon Magn., Ser n. XXI. c. 6 mi eler, Arretiveaia. I. p. 575. The observance of this alter festival Christinas sprea inio uio East While ista of the Epiphany, salie tripti Inal My Was adopted in tho vesti Here me are victout an othie data uia in probat lo me required forthmovent narrate a occurrinibet eo in tarthis Christ ait ille deassi olHerod in in early spring of A. o. 750. r. Rotanson underes intimates that noctem uia fix monilis vere require L Forty dus intervene I beforollis presentino in the temple but this is the ni definito marco timo.


10. Ele M. 11. Μatthan.12. Jacob. 13. Joseph.14. Jesus.1. David. 2. Solomon.


sion otiarticular generations di somelimes actuali occur propterea quod inesse essent et impiae. ' accord xto R. Sal. Jarchi see Jarchum Gen. c. 11, c. 16 Surentius. Bί . Καταλλ. p. 97 Lightsoot, Hor Hedi in au I: R. Astrihin example of an omission of this kimi, apparently rithoiit an such reason, is found in Egra 7 1-5 compared Wiui 1 Chr. 6 3 15. his lauersa sage contain the lineal descent of the high- est smin Aaron to the captivi a latio Egra, in the place cite i in tractilibach liis 3 in genealog through uis ver sarne linei descent, ornit at least si generations A simila omission is necessarii implied in in genealog o David, a give Rulli 4 20 22 1Cliri 2 1 12 Μati. 1 5.6. Foli generations ontrare rechoned during a

IU Inancterelare est in the necessar conclusion that astur Loes' regula descent roin David vas alWays asseri , and was neve dented even by

steretore, canive his true lineage a generation. his sione apparentiyin that imauhew because, beonning M. Abraham, it proce s by naturaldescent, as e cnou from histi O unti aster the exile an ilien continueson in the sanie mode os expression untii Joseph. mere the liras is changed; and 1 is no longer Joseph pho bomi Mesus, but Joseph ui husband of Μary, o vilioni vas orn estis vlio is calle the Chrisi V See Augustine, De Consensu Evangel. II. 5.2. o vhoni, sten, oes e genealog in Liulce latess relate 3 i in any Ira in Joseph, as the language purporis, then it must ima auferat in somoway bore the legat relationi son to Heli, eithe by adoption o by marriage. I tho ornier simply, it is difficuli to comprehend Why, along Wiin his truo persona lineage a traced by Matthemu througholae roya sine of e visti iungs to David, stere hould beatve also anotlier subordinate genealom, notpersonali his o vn, and runnin baci through a different an inferior lino tollae sume gressi ancestor. I in the ollier hand as is most probabie, his rei tion to Heli cani by marriam Wiin his davgliter so thaaa Joseph vas trul his son-in is com p. Ruth 1 8, 1l 123; en it folio iis, uaas the genealogniti Liulce is in factatis, of ary the mother of Jesus Tliis laeing so, We cante oeive a sufficient reason vlinthis genealog shout be thiis iven, amely, inorde toralio v definitet illa Jesus vas in the mos fiat an perfeci sense a d acendant os David; not only by lavr in the roya line os cing throues his repute fallier, but also tu factna direct personat descent through his mollieri


Urat, i Salathiol and Zorobast ollare indeo thio sanio in both genealo es, then Salathiel, ho accordin toruauites Ma tho son o Jechoniali by natural descent, inust have been callo in sonis Neri in Lulce either fron adoptionis marriago. In that case, his connection vitii David through atlian, asive by Luke, vas no his o n personalinealogy It is difficuli, tiaere-- fore, in se Wh Luke, sin aracini bach ah, descent of Jesus io Salathiel, aliould abando tho triae personat lineam in the roya hue os cings, an turmasido again to a meret Dilaterat an humi lorino. I thi mollier of Jesus ins in fac descende froni ui Zorobabel and Salathiel os .atthien, he, lihothem, Waa descende also froin David through in mala lino. V li rob heroi is digni , an lascribe in herint a descent limuli an inferior lineage 3

ADin the mero identit os ames unde these circunastances astord noproos for nothiniis more common in Scripture even among dotemporaries. mous artificiat theories of inhoritances an levirat marmages have at diti serent times been propos , in ordo to explain and harmoniae the two genealogios; ut in theolo it here talcen thesera, omo unnecessar' respectoo ali es them, it ma suffice here in quoto the voes of Lightioot opus est, nec ratio ulla, nec fundamentum omnino ullum silio fingamus conjugia nescio luse, et mutationes nescio quas, ut tollatur scrupulus hoc in loco, ubi quidem non est smapulus omnino ullus.' Hor. Hia sn Luo. 3 M.

age of thiri years, an Liliat the baptismii Jesus inoli place horti aster thetauer reache the sanie age Luli 3 23). o in baptismi Jesus inust have occurre severa montias besore the ars Passoveris his ministry, and the ministr o Jolan inust avo egu atraeas fix monuis ariter tha thobaptism o Jesus. The mos probabie dat for the re Passove is April,


is recor in expression used by ur Lor and thera, the usuali ovo theui acconling to the sense, and notis ordin to the leueri Asa. Clere e presses it Apostoli magis sententiam, quam locutiones, exprimere volunt; 'Harm. p. 518. I lias atready been indicatex se Introductor Noto on ino Relatio of the G pel in each other, p. 199hthat the Evangelist agro moroclosely in citations an in in narrativo portions. MomoVer, We canini di cove the sense stamus the leuer, an attention to te lauer is essentiat in thointei pretationisi ali documeniar evidence.J 16 Thias sine temptation o Jesus took place immediatet astor his baptism, appears ron the 6M osmarica: 12 an also roni a comparison ofJoli 1 29, 35 44. - cording tomari an Liulce, Jesus was subjecte intemptatio cluring the sol viva. attheman Lulce specis three instances of temptation, but in a disterent order. tritiose, that Dunde onmur Lord'shunge nius havs occurre at tho end of therior lays; hil ista, Whichincluded the promis os ali temporalioWer vias obviousi in final one. Dioorde otiatilae is thereiore the niost natural of the t o. Matthevit usesternis vllicli indicate direct succession in connection viti the secon and thies temptations and in v. 11, at the clos otiis account aiulceris notis definite.J 18. In v. 21 the Baptis declares illisa he wasmo Elias meaning tilia ho vas not Ilias se ironi in dead Whouirili JeWs expected. In Matti 17:12, Jesus sus that Elias is come Hready; V meaning that Joh lia como




grammatica question are discusse in the Noto ona 36, and other objectiona

stute l.

referritigri a Passover, lae places the entire Galilaean ministry, a recorde by

and the secon Passover a passe in retirementi This arrangement emphasiges the distinctio belui oen the Judaean and GalbIsean ministry and accountarior the absencei est reserence to Jotin's imprison

December to April, A. D. 27-28.

etc. April, A. D. 28.

This arrangement affecta only four montias of tho ministΠ, nainely, immine Ourne through Samaria in December in in succoedin Passove in April. I accepi the orde in Jolan a continuous up to the end of hap. 5, and places immediates alter illis the retur in Galileo in conseque e of the imprison mentit Jolin in Baptist.J 2 l. his, ur Lota' fidit assover, is mentione otii by Jolin thoughthe angvage of the ollier Evangelisiainpties asa he had been again in J daea Mati 4:12 ΜM 1 14. Jolin connecis illi his fidit Passove tho cieansing of the temple and thocasting out o the tradora; vhilo tho ollier Evangelisis describe a like transactio at his last Passover, ait. 21 124Φu Mari 11 154Φ Lulce 19 454 1. The question is mise Whether theae ero different transactions and wlaether there is noctiore a neglectit in orderis timo eithe by Jolin or in the other Gospeis. A the languam and tho notem time in ali ille Evangelista in respectri ,γui the instances, is entia ely definite and specific the ins erana, besai in dependisponis further question, nainely, hester our Loes Would bellicet in re at a b ly symboli an important publicisci, alter an inter alo tW or three year. Diat he was accustome in re at the substance ostiis diseo ses, or at least tho more structa paria o linem, ait different thnes


and before different persons, is suffciemi obvious. No it uiis is truo inis spectato the discourses of Christ, Wia migiat he not justi as et have repeat , after a long intervat an besere different persons, a publicis unisγli vi aci, sosigyificant in ii seli, an so expressive of his veneratio sor the temple and of his character an authorit a the Messialistola JeWs, it seems, di notquestion his right in periori suci an act, provide lae vas a true prophet. They oni demande mine signis his authori Jola 2 18. Diis Iesus gave, an laad atready given in his might Work Wrought at the sanie Pas over v. 23 Work Whicli rem iror Nicodemus, a Pharise an member ottite Sanlied in the admission that he Was inacher come imui God; 'Molin, 2. Tho definit an spem fies' statements of the Evangelisis seen to ei se in question The questionis probabilit need only be considere in inoabsenc os definito statementa.J

ε 25. A specificationisi timeris oven in Joli 4 35 Whichris tolerably dom

3 28. The visit in Nagaret licis inserte herois in testimon o Lutto 4r164 , ubicli is supportet by Mau. 4:13. he visit mentione inmau. 13:


innirini. Nihil vero frequentius, quam quaedam praeterinitti ab his, suppleri ab aliis ne vel smptores sacra eae compare acri Me inderentur, Vel lectores