A harmony of the four Gospels in Greek

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 330페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


lias heon used in suppori of tho three ears ministry In itfelicitia not comolusive thoum urged by vis commentators; escit a in noster probabilityto the many aminabove.JIn this instance, ilio in t ancient viet is uiat Miles interpreta omnis a Passover Irenaeus in the stir centur Et posthac iterum secunda vico adsoendit Jesus in dioni Paschae in Hiemsalom, quando paralyticum, tui auxia natatoriam jacebat xxxviii annos curavat; ' Acis Haem, 2 39. The samovie 'as adopted by Eusebius, Theodoret, and othera iuul in later times has


early parti tho Galilaean ministry Recent travellers favor in traditional


sinali plateat On the fide of the moxintain There is no reason for insistingstat the placo M very ea Capernaum, and the Horns of Haui spould bo a convenient localit for in asservi lingis inuit indes rom variova regions; comparo the etaile statemenia o Mari an Liahe, speciali the forineri


diis here.

is not certain.


hiateve in regar in thae orderit eventa in tho Gosmis, ve inust separate inem. Thiaras suggesti ve in referenco in ther questions of hurinony Thooni considerable deviation roin the claroneso cal ordo inmari is containod


circumstances, ulce accorda vit Jolan and the tW accounts are heres o

82. Diocliealingis ste te lepor evidenti connecta laesi vita in sanis Durne inrough Samaria, an is iarrate byaiulco ut os ira proper Her. Compar in incidentit in Scribo an another, Luhera i s*, an se this mi on 3 56. The dato os inis incident is very doubites. The position it cupios in the Gospei connecis it With tho Maluo ne to Jerusalem immediatael besore the Passoveri With sonis excursion fron Ephraim aster the res in o Laetamis. ut in mention in maestis Samaria an Galiles, seeuis opposta in is vie , an in favor of placiniit here GresWeli, Strou 1, Thomson, ischendorf, and Andre us, accepi in orderi Livite, oui dissem in among thoniselvos as to the exac relatio of thiat par of Lulte toruio nam ratius of Jolin. I Luke' orde is follo ed i l ecomes necessar in refer V. 11 to a ourne tron Ephraim in Jerusalem, during rhicli occurro an inosvenis vllicli folio in Liulce' narrativo u in the mini; rhere Matthos and Μari again be vanae parallel. So Meyer an many oui s. Seo Introd. Nototo Pari: L, and ino vario Meories of in ordo es eventa addedisse.J