The clouds of Aristophanes

발행: 1858년

분량: 258페이지


분류: 미분류


' Ην Ἀμινυ μοι μ' προδω τας ἐλποας, κο'H 'γώ πρότερόν πως ἐκτραχηλισθῶ πεσών.

Οἴμοι τάλας, δείλαιος ἀποπνιγήσομαι.

' λδε κακοδαίμων γε κατακαυθησομαι. IMO


2, 3. το χρημα .... ἀπεραντον. A common leoni m.


liner Gr. r. ε 316. - f. The emphasizing particle. πάλαι. . . . Pomσ. heinoris of the Verbo viti the advectreferring to the past, describes a single ac completed ait inetiine indicated by in adverti. The present tense, similarly constructed indicates that the action, though commenced in the past, is stili continue l.

no have done admore this. The partici αν qualifies ἐποίουν

6, 7. Ἀπόλοιο .... inreας The Peloponnesian uar hadal ad ram eight yeare The sariners of Attica had been compelle to excitange the count for the city, and o bring in thei claves vitii them. The tanger of thea siluation, in the naidst of a flave population that outnumbere tho De ,γr Athenia citigens in the ratio of nearly lauro one, vere increused by the opportunities of escape in the time os the var, and the mastera laad to relax the usual severities osinei treaiment. As it vas, the laves absconde in eat numbers, an caused the Athenians noto litile iam. Strepsiades is theresere naturali represente a cursingulae xv a laecause he cannot aselyto his flaves. Se Thucyd. VII. 27. - δητ. For theriore of this particle, se liner,


apent ei time villi horam. See Aristoph. Equites 537 μ φθονεῖθ' ημῖν κομῶσι. pon vlites a Scholiast remarica: et γα κομῶν ἐπὶ του τρυφῶν λεγεται, καὶ αυρουσθαι, καὶ μεγα φρονεῖν.' Seemuchelys note pon in passage l. 562, in his edition).

siades eos the last par of the moni approaching, vlaenine interest on his debis must be provide sor. In his anxie , he ordera his servant to light the lana and bring hin his memorandum-book l. 19, γραμματεῖον), out of vhiclitie restas the various items of his debis.18. τόκοι, interest moneys. The etymolo; of the mes, and the aenadog by a diicit it is applied to the pro luce of mone lent, are obvious Aristolle, Pol. I. 10 says: χ δε τόκος αυτο i. e. money ποιεῖ πλεον οθεν καὶ τουνομα τουτ


Among ille domestic animais, horae in Attica bore relativel a high price, o only on account of thei us suiness, and of in difficuli of heeping them, but also naccount of the inclination or lio v an expense hicli prevalled. Ivliile the linight cepi Br War an foro rade in the processiona marchis the celebration os thesestivais, and the ambitious manis rant so the races, celebrate xvith so Inucli splendor, higia oode an tuo versulsineds, there rose, particularly mong the ounger men, icta extra agant passion sor horses, os Whicli Aristophanes, in his comed of the Clouds, exhibita an example, an lmany the auctor give an account. So niat man impoverisiae theniselves by raising horses, viille thera laecamerici in the sanie occupation. Technica principies verealso early seruie 1 respectiniste treatnient of horses, luchbesore the time o Xenophon vere published by Simon, a

pp. 102, 103.

The solio vin table exhibit the values of the Atti colas an sum o account, deduce Doni caresully veighin a series of Athenian coin in a possession, an comparing them ivitii coin in ther collections. Asoli drachma isthe nitrio xhicli iste res of the series bear a definite prin