The clouds of Aristophanes

발행: 1858년

분량: 258페이지


분류: 미분류


NOTES. 423

again Maratra at ille philosophic canthio remove si ver , vem far sum M. Strepsiades affecta tora, Dightened by the proximit of Sparta to Alliens, as Seen O the map. The histor of the Peloponnesian rar, Wiactu ita at ready caused the Athenians o much distresso vili explain the


Whereupon Strepsiades ventures totali hirn himself, and in maxing style, rendered ludicrotis by ste diminutive of insphilosopher' narne, Ahout oiat,'s Σωκρατες, ΤΩ Σωκρατίδιον, Soerates, Socrati Voli repl)' of the philosopher, min iis elevated position is suci a laecomes his di i , Thycalles tiroti, ne, O creatur os a Gy3225. 4εροβατῶ .... λιον. nother sublime speret os stelliilosopher, an desi ne by the poet to ridicule a ce lain classis phyticia inquiries among the Sophreis, -

227-230. Oi . . . . ἀερα Socrates me on to vetereason vla he has mira into. the basicet to speculate Thewhole passage is a ludicrous embodying in visibi representatio of the philosoplai mode os procedure in inquiries into

Socrates, a delinealedra, Xenophon, vas notorio asty οsar remove fron the investigation into the μετεωρα, i. e. the universe, in heavent bodies and the atinosphericalphenomena viaicia occupy the naster of the ponderers, stat he considere it a plece of insanit to suretenderine' fel


Itho Anaxamras, to thei contemplation, bemus it ras ImpossiNerio penetrate to their actualdoundation and relations. This belonged monassyrio the physica school, lien, also, in the Eleatic' aut vas no foreim to the sophista, and amon them radictis speciali is designate as a meteo Moostra, Aristophanes in the Claud an in the Birds. Aristo anes, theresere, has transferre this, notri mulioso tW school onj, but horn the philosopher generali offulat time, to his hintinginouas calle the φροντιστήριον Monesimistiment se sues subtilites and vitii such expressionsa μερροτοφροντισταί - vhies Xenophon resolves into μερο μνῶντα and φροντιστην, - μετεωροσοφισταί, μωροφένακες, and ἀδολεσχαι, vehich lie se of the naster an discipies, designates the philosopli generatin isti in . reserence to the subrecti Whicli the busted stemselves parti in reserenceto the node of speculating and discoursing upon it. 230. - ομοιον ἀερα, ita,ndredisse. A resereno in theopinion of the Ioni philosophera pon the cognate nature of the foui anxiar.

232. - ἀλλ An Attio idioni, properi elliptical, sor


and move interest anciae ardes creditora, and nn ν properta is talpen for securi'ν. The phrase αγειν καὶ φερειν, t drie an carita, . . to plander, O ravasse, Is of Very ancient origin and reser torariving a Way catile an cariγ-ing avra fruits and other inanimate objecis In proces of tinae it original forem vas clost, and the vhole phrase rivas used in iste simple sense of to tunder For the constru

'As by a peculia Graecism, Veres vlaicli in the active tahea dative of the person a be referre in his personis a subject in the passive ines Vere in the passive have also

3 225, 8.


Iniserable condition. The Persia an Peloponnesian rara, the wars of Philip and the alsiance villi the Athenians, together vitii the tributes exacte by the lalter, Inus have unfavorabi affected iis prosperi . Villi the barbarians in iis vicinit it vas Engage in continua contesta, and was unaliterio restrai them, illier by force, o by tributes an lto the ther viis of var ra. adde the tantaliging ex tion stat, the with Inues labor an expense the hadmised a ricli Top pon thei sertile elds, thaei enernies destro terit, or thered What he had soWn; untillat lastitae mere oblige t pay the Gaul valuia te presenis, and, in a later periodo his tribute, to prevent the devastationes thei fieris These dissicialites compelle the ivloptionis extraordinaryaneasures, and finalty the exactionis the tollinvesset passing the Bosporus, Whicli in Olymp. 140, 1 B. c. 220), involved Bygantium in uae ris piissi Rhodes Among the earlier meastares, adopted by stem sor relievin them-selves rom pecuniar embarrassment, a the introductiono an iron coinage sor domestic circulation, in orde stat uaeymi litisse the silver in thei possession sor the pur se offoreim trade so carenngi War, and sor tributes It v current during the period of the Peloponnesian rar, and received the Dori appellation sidareos, a the smali copper in of the Athenians received chatis chalcos. Sincera Was hin and worthless, it appears o have been meret astrongilate of iron, having an impressionis one fide. 251. ειπερ ἔσο Π, stat is, ξεστι, fit taporari A. 254. Κάθιζε .... σκίμποδα, Sit mon then, po theoaered Ouch. The σκίμα- was a sortis soldinystool soruavellers, invalids, an sedentar persons Socrates Was


128 No TR s.


263. Ευφημεῖν, o observe a religio us silence. The ceremon o initiation is no viver, an nothinguemain but tointroduce Strepsiades to the ne divinities. The firstinois Adresse 1 to hini then Socrates proceed Mith a solemn invocation to Air, and Ether, and the Cloiads, tiae deities of

266. φ φροντιστῆ, to the phronfist. These svotas. 'sus a scholiast, cina lae understood illae of Socrates orthe old Inan; of Socrates, o that he ina be involcing thecloud to appea to hirn or of the old Inan, since Socrates Hready counts him among the number os the philosophera. Μitchel say the referri Strepsiades, alae ne vi admitte member That the popula voice subsequently fixedili term o Socrates himself may be athere seoin laetan uage vilicii Xenoption put into the mouili of his Syracusan dumier, hen offende a seeing the laesis Ivlioin he had laee brought to tinus payin more attention to


poetic Vein, os ubici no ne vas a reater master an

Aristophanes, viae he hos in give De scoperio his lyric

chas is in daugliter of lither oceanus, and of Tethys ste sanie stina compos the choriis in the Prometheus Bound. 272. προχοαῖς literalty the in asius, that is, urem iras. - χρυσεαι ἀρέτεσθε πρόχουσιν, e rato in riden puctera. IUissi regar to the laces mentione in i se


No TR s. 131


300. λιπαρὰν χθόνα Παλλάδος, thebais and of Pialas. Pindar calle Atliens λιπαραὶ και ἀοίδιμοι, Ἐλλάδος ἔρεισμα,

κλεινα 'Aθ αι, illustrious Athens, fair andfamous, the pro os Greece. 302. αρενήτων ιερῶν the unspe bis sacred rites, ibat is, the Eleusinia mysteries. 303. πιστοδόκος δόμος. Sacellum templi Eleusinii, in quo initiatio fiebat. Schutg.

307. ἀναδεικνυται, et thrown OPen. 308 Kαι .... ἱερωταται, and the nost sacred processionc in honor of the immortati. 309 13. Euστέφανοί .... αυλῶν, And wemcrowneis