The clouds of Aristophanes

발행: 1858년

분량: 258페이지


분류: 미분류


sophistical l c os consoundin right and wrong by plausi Ne an pugglin arguments in prove iste uncertaint of alimorat distinctions and by vague generalities, difficulario bedented an havin thei munierpari in the extravagances taught by oine of the Claud-philosopher of the presentdv. Strepsiades is anxious that his son liould o to thephrontister and acquire is ari s acto hel him in gelid


os Whicli anan examples occur, severa hereaster in his play. The old ma at lengili deparis, and knoching at thedoor of the phrontiste , distures the naiasino of the discipies; ne of vliona in a fit os very unphilosophical vitratii, telis him l. 133 to D to the cro us, and then asic hisname to vitales Strepsiades repties, vitii suit able circum-


NO TE S. 115

made to miscar ra. The language here an in ille prece lingspeech of the disciple is a liuinorous burtesque of the Socratic de of the naiaure ari, and of the intellectual inid vise, ulli chola pliilosopher himself the sonis a vomanv lio practiSed obstetrios, pronounce himself to lae; and steschool is hel up throughonost of these cenes, iis a pineeo initiatio into profound am mysterioris knowledge, Onceiae froni alici ut the discipies.141. 7 .... οντοσί. The orce of the demonstrative pronouncis adverbial forta, here, o L, your man here. 143. νομίσαι .... μυστηρια, But these thdings arcto beregarde a mysteries. The ridicule here is directed against the secret an mysteries uia1 belonge i to the interior of the philosophicracliools.144-147. Ἀνήρετ .... ἀφηλατο. The Chaereption here spescenis viis ne os the varinest mend and nos distin-mished discipies of Socrates Ho is osten mentioned by Xenophon an Plato. e mured his ealth by intensostiady und the fallo vnes of his complexio gave Aristoph

ne occasio sor severat Olces ut his expense. He vas oneos the exiles vlio returne to Athensis the do vnsuli os tho Thiri Tyranis. The philosophictu, or milier geometricia, experiment here describe contains an allusion to the thich, busti eyelam us o Chaerephon, an ille bald head os Socrates It might be repeate an da by the philosophersos modern Athens.148. Λεξιώτατα, os deaeteroustis. 151. Περσιααι Persia sandala; handsome, re sandala, silco the Tuticisti stippers of the present times. 152. ἀνεμετρει, he et bout me uring om. Ole thes ce of the imperfeci tense. - το χωρίον, the distance.


116 NOTES.

3, c.

177-179. Κατὰ .... φείλετο These three lines have caused naucli sifficuli among the commentatore. The ali sion in the sirsi lino is to the geometricians, Iulio coVere a table vitii fine and and on this rex thoi figures in thesecond ille philosopher is represente a talcing up aramallspit, an then handlin a patris compasses an in thethird, the sceno suddent changes, and the discipleonalces


him viii avra a closa fron tho palaestra It is velltcnown ista the palaestras vere a savorite resor of Socrates There, vitile the oun men vere practising theirexeresses, the oulside armenta ere lai aside, and of eourse, misit easit be stolen Pectaps the oet is merelyridiculing the philosopher, by mahin his discipi begi as

not inean to ansWer tho querisi' question in an other Way. Bolli says, Praestigiatoruin artibus Sum fingit personatum istum Socratem; nam quemadmodum praestigiatores aliud agunt, aliud agere videntur, saepeque mira celeritate nihil suspicantibus aliquid vel auferre, vel inserere in sinum solent; sic isse in palaestra, postquam cinere consperatiabacum, tanquam figuras geometricas descripturus, Velut mutato consilio, veru alicubi arrepturn incurvavit, tum iam sus propositum se tenere fingens circinum in manus Sump- Sit, mirantibusque spectatoribus, quid sibi vellet, et de his rebus, praesertim insuetis eo loco, inter se colloquentibus, dum minus observatur, pallium aliquod, quo ei opus et Ri, h. e. non adeo vile ac tritum, ut nullo pretio futurum esset θοιμάτιον, non ἱμάτιον veru impacto, tanquam uncino ex ipsa palaestra, loco frequentissinio, sumtus est, eoque Ostvendito coenavit.' Accoritin to this note, he stole the


118 NOTES.

iti palaestra nae thave been Don the circumstances besere mentionesi, a humorous an provectia expression sor Milycheating one o an illing. A lai prescribing the penaltysor se stelisin a garinent froni uio Lia ceum, o the Academy, o the Cynosarges,' c., is cite by Demosthenes, Contra Timocratem, T 36. Κoch adopis inother rendinnirst proposed by Hermanu,

θομάτων instea of θοιμάτιον offerings vere test in the palaestri tomerines and the trici clinmed pon Socrates, accordin to this reading, is that he ictae avra a bit os


ineat mi in pulsestra While the attentionis e spectator vias occupied vitii a pretende geometrica demonstra


183. Μαθητιῶ γάρ, ora longa be a dis Ole, o raster,

about In the centre of the oom, an evidenti se apartsor Some unusual purpose, stand a mali litteris portabieeouch. The cene is complete by tve semiae figures. The ne bear a sphere in her hand by Way of beli, helias partis ste odia round lier valsi, and lier obe-malcer has evidently been instriacte noto be sparing of Suns,nioons,in stare in her trape . A this figure a meant to represent Astronomy so that, vitii her compasses in herhand her robe lentifuli Mured villi dia ranas, and the mystic nilometer o her head is evidenti intendo sor


120 NOTES.

184. -τὶ .... θηρίας 'hae pari of the wori do thera animal come fron ' or, ohat sortis creatures are Meses 186. Τοῖς .... Λακωνικοῖς, M apsines adde from Pylos tha Lacedaemonians I mean. The event alluded tot this line vas one of the Inosi singula in the Peloponne-εian war. The siegem Pylos ivlaicia vas gareisone parilyb Sparta soldiers had lasted a long time, and the Athenians rere γε ginning t be discontente xvii l Nicias, stefixst of the te generuis Cleon, tho mos notorious dem gοDe of ille day, eige this occasion to inflam the populardiscontent. Me potnted a Nicias, ut sonis Niceratus,ste generat,' says Thucydides, bein his eneiny, uidincline to censure hirn declarin stat it mul be Myenougia, is the generias vere men to sati viti an armamentan capture the orces o the flami, and that he himself vould do it i he had the command.' ery inexpectedly, he vas talcen at his vor 1 Nicias offere to resim, and thentaeon triet to vithdram But in more te declined thevοyage, an trie to escape si in his o vn mords,' remaris Thucyclides, alie more li , us a customary Withis Inob, insiste tapo Nicias resigning the command and vere clamorous sor Cleon to sati. ' orate uvas finali compelledio submit to the honor vllioli the fovereign eopte thrustupon him in est. Putting a bold sace ponestae matter, hesaidiae vas no afraid os the Lacedaemonians but vitii the Lemnians and Imbrians vlio vere present, in addition to thosoldier then atinos, he uid, villiin livent Mys eitherbring to thens the Lacedaemonians alive, o kill themthere This boast viis received by the multitude vittishout o lau liter; ut 13 an extraordinar series of necidenis, he was en led is sulfi his promise and withintwenty lay brouolit the oldier of the garrison, among Whoni ere abolit, hundred and tu ent Spartans, prisoner in thens See Thucydides, IV. c. 27 40, Wherethere is a most able narrative of these evenis Thei datera B. C. 425.


was helint be amotis conquest in divide the land of

mn luere tribes O nations amon the conquerors. The

distributionis the lanx vas employed as a cautio a inst, and a penalty sor, revoli and the Athenians perceived that there vas no cheaper or belle method of maintaining the supremacy, a Machiavelli has a traxisti reuiarhed thanthe estia listiment os colonies, villicli si ould lae compelle lao exert themsetve so theIr Wn interestrio retia possession


os the conquere countries; but in his calculation ut mere so blin 1ed by passion and avarice actoriast in pereeive istat thei me ures excite a lastinitiatred -inst the inpressors Domi consequence of vhicli Versight Athens severet suffered Me re o mi it disinterestedness, hen ne state endo us ita oor citigens at the eos osanother it vas os istis classi person uia iste se, uera vere chiess composed, and the state provide stem Willi arvis, and deisayed in expenses os eir dourney. ItIs nevertiteles triae that in land were distributed 4 dotamong a fixed number of citigens the principiet divisiondoubiles Was, stiat alto illi mistae to partesce in the adve ture applied voluntarily, and ii vias en determined by tot vho hould and who fhould no receive a hare. I any wealthy person visite to go ut asin sellow-speculator, ullliberi must necessarii have been grante toralim. The profites lenes of the concer sorbid uario imagine that an in ciuetens cast lota, and that those pon hom the hanceis Mere compelle to Rcome Cleruchi. The sistributionis land was oscinos frequent occurrence uter in administrationis Pericles Pericles himself, an his successors, Alcibiades, Cleon, and ther intesmen, inploye itos a means os appeasing the need citigens and the Andnemo the common Athenians sor his measure Inny be eensroin the example of Strepsiades in the Claud of Amstophanes, Iulio, o the mention os the avor Geometry, is instanti reminded of measuring out the land of the Ieruchi. See Boechia, Public Econon of the Athenians, Lamblatriinslation, p. 546 56. 204, 205. Ἀστεῖον .... χροσγον, 'Tis a ea sita Minyso mention for he contrivance a both repui eari and Maesia. 207. θναι. The disciple stimus hin ama , and pianis out Athens on it. The oldisian lio vever humo usi susit cannot be Athens, sor there rei no judges in a seen