The clouds of Aristophanes

발행: 1858년

분량: 258페이지


분류: 미분류


an account falae ancient ac laorses an illei numes and

'st. Ita,' sa mera anno et sententIn optissima est, et lepor inane dicacitatis. Id unum optat Strepsiades, ne necessarium fuisset istum equum emere. Atqui si oculus ei antea excussus fuisset, noluisset eum in Phidippides. Facete igitur, optat Strepsiades, equum jpsum, qui κόμμα habebat, quo in hippotropheis genus equorum deSi atur, quae res haud parvum liast et in eniendis equis momentum, aliud ante accepisse κόμμα quo eruptores deterruisset.'25. Φίλων .... δρόμον. The young man, dreamin Ofthe race-ground an imagining that iis rival is cro vding apon his truch, murmura, Philon, Nuir no jDir, his On


eourses ossi the wa-hariola runs Hermann hoWeVer es serves, Ambiguum est, πολεμιστηρια sintne ἄρματα an ἁμιλληματα intelligenda, sitque hoc nomen accusativo Mua nominativo dictum. Illud quidem non dubitandum videtur, quin auri ratio potius Vel equitatio, quam currus eo nomine designetur. Quod nominativo si est positum, quaerere putati lus est Phidippides ante cursus initium, quo Grossacturi sint. Verisimilius est tamen accusativum esse πολεμιστήρια.V30. I ταρ .... Πασίαν; The vicina aster iliis inter ruintion return to his accounts. The vord τί χρέος βα με are


διαπτάσθαι σκάφος. Frequent allusion a re inade to thematell-mnlcers of Assiens besides many thers by en phon, Mena II 6 36, here Socrates repent an observ

υβ have been thiιs deceived hate eae other and the moue, maduer. See also Becher' Cliaricles, p. 351 and tho a thorities there cited Plato, Theaetet. 149, describes themas bein all-hno vin upo the subjectis marmages, andupo the adaptatio of the various temperament to achother.


Ivith regar in the iis of themanae macies, Hermannsus, With good auiigment, Quoniam nobili nomine opus erat, usitatum in splendidissima gente Alcmaeonidarum in men Megaesis, idque ipso significatu homini nobili congribum usurpaVit poeta. iam hominem si vocavit Megaciem Megaelis filium, secit id eo ipso consilio, ut non certus subdam ex Alcmaeonidis, sed aliquis, quicumque, Summo loco natus intelligeretur.'

one Dor the nam o a promontor nea Phaleriana, n vhicholi Persian hips vere riven, aster thera aule os Salamis, and sithere vas a temple in honor of this oddess, gome remiana of vhicli stili mari the spol uae ther an

epithet significant os lier ossice, lithe cluat os ine Venus en,


Gr. r. 323, 3. Englisti translation Soph. r. Gri, 3191. 61. Ἐμοί .... τἀrαθφ Observe in comi force of ino particle, and the ironica applicatio of the epistet to sto vise, mo me that toto say, and thi good .se of mine. For ille parties δη, seo utiner Gr. r. ε 315. 62. δή. The partici here signifies forsooth.


108 No TR s.

smin φείδομαι, to spare observe Din the sorce of the tuis persect tense. It viis the generat custon among the Athenians to nam the siret son aster his grand&ther, though uiaturas not uniformi in case Her Strepsiades visite is sol,lo filio good H Athenian s hion. The namingi a son vas theriather' butineas but the nother of the promising un gentieman assumes, o account of her superior Urili, i inaniae supposed, to giveratim a nam in accordance vitii her ivn notions os gentili . 66, 7. εως .... eaumoqν, - α time tosta piis piae dispute divit at Lat se eam to a compromise and called

pellation, an attachin loci an aristocratica termination. Ali the paris of the nam thus compotinde are significant, and the whole implies a person disposedo economige in horae-nesh,-dust the opposite of the real character of hiniurii bore it In his contrast v ma suppos the audiencedound a part of the wit of the present scene. An ex- ample of simila humor occurs in one of the Princess


genilest manner, callincto him pist Various endeamenta, and by tende diminutive nameS. 76. δαιμονίως, here equivalent to deueeῶν. The tord is used somelimes in a good somelimes in a 1 ad sense.

nificent mansionis Strepsiades It is entered by aliis of


steps do vnWard in orde to convento the spectator steide os an undem und celi or cave. Besore it, instead Mille Apollo Agyieus, e hali perhaps seel justine in plac-


It was notorious that the sophisis exacte enorinous passor thei pernicio us instructions and that man os inem accumulatei large sortianes. ut the charge a applied in So rates vas fulse rate neve received an compensation Iuliat


Such it vas the professionis the sophistari Inalce there di


102. Αἰβοῖ. ... οἶδα. Phidippides staris at in memtion of them, Bah te rogues, I lenoets. In the nexi sente e te refers o ome of their antasti habita, their Whimsica austerities, thei philosophic paleness, and their affectation o ming 1 arctoot the bein to intent ponintellectuat matterario inve an heed to theseoliings. Villi Socrates, io ever, these habita, though odd, pere notassected. 104. κακοδαίμων. Diis epimet of Socrates may beria tened pon hirn in satirica allusion to his remon, o theguidin spirit to hicli lio Due ilia name, and whiel hedeclared, varne 1 hii os the natur of the actions he vas

106. ἀλφίτων. The rustic ideas of Strepsiades alio themselves in the selectio os his phraseolos . mour rya in naturali occursu him a the representative os properi in generat.107. ούτων the partitive genitive, of these, i. e. One o Me8e. - σχασάμενος, Farasin murae rom, or in liveant of ille day, culting. 109. φασιανούς. Some explain his vor a meaning horaes, fi oin the Phasis; thers, a phe cinis the lauerpres abi is correct The vors may also allud punninglyto sycophanis, Dona φαίνω. Leogoras a RAEourmand De- .senu ridiculed for his love o good eating. 110. φιλτατ ανθρώπων. An expression os specia son meas deares of human belus, ny dearest fellato. 112 145. Eῖναι. . . . ἀδιαώτερα. The poet here alludesto soni of the mischievous opinion taught by tiae sophista, and speciali to the ari professed by sonae of them, of mahing the vorse appeti uaeri ei ter reason ' os defendingany id os an question or cause by the subtilites os