The clouds of Aristophanes

발행: 1858년

분량: 258페이지


분류: 미분류


Enais an banquet et ad the se ons, and a tae Omlns ring th Bromia Dy, and the rivalmes of harmonio Mor ses, and the dees-refoundis metuic literalty Musa)offutes Thais chores soniis a beatitisul descriptionis thesestivities an poetica amusements of the Athenians. Noesum ancient times equasse Athens in sti varietV taste, an splendor oscit entertainmenis, iis processions it cycliedances, and ita Dionysia exhibitions These last mere themost remaricabie os ali a beinmine occasion Whicli prinduce theanasterpieces of the Attic tragic drama, the woAsos aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides These exhibitionsare meant by the Βρομία χάρις, at in corning of spring the greator Dionysiac sestival talcing place at that season of thsyear. Se Panegyricus o Isocrates, p. 15, Fellon' edibtion, and note p. 79. in I essWorth, in elegant author os Assiens and Attica,' mahes sto solio vin remarks Aristophanes, in id playis in Nephelae, bring his mddesses, the Clouds, smin ine heights of Mount ames, viten, in compliance With in invocation o Socrates, ille descen to visit thoearth. Quiving thei aeria stationis this est mountain, the soar ver ille Athenian lain, an floatin acros ine alce lilii of Lycabellus, at the northinas extremit of inoesty, and aliove in to vesitself, and me rori os the Acropolis, the ny ver ille Parthenon, and a last alight o the stage of the theatre o the outh idem in cit ei. Besore the commenc thei nicti, une dot stela voices in aetiora strian replete viti poetical beauty, Whicli sumisiies conclusive evidence stat the poet vlio composed ii mighthave been a distinguislied sor lyrical a he was sor his dramati excellence istas, in a vord, he misit have been a Pindar, t he had no been an Aristophanes.' IF il listening to tho beautisul lang'age and melodious hamon ostiis song the audience might almost imaginoitaeis tora, placed in the fame elevate positio as ras Oo-


cupla by those lio unite in ivin uisiterance and stiencerit ma 1 seem to contemplate est the nobi an mirspectacles vllici iste there se an describe Together vitii the chorus of the Clouta, it migii appea toclook do unum the objects of vlites the speia a then visibi tolliemselves to se the land of Pallas stretche oui before them, and the lost temple ani statues of Athens at claeirseet to trace the long train os vorallippers in festa arrvgoino ver ille liliis to the sacre mysteries of Eleusis insono v the sacre procession utin ling through the street tolli Acropolis of the Athenia city in ivitnessalae banquela an sacrifices o solemn holidays to belloid the cro νει seMed in the theatre at in beginnin o sphing, and vieining the ances and listening to the melodies Which there rave an additiones charn to that eason o festivit a

,π' Pictoria Graece, p. 87 88.

316. μεγάλω .... ἀποῖς, greatio esses for tale men, that is, the philosopher an sophisis, Iuliose pursuit the et uould represent acidi an useless. Nφώιιμοι τοῖς

- -- απράκτοις ' οἱ γαρ ἀργοὶ κεχήνασιν εἰς τὰς Νεφ ς'

says iste Scholiast. 317, 3 18. λε .... κατάληψιν. In solioWing out his purpos o ridiculin the philosophers, the poet mulces So rates ascribe to the cloud the faculties an aris hich thesophisis professe to ascertain and to cultivate. He lud, cmust mingles piliilosophica ternis viil ui cant of the jugglers. γνωμη , thought. διάλεξιν the artis discussion byssuestio an anssuer, o dialectica, in ari carme to ita higlies persectio by Socrates. νουν, sed in a Variet os philosophica senses, but ali traceable to the generat idea offntel series, oesiae intelligent principie, as distinguislied horrimatter. τερατείαν the wondro ruri, the amos deritas unia supernouuria inius, Iustis, toιωhoras, tia Aia ari. περίλεξιν the ari faiahing round an round a subueci R. glos explains, ενπορία κω περιττοτης λόγων, adi dane and


scribes a rhetoricia thus: -

do distinguis 1 and divido hiar tvrlaga fouth and fouthiareest fide.


συνολεσχειν, early the me a ste last, to argue aetatile .

to the manne in vilich Socrates vas accustome in manam

his philosophica discussion mith ste in of his celebrated iron called by an old Englisti uriter do mock), by vhicliti opposed the opinion or marinis of the philosophers πώμας With doubis and questions γνωμιδίοις), Whicli, s


NOTES. 137

stem to the εἴσοδος, or place sphere the chorus entered thepari; of the theatre appropriate to them.' Bothe assims par of the sentence to Strepsiades, altering the pronou toαυταί so that Strepsiades is made to ask, Φέρε, που δεῖξον, χωρου, ατταί anil remarica vitii regar to the commonareangement, Muid sibi velit bis positum αυται, nemo exputaverit.' seenas to me the votas illiso bear themeaning ut pon them bymitcheli They clearly areno used by Socrates to in cate separate rudies of clouds proaching. There is no disticuli in supposing Socratest be vutcliin their courae, an potnting them ut o Strepsiades a the move long repentin the demonstra clivo pronoun used accordin to a very common diom, advecti ally) bemus Strepsiades, though loricin hard could no se them a firs at ali Accordin to this levi, thecommon readin is the correct ne an iis explanationnatura and My. Translate, theresere, There tam come,

μφλημα εχεις εν τοῖς ὀφθαλμοῖς μεγάλας ς κολοκυντας ' λημη


reason uisa, Μinus apte haec vecta leguntur sub persona Strepsiadis, aspectu Nubium defixi subjicit Socrates rati nem, cur jam fieri non possit, quin senex conspiciat: Nubes. 'But the word naturali belon to trepsiades. Socrates lias Hready told hii that he cannot hel seeinistem, unlessii Is a latini as a bat an Strepsiades repties, es, to Mamre, and the lareah into a direct addres to them. O

331-334. O ... . μουσοποιουσιν. The poet is here rid, culinguli viliole liodor of charistans, in divination, medicine, music, an poetry. Aristophanes vas a great conservatiVe, an lorace viti the keenest contemptrapon ad the innovations hicli the s hions of his age ere introducinxi popular favor. The vices of the sophisis per perVading eVery departinent of Attic se an art. retende philosophera per teachin atheistic paradoxes the authors of the cyclicelloruses and the lyric poets generali utere inti ducin aDrced quaint, an assecte sine clothin commonplace oraexaggeraae thought in santasti phraseology like ome of the neW-schoes poets of the present age the musicaansavere throwin aside the severe and simple stratas Whicli bracedis an strengthenei the ouis of uae heroes phosought a Marathon, and substitutinii thei place an esseminate an corruptin musica mannerism, unde Whicli theyoitu es Athens vere becoming voluptuous and seel le Juyglers an quack of very description vere ouring theirdebasing influences pon the democra i Athens, under-mining the virtve of theseople, and preparing them so theriai Whieli spee sit overtook the state in the par uritia Sparta, and afteruratas in the conflicta viui acedonia. Θουριομάντεις, Thuri- oothsvers. The poet alludes heret ut Athenian colon sent out B. C. 446, to fetu near the


ancient Sybaris. Die oothsayer Lampon vas place atthe head of the expeditiona accordin to Diodorus, he Ilvas honore Wiin the privilege of a seat at in table of the Prytaneum, ' ἔτυχε δε καὶ της ἐν Πρυτανείφ σιτησεως.' This privilege viis grante onlyrio the mos distinguislie men. Ιtris inis circumstanc stat gives a potnt to the poet' satirmcia allusion ἰατροτεχνας, docto arsisti, metucles Lith Molier', ut mos illustrious comi poetis modern times, Aristophanes seem to have ad a great antipathyrio medicat men. e alludes in this passage probat ly, to Hippocrates, is hom an to vhos descendant the privilege of the Prytaneum vas grante by the Athenians σφραrιδονπαρr κομήτας. his anausing compound is thus explained in the E *ologicum Mamum: - μή ασ-- παρὰ Ἀριστοφάνει ἀπο ου σφραγὶς κα οντ και ἀργος και κόμη, οἰονει ὁ φερει τοτ δακτυλίους μέχρι των νύχων κώ ὁ αργός εστι κα κορο

of this hin originalty belonge to the Bacchic sestivat, thecyclic ance and the Bacchi dithronil bear early the Same meaning. ence κυκλιοδιδάσκαλος M. 1403), a poetvni teaches his dithyrambic strians sor sonio public exhibition.' itcheli. σματοκάμπτας songinustistera The poetdesignedly uses these sesquipedalian vord to ridicule thoponi and unmeaninitioniliast of theriashionabi stylo introduce by the dithyrambic composers. VOS rem S, - Their sorineri simple, vigorous, chores style os music Wastos in sustian and artificialiuourishes. me alludes speciallyto inestas, Philoxenus, an Cleomenes. μετεωροφενακας,

verse. aliis hole passage is a ver ingentinas Satire pon


140 NOTES.

si absurdities introduce into music metry, and literavstyle in generat, in the time o Aristophanes A intimeat poetis equaliso vers 1ight findritae materiala sor a similarmine ly in the affectations hicli liave o late been solstedupo the Englisti lanπuam by the writings os a clam ofvthimsica an eupli uisti authors ho have mei; Ruth Somesavor unde the helter fir GHyle' example. 331. Sqq. The classes os imposiora mentione here, and the sint more numemus classes satirige in the Birds, hoWhos easti imposed pon vere the eople of Athens, nobviilistandin thei genera intellectua culture. In this, asin o many ther respecta, a parallel nimiit beraravi be- tween the Atlienian and the American eople - especiallythemes Englandera. Among us there is a generat activi of mind Mucii, vitile it has it great an undenim aduam lages, has also ita dari fide. The active, excite state osmind, ut icti no v exist among the descendant of the Putans by no means necessarii implies the prevalenc os amund common sense. O the contrary, it labis vlaole classes of honest peopte ope to the aris os the imposior in a pecubia degree Foroliis sanie excitet conditionis the min*vithout caresul mining in the habit os ii accuracyos observation, and the niosi truthsul repori os me iuga observe l, is far iram uaritin us aminst ali in is filiusion of the senses ali hiniis os salse reasonings ponsacta assume 1 vithout mos and satia reor o the niost imporiant subbecta. Ingenious as vere lae imposior in Alliens, ille neverventure o sues a bol experiment villi the popular er

desit a liave tho America Spiritualisis. The writingmediums, the trunce mediums, the consulting mediums, Pholiave playe so vetes a ganio sor severat ear past, vici the wealcnesse os me and vomen findis representatives

of their ames in the copious vocabular of impostum milies Aristophanes Wiel 1ed villi suci telling effect Lud,


crous asos ste picture of the Phrontisterion exhibiis in the lavds, even the wit os Aristophanes cannot mahe ithias so ridiculous a the sessionis inrcle ' of Spirituabist mund arime, vitile in longdeme an vulgar myst

to the nos puerile imposture that ver discredite theliuina mind. t need a genius heciliat of Aristophanesto lain his modem soli and cheat, tanti men, vomen, undchilare glial be ashaine to achnoivledg the ivere sor amornent tali en in 1 fit shallo v Jumteries. Die sithyrambic poeta, parodie in the repl of Strepsiades, mus have been a good deal like r. honias L. Hariis ivliose larchetypia ideas. ' perure tot by the highest authori , vere internali inri rought by spiritual agen into the inniost min of the medium, he having at that time passe into a spiritual or interior condition. Fron thaltim unti the ourth of August, sed by continua influxeso celestia life these archetypa ideas intereatly unsolded Mihin his interiori spirituat eis; untii a lengui, limingattained to thei maturity the descende into the externals of the mind ultere theniselves in peecli, Mid vere transcribe a spolcen by the medium, he by spiritual agencies,liein temporarit elevate to the spiritua degre of the nund so that purpose, and the exteritat ora besn rendere quiet by a proces Whicli is analogous to physical


πρημαινουσα τεχνωας the hoth Mourin tempesta. In stofosso vincline thero is sonae question ivliat the seminino