The clouds of Aristophanes

발행: 1858년

분량: 258페이지


분류: 미분류


so acto mine theseo v xx ord u. Separate quotation, aeriaἰ sol. uster says, Aed non inultum nobis laborandum

puto de ἀκολουθία et sensu totius loci lituus, quippe quem poeta e Vocibus et phrasibus dithyrambicis, linc inde

sumptis, contexerit, ut indicaret canora et tumida Dithyraim bicorum curru in Saepe sensu et connexione carere.' pon

particulari hic Γα καὶ Θαλάσση, and liis Melies Nuptiae.

A scholiast sus that the hole passage refers to the dithyrambic poets, vlio vere easted by thi Choreo l. e. t se ivlio des rved the expense of the entertaininent, and those lao supped in the Prytaneum.'


thei appear of just proportion to the more distant spectatore, ululerio Strepsiades the would seem torale iuge protube

349. Ἀγριον .... τούτων, A wilcone of thes Haggyse loti s. The vord αγριος is osten used in the sense of debauehed, licentiatis, ausi as in nosti ut cali a ratast person a viri sello v. Accordin is a scholiast the son o Xenophantes here allude to vias Hieronymus a tithyrambic poeti Theclaud are represente a likening theniselves to centaura, in derision of these Aliam genuemen. 351. Σίμωνα of the Simon here spesce of a scholiast says, 'Me vas a sophis of that time, an some vita di tinguis ted in public assairs Eupolis mentioned hin also in his' Cities,' and charged him utilli the fame crimes in these mess, ne pilsere moneydron Heraclea. 353. αυτ . i. e. σια ταυτα. The Cleonymus here satis rige vias frequently made the latit of the comi poeta sor


his coWardice, and sor having thro v avrar his stileid in baNile. his of courae rendere him insam s. 355. Κλεισθενη. The Clisthenes here spinen a ras a note deliniiche of the ines, an is elae utiere ridicialed by Aristophanes. 356 59. μάρα .... χρήζεις. The cloud have no arrange stemselves an Strepsiades, asci again inspire addresses them in a very losty style. The repl fidit tolain, and then tum to Socrates again and thou tos, Vesto subsiesta es, sam Mat, oiadae thouis in us nouos 361. Προδίκφ. A philosopher fron Ceos, and a contempora i Socrates. e is mentione in the litas,' andi a fragment of the genistae.' e is spesce of ascharon an enorinous price sor his instruction. 362, 363. - . . .. σεμνοπροσωπεῖς. In Symposio Pl tonis, ubi Alcibiades narrat qualem se Socrates militiae gesserit et quomodo caeteris Atheniensibus, quum apud Delium victi essent, latentibus, ipse, recesserit, ad Comicum nostrum, qui in illo convivio aderat, se convertens Alcibiades dicit: πειτα μοιγε ἐδόκει, ω Ἀριστόφανες, το σον δ' τουτο,

και κεῖ διαπορευεσθαι σπερ κἀνθάδε, βρενθυόμενος και τῶοφθαλμὼ παραβάλλων, minisce inambulans et oculos huc illuc circumserens. Bergier. his is the passage to vhicli Μitcheli alludes his descriptioni his great master's exterior done no doutit, to the lise di notissmpe Plato, but ho advert to it villi the ulmost goostiumor.' βρενθύομαι means O demean one, set proussit an hausefit in toιhrow the boast fomoard to strat. τώφθαλμὼ παραβάλλεις.

vile interpres, circumferapete oculos Sensus est, Nisetis oculis talios intueris more scilicet hominum supectoriam, qui recto vultu aliquem aspicere dedignantur.' uster. A


in Athens had by his prodifous talent theso ver of placingat hiis stet the wealili, in honora, and the plinaures of classcleve liui gido metropolis, It was unquestionabi the sonos Sophroniscus but Don the commen inent of his c

couldio have piarchased - a Danae of bod Whicli diserae neve reached, and a tone os min superior aliae to thesea os man and the ear o death. 'καφ' ημῖν σεμνοπροσωπεῖς, et nobis fretus supercilium toliis vel gravitatem quamdam et fastosum visum priae te fers' Auster. 364. του φθεγματος, genitive os exclamation.


passage: - ne of ste Inost prominent cosmogonical doctrines attributed by Aristophanes to the naster of the Phrontisterium is that vilites describe in Whiri vin Dd, Λῖνος, by vhoni, a the fovereim mater of the worid, Zeus and the other god are visplace l. ne of the scholiast observeS that this a boreo ve Dor Anaxagoras. Fieland d finali picta that notion, an rem ks, o in contra , uiatiae doctrine aros out of the school of Democritus, andina have been broughtoo Actens by his disciple Prot goras. ut in δῖνοι or δῖναι of Anaxagoras vere eryssisserent froin thos a Democritus. Ac rising to the system of the semen the came into bein ait ille moment vlienantelligenco μος had ove sis and motion to mat-ter, hich vas originalty victout motion but accordinxto Democritus, the were theniselves the oriinals of est things, and laodies vere omne by the hance collision of theatonis contained in them. μου it riuot be stad that a pre- esse distinctionis these in vorte systems vas nori usinesso the poet's, particulari as Anaxagoras himself, by notdefining the surther operatio of the μυς, ο Intelligence, by means of these vortices lia les it undecide Whetherui somne or the lauer, the Nox o the Vortices, Predominated in the somnatio of the woria. Bu the Λῖνος of the


plupersectis λανθάνω, solio vel by ων.


atready explained his is it that he oes , wha possesses iam to do thii There is no materia difference of sense. Se note tori. 340. 408. HAE; .... Λιασίοισιν, 'aeus, In Leto iret thesam thingit titie L astansecrat Themiasia vas an ancient sestiva in honor of πιυς ειλέχως celebrate 1 in the last thir of the monili Anihesterio by ali in citigens, Nith offering of caule, fruits o calces made into the hape of Mimias accordin to the circumstances of the individual. See muli' Dici of r. and Bona Antiq.409. Ωπτων .... ἀμελησας Itoas cockingi pu ius for νώnsfossi, and neglecte to euicit open The γαστήρ of the


sens os lascivioua licensious, an some underetandis sollere. ut iis more generat meming agrees bet ter viti uis connectio of the passage. Translate, an Oiae fossies.

Ivivi regarit in the habita describe 1 in the precedinclines, se above. The philosopher Protagoras Is sal by Plotinus

Εster, the Clouds, and the Tongue. In ali places of publicresori in thens,' says itcheli, vhereve sonae hal doge person utere collecte togester, there Socrates Wast be ound puttingi ansavering questions. O this pra tico the uties os the ecclesia and the laWAEouris, hic Ioccupie so much of the time os oster iligens, omne nodrambach sor Socrates attende nettheri e even esse stained ministia might have been stili more naturasyexpected of hini, that o committin his discourses to urit-ing D vritie communication, a thera est expositiono his system has been explamed an uncertaint iam usattaches a to vhether the min of the reade has spontane-ousi consorine to suci communication, an in realit ap-


promate it in iiself, or hether, si illi the mere Ocularapprehensio of the votas an letters a vain conceit is excite in ine inind that it understand What 1 does no vnderatand on in contrary, a sentenc orali delivere mayativus be supported a Plato observes, b iis ather, and receive his protection, an stat not onl against the obaections of one Who thinha thersvise, but also against the intellectuat tubi omnes of oneos et ignorant, hil ine Writte sentenc has norans verrio malce to any surther inquisies. tras evidently theresere, no missiout reagon uiatine Tongue is anhed by Aristophanes amon the divinities of Socrates.'

435. μεγάλων. The Chorus uses his vord, mahing passing allusion to μεγάλας, diis preceding. Strepsiades nou intrusis himself to the liand of the ab


κέντρων, a rogue 'ho Mars the martes of the κεντρον, a cape-