The clouds of Aristophanes

발행: 1858년

분량: 258페이지


분류: 미분류


optative orast Do an πύθοιτο describe respectivel a single an complete actis seein and sceptrining thotinio of the respective acta hiein indefinite. The idea os repetition resulis proin the dependent character of the wliolesentence, andri In the continue actio expressed by the

imperfecis ηρώτα and προεα his is very cleuri explainedia Μ vig, p. 131, 143. Uere the regent ense sed in

The principi intende to be substantiate by stes re-marhs, namely thia tae oblique mood and the participi iniae oris are not, IN THEMSELVES, sed in a frequentativa sense, trist is ever apparently s used the frequentative dea resudis j hora the indei ite and dependent constructionis α. sentence, O fron the adrision Os af equentative advert , hasbeen assumed by ora in his notes t Isocrates Vol Π.

T mahe this matter Hear, it Wil be necessar to conside the passage in Isocrates in some etail. Die author of the Panemricus has been speescing of the ancient se vices rendered by Astens to the oster Greel states amemoria o vhicli,' he Des on to an ali mos os ine


construction, und the question vassi ora Mas, Maether Itshout be einoris ἐκ λιστούσαις, asinore condecturest, fine present ἐκλειπούσαις The whole clause is ταῖς δ' ἐκλειπουσαις

or ἐκλιπουσαις πολλάκις η Πυθία προσέταξεν ἀποφέρειν, c. ;upon vllici Cora, has his note: - - Ἐκλειπούσαις 'Oρθῶς ἔχει το κατὰ παράτασιν, διατο ἐπιφερόμενον, Πολλάκις χὼ

τρεπτεον αυτ ει το ἀοριστούμενον, Ἐκλιπούσαις ώς εἴκασάν τινες' That is, Theriori significant of continuation is correctis account of the fosso vin πολλάκις Where recit

duration implied by the frequent command of the praestessa Delphi πολλάκις προσεταξεν , iste participi xvhicli describes the actis acis that occasione the command should have a correspondiu duration. The orast participi doeano conve the ideam repetitionis duration, but the present doesu herefore the present is correct. Brem adopis uiis levi. e says, after iviniste conjecture o Moxe, Sed subtili est et vera Corase animadversio, propter πολλάκις praesens positum esSe, quum res saepius facta notetur. Nempe oristus parrectori et mori obliqui una de re nec adjecto adverbio, quod Fefifionis notionemn habet, ponitur V In stating the principiem Coran Brem has added, to prevent in misapprehension, an tomahe the meanin entiret clear, the natura quamcation, unies is equentative adverbris Ioine to the participis. For the negative ablative absolute of accompaniment, nec adjecto adverbio, c., contain the necessar limitationo the principi deduce fron Coru's rem lc. The ol servation o Bremi is, The remari os ora is acutem correct that, o account of πολλάκις the present is used vilis the repetitionis an ac is to be noted that icto sax


cte oris of the participi an oblique nood is sed os a.

of Victor a a single case, una de re, i. e. in the presentdramatio representation but in the fame sentence lae Inploy the present optative, νομιζοίμη , laecause duratio ostime, nota single momenti one aci, is to lae XpreSSed the continuance of his sameras a poet.

The generat doctrinem ille present and aoris participies is strilcingi illustra ted osten in the sanie sentence, in the Paneoricus o Isocrates. Se Fellon' edition pp. 73 74,

82 89, 2, 3, 101 102, 106, 110.

520. σοφός, Hlfgh a natater of mi art. 522 Kαι .... κωμ*διῶν, And that this et the t est of xv mmedias σοφωτατ' ἔχειν, equivalent to σοφωτάτρο εἶναι. 523. ἀναresae, to cause lociaste, to let iaste. 524 525. F . . . . ών. li poet here alludes to his suil-ureo gain in priete at the arsi representation o ste Clouds There is mine Iovi, I, laether ανδρῶν φορτικῶν means the theatricia udges vlio decided against litui, o therives Iuliose performancus vere referre to his Thescholiasis, Ernesti, Schutg, and Bothe, understand thesormer; itcheli, the alter Schiu says, - ἄνδρες φορτικοί sunt qui de vera poematum Venustate recte udicare nequeunt, quum Sint imperiti, ac pingui ingenio.'Μitchelys opinion is, alia me poet' rival are thias On- temptu si characteriged even though ne of those vias vas the illustriolis Cratinus.' In confimation lae quot hom obree' Adversaria, - οἱ φοροικοί erant Aristophanis rivales, a parce of oons.''ohe se of the preposition πό though not conclusive seenis ratiae torax itupo the audges is the sense vere conquere ου ηττηθείς


Wout be eonstructe commoni Mitti a genitive his rivatabein reserre to Translato, Then Ι eam offf, defectited ιν the u ment of rigar fellows, whenta deservetit not. Thisconstructio agrees suffcienti vel missi vliat olimus. Kock refers φορτικῶν to Anteipsias an Cratinus in rivulso AristophaneS. 626. ταυτ πραγ ματευόμην Ieaepende this labor. 527. προδώσω, orsi despctis V or literalty ustillisve p. 528. οἷς . . . . λέγειν. Bergier φιil ει libenter boatudium meum et elopum iam 'o scholiast, is ἐπιδείκνυσθαι ηδ ἐστιν ' Schutet, quo ni vel conspectu et Om- qui friι dulce est' itcheli, to cishom even to Oideonners et a delight ' V teland μὰ toelchen Nur ureden3chon Vergnisen si mereti to speiae to olior et a deligH. Bothe erect at these an says, quibus etiam dicere εuave 3 di. e. qui etiam elo luentia delectamini, non solum artibus bellicis quibus nunc ut cum maxime studetis. Vir que laude poetae ornare solent spectatores Plaut. Capti prol. 67, Valete, judices justissimi domi, bessiste duelloetores πιιmi. λεrειν, το λεγειν, ut Fq. 329, χο λεγειν specta et quentiam.' Berfer and the scholiasi are pro h ales correcti Bothe' explanation is les probable Moch thinlcs in texi:


conclusion The scholiast bove allude is l. probablyconseunde the la v conceriting the ρήτορες ficta inose stat regulate actors. The scholiastin in Frogs l. 502 states

stat viae the poetisrsi engage in comed he suas σχεδον μειρακίσκος, andriae author of the artici οὐ gtophanes in fine ictionis os Greel an Roman BioMaph assumes, O the strengiliis usi auuio ity ste ear B. C. 444 a thedate of his birili, which vould miseratim eventeen eam es at ille time of the representationis the Λαιταλεῖς B. C. 427. The assumption of the scholiast, stat for , or Venthir , vas the legat age os dramati poeta, is contradicted

Eschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, an Agathon appeare as

531. παῖς δ' τερα. The figure is stili hept p. The

person allude to vas Callistratus o Philonides, both fu hom vere after vard actor in the plus of Aristophanes. 534 535. M .... σοφοῖς Literalty Now, thermore, this comedεν has come, Me that Electra, to seel Uperchanc timat meet siti equali sagacmous spectatore. The allusionis to the Choephoro of Eschylus, auliere Electra, goin invisit the tonii, of her ather, discovers in retiar of herbrother Orestes by the color of the lock of hair vllicli are undispo the tonii , asci consecrate by soni visitor In the comparison, lieres ore, Electra is the present come ly, in brother, o Orestes, is lae ther come ly, hicli liadbeen applauded by the audience the present comed has


spectator test, iis intelligent a those of me omne corneo, stet brothera, ascit vere, - is it Elial receive the sanie applauSe. 537 seqq. In these lines the poet alludes to in indecent exhibitions os other dramatist to calch ille applaus os stegrotandsings. τοῖς πωδίοις ἔν η γελως. It is sal that the φάλλος vas brought upo the stage in lae Προσπάλτω os Eupolis. Such practices have been the bane os ille theatre in Ver age, and liave notoet ceased to desecrate iis lIoards; mahincit to osten the corrupter of the morais os theyoung, instea of the mirroris manners and the purifieri ui passions by the representation os human charactera unde the varie vicissitudes o lise.

540. ιδ' ἔσκωψε τοτ φαλακρούς, o deride tae αἰῶ

I helsed in bald-head meaning Aristophanes compos the

ighra. - The Κόρδαξ vas a vanion danco, imported seram Asia, sonaetimes introduce at the Dionysia sestivias. Itoccurs in the Vasps of Aristophanes hiAself, vlio vassometinae a litile scrupulous a liis rivals. 541, 642. Gδε .... σκώμματα. Tlae allusion here againis obscure Accor lingo a scholiast there vas a comicpoet, Sinierinno, Iulio introduce an ori man vitii a uast,


be considere a liable to the censure cast pon Such e pression in the parabasis, an more than the similar mes

vhicli occur algo in otii 3 passage of the Clouds, the playitself be inning vitii 'I , or than the orches vllicli arebrought iapo the stage in ther dramas of Aristophanes. So in the lutus 797 seqq.), here Nam is cast ponthe practice of thro vin fron the stage g an pastryamong the spectators, it cannot be supposed that Ari tophanes meant to hol himself, to ridicule, viten, in v. 960 seqq. of the Pelice, he mahes' gaios thros among the spectator his sacrificiat burleymaeal The passage in the parabasis of the Cloud is hic that in the lutus, exclusivel directe against ther poets, Iulio introduce out of the proper place, villiout rhyme or reaSon, practicalaol es of this description vitiis Aristophanes sed theinoni ivlien ille helpedis the actio of the sis , and wereneither devotii of wit nor meaning.'545. - κομῶ, ammo proud, domo plume net ei ipori t. 549, 550. O .... κειμενον. he poet here alludes in his haviniintroduce the demagogue Cleon, into one os hia


Geon in taede usthen he was greatest, tis coin no bear totrample on him 'lim he was dolon, thatos, after his dealli. The Oet contrast the manner in Whicla lis deali vitii theoblects of his satire, and that practised by his rivals Hewas constanti introducing et characters, vitile they, Dompoveri os invention 3 naen the once go lita os an Hyperbolus, ne ver et hii go. For a fuli account of Cleon, vlio malces a conspicuous figure in the nighis and the Vasps, se Thucyssides, Lib. III. . also artici Cleon, Dict. r. an Rom. Blog. r. rote has attempte to desen the character of Cleon against the wit of Aristophanes, and the grave chames o Thucydides. 652. κολετρῶσ, trample unde f9ot a terin bormix edsroin the palaestra. The mollieris Hypereolus vas On os

553, 554. Maricas vas the ille, I seenas, os a come lyos Eupolis, in ivllicli lae introduced Hypeiholus, in imitationes the ni Iliis of Aristophanes, turning inem,' a the poetisus, inside ui.'555 556. Προσθεὶς .... σθιεν Navi, adde to it inecharacteris,aricas a drunte old 'onran, for the sale of the corda for the ahe of gratifying the vulgaroastes of the spectators vitia stat indecent exhibition whom

i sed to de ur Phrynichus lia introduce into his play


562. Ἐς .... δοκήσετε, In times t come met Had betiὶought o M oiae. The hortis no v strihe os into a lyriea invocatio of the ods a iece of ingenious satire atthe expense of the philosopher ivli dente the existence of the go ls. AsterWarii the turn suddent again and --

ἔξοδος, α militata eaepedition. 581-589. Eis .... τρεπειν. The poet is here aurigingui sollies and absurdities of tho Astentans in thei management of public assairs. The leathe dressing Paphlagonianas of course Cleon, vlio is constanti bran lex vitii this nichnam in the nisiis. The Paphlagonians vere heri in

great contemptisa Athens, illier laecause many StaVe 'Vere importe froin Paphlagonia, ori account of the barbarismo the coiinto Lov and base persona vere desi aled by istis name. The time particulari allude to here vas vlien Cleon vas appotnte commander of the and orces to su Med Nicias in the expedition against Pylos. At illis time, It is aid there came on a heau stortii, Whicli asted through the niglit, and this is x latit the poet means Ivlae hespeah of the sun pullinii liis vicic, and in moon deseri- in her accustonae Ways. I may be observe here, that the amous allusion to Cleon stio tha this parabasismus have been composed a disserent times, parti laesorean parti aster the east of the reat demamgue. The δυσβουλία of the Athenians had laeconae provectiat at a muchearlier perio stan iliis, and was satirige even by Solon. 591. δώρων .... κλοπης, havin convicte of braeis andia . ἐλεῖν is a technica term in Athenian latu, as ελεῖν


cation the vel be1n undersi d. his somnis invocationutas expressed by the veλ ἀμφιανακτίζειν. 596 597. Κυνθίαν .... πετραν, holding the C trianhigh-hooιed rotae. O tho istandis Delos stere vas a hui calle Cynthus, sin ove the cit and the temple os Apollo It is io' and precipitous, viti hornithe eatis, phicli suggested the epistet φικερατα. 599 600. Artemis is ex involced, and the albsolden

lyrical expression sor oleider of the wt8.603 seqq. The poet alludes to the inies of the Bacchanal on one os the eah o Parnassus. The able of the introductio of the Dionysiac orsiai is mos striis anel exhibite by Euripides in the Bachae. 607 seqq. The Chorus again turn to the spectators. 609. Πρῶτα .... ξυμμάχοις, ιrs to greetii Athenians and thei allies. The principat representatio of the r mali pieces Ool place in the pring a viae Athens vasero de W1ua visitor Dom allie an soreign nations, indeed fron every partis the civilige movi.