Euthyphron. Euthyphro; with introd. and notes by J. Adam

발행: 1890년

분량: 175페이지


분류: 미분류


Solvat phaselon Saepe Diespiter Neglectus incesto addidit integrunt' and chan Antiption Teir. I i. Io ἀσύμφορόν θ' υμ, στὶν

τόνδε μιαρον καὶ ναγνον ὁντα εἴς τε τα τεμένη των θεων εἰσιόντα μιαίνειν την ἁγνείαν αυτῶν, πέ τε τὰ αὐτὰς τραπέζας ἰόντασμ καταπιμπλάναι τοὐς αναιτίου s. o in Soph. Oed 1-a θεῖν δ' ἁπ' οἴκων πάντας os μιάσματος του δ' ημὶ δντος.

δράσας τοῖς αὐτο παισὶν ἱερων μη κοινωνείτω μηδἐ μοτράπεζος γιγνέσθω ποτέ.29. τω τοιούτω goe viti ξυνῆς rather than viti ξυνειδώς.

that the employer vas in an way in legat representative of the


vere sarminii Naxos even aster o , O a κληρούχοι, but in Sonae oster capacity.

tion in tense to the histolica present πέμπει ' aster ramicta ineoptative in a. Subordinate clause Solvite regular: CL Org. I Aλογός ετ α Οἴν τι υκ τούτ*Qὸ βιωτέον εστὶ καὶ τουτον ὀνήσειεν Som SM: Schan ὀνήσει , where νησειεν αἰνησα os dilect speech. D 38. λιγώρει τε και μέλει. μελεῖν is Stronger than ὀλιγωρεῖν

τοιούτων, ἴτε εἰ το πρbσθεν Οὐδεν προβαῖνον τό χαλεπῶς φέροντι,ούτε τι των ανθρωπίνων ἄξιον ν μεγάλη σπουδm. I thini εἰ και

καὶ συνέβη ἡμῖν.


Phileti et D τιδε γε μην os οἶμαι, περ αὐτοῖἈναγκαιότατον εἶναι

λέγειν Soph. 263 D and Euthyd. 8 D δεῖν So BT: clian δεῖ, righu I hinlc, becatis in os clauSe solio us ἄρα os . x ει. Crat. 99 D ῶσπερ τοίνυν μοι δοκεῖ τούτοις ἐξη εἶναί τι χρημα is nota a Se in Potnt, or σπερ quali fies the whole expression stili estis Crat. 38 σπερ ποπτεύω αυτον σκίπτειν. The mona has a colloquia effeci.


μετα των ὁπλιτῶν κινδυνεύειν ἱππεύειν ἐλετο, an Ar Frag. 2IO


considerect iitlayphro's atlier a deservin o p secution sornririnter se Legg. I 865 C αν μεν οὐλον κτείνη νομίζων τον ἐαυτο διειργάσθαι τον του τελευτήσαντος δεσπότην βλαβη παρεχέτω καὶ ζημιον, γη δίκην εἰς θν ἀξίαν του τελευτήσαντος πεχέτω


sorm a transition to in Subjecti the dialogue. Se Introduction, P. Viii. Socrate pro se to heconae Euthbplam' pupil, o S Olearn the nativi eis piet and impiety, and Staist the accusation rom Socrates ille pupil to Euthyphi the eacher.

39 C. 3. πρὸ τῆς γραφηs Besore illae the ἀνάκρισις or tria proper

. λέγοντα aster μοι as in Crito 5 λλα μη ἀρέσκωμεν μεῖς, ξεῖναι λα ββντα τα αὐτο ἀπιεναι In l)oth case the accusativeis lue to the precedin infinitive. ὁτι ἔγωγε ... o os Note the curious mixture of the direct and


indirect speecta. Frona 'γωγε do uno εἰδέναι, or ratiae strictlyspealcin do uno καὶ νυν, ve have Socrates ipsissima P a ad-

Graecuna est καινοτομεῖν ut σπουδάζειν, περ τι non περ τινος ut καινοτομω περ αυτ et pag. 3 ' οὐ καινοτομοῖντο σου περι ταθεῖα . ut αὐτοσχεδιάζουιν περὶ σου in the polog is nough toclesen the constriiction, and the OccuITence of καινοτομω περὶ αὐrά in 16 A is reali an argument so the genuinenes of the word here, since 16 A is intende a a renainiscence of this passage. The indicimen against Socrates salven in the notem et C. 8. μαθητης δὴ γέγονα σόs δή ad is a toticla os sarcasn vhyo course 'in The peculia cadenc is intended to throw lucti rotis emphaSi on σός, a. in Horace's ridiciιltis naus' and Martia 's Unus de cunctis animalibus hi=πιι ab et cor' XI 8 . 17ὶ Notice ille implicatio that to learia τὰ εὐσση is to b εὐσεβm. 9. καὶ ... φαίη αν. Here vitii Sociales ascis iis vont brealis 3

into direct speecla. καί os course goes viti φαίην ἄν. εἰ μεν ... τὰ τοιαυτα Melethi Would not', lihelyrio se on 3 Co ταν τι λέγω ν τὶ ἐκκλησία περι των θείων καταγελῶσιν os

μαινομένου. The position os Εὐθύφρονα aster the pause is naeantio suggeSt ironi catly that Euthyphro vas an authotat on the


punctuation Vas ab τοιαυτα καὶ ὀρθω νομίζειν, καὶ ἐμέ Schan set

tion, a Schan remari S. νουθετεῖν and κολάζειν are conabine asin Gorg. 79- ὐστε μ λ τε νουθετεῖσθαι μήτε κολάζ εσθαι.

Euthyphro might have replied that he prosecuted his ather o lais


'rεντ αν επὶ τοὐς πόνους καὶ τὰς παιδευσεις, αἷς ἁλίσκεται μόλις αι κατεργάζοιντο αν αὐτήν.


oni Socrates It is implied inat persona antimosit inspire me

rem artes differiant enim certo usu rolas et rotas τις, ut rotas una in Sione dicatur-πolas μάγειρος ἔ-ποῖός τις albi serio quaeritur de alicuius personae aut rei ingenio, indole natui aut genere ' Nov. Leci. P. 27 Q. 3O. η υ ταὐτόν ἐστιν-ἀνόσιον εἶναι See sor ταὐτόν note onio chielow. Hei and in Ἀ- Plato se langua e whicli easter xard used in connection vitii the theor of deas but innelther passage icit necessar to Suppos that the Ideas are atrea lypartis in Platoni doctrine. See Introd. p. xviii. Vliat Plato aean is his: σιον is alway and very Ivliere thesame possessed of Some ne sotin ιδέα or character similarly vitii

vliere the opposite o one nother. Soria inere is nothing that goeit,eyonfine Socratic doctrine of λόγοι.3I. αυτ&αύτω vitia ταὐτόν. The juxta position os ai τις αὐτου

is regular: ReP. III II ανδρειότερος γίγνετα αυτὸς αὐτοῖ.

τίον but παν Ουναντίον in Plato is generali used adverbiailly. The μέν is concessive the unlaoly mile though it is the opposite fali in holy του σίου παντό is virtualty ποῖ ἐν πάση πράξει σίου , nevertheles resemblescit in i potnt, rig. stat it is like iself, etc. The resemblance of the nhol to the hol in inis ne potnt is presently brou lit ut stili more clearly by ine Nord κατὰ την ὁσιότητα, i. e. like lioliness, as holines is like meis. κατά in his sense is common in Plato e. g. APOl. I B μολογοί - Οὐ κατατούτου εἶναι ρήτωρ. Missing the precise sorce of me μέν and δέ clauSe, the editors Schang, Fritzsche and Volitrah, read νοσιότητα vitii