The gospel according to S. John, with maps, notes and introd

발행: 1900년

분량: 475페이지


분류: 미분류


disserenes are mos important tho ine that as early A .D. 200there ere corruptions in tho texi, the origin 1 hie had been lost. Sue corruptions ahe Some time o groW: by comparing the and traeing thei ramiscations se arrive illi certaint a the conclusionthat jus Gospe cannot have been ritis later than to Nard the endos the first century, Α.D. 85-100 See o v. 18, iii. 6, 13, ix. 35.

1ε. και ὁ λόγo σὰρξ ἐγένετο Thicis the guli hic separate S.

εσκηνωσεν. Tabernaclest amori M. The σκηνη or Tabernacle,


viii. 27. ὀπίσω κ.τ. λ. Thu rs and ast 1 these three clausos mustrefer o time; ὀπίσω, later in time, πρῶτος- ωst in time. Themides claus is ambiguous ἔμπροσθενα bofors' ither 1 in time,

or 2 in dignitν Γέγονεν seem to e decisius against 1). Christas God a besore oli in time, a the hir clauso states; ut

16. The Baptist' Witnos to tho incarnate Logos confirme by the experiene os ad bellovers. The Evango stris the speaher. πληρώματος. recognisest technica term in theology, denotingtho totalit of tho Divino pomer an attributos. V 00 Lightioot on Colossians, i. 19 anxii. 9, hero his meaninii ver marhed. his

suines of tho Divine attributos elongo to Christ v. 14ὶ, and by Him a imparte to the Chureti, hie is His Bod Eph. i. 23ὶ; and through tho Chure saeti individua bolisve in his degre receive a portion.


talsehood, ut a a perfectri an imperfeci revelation. 4ησοῖ ριστου. To us ChriSi has egome a prope name, and a suo roj0et the definito articio But in the Gospei narrativos, ii, exeop the headings, o prefaces, and the alter comments of the


In his rologue s noties halia be calle a spira movement. An ido comes to tho front, lis the Strand of a Ope retire agatu, and the reappears later o sor developmen andri ther definition.


o os0 to Christ is remembered by tho Evangelist ho ad one


αὐτοὐ Thicis redundant after ου perhaps in imitationis HebreW

Temptation belween v. 28 and 29. Thoria et of th Baptistanowingwho Jesus is, heg that the Baptism, and therofore the Temptation, mus have precede the deputation Iro Jerusalem. S. J nimiis both, a bella eventa el known to his reudors. The Baptist 'sanno cements are notis continuous disco se The com forti,


tis contrast himself a baptigin With Water Wit Him ho baptiges mitti tho Hol Spirit. 32. ἐμαρτ. The Evangelis insist again and again on his aspecto the Baptist lis bears lineas to the Messiah 7 8, 15, 19, 34.