The gospel according to S. John, with maps, notes and introd

발행: 1900년

분량: 475페이지


분류: 미분류


precise momentis in hat recise Way the ater ecam Wine an instantaneous change Seem to e implied. Γευεσθαι C. aec OccursHeb. vi. 5 anu in LXX. Ver rare in classica Greeli.


ἀνέβη. 1 to the capital Tho public ministr os tho MessialiopenS, RS Wo Ahould expect in Jerusalem an in tho Templa Thoplaee is a appropriat a the time.


H. 23. FOTES. 97

23. Note the different foro os ἐν and the exactnes os delati in

Jer alem, at the Passover, sturing the east.


to the remembranco of th Apostles: ut e haVemo right to assumethat in s doin He ould verride the ordinar laWs of Sychology. Materia store u so long in the reas of the postl could notlail to e moulded by the workin os his ommiud. nd there orem ma admit that in his repor of the saying o Chris and of the Baptis there is an element rimpossibi to separate noW, hic comes rom himselff. Hi repor is ometimes a litera translatio of ths