장음표시 사용
precise momentis in hat recise Way the ater ecam Wine an instantaneous change Seem to e implied. Γευεσθαι C. aec OccursHeb. vi. 5 anu in LXX. Ver rare in classica Greeli.
ἀνέβη. 1 to the capital Tho public ministr os tho MessialiopenS, RS Wo Ahould expect in Jerusalem an in tho Templa Thoplaee is a appropriat a the time.
23. Note the different foro os ἐν and the exactnes os delati in
Jer alem, at the Passover, sturing the east.
to the remembranco of th Apostles: ut e haVemo right to assumethat in s doin He ould verride the ordinar laWs of Sychology. Materia store u so long in the reas of the postl could notlail to e moulded by the workin os his ommiud. nd there orem ma admit that in his repor of the saying o Chris and of the Baptis there is an element rimpossibi to separate noW, hic comes rom himselff. Hi repor is ometimes a litera translatio of ths