[H kain diathk]; The New Testament; with English notes, critical, philological, and explanatory

발행: 1931년

분량: 439페이지

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παῖκται, κατὰ τὰς ἰδίας πιθυμίας αυτῶν πορευόμενοι,

Καὶ λεγοντες, πιο εστ ιν ς επαγγελία της παρουσίας αὐτου ἀφ' ἡ γὰρ ι πατερες κοιμηθησαν, πάντα ούτω διαμενει ἀπ' ἀρχαὶ κτίσεως. ' Λανθάνει γὰρ αυτους τουτο θελοντας, τι ουρανο ησα εκπαλαι καὶ γῆ ἐξ υδατος καιδι υδατος συνεστῆσα τω του Θεου λόγω, ia 6 τότε κόσμος δατι κατακλυσθεὶς ἀπώλετο O δε υ ιυραυοὶ καὶ η γη τω αυτου λόγω τεθησαυρισμενοι εἰσὶ πυρὶ τη

ρουμενοι εἰ ημεραν κρίσεως καὶ ἀπωλείας τῶν ἀσεβῆ υ

τον γινωσκοντες, ὁτι λεύσονται, c. allu

dinit our aviour' prophec ut ait XXiv. 24. Ἐπ' ἐσχάτου τῶν μερῶν, in the lustdatys this oes no expres an defined

lia 1 talcen tace. Λανθάνει αυτου τουτο

sic statuunt. Καὶ γη . . . συνεστῶσα, and

the eurth standing out of the water an in



οτι μία ημέρα παραμυρ- ως χίλια ετη καὶ χίλια ετη ς

ημερα μία. ' O βραδυνε ο Λυριος της επαγγελίας, ως τινες βραδυτητα ηγουνται ἄλλα μακροθυμεῖ εἰ ημας, μηβουλόμενός τινας πολεσθαι, αλλὰ πάντας εἰς μετάνοιαν

ουρανοὶ ροιζηδον παρελευσχυται, στοιχεια δε καυσουμενα λυθησονται, καὶ γη καὶ τα εν αὐτη εργα κατακα σεται.

ρίζω δε note James v. 3.

loved, e nos ignorant of this ne lung; that ne dui is nou the Lordis a thousand

no application to ille Creator.' When the Apostl says, ne da 1s viti theses ordas a thousand ears, and a iliousand yearsas one labi,' he loes no spe at in comparative, but in absolute langu age. e loesano declare, thai laecauseolae ternit ofGod is suci an amaginidia ration, a thousandyears vili hie socios in iliis abyss, a toconiparativeto the Sanie lung xiit one day. Onoli conuarot 1 intendes to declare iv fiat 1 actuallo declares, iliat a thousandyears areo suo exactio ille fame hingi illi ne lay. In his existenc there is nolon nor stior duration nothing fleeting,

nothinisuccessive. Hi duiution is aliors

regions of inaniensit at oncm and oes notcome romotae vest, pas by the present place of ou existence, and O to the east soli filis e toruit at Once, an cloe nOt comelior the past, go tibi ille present, an Lenter tho future. 9. O . .. παγγελίας The Lord is noesiael eoncern in his proant se; ἔνεκα Ind. before ἐπαγγελίας Michaelis in Bos. Non tui dus est quod uil tarditatem attinet. Βραδυνειν intransitive, euncturi transitive ait ferre, remorari. t mi glit be Endero in this manner : The Lor of the proinis is not lach, i. e. in Lior xvlio has promise . . . Ἀλλὰ μακροθυμεῖ εἰ ημα . . . bu is long-sii ferinito us-ward clinat is, O- variis ali men, h,ut particulario the svicke l. I 0. οὐ κλέπτοxis as a thies. Se a note Mati . xxiv. 43. 'Poιζηδὸν παρελεύσονται,

magno cum impetu, Seu Stridore, a very

στοιχεῖα solue in clerstand the elenaenis in the comino sense, solue ille planeis,

butalis Apostlo in iliis verse probabisspealcs


δοκῶντας και σπευοοντας την παρουσέαν τυ του Θεοῖ ημερας, δι' ἰ - ουρανοὶ πυρουμενοι λυθησονται, καὶ στοιχεῖα καυσουμενα τηκεται. ' Καινους δε υρανους καὶ γη και νην 3κατὰ το παγγελμ. αὐτου προσδοκωμεν, εὐοὶ δικαιοσυνηκατοικεῖ.

dιο, ἀγαπητοὶ ταυτα προσδοκωντες, σπουδάσατε ἄσπι- 14λοι καὶ tu. ἄμητο αὐτω εὐρεθημα εν εἰρην Ita την 15του Κυρίου ημων μακροθυμίαν σωτηρίαν ηγεῖσθε ' καθως καὶ ο αγαπητος μων ἀδελφος Παυλος κατὰ την αυτωδοθεῖσαν σοφίαν γραψεν μῖν, 'Dς καὶ ε πάσαις ταῖς Gεπιστολαῖς, λαλῶν εν αυταῖς περὶ τουτων ' εν ου εστ δυο

νοητά τινα, ἁ οι ἀμαθεῖς καὶ α στηρικτοι στρεβλουσιν, ως

1 Pot. i. 15. Isa lxv. 17. lxvi. 22. Rev. xxi. i. 27. mis. l. 3. Isa XXXiv. 4. Mic. i. 4. 1 Cor. i. 7. n. i. 131 Thess. i. 13. v. 23. P Rom. U. 4. 1 Pet. Hi 20. Supra ver. 9 1 Cor. xv. 24. Iciliess. iv. 15. Cor. i. 8. xv. 58. Plail. i. 10. Rom. viii. 19.

o God . . . ut σπεύδοντας i rather, earnesti expecting, vehemently xvi Shing. Σπευ-δω is used in his sense by the best classic riters Eurip. Hec. 1175. σπευδων χάριν

δε καὶ σπευδων χάριν, quam veri captanS gratuim. Ουρανοὶ πυρούμενοι . . . the hea vens beinconsi e ... iliat in xvorid is to the destroyed by sire, vastiae opinionis Anaximander, Anaxagoras, Archelaus, LeucipPUS, and the ancient philosophers. Arid Burnet, Theor. Tellur. Ol. . havin considere Lilao antiquit and universalitat of the opinion, says, Ve have hearct ascit Nere a cry os ire, lirough ali antiqiiity, and among ali ille peopleos in earila Letus Xanmine ulla attestation in Propheis and Apostles give to this ancient doctrine os ille conflagration os the worici. I lio Propliet saxutile vori on siro at a distance, and more imperfectibi; fabrigliines in the heavens, rather ilia as a burning fianae But Peter

and seen ille heavens and earili in re siro; tuear tiae cracicinissannes, and the ruml,ling


καὶ τὰς λοιπας γραφας, προς την ἰδίαν αυτων ἀπώλειαν. 17 Ἀμεῖς οὐν ἀγαπητοὶ προγινωσκοντες, ψυλάσσεσθε, γα

properi torqueo, an metaplioricatly perverto quo hormines indocti nec satis si mi et ner religione pervertunt, in alienum sensum detorplent, sque abutuntur TheeXpression τα λοιπὰ γραφὰ shois that the canonica authorit an inspiration os St. Paur Episties is linquestionable This


v. 20.

vanities of the wori an superstitions os false resigion, voti l 1 seel illi inem thefellowshi xvilla the ather an Mitti his Son Jesus Clirist. The salue principi inducedili Apostis Olancio sunt this pistis totheisurelies that, Uecting the lae retical

doctrines os false eachers, an a voici ingvvhatever could interrupi thei cona iunion

vitii God theb might be in actua possession folio invaluabie privileges to vilichthen vere Eilled by ille Apostle, and thoirFy niglit be complete. Some thini thattho sirs Epistis si St. Joh ought to boconstitere as a treatis in opposition to thodoctrines os Cerintlius in i ille Gnosiics. I hore is much diversit os opinio respect-

in illo date icit. It is probavi that t

Me unde uae ille os an pistio, is ita


καὶ εωράκαμεν, καὶ μαρτυρουμεν, καὶ ἀπαγγελλομεν μιν την λην την αἰώνιον, η τις ην προς τον Πατερα, και

εφανερωθη ημῖν ' εωράκαμεν καὶ ἀκηκόαμεν, ἀπαγγελλομεν μῖν, να καὶ μεῖς κοινωνίαν χητε μεθ' ημῶν

καὶ ἀναγγελλομεν μῖν οτι Ῥεος ως εστι κω σκοτία εν

αυτω υκ εστ ιν ιυδεμία. Eαν εἴπωμεν τι κοινωνίαν ἔχομεν με αυτου, καὶ ε τω σκοτε περιπατῶμεν, ψευδο-

μεθα, καὶ ου ποιουμεν την ἀληθειαν ' - Ἐὰν δε ε τω φωτὶ

περιπατῶμεν, ως αυτός εστ ιν ευ τω φωτὶ κοινωνίαν

ἔχομεν μετ' ἄλλη λων, καὶ το αἷμα Ιησοῖ ριστου του

Iolin xvii. 11. 1 Cor. i. . Infra si 24. x Jolin xv. II. xvi 24 2 Joli 12. Inhail. 11. Joliti t. . viii. 12. ix. 5. xli. 35. 36. t 2 Cor. vi. 14. Inhai. 4. I Cor. vi. 11. Eph. i. 7. Heb. ix. 4. 1 et . i. 19. Rev. i. 5. Infra H. 2. ' παγγελια compositioni narro visinspected notisingo epistolar foran is to b found incit. Itbear no inscription like St. Paul' Episties. I begins without salutation, and eud xviiii out benediction. Hi lioula seeria,' Sabis B. Horaleb that this boc, has sor noother reason acquired the ille os an Epistie, but uia in th 11rsi sorination os in canono the ex Testanient, it vas ut into inosam volume viti ille diductic xvr1tings ostii Apostles, whicli, vitti this single exception are ali in the epistolary forin. It is indoedis di lacti discourse pontili principies of Christiani ty both in doctrine and practices and whetherisve considerali sim-liniit oscit openini vitia the fumi amental topic o Gost' persections, ni an 's depra-vity, and Christ' propitiation the perspicuit xvith vhicli it propound in deepest mysteries of our hol faith and ille eviden ceo the proos vilicia it bring to confirmitiem; vhether ve conside the sanctit ofit precepis, an doli energ os arguimentvvith vhich the are persuade 1 and en-forced the ligni sed siniplicit os langu age in xvhicli both doctrine an precepi are de- livore hether Me regard ille importanceos the matter, the propriety of the style, Orine gonera spiritis ardent pleur and warui benevolence, uni ted Willi a fervid geati vhiclibreathes throughout the whole composition, v shal finc it in ver respect vortii of

dition of the Citurci ascribes it the disciple

τικοὶ perfeci and lenou in nien beyondallisthers, and liviti in a sint os ali un-cleariness, Santhei have nos sinned ver 10. 7. κοινωνίαν ἔχομεν μετ' ἁλλήλων ure have fellotushimone tuith another xv must


εἴπωμεν ο τι ἁμαρτίαν υ εχομεν, αυτους πλανῶμεν, καὶ

αμαρτίας ημῶν, πιστός εστι καὶ δίκαιος, ἴνα ἀφ γ ημῖν τὰς αμαρτίας, και καθαρίση ημῶς ἀπο πάσης αδικίας. EA I 0

εάν τις ἁμάρτη, παράκλητον εχ ομεν προς το Πατερα 'Iησουν ριστον δίκαιον Em αυτος ἱλασμός εστ περὶ

osten denotes a iura jus non severe

perse ritur, sed intra ceu uitatis tinues se continet. AEurip. ed. 724. 10. ψεύστην ποιουμεν αυτόν ice maleelian a iur. In illo coiistitutionis ille Gospei, vilicii God has sent to ali an in ap- potniin iliis Son to die foris propitiation, there is a supposition ni ad of tho guili and



εντυλα αυτου τηρωμεν. λέγων, Ἐγνωκα αυτον καὶ τα εντολὰς αυτου μη τηρων, ψεύστης ἐστι, καὶ ε τουτω

ἀληθῶς εν τουτω et αγάπη του Θεου τετελείωται. 'Eν

αὐτω με νειν, φείλει, καθὼς κεῖνος περιεπάτησε, καὶ αὐτος ουτως περιπατεῖν. 'Aδελφοὶ, ου ἐντολη και νην γράφωυμῖν, αλλ' εντολἡ παλαιαν, ην εἴχετε ἀπ ἄρχης ' η ἐντολη

Supra i 6 8. Infra iv. 20. Jolin xiv. 21. 23. Infra iv. 12. 13. i. 29. Jolin xiii I5. xv. 4. 5. 1 et si 21. Insta id. II. 2 Jolini.

μὶ scis properintlae ac o propitiating butinore usuali the in offfering or expiatory

bet, qui expiat, uer cium pro peccatis expiandis oblutum, rictima expiatoria. Ἀλλα .... κόσμου' tu ais for the ins of the whole torid. This ex cannot be construedint a partia meaning it is entii et sopposed to tho notions os a linitte 1 salvation The vord os illis passage areoli mos comprestiensive that could possibi have been

o Christ is ut absolutely, it signifies a

ti sed in tho school of the Plutosophers, and applied toritae scholar cassed Esoterici, whori ad nnade a considerable progress in the inne school. The nostic ivere in their opinion scholars of this description ButSt. Jolinteo properi resuses to acinii theirpreten Sion S, and oppoSexto iliena Others, Who vere persect in a disserent Way, and more austinentilled to the appellation. Seo Michaolis. υτὸν might becisserrexto Christ, the procediniverse reserrinito hina Comp. ver. G. Where αυτ clearly resors to Christ.


παλαιά ἐστιν ο λογος, ιν ηκουσα τε ἄπ' ἀρχης ' Πάλιν εντο λην καιν ν γράφω la D, ο σπιν ἀληθες ε αυτρο, και νυμιν ' τι η σκοτία παράγεται, καὶ το ψως ο ἀληθινον

ἀδελφον αὐτου μι τῶν, ε τη σκοτία εστὶν 44ς αρτι. πι γαπῶ τον δελφον αὐτοῖ, ν τω φωτὶ μενει, καὶ 10 σκάνδαλον εν αυτω υκ εστιν. 'Ο δε μισῶ τον αδελφον 11 αὐτοδ εν τη σκοτία στὶ καὶ ε τη σκοτία περιπατεῖ, κάὶ ου οἶδε που υπάγει, υτ η σκοτία ετυφλωσε τους φθαλμους

Γράφω μῖν, τεκνία, τι ἀφεωνται μῖν, ἁμαρτίαι διὰ 2

' Γράψω μῖν, πατερες, υτ εγνώκατε τον ὐπ' ἀρχης ' 13 γράψω μῖν, νεανίσκοι, τι νενικηκατε τον πο κηρόν ' γράφωυμῖν, παιδία, τι εγνώκατε τον Πατερα ' Eγραψα μῖν, 14 πατερες, τι εγνώκατε τον ἀπ ἄρχης. Eγραψα μῖν, νεανίσκοι, τι ἰσχυροί στε, καὶ ὁ λόγος του Θεο ευ μῖν μεγει,


μῶν, καὶ ὐαλαζονεία του βίου, υκ εστ ιν ε του Πατρος,1 ἀλλ' εὐτι κόσμου εστί. Καὶ ο κόσμος παράγεται, καὶ - επιθυμία αυτο ' o δε ποιῶν το θελημα του Θεου, μενει in εἰς τον αἰῶνα. Παιδία, σχατη ρα εστί καὶ καθὼς

ηκουσατε τι ο ἀντίχριστος ερχεται, καὶ νυν ἀντίχριστοι πολλοι γεγόνασιν Ἐθεν γινωσκομεν τι σχατη ρα εστίν.

Mati vi 24. Rom. xli. 2. Gal. i. 10. Jana iv. 4. P Eccles. v. 12. 1 Cor. vii 3I Jam. i. 10. iv. 4. I Pet. i. 24. V Mati xxiv. 5. 24. Jolan Xxi. 5.2 Thess. I. 3. c. I i in iv. I. 2 i in id. l. Hob. i. 2. 2 et . . l. Golina. Infra iv. 3.

xv fix the naain proposition or thesis os illo