Toy hagioy Athanasioy kata areianon logoi. The orations of St. Athanasius against the Arians according to the Benedictine text, with an account of his life by William Bright

발행: 1884년

분량: 413페이지


분류: 미분류


saint had been martΠed. In this' Nicene 'salth, as Divine and apostolicat, says me letter, almost anticipating the lan uageos the Quicunque, 'it is necessar that allisliould reniain. The


great majorit os Churches includin theraritisti as reserre l

Constantinopolitan δ The Nicen Counci glorifie themoly Spirit villa the ather and the Son . . . . e cause in themoly Trinit there is ne odi ad. On Sept. 5, Athanasius alle dio Antioch, bearing this letter a gist, say Gregory vorthy

presbyter os me Arians of Alexandria, vas rebus d vitii sonae humour an sonae impatience by the lunt Oidier- prince Who, however, durin his brie reign, ho vel himsel a tolerant ashe wa orthodoX. The genera prospects of the Church must

no v ave seemed righter than at an time Since A. D. 33O.

L ibentis ad repatre his sauit by rejecting the Arimini an sor- multi, and ad uritie to the bishops festat in accordance vitii the resolutions of Alexandria an os an Achaia Councit, destrin that anJ vho ad give Way at Ariminum liould bereceiVexto communioni pro sessing the Nicene aith his profession Ias made by many biShops, in ans verrio the appealsos Hilar and Eusebius anxit might be aid that thes Vest vasno v reunite in orthodoxy. ut the loca tro te os Antioch vere distressing Athanasius ende avoured to mediate biit Meletius, Who ad been i nore in the Tonae os 36a, and heenlyannoyed by the consecration os Paulinus although Luciferalone vas responsi bie so that proceeding), held aloos rona allpropOSal os accommodation, o put is Athanasius vitii vague

Larget a in Epiphanian or Nonstantinopolitan Creed is in lebtedio the Cree of Jenisalem, insornuch that IIor suggesis Cyri ascit compiter T vo Dissertations p. 84 ff. , iis doctrina basis remaliis Nicene. Greg. Orat xxi. 33 f. Theod. iv. 3.


vorshippe ivitia the Eustastians in 3 6, ad give clieni his

cordial sympathy, no v recognised thei bisho δ is the true lieado the Antiochen churcia, nais appendino: to his signatur Osthe Tonae a sui and orthodo declaration, Xplicit o the completenes of Christ' Humanity, which Athanasius himself adstanted and proposed sor his acceptance M. Havino: vritte his Festa L etter sor A. D. 36 at Antioch, Athanasius reactae home, apparently o Feb. Is tW da 'Saster Iovian's de ath. Valentinian I. Succe eded, and Oonaster vard assigned the Eastri his brother Valens. The Alexandria Clitarcii vas no a firs a sussere by this change os monarchS and A. D. 36 - may be me probabie dat so the publication os the iis os Anton3 vhich Athanasius is sal lino have ad tresse imo the monks abroad, i. e. os in Ital an Gaul To his perio also Moni saucon assign acircula frona Athanasius varning the Egyptia monic again Stcrnto-Arian intris uers : the letter vas long known in a Latin VerSion, but fragments of the re et have been Mund aintedon the vallis a cavern ear Thebes, apparently by mome


gealoris moni xvlio hos it sor his xvelling ut ere long , his troutile to Some extent reappeared. Accordin to the Mailaia Fraginent, it vas in the pring os 365 stat Valensissue an orde forme expulsion os ali bishops Who, having been expelle unde Constantius, ad been recalle under Julian, and thereb announce that he meant to fosso volae Aman polic o Constantius But it voci appea that Auaanasius vas Speciali marhed ut o Severe reairnent, O theground of many accusations: it vas o the thi IIa that the orde sor his ejectio reache Alexandria, an cause a popular serment, ni quiete o June 8 by he praeseci's

that the praesecta vas but bidin his time; and o the night of Oct. 5, Athanasius havin dou es been ore varned, est hisabo te in the precincts of St. Dionysius churcla, and Ool refuge


o St. Athanasius. X ci

catini Irsacius and Valens, and nsorcing the authorit of the Nicen Creed. Hereupon Athanasius, in a Synoda letter ad-dresse 'To the Ascicans, i. e. to thos in the Cartha inian


Auxentius, the Aman bishomo Milan nadiso been put under the sanae ban villa Vrsacius and Valens and the Suo e Stion vas adopte by a Subsequent Roman nod, and by ther in

Spain and Gaul. I appear that o Sept. 2 2, 369 Athanasius, Who in the


o St. Athanatius. X clii

cause at ne os ecclesiastica discipline an os niora right

consecration, bul aster vard promote Siderius to a more

the contrast et veen former eace an present conia Sion


letter, vas, stat Astanasius hoci promote the recognition, by thes Vesterns, of deletius a the rightia bisho of Antioch, and should so manage the Eustastians a to induce them toenter pon om negotiation Τ. The bearer of his letter vas Doromeus Meletius' deacon ivlaon Athanasius, probabi about Easter in 71, sent bach, vitii ne of hi inv priesis, o conve his ans ver o Basil. In the autum Basilinvrote again, an me tone xvhicla he adopis to varcis Athanasius is very remactable. He calis hirn the orernos person literalty the summis os me vhole Church, Ilo, no content vitii caringlar his o vn immediate soch, vas incessanti an activelyinterestin himself, by ESCOurSes, admonitionS, letterS, meS-sa es, in the wellare os ali the Churches . In another letter Basi appeal to imos able, by hi prayer an COIanseis,to Save ei Easteria brethren Trom his earsu storan, andentreat hirn noto omit an opportunit of vritin to thena. Is I vere enable once to e mee, an to profit by ines races that re in thee, an to ad to me stor of m ou nlis an intervie v vim so gran and apostoli a foui I should thini I ad received a consolation vlaicia vovi compenSatela ali me afflictions states have ver endured ' Once more, in a tone stili more anxiousi importunate, Basil addresses liis spiritual ather as in physicia procide by ur ordior the adnient of in Churches, a the on competent pilot' vho, harin himself, Dona 3 outh up vard talcen par in alistruggles in the cause of religion, could aid the torna-tossed vesset, and valce uinthea oryto rebulce the wind and Sea'.' But, lihough Athanasius consente to ac as a medium bet veen Basi and the Vesterns , he could not, vitii consiStenc or villa digni ty talce an direct pari in savour os Meletius,


and whose rivars poSition e had nequivocali recognigellin. When the mend of Meletius, Easteria bishops of like antecedents destre stat Athanasius Would write to theni as abo in even Basil et that this might be ashing to much δ; an Athanasius, in laci, decline to sen to Basi a lettera i tresset to the asterns, an stipulate that the rst ver- tures hould come Dona Meletius. O the whole, a Cardinat Newm' expresses it nosting carne os the application; but vhen ome Cappadocia moni: complaine of Basil sreserve language a to the Divinit os themoly Spirit , Amantisius reprove them in a letter, the gis of vhicla is evidenthoni hi extant letters 'ToGolan an Antiocnus, an o Palladius. In the alter e sal that the objector vould have done vel to contend is Basil ad been Suspecte con- cerning the initia; but Since e vas an ornament of the Chiarcia, and was fi litin o the si de of the triath, ille oughtto appreciate the economy' o caution vllicliae exhibited init interesis, and prais God sor besto vin Such a. bisho on

Cappadocia '

But ne of these letters of Basil 'ad apparens lyra remarh- able result He complaine of the countenanc stili give to Marcellus by the Vesterns, viro vere heresore ooked ponin the ast a indifferent about an heres that appenednot o b Arianism. Athanasius as ut have seen, had xvrittenagainst the vie v ascribe to Marcellus, and ita hegu toregard hina, at eaSt, vitia more or les Suspicion; but O v,

Basil Ep. 69. Marcellus, herilii nich had deceived ines Vestenas.


in consequenc os Basil' letter Marcellus, sorti*ing hinaseis

vitia commendator letter fron Athanasius' sciends thebishops of Greece and IIacedonia, sent hi deacon Eugenius, vitii mers, as a deputation to AthanaSius. O thei ariavat, Athanasius os course ut question to them a to doctrine.

In reply me pre Sente to im in the nam o Marcellus an a great multithule' vho adhere to him, a staternent vhicli condemne d the theor of his disciple Photinus, together vitii Sabellianis1n acknowledged an tenta Son, lentical villa a personal Vord in Shori, vas explicit on ali potnis Save ne the permanence of Christ' Huraianit and ingdona. Thi potnt, however, natu lit be supposedo hie include in the est Athanasius Wout be ni to gla to accepi assatisfactor this representation of the belle os his focinerseiend Who va no v dra vin to the lose of a prolonge land uoubled se. It is remaricatae that his o vi manae oesno appea among the extant signatures ' by vhicli Mur Egyptia prelates accepte the Statenient With naen. But they vouldio sign vithout his sanction. But is his sinat opinion os Marcellus vas thus lenient, he vas a fron tolerating, in these alter years of his se any theones vllich seenae definitet heterodo respectino: ither the Divine or the human fide of the Incarnation. In 37 I a Christian philosopher naute Maxinaus, aster Severa importunities, prevalle on in to vnte a hori letter against thenotio that Christ vas a hol man utioni the Vor visited ,

nasius, alie professo be Christians, et thena earn that the crucifie Christ vas the L.or os glory, the Lor an God

Se a later Marcellian document in Epiph Haer. 72. Io.

Newman l. c. See bove, as to the Counci os A. D. 362. Nestorianism seems agyin

sorestitido ved in lae opinion impliciti conabatie in c. Apollin. . . IO, et o si. 7.