Toy hagioy Athanasioy kata areianon logoi. The orations of St. Athanasius against the Arians according to the Benedictine text, with an account of his life by William Bright

발행: 1884년

분량: 413페이지


분류: 미분류


of St. Athanasius lusi

vorks, and does no set Him sortia a Father. To th s realise Athanasius subjoin the lette in Whicli Eusebius Os Caesarea X-plained to his o vn eople his acceptance of the Homoousion. In another theologica essay, Gn the Sentiment of Dionysius, bisho o Alexandria, Athanasius undertook o ho v that the Arians ad n right to clain his great predeceSSor a Onthei fide. True, Dionysius ad sal l in one of his letters, Therion vas mari . . . . is alien in esse nee ron the Father, a the in froni the litisbanduian the hi frona the hip vright; and a made, He vas not be rem came into ei no . But, Athanasius contends, et the circumstances, and the restis his language, be considered. He vas oppoSin Sabellianisna, andiar in the distinctioniet veen the Son and the Father; and orthis purpose vas divellino exclusivel on ne si de of the truth, that whicli relates to Christ' Manhood'. When his vor is vere made matter of complaint lesore his ames alce, the Romaniisho Dionysius, he wrote Refutation and Delance,'

the very tille os Whicli is significant, ames in Whicli e distinctly

admitte the eternit of the Son, as such, as involve in theeternit of the ather cite illustrations sed by hini, Khichag reex vitii the idea expresse by co-essentiat; and spok of the Vordis nos in thing made. Thus by anticipation, hecondemnes Arianism Athanasius concludes vitii a Pra ter

De Decr. 22.


that nil via are gone astra ' ma renounc thei impiet and recognig the trum.' I may have been about his time that he hos the indschola Didymus, atready reno vnessor vas and Varie learning, and si liis persuasive advocac os Nicene doctrine, to reside ove the Catechetica School'. When Magnentius Sent enuo 'sto Constantius, one of them vi Sited Alexandria anc AthanaSiuS, in spealcin to hina o Constans burs into ears He ait rSthad sorne apprehensio os dange frona Magnentius; but it vassoon evident that his reat anger vas from ille Ariani Zin adviser os Constantius. Valens and Ursacius havinor no Vrecante thei recantation, vere ready to fori ne v plois and ILiberius, the nex bishopi Rome, vas plied vitii letters againsthim, Whicli vere ut vel glied in the udgrnent of a Roman Synod by an encyclic os ight Egyptia prelates and Romerem aine saltias ulla his cause'. his vas in 352 and Athanasius, in Ma 353, thought it advigatae to senumve bishops ,-one os vlaoni vas his scien Serapion os lana uis, and three

chsabus Constantius of bad impression a to his conduci. Five days later, Ma 23, Montanus, a silentiata or alacechamberlain, arrive ' vitia an imperia letter fomidding in to SendisnvoyS, but purportin to grant a reques froni himself to visit the cotiri of Milan Athanasius, detectin an atteΠipt to leco hini, replied that a he had neve made Suchis requeSt, he couldio thini it right to se a permission granted unde amisconception hiut that is the em peror Sent hina a definit orderhe would se sortii at once Montanti departed and the nexi


ne v stat Athanasius received iram Europe vas such a tomalce laina orget ali personat anger. The Vesteria usurperha been finalty overthrown in August an Constantius, havin gone to Arte so the winter, vas induce by me Arians

to hol there instea oscit Aquileia, the Counc in vincla L iberius an intin Italia bishops ad equeste hirn to assembles

The event vas di saStrous Vincent, me Roma legate, vas induced to oin villa me prelate in condem ning Athanasius; but Paulinus o Trier ad inliente Maxinain's tedlaginess, and preserred exile to the betra3 alii a just causes In the Lentis 354, thie AleXandria churches vere so Cro Uded that Some person suffere Severely, and the eopte urged Amanasius to allo v the aster Services to e hel in ab large church Whicli vas stili un fini Shed calle me Caesarean Thecase vas peculiar': the churcii vas bein bulli on round belongin to the em peror to Se it reniaturely, vithout his leave, mi glit hie deenae a civit offence oo se it besore dedication, an ecclesiastica improprie ty. Athanasius trie to persuade the eopte to ut up vitii the existino inconvenience; the anS vered the Would ather hee Easter in the pen

to , lannalis is like vise and this using of the unde dicate d

again St thei adversary, and deal xvith in his 'Apolog to Constantius; the other bella that he had stinaulate Constans toquarret villi his brother, ad corresponde With Magnentius, and that he had not come o Ital on receiving the letterbrought y Montanus A letter Which he wrote laesore the Easter se stiva of this ear, or emaps of 355, is particularly intereStino: he se elis to recal Dracontius, a monic Who adbeen electexto a bishopries', an had wealci sed Dona his ne v


have been Nanting.

For, in the pring os 355 lae volita ea os the succes os Constantius in terrorigin the great majorit os a large Councilat Milan vllicli ad been sumnaone ait the urgent deSire os L iberius A sexv aithsul naen, Such as Eusebius os Vercellae, ILucifer o Caliaris, Dionysius o Milan, aster a momentary

a thus exhibited, mus have fel ineuiselves t be contendinglboth sor civi justice an sor Nicene orthodoxy'.


of St. Athanasius. lxi

a generat, cith another notar name Hilarius, en tere Alexandria The Aman part eXulte in thei approachin triumph;

Allianasius si e Syrianus is he had brought an letter homilae emperor He aidae lix not. The archbisho reserredhini to the varante os securi vhicli he had iniseis received and the presbyters, the laity, and the majorit os allthe inhabitanis, supporte hina in deviandin that no chan eshouldie matae vithout a ne v imperia letter-the ather that the themSelves vere preparino: to sen ab deputation to Con- Stantius. The praefectis Es 3 p and the pro vos of Alexandria vere present at this intervie v and 3Tianus, at laSt, pronaiSed by the se of the emperor that he would compi vitii thedemand This vas on Januar 18 an sor more than three veelcs ali vas quiet But abolitiaidnight o Thursday, Febria-ar 8' When Athanasius vas at a night-lon vigil service in thelarge church of St. Theonas, preparatoi to the rida Service, Syrianus, vitii Hilarius, and Gorgonius the ea os the police sorce beset the church vitii a large bod of soldiers sat lo vn. says Athanasius , nisi throne,' vhicli volat be athe extreme en os the church, an destre the deacon to


deenae it his ut to accepi an opportunit of Scape, Speci- atly vhen the sacrifice of his life voti l have been ruinous tolli cause of the Church in Egypt and e there re repatredio a place of concealmen in the country hidin hinaseis, asthe Ana Histor ' employ the prophet's vords, 'sor a ille moment untd the indignation hould e verpast.' O leavin Alexandria, Athanasius at sirs thought of appealinii perSon to Constantius, Who could not he tried to ope, have sanctioned the late utrage. Butae vas deterred by thene V os ne voe solio ving pon another' Bishops of the Vest ullo ad refuse to diso vn hini vere Susserino under

His love sor, and praetica Dioxvledge of the saltero beauti sullysho vn in his Leiter o Marcellinus, although his Coinnientsin the Salinsare no very t ing. He vas Won to have the Psalm recited atlier than sting tam modico flexu vocis faciebat sonare lectorem salini ut pronuntianti vicinior esset quam canenti. St. Aug. ConseSS. . . o. The protest says that heria ted and this, at in lastrui omen os such scene, an Lami suci a PreSSure an confusion is no unlikely. Soc si II erroneousi connect thi Scene villa Gregoo' intraision. See Augustine Ep. 28. 6. c. 8. Ap. ad ConSt. 7. 9.


ing to vel iis deformi ty, and state it proposition a the had hieen condemned by Alexander . ut he had oon to hea osa repetitionis the sacrile es and brutalities of the Jay os G1egOG A bes ore, L. ent ' vas the time lao Sen or the arrivalis

Tlieo l. H. 6. It is in Ain Hist Ari. 4 . Thougi coarse, corrupi, and violent, he collecte a valvatae libra .' Gibbon sit. 17 I. II ha been recommende by an Arianiring 3 nodist Antiocli. Se Sog. v. 8, vii Valesius note. Ain. ad p. g. . In Hist Ara. 75. heras salii' have been fraudulentos a contractor of stores at Constantinople. Compare, o this phase of Arianism, Such passages a De Decret. I. The principi on vllicia Athanasius ventinua. Valerianu's,-inat in senseos Scriptui se Scripture. 'Voriis sit. 652. Ep. ad Ep. g. I 2. See Hist. Wri tings of St. Ainanagitis, p. lv. his circular vas onc place at in head os in Orations against in Arians, asis xvi incit e fotine a lentabit los: Photius, Bibl. ΙΑΟ. Comp. Hi St. Ari. 55 De Fuga 6 Paeod. U. I . Other militie arenarrate in Hist Ari. 58 sq. there is a disti culty in stat Atthanasius langvage appear inconsistent vim in date ive in ine Festa Inde and Mailaia Fragment, xvlaic deser George' arrival untd Feb. 24, 357,


nasius stili clundit his purpo se of presentin himself be re Constantius, untd e learne stat ne imperia letter hia de-nounce tam S a fugitive criminal vlio chly mente death, and another hia exhorte meo vo Ethiopia fovereis n to

Perilaps in Fragmentist knowing that George canae in a Gnt an in 35 Easter vas Apri ), at Heraclius ad previousi distucte ine Catholics possessioni in churches, an stat in June 356 in exac day,


sendarumentitis to Alexandria, stat George naight instruct hina in the knowledge os alie supreme God 'Then it vas that Athanasius, accepting the position os a

Antony ad die at the beginning of the eam, destring that

that me discipline' vhicla he had embraced, and whicla Athanasius ad propagate in distant lands gaine a ne v charna

nes os elis' surther inland or in the et remo ter cetis; but he also dou es Mund cause to visit me pathlesssolitudes vitici Surround Upper gypt and the monasterieS

Meming, of the Faster se Arius, in Athan de Syn. I 5 . Frrumentius continue uncisturbed se Le uten or Chr. H. 6 4. Ap. ad Const. 324 Greg. Orat. XXi. 9. Vit Ant. I. Ainanasius hac latet invite Pambon to Alexandria;