Toy hagioy Athanasioy kata areianon logoi. The orations of St. Athanasius against the Arians according to the Benedictine text, with an account of his life by William Bright

발행: 1884년

분량: 413페이지


분류: 미분류


neede ali his opesul patience. The Nicene aith had not


id the ei libourin districis' and whicli vas even able in 357 to Secure the sanctionis the histerio Seml-anan Constantius sor a cree Composed by Potamitis, Ustio os .isbon, adopted 33 Vester dishops a Sinnium, an Stigmatized by Hilary blasphemia, not ni for it rejectio of the term isSeiace in regar to God, but sor iis ope dental of the Son's Divine coequality . Athanasius inus have been deeplyg leve to hea that this formula ha been reluctanti accepted by me venerable bisho Hostus, then a prisone at Sinnium. But lae sp ealcs of this lapse in a tone o tender pity, Whicla Contrast xviil What Gibbon alis alae inhuman severit os Some os

righteou to uiser', telis us vitii characteristi generosit thatis the old consessor, the fallier of prelates, did a last communicate vitii Valens and Ursacius, it vas througii the wealcnes of id a e, after tripes an long confinement, and conspiracies sorine against his cindred: an aster ali, he uid not sign the condemnationis Athanasius, that is, uould not admit the charges assectin his conduci, an aster ardS, in the approach of eath, anathematiged Arianism . AthanaSius eard ere long os another lapse that o Liberius os Ronae, Who Could confrontis despot - as e di in 355 belle than te could bear u against captivity. Longin toreturn to his Church, he igne tw documents,-one, a repu-mation o Athanasius, and the ther a Semi-aria forintilary q. Athanasius refers ini to the Irst of these desections and

Aug. C. Parin. i. 7.

The natura sense of the letter Pro deifico, ascribe to Liberius in Hii Fragm. 6, uouia seem to oin to the uirs Sinnian cree o 35 I. The sanae letter says, ' Ego Athanasium non defendo,' c. ut Sor. v. I 5 refers to a compilatio made in 358 also by Semi-arians.


parit harasset'. into accepting the maled Creed in a forni


De Syn. 38, 39, I, 2, 5, 48, 53. CP ad Asros, . Ib. 54. mr in analysis of the lalter partis ille De Syno lis se Hist. V itings oscit Ain P. c.


thei chie se vere deposed an exiled me Acacians, triumphant in the Eas and Vest, tiansferre Eudoxius, sistio os Antioch, Who reatly JInpathi Zed villa the Anominans' to the great se os ConStantinople, an expecte to sin an ali in his successor IIeletius, a ian os high character, brilliant eloquence, an attractive di Spositi On . ut the nexu relate, in caresuli prepare discourse on Prov. viii. a incenSed the Arians, an delighte the Catholics by statenaenis virtualinthough not ematly Nicene. He vas prompti deposed and banistaed an Eugoius, the old companion o Arius, vas appotiate to the See This vas to naucla sor hos Antiochene Churchmen ullo ad hi therio communicate With their Arianigin bifliops but the inustathians, Witti vhon Athanasius ad vorshipped stim resused to unite villa thena, and thus began a neu Stage in the schismi Antioch. 'The death o Constantius, in the November os 36Ι, gaVeove the empire to a prince Who sor en ears ad secretiyrenounce his baptisna an his saltia' and wlio ad recently

sion os Julia proclainaedis Alexandria than the agans, xvlao deteste George sor his oppressi venes an sor his attach ontheir vorsiai an havin once rive hina ut had recently

seen him restored by orderis Constantius si ros in tumultuoussorce, lare vaim into prison, and o the sternoon os the et thos December , drago exhina ut beat and ciched hinario death, eXposed an burne his corpse, an sun the Sties into thesea Julia rebulced thena sor his utrage' but ascis to ho vhis contempt sor Christia dissensions, or his atre of the memor o Constantius, permitte the bishops exile under

Se in Malisian Chronicon. Ammianus who lates e murde later hinis stat the Athanasians haled George to mutario intersere. Iul. Ep. Io, P. Soc El. 3.


pre-eminent meritS, and by S rare a Combination os opposite

excellences for the mora primae os Christendona The edictos recali ad brouσht Eusebius, bistio of Vercellae', and ILucifer, bisho of aliaris in Sardinia, froni the Thebaid into Lo ver Egypt EuSebius proceede to Alexandria, in orde toconsul Athanasius as to me remedyso consusion produced by the Arimini an Councti bu ILucifer has tened to Antioch, leaving


to osse λ The Counci resolve to extem iis communion to ali vho havin Arianiged, uould condem Arianism and thercurrent heresi es, includin the Macedonian, and accepi me Nicen Creed . et these terans, it va resolve d be propo sed by ur beloved Paulinus and his floch to the congregatio in the ita city. So vili that unit os belles be secured whicli is cortitition os the presence of mina vh d velis amon HispeOple To this vas added a varning against a so- called creedos Sardica : the orthodox Sardica Counci lcne vino creed butili Nicene. 2 A dispute had arisen a to the se of the word Mypostasis. Man Chiarchmen, includin tho se ullo ad emergedstor Semi-arianis111, ad accus tome thenaseives o spe ah of three ano stases in the Godhead but the majorit asSerted in hypostasis. The alter suspecte the forme os Arian-iging, and vere SuSpecte in turn of Sabellianigino: could anythinitae done to quench this discors Here, a Gregorysays, Athanasius howed hinaseis a true eacemaher. me addresse both parties genti and cindly, examine accuratelyinto the meanin os thei respective phrases, and found mem

Soc. H. 9 Theod. H. 3I The ne v city' vagi an istan l. Athanasius ventrio sar ivlien, in hic Leiter to Rufinianus, he excusecline conduci os in ' Ariminians as an instance of economy. See Chr. Remembr. Jan. 854 P. I 6o. ut o the gent lenes Aho vn by the Councit, Se Rufinus, i. 28, and Jeronie, adv. Lucifer. 2Ο, Quod Constaret eo quo reciperentur latereticos non fuisse. Observe, ob hox Athanasius ames Novati an arcines in ad Serap. v. 3. He trote against Novatiani Sm Montisiacon, Coll. Nov. si Io3. Greg. Orat xxi. 35. Cp. Ne reian Arians, P. 386.

Tom ad Antioch D; Newman ita p. 382. He himself luce earlier Alexandrians, Rouin, Reli Sacr. iii 383hlia Lused sti phras abolitu ventyyears earlier in illud omnia nidii, 6 .


nor of three.'


bears lae main, at nce, Os his comprehensive theological

insight' and of his practica solicitude sor uni ty. Is haplythe Lord vili pit us, an retinite What has hie en stivi ded, o that when there is again one floch, ve Ina es again have ne

was to late. .uciser, via sympathige intenset an exclusively vim the Eustathians, and WhOSe haud narro v minx vaSal the harde and narro ver fortis suffering s had resolve notio vaticior his brethren's counset, an consecrate Paulinu asbishomo Antioch. Such a te could but aggravate in dis- Sension , and in laci, prolon e it sor more than sty ears, an inade it no mali element in the discord of Christendom. Eusebius, disappotnte an grieved, est Antioch but inciser, uninove la di sapprovat, refuse to acquiesce in me readmi S- Sion of the Ariminians to communion o any other Motin stan inat os la penitents. The rapi deteriorationis a brave consessor into an intolerant Schismati mus have been ab heengries to Athanasius, lao ad honoured hirn a. an excellent bishoriandireacher of the nith .' Meanti me the Pagans of Alexandria ad Mund it eas toincense Julia against the arctabiShop, as One WhOS influence Mould ruin thei cause He assure theni stat he had everintende Athanasius to resume vhat is calle the episcopalthrone, and commanded that he liould leave Alexandria . The Alexandrians remonstrated, and thus provolce Iuliano venthis Spite a ainst Christianit an iis reat representative , in

long letter banishing in 'froni ali Eg3 pt , an in a hortdeSpatch to me prefect Ecdicius, peremptorii ordering that stelae of the go is, Who durin his reign ad dare to baptige


pectaps the Spealcer ' His facilities of inforrnation ad givenltim varning of the perit, an his ingenuit liti bassie icit Hesaited on to vard Alexandria, but concealed hirnSeis at Chaereu, the sirs station roni the capital me procee de to Memphis, Where he vrote his Festa I .etter sor A. D. 363 and then Inrule his vani the Thebaid. VII. It vas, probably, bout his time', horti laesore aster in 363 that inanaSius va met, While approachin Hermopolis, b Theodore os Tabenne. See in the bank of the de thronged by biShops, ergy, and nonhS, me archbiShop X-

Iulian, Ep. 6. The Index says that the sint order vas annotince to Athanasius by a Paga pthilosopherin Oct. 24. Tlae . Hi 9 Soc. iii 1 . n his intrepidi ty an nonchalance, see Rendati, P. 2o7. Vit Pach. Mont salico places lais incident in in perio solio vin the third exile Tillemon deseis it to A. D. 365 biit both the Fragmentan in Inde connectin ourney to the Thebaid With the Murtia exile, and the Fragmentiantes Hermopolis and Antinoe.