장음표시 사용
It oon appea red that unite action vas impossitae. Theni Mori ty, ignoring me Coianciis os Tyre an Antioch, and
innocent, Or, at leaSt, S Ot et prove guit ty andie joine ltheni in celebratin the Divine mysteries'. The Eusebian minorit ,-o whom the clite se vere Stephen fontioch, Me nophantus os Ephesus, Acacius, and Narci SSuS-on IeachingSar sca, ad impi annotinced thei arrivat, and then huithenaseives u in the locis innis provide so them at thepalace, an resu sed to Jo in thei brethren uiati the persons xvlior the denotan cedis convicte men, Such a Athanasius, Marcellus, Asclepas, and ILucius o Hadrianople, hould bedeprave os seat in the Counci . The ans ver vas that the Councii vas prepare tora into at the cases vhicli could besubrnitte to it: ach part ul l be re to implea meother'. Vitnesses vere ready to attest the suffering os theorthodox t teli os oro e letters an os organige ter risna; even to exhibit uound inflicted, and and that ad been
te monilis aster in recal os in Catholi exiles, whici folio ve Lupo ste leposition os Stephen o Antioch, whicli vas Soon after the aster Subsequent to the Coiincit But noto sa stat the Fragmen gives Oct.2I, 3 6 for Athanasius' retum, ine ineleenti Festa L etter, for 3 7, Vas vriti en stercit There re the Counci cannot be place later hanthe nil of 3 4. hi in is Mansi' date, received by Gieseler an Comp. Ne vanan, Hi St. Tracis, p. vi. ut a stili earlier date, in in autum of343, i more probatae. See Apol ad Const. l. c. I xvould hardi be in
discussion that is me convicted Amanasius, he houla be condemned ' and even Dyoii an, sat Hostus, bet stili objectato communicatin xvithaim, P vili persuade hirn to corne vitia me into Spain. Tliis signati libera offer in vilich Athanasius had acquiesced 'va rejected an in the en the Eusebians
vim drex Dom Sardica on an die retexi', and in spite os a Mimal summons Dona stat majori ty estabit Slied inem Selves a a Counci a Philippopolis ' villiin the Easter empire, rene Vedili sentence a ainst Athanasius, betrayed mei theolo icalmis mus by accusinthinam blasphenis , ut sortii ne v sentences against Julius, HoSiu S, and mers, ire u up an encyclicat, and adopte a creex vhicli Socrates reat with great injustice bydescribin it sis ultra-Arian . The relates a Sardica pro- ceeded villa mei inquiry hear evidence, vent through ine
suffragans of Athanasius and the Churchmen o Alexandria,urgin the aithsul a contendis arnesti so the ound aith and
tho innocenc os Athanasius, an to remember that althoughthe Catholic Church ad suffere natin an utrage, b et heriliatendured to the end should be aved J.' Such vas the Judgment of this great 'Vester Counci in me
caseis Athanasius; but os course, it vas o vertes to replacehim in his see. It could no influenc the Arian fovereign fila East: in laci, the bota sine talcen a Sardica provolred the adviser os Constantius to resti severities and the Alexandri an magistrates received orders to bellea Athanasius, o certain flai Cler γ' expressi nanaed is the Stiould Conae ear the ity .Five Alexandria clergy vere banistae into Armenia Many CatholicS, IV are tota, vere terrifiea into lissenablin meir
belles; many ed into in deseris, in orde to avoid the dominant party'. The Councit, supporte by Constans, en deavouredo move Constantius by sendin to hina xv delegates, Vincent, bistio o Capua, and Euphrates of Colo ne M. The3 reache Antioch in Apri os 3 4. Stephen, the Arian patriarch os Antioch, devise an atroclous plo against Euphrates It vas detected, and edo his deposition and ConStantius, in an honest revulsion os se eling, recalle thebanished clero frona Armenia, and wrote to Stop the PerSeCution o Athanasius adherenis β. Athanasius himsel stili heptunde his an had one frona Sardica to Naissus, and thenCe, at the invitation os Constans, to Aquileia There in Companyxvith the istio Fortunatian sor, he observes, he neVer a VConStans alone), he vas admitte to more than ne audience and Wheneve Constans mentione Constantius, e replied in
Apol. 37- 3. Masse publistae Metters os in Cotinci and of Athanasius to in Chures in in Mareotis, and ne of Athanasius tome Alexandria clero. Mesele decis them. mist Ari. 19.
The deposition o Euphrates by a Counci os Cologiae, dor denyingilia Christ vas God, is date in the 'Acts A. D. 3 6. ut is date muSt
dedicated, vas filled by a large congregation, includin Constans, via retained, anaid hi mora deterioration, a respect sorreligion vlaici combinex vitii his persona hindnes to affect Athanasius Judgment of his character'. e is sal to have perenaptoriij ' urge his brother o reinstat Amanasius Thedeath of the intrusive bi Sho Gregory, about Marcia 345 gave Constantius a plea sor iel dinime potni. He there ire Wro te,
a ster a long tinae, to Athanasius, affecting to', anxious orthes Vestern emperor' assent to an actis his o vn re Clenaen cy. He vroteo vo the letters', and inployed si ounts to urite encotira ingly to the Xile; and Athanasius, aster receivingilies letters at Aquileia, made u his In ind, at last', to actintheS aSSurances lautio untd Constantius could et Constans thiau he had been expectin Athanasius for a rear. Invited by onStans to ner, Athanasius made a diversion on iis j ourne in orde to se Ronae a alia it vas si years since helia been cordialty velconied by Julius, uti no v oured formitis generous hean in a letter o congratulation for the Alexandrian aurch, ne of the nos beatitii document in thewhole Athanasia series. He d veli on the vell-trie 'vortia os Athanasius, on his o vn happines in gaining Such a stiend On
This alter promise e a. once sulfissed by order sent to me authorities in Eg3 pt an he wrote letters in savour os me arctabisho to the clerg os gypt anil lae ait os Alexandria. One thingi asked that Athanasius uould alio v the Alexandrian Aman a Single laureta. Athanasius pronapti replied that hewould do So, is a churchisaight e grante at Antioch to the inustathian body, whicli cepi aloos rona the crypto-Arian bisho Leontius, and ad enjoyed the intense satisfactio of
Seeing the re a consessor alce par in thei services, Which vere held in a private house. The emperor uould have agre edio this concession; ut his adviser Stood in the way'Froni Antioch Athanasius proceede to the Syria ILaodicea, Where Ioung and acconapEShed reader in iis cliuro h Apollinaris, oon to e unliappii famous, veleonae hin enthuSi
by two laymen, Flavian and Diodore. Constantius ab olute dependen ceo his adviser is conisuli note in Hist Ara. 69, O. Soc. H. 6. For is George se Attin de Sm. 7.
Zen' Panegyric a picture O the vastonas os population distribute into iis severa classes, and streamin sortii, liheanother Nile, to Inee him a sonae distanc Dorn Alexandria'; the faces gaging rona very eminence at the vell-kno vn Orm, the ars trainedo calcia his accents the voices risin in emulous plaudiis, the and clapping the ala fragrant vitia incenSe, the ound spread villa carpeis, the cit festat vitiabanquet anu aging vitii illuminations-al that made his retur os Athanasius the standar in aster times o any grandpopular display. It is like the Jay si laen ope Athanasius carne honiel It was What Julius ad anticipaled, - da. yos glorious festivity, a da Such a leaves an inefface able impreSSion o splendour, triumpla, intense nnaitigate joy. The Aman Historyε say litile of the exterior milianc of his restoration, buti velis xvitia real beaut os style and tonemn iis praetica regulis in multiplyin acts of chari ty in deepening religious earneSiness, an in Sanctib in famil lis While it sti nihilaled
Salem, cf. ine evenit Nicen Canon.
post of the city' Stantey, East. h. p. 27 Usque ad centesimum lapidem,' say the Latin version os the Festa Inde X.
vas ArSenius, no v canonicali e Stablistae at Hypsele; mers vere dotibiles Catholics, whor the arctibistio had se in the places of Arians' The gyptia prelates, in Councit, received the decrees of Sardica. More an o bishops of different countries, incliniin Britain, vere nox in communion villa Athanasius he had a multitude of thei letters of eace toans ver vas a time os dee and wondrous eace'. Whichiaste sor a exv years Valens and Ursacitis ad UreMly, it Seem S, anathematizec Arianism besore a Counci a Milan butthie deeme it expedient tota more. In 347 the appeared
a Rome, and presente to Iulius a laumbi apologeti letter; havitas inire ady vritte in a lisserent strat to Athanasius briefly
io an ignominious death at the oot of the PΠenees, in February
This tragedy vas a severo hoch to manasius L e received indeed, a lette Doni Constantius, assurin him o continue savour, and encohiragin hina to pursu his episcopal vork. Dur vili an pleasure is uiat ou hould at ali times remat in Mur o vn place a bisti op M. The Alexandrianauthorities vere also commande to suppres an Plocingagainst Athanasius. Thereupon, in presence of higia state ossicers, includin me bearer os these letters AthanaSius de-Sired hi people, assembled in hirrcli, pra for the Saset os me mos religious Constantius Au ustus.' ne re SponS WaSat Once made, Christ, hel Constantius 'l' Therars three o Mur ears of his episcopale vere tranquilenough to allo v in sui time sor vor os a purei pastoralchiaraCter, , hic t definitivel secure his mora position antidhis floch. It vas probabi in these tranquil la) s that he had the happines of consolidatin the Church of Ab3 ssinia. Accordin to the beautila stor vhicla ve o ve o Rufinus', a visitor froni inthiopia ciequested ii intervie vitii the
rnantiood; desius ieca me his cup-bearer, Frumentius his secretar an accountant. At his de ath the ivere madeauar- lians os hi lxvo OnS, WhoSe ames, as nother document telisus' vere Aigan and Sagan. Fnimentius sic ted a regentis thel in dom, and used his o vers to provide places os vorshi forChristian residenis anxio familiarige thematives vitii Christiani detis. When the princes grex up the and thei mollier entreate the brother to Sta on villi them, ut ach, sorhis o vn reasons, villisto od the equest : desius longe sorhis Phoenicia home, an diastenesthither namentius simplysaid, di is no right to concea the ord's vork, and there-upo repatre to Alexandria o si iis iope' that a bishopinight e sent o vatch ver the Christia con re alion in Ethiopia Athanasius assembled a synod os prelates, laid thecase e fore them, an sat significantly loohin at namentius, an ve n Such a man as his, a man in Whona the Spint of God is 8 Al assented. Frumentius vas con Secrated, and returne to Axum, Where e so laboured a s to earn the
Ruf. i. 9 Soc. i. I9; Sog. u. 24 Theod. i. 23. The date in eventearly in Athanasius episcopale. ut a later date, probably bout 35o, Menis to be require I by the reserence in Ammianii S XXi. 4. 23, to the oume o Metrodoriis, Whicli, accordindito Rufinus, precede inat of Meropius; a by the terens o Constantius letter bout Frumentius in Ain Apol ad Const. 3 3 by the long interval bet veen AEdeSius' retiam to Tyre an his conversation viti Rufinus. Constantius, ap. Ain Apol ad ConSt. 3I.
ste dari nes of Ethiopia villa the latas hines of the liolit os Christ 'Athanasius ad no v eisure so wntinet. Villi a lex tosilencing tho se Iulio nox bes an to impug the Sardicansentence in his avour, he brought oiit, at this time, althoughhe aster vard made addition to it the reat narrative calle ditis polo γ against the Arians V embo' ing an commentingupo a number os documents os in highest aliae. His lette to a men is the Nicen Definition. i. e. o the Ound-nes of the grea Councir doctrina Statenaenis, is referre tothis period of his lise, an prosesses to anS ver the que Stion, Nil hac me Counci used e non- scriptum phrases, i the
ses to explain the inexplicabie buto preserve it froni bellig
See Bened Vit. S. Ain. See Hist. V itings of St. Athanasius. p. vi. In in Bollandis Lite Act. S.,ma a), the 'Apolog against Amans is calle the Syllogus, or