The eight books on medicine of Aurelius Cornelius Celsus, with a literal and interlineal translation, on the principles of the Hamiltonian system, adapted for students in medicine

발행: 1830년

분량: 544페이지


분류: 미분류


iridis, cerae, Singulorum p. H. XIV. Alexandrini iris, of wax, of euch P. H. XIV. of Aleiandrian calami, rotundi junci, aspalathi, xylobalsami, reed, of round bubu8h, of amulathus, of batiam-wood,

singulorum P. H. XXVIII. Sevi P. H. I. Unguentios each P. H. XXVIII. of suet p. H. T. V oinimentirini cyathum. belonginq-to-iris a cyath.

hoc modo. Cerae p. f. olei tantundem, resinae in this manner. Os wai p. of Oil DSt-a8-much, of resinterebinthinae ad magnitudinem nucis uglandis, belonging-to- turpentine to the Size 9 a-wamut, incoquuntur simul: deinde teruntur in mortario, ure-boiled togethere asterwarri are-bruised in a mortar, que acetabulum mellis quam-Optimi subinde and an acetabulum os honey as goomasmos8ible occu8ionallyinstillatur, tum terni cyathi unguenti ismoured-H- δευ- - π, ohen three cyaths of oiniment

helonging-to- iris, and of rose soll).s Autem Graeci vocant liquida But the Greus casi liquid scompositions)


separatim, deinde miscentur liquIda, et Separalely, aftermuro they-are-m,ed being) liquid, undium teruntur simul. Et hoc quidem purgat magis: then are-bruised together. And this in ed puris 3 more rvero emollit magis, si cyprus but it sostens more sis more emollient), is cyprus

argenti P. H. VI. combuSti cornu

bubuli p. H. II. conteruntur, quebelonging-to-the-buli P. H. II. are-brui3ed-together, ariduinum et id quod specialiter vocatur Sic, et

myrteum adjicitur inricem, donec terni belongi'g-to-u myrtis is-a ded alternately, untii three cyathi utriusque conficiantur. taut18 Uouch may-be-made. Quoque sunt multa catapotIa, que XXV' ' glso thore-are many pilis, undfiunt de variis causis. Vocant they-are-made from variolis causes. They cali iliose)auodyna quae levant dol0rem Somno: uti quibus, Odynes whioh relievo puin is fleep : to uae teith whi , nisi nimIa necessitas urget, est alienum: unlen toosreat seXtreme) nec 3is urges, is uini renim sunt ex medicamentis vehementibus

et alienis Stomacho. Tamen ond improper for the 8tomach. I et there is one Whicli prodest etiam ad-concoquendum, quod habet lacrimae prosta uiso to-concocting, which has of tear papaveris, galbaini, Singul0rum P. H. I. myrrhae, Upoppy, set galbanum, of euch p. H. I. of myrrh, castorei, Pi Puri8, Singulorum P. H. H. Exos castoreum, θ' pepperi Ueuch p. H. II. Out-σ


magnitudinem erri. the greatnen os a veich. Alterum prius stomacho, valentius ad Another toorse for the tomach, more poli erful to sor)somnum, fit ex hiS: mandragorae P. H. m. siem, la-mads out-of the8e: of mandrais p. Η . . seminis apii, item seminis hyoscyami, Singulorum

P. H. IV. quae teruntur eX Vino

dentis, sive spiritus, Sive tormenta intestinorum, Uy the tooth, or of breuthing, or tormenta of the intestines, sive est inflammatio vulvae, Sive cOXa, Sive whether there-is insummation oy the womri or the hise, orjecur aut lienis, aut latus torquet, sive vitioliser or vleen, or side torment' or by a vice disease locorum aliqua prolabitur et

obmutescit, catapotium ejusmodi occurrit doloribe me3-dumb, a pili of this-δori opposea to the paluper quietem. Silis, acori, seminis rutae

silvestris, Singulorum P. H. I. belonging-to-the-woods Wild), of euch p. H. castorei, cinnamomi, Singulorum P. H. H. lacrimaeos castoreum, of cinnamon, 9 euch p. Η . D. V tear papaveris, radicis panacis, aridorum malorum mandragorae,

Antem est

But it-is ejusdem of the Same capitis, sive of the head, OrdissicultaS


floris rotundi junci, singulorum p. H. III. granaos florerer of round buli usi, of euch p. III. grai piperis Lui. Haec Contrita per Se, of pepper LVI. These botng-bruised by them8elves,pasSo rursus instillato subinde, raisin-wine again belU-youred-bὶ-δευ- -δευ occaδionalty, Omnia teruntur simul donec satali are-bruised together untii it may-be-ma crassitudo sordium. Paulum ex eo aut

the thichnen os sordes. A litile out-of that either devoratur, aut diluitur aqua et datur potui. i3.3wallowed, or is-diluted in rcuter und isgivon for-drint. 4 Quin etiam manipulus qui potest comprehendi But also a han fui inhioh is able to be-comprehende imanu papaveris silvestris

quum est jam maturum ad lacrimam eXcipiendam, when it-is ulready ripe to lar) the tear to be-received demittitur in vas,

et aqua superitisunditur quae contegat id, atque ita and water is polirefover which may-cover that, and thus coquitur. Ubi is manipulus jam coctuS-estit-k-boilod. When that hani ut abeady has-be -boiled bene, eXpressus ibidem, moli, being mressed-out in-the-same-ylace into the vesset), projicitur; et cum eo humore, paSSumit-i3-cast-away; and with that liq/uid, ruisin-wine pari mensura miscetur, que inservet donec

habeat crassitudinem it-may-have the thichnen refrixit, catapotia il-has-become-cold, pius Sordium. Quum

os sordes. When fiunt ex eo ad are-mude out-j it tomagnitudinem nostrae sabae, que babent multiplicem the sire of our heon, and they hure munifolii usum. Nam et faciunt somnum vel assumtaus . For both thoy-mulo fleep either talen


per se, vel data ex aqua, et by theniselve' or given out-j With) water, and levant dolores aurium, Succo rutae RCthey-relisve patris of the eurs, the Dice of rue ondPaSso adjectis exiguo modo. Et ruirin-wine belU-added insmali manner quantity). Andliquata ex vino supprimunt tormina, et belag-mehed out-of With) wine they δuppress gristingo, undcoercent inflammationem vulvae, mixta thv resti ain chech inflammation of the womb, being λn odcerato facto ex rosa, quum paulum crociu illi cerate made out-os rose soll), when alitile σε ron accessit his qu0que, eth -aooe d has-been-added) to these aiso, and inducta fronti ex aqua tenent

uino, et quod habet magnitudinem lupinimine, and that) which has the εizo in ampla diluitur in tribus cyathis aquae. Tamen id daturis-diluted in three cyuus of water. I et that iswivosi periculose in labre. Uerou89 in sever.s Ad jecur sanandum, nitri To the liver iobe-cured sor curing the liver), Unitre P. H. m. croci, myrrhae, Gallici nardi, singulorum p. H. . of ε ron, of rr4, of Gullio nurd, Ueuoli


P. H. I. excipiuntur melle, que quod habeat p. Η . I. are-received in honey, and that) which may-have magnitudinem AEgyptiae fabae datur. the sito os an Egyptian bean isWiven. ia Ad dolores lateris finiendos, To ser) pulas of the aide to be-en d sor curing piperis, aristolochiae, nardi, myrrhae,pains os ille side), of perper, os aristolocis, of nard, osmyrrh, Pares portiones. equat portion8. si Ad thoracis, nardi P. H. II sor patiis) of the ohest, of nard p. N. I.

thuris, casiae, Singulorum p. Η. m. myrrhae, offrankincenδ' os cassia, of each p. H. m. of myrrh, Cinnamomi, Singulorum P. H. VI. Croci P. H. Vm. V cinnamon, of eaoh p. Η. UI. 9 δ ron p. R. Um. resinae terebinthinae quadrans, mellis tres of resin belonging-to- turpemino a quadrant, os honey three heminae. heminae. Ad tussim Athenionis: myrrhae,

piperis, Singulorum P. H. I. castorei, lacrimaeos pener, of euch p. H. I. o caStoreum, of teur papaveris, Singulorum P. H. I. Quae, contusa poppy, of euch P. Η . I. LVhich, helag-bruised Separatim, postea junguntur, et bina catapotia ad εeparalely, a forwur δε areboined, and tico pilis tomagnitudinem nostrae fabae dantur mane, bina the sire of our bean arewiveu in-the-morning, two

dormituro noctu.


P. H. myrrhae, longi piperis, costi, galbani, P. H. m. Umyrrh, Oflos popper, of costum, of galbanum, Singulorum P. H. Cinnamomi, castorei, lacrimae of eaon p. H. -..os clannamon, OscaStoreum, Utean papaveris, Singulorum P. H. I.

ypoppy, of euch p. Η . I. 1 1 Qu0d-si ulcera sunt purganda ' in faucibus But-is ulcera are to bemur ed in fauces

tussientibus: panacis, mVrrhae, reSinms eringyrom- ough: ot panaces, of myrrh, of r interebinthinae, Singulorum p. Η. V. galbanihelongin to-turpentine, of each p. H. V. of galbanum P. H. m. hySSopi P. H. m. Sunt Conterenda, que p. N. m. of SSU P. Η. - . ars to be-bruised, and

hemina mellis adjicienda his, et quoda hemina σhoney to-be-adsed to these, and stliat) whiolpotest excipi digito est devorandum. A-ablo to be-tahen on thesnger is to be-εwallowed. 1 2. Vero Colice Cassii constat ex his But the Colice of 38ius consista out-of these osti, anisi, caStorei, Singulorum p. H. things): of costum, of unis , o 'castoreum, of each p. E. III. Petroselini p. N. IV. et longi et rotundi III. Upur8l. p. H. IV. both in long und ofround piperis, singulorum p. N. v. lacrimae papaveri S, rotundi pepper, of euch p. H. V. 9 teur of poppy, of round junci, - myrrhae, nardi, Singulorum P. H. VI. quae buseuia, of myrrh, of nard, of euch p. H. VI. whichexcipiuntur melle. Autem id potest etur received in honey. But that is-ubio both devorari, et Sumi ex calidato be-δwallowed, and to be-tusten out- Opith) hol

aqua. mater.


SaliS-ammoniaci p. H. I. aut cui Cretici dictamni V SaLan oniac P. H. I. or to which of Cretan ditiunys. H. I. expellit mortuum insantem aut secundas. p. H. I. expeti a de ad infant or the secundae. . . ErySimum ex tepido vino debet Erysimon out-os With) Dhewaran wine ought

dari jejunae laborantito besinen to the woman) fusting labouring sufferingi


in duobus

out-j ohild-blath in her accouchement). Thuris p. H. I. datum frunkincenso p. Η . I. givencyathis vini adjuvat VOCem. cyath8 of wine assisu strengiliens) the voice. Adversiis dissicultatem urinae: longi uinuet di ouis of urine: oflongcastorei, myrrhae, galbani, lacrimae papaveris, Vcastoreum, of rrh, Ugalbanum, of tear of poppy, costi, Singulae unCipe, of costum, Single ouno an ounce os each), resinae terebinthinae, pondo Ur in belonging-to-turpentine, in Meight mellis, absinthii, singuli obathi: two ounces; of honey, of woi mrcood, oingle cyath a cyathex quibus ad magnitudinem AEgyptimoseach): out-9 whioh to the sire Van Egyptianiabae debet dari et mane et bean ought to be-given both in-the-morning and to the


tribus sextariis passi, donec with) three sextarii of raisin-wine, tintilfiat crassitudo mellis his: aut it-may-be-made the thichuem os honey with theser orcroci, myrrhae, thuris, Singulorum P. A. I.

conjiciuntur in eundem modum ure-cast-together into the δume manner quantity passi, que decoquuntur eodem modo: autos ruisin-wine, und are-boiud in the Same mannere orires heminae ejusdem passi coquuntur USque three heminae 9 the 3ame ruisH-wine are-boiled untileo, donec gutta extracta

y bruised cania p. N. I. . Cum proposuerim NVI' ' When sitice) I may-have roposed strealed 00sacultates medicamentorum, Proponam the powers of medicinζ3, Ιεhaumropose streat os)genera, in quibus est noxa corpori. Eatho hinδε, in whita there-is injury to the bo . Thesesunt quinque: cum quid laesit extrinsecus, ure sine: when any illing) huε-injured external0, ut in vulneribus; cum quid est corruptumus in wound*; when any illing) is corrupted intra Se-ipsum, ut in cancro ; cum quid within iisein us in cuncer; when any illing)innatum-est, ut calculus in vesica; h wrown-in the b0dy , a3 Stone in the bladder; cum quid inereVit, ut vena, quae when any thing) h--inere ed, as a veila, ichira intumescens convertitur in varicem; cum quid beoomis-3wollen k-turned into a varicoδe; when auy


deest, ut cum aliqua par8 est Curta. thing) is-wantlam us when Unis part is curtailed. Ex his sunt alia, in quibus medicamenta, Out-of these there-are othera some) in which medioiney, alia in quibus manus pr0sicit plus. Ergo, otheps in whita the hund uvatis more. Therofore, iis dilatis, quae praecipue postulant scalpellum those being-d ferro which evectul0 reqvrre the scalpelet manum, dicam nunc de iis quo and the hund, I shal ευ now concerning those tolichmaxime egent medicamentis. Autum dividam Ohiob need with medicines. But I hal disi quoque hanc partem curandi, Sicut priorem - et also uis part os curium like- the former ; and

dicam ante de iis quae I shal ευ beforo previ Ousty) oonoerning thoso eviis) whichinesdunt in quamlibet partem

Corporis: tum hoppen unto any Part


I shall-begia from dith) wound3. Autem in his medicus debet scire


But in these thopis iciun ought to know b Dreomesa quae sint insanabilia, quae habeant nil things) whioh mv-bo incurabie, which may-lmedissicilem curationem, quae promtiorem. Enim esta di ouit curo, which a readier. For it-is prudentis homInis, primum, non attingere the duty) in re prudent man, strat, not to tou

eum qui potest non Servari, nec subire him who is-allo not to-bemr erved, nox to undergo spectem ejus ut occisi quem Sors

the apyearance of him as bola hillod whom the tot state)ipsius interemit: deinde, ubi est gravis of himsos hu3-destruod: Vt war i, when there-is hea ymetus, tamen Sine certa desperatione, iudicare Dur, yet irithout certain devotr, to indicato