The eight books on medicine of Aurelius Cornelius Celsus, with a literal and interlineal translation, on the principles of the Hamiltonian system, adapted for students in medicine

발행: 1830년

분량: 544페이지


분류: 미분류


interdum obliquum; atque id ipsum nonnunquam habet gometimes oblique , and that itself somethnes has Capita retusa, n0nnunquam acuta; quod genus est tho h ads ends) blunted, 8ometimes uoute; whioh hind is pessimum; quia quae innituntur nulli refuso, the worst; bocauεθ fh0se).which rest-on to no blunt neque lacile committuntur; et vulnerant part), netther eastly are-united; and they wound

Carnem, interdum quoque nervum aut musculum. Quin the si h gometimes also a nerve or mu8olo. Bul etiam aliquando plura fragmenta fiunt. Sed in aDO Somet/meS very-many fragments are-made. Aut in aliis ossibus quidem saepe fragmentum recedit ex-toto other bonos in ed osten a fugment recedes entireba fragmento: Vero etiam vexatafrom ille Other) fragment: but even the veled ossa maXillae semper cohaerent aliqua parte fractured) bonos of the jaro ulwυδ cohero in Some puri inter se. Igitur, imprimis, omniabetioeon them3elv . Phermore, in-thesi Stolaoe, allossa Sunt compellenda in suam sedem

the bones ure to be-thrust bito their 8out sifuation)duobus distis prementibus. utrinque, et ab by the two singera pressing on-both-δides, both fromore, et ab cute. Deinde, xvithin) the moreth, und frona the S in externalty . A tergariis,

si maxilla fracta-est transversa; sub quo casuis the juw has been-brohen transverSo ; under whioh accident sero dens excedit Super Proximum

dentem: ubi ea collocata-e8t in suam

sedem, duo proximi dente8, aut, si hi labant, scat siluation), the two neit ieeth, or, is theso 'tollerulteriores Sunt deliganda are longe), tho Drther th0se beFond) are to be-bound inter se seta. Id eSt Supervacua in alio belloeen thenaseloos mith a huis. Theti is εuperfluous in otior


ahd the heu δε adducta inde

Supra Caput belW-broughtuenos

lusque erit dictum there. Thisalso

primum genere fracturae, eadem cetera sunt facienda. kind offructure, the 3ume other things) are to be-done. Nam duplex linteolum, madens vino et oleo, eStFor a Gubie litt&-linem toet with wine and with oil, is superinjiciendum cum eadem simila et eademto be-cnSt-on-over mith the Same sine our und the 3omesuliget ne thuris: deinde aut fascia, aut soot offranhincen8e: afterwarri either abundage, frmollis liabena, media incisa in longitudinem, a sost stras, the middie incised into long th lengthWise), ut complectatur mentum utrinque, et capita that it may-embraoe the chin on both-δid , ejus


pertaining to ali bones, hunger fasting) to be fratnecessarium: deinde, a tertio die, humidum nec sary . afterinariis, from the third du, molat cibum: inflammatione sublata, paulo pleniorem,sood; the is flammation belU-remove d, by a litile juverque eum qui alat carnem: vinum eSse mod), and that whiol may nourish thes h r reine alienum per omne tempus. Deinde debet evnisi through every time. A sterwards to omeresolvi tertio they ought) to be-Dosened unbound on the this dlaveri per spongiam vapore calidae aquae; to befomented by a vonge utilis Steam of hot water; eadem Superdari, quae suerunt the 8ame applications) to besluce Lover, which wero primo: idem fieri quinto die, et donec tityirst: the sume to be done on the Ath do, und untii inflammatio finiatur; quae sere Solvitur tho insummation may-be-ended; which moSis is-Dosere vel nono vel septimo die. dissipated; oither on ite ninia or on the Sreonth dv. to b



loco, reponatur: neque id esse solvendum, place, it m -b repletoed : neither Gul to be to be-l0o8ed, nisi duae partes ejus temporis intra quod quaequeunt 38 two paris εν that time within which tho seve=ul OSSA conservent transierint. Vero sere maxilla, bones unite may-havemanod. But mo*tly thoaw-bone, malae, jugulum, PectUS, the oheest-bones, the neoh-bone clavicie), the bi east sternum), latum Os Scapularum, c0Stae, Spina, OSthe broad bono of the shouldors, the ribs, the spine, the bono COXarum, tali, calX, manu8, planta of tko hips, tho unoles, the heel, the haud, the Sols-U- the oot, SaneSeunt inter quartumdecimum et unum et be me-healtis belloen the fourteenth and one and vicesimum die ui; crura que brachia inter vicesimum

tu entieth dis ; the log s und Dre-arma between the twentieth et tricesimum diem; humeri et semina interand thirtieth dis; the Ahouldors und the thuti belloeen Septimum et vicesImum et quadragesimum. Sed illud the sepenth and twentieth und fortieth. Aut this quoque est adjiciendum de maxilla, quodatio is to be-ud ted concerning the juw- bone, that

inlagano que aliis Similibus, donec callus fritier uad other liko things), untii collus firmarit maxillam eX-tot0. Que item silentium m. have-strengthened the juro entires. Anil otio silenoe is habendum, utique primis d; ebus.


nonnunquam coit rurSus recte Per Se,

et, nisi movetur, potest sanari sineant uni 3 it ig-moved, is-able to be-cured without

Vinctura: Vero nonnunquam, que InnXime ubi

humero. Ratio cujus

est ea, quod moVetur non per Se, Sed consentitis this, beoause it is-moved not by itSely, but Uroes cum motu humeri: itaque, eo Subsistente, 1 ith tho motion of the humeru3 : there foro, that stoppinghumerus agitatus Subit. in the fame place), the humerus bEing siluted go -under. Vero admodum raro jugulum inclinatur in priorem Aut very εeldoin the oluviolo is-inclined isto tho formerpartem; adeo ut magni professores mandarint front)pari; so that great profonor 3 may have- committed memoriae se nunquam Vidisse. it) to memory thenaseives nover to have-seon san in Stance . Sed tamen Hippocrates est locupleS auctor ejus rei.

Aut pol Hippocrate3 is arion author of that thin

Verum, ut uterque casus est

frequently spealis os it). But, as eara accident isdiSsimilis, sic requirit quaedam dissimilia. Ubi unlde, so it requires sonas unithe things). II honjugulum tendit ad scapulas, humerus est the claviolo tenda to the shoulde, .blades, tho humerus is propellendus in posteriorem partem deXtrato-be-thruxi orward unto the hinder nuri lcith the right manu plana, et simul illud hanii flat, anil at-thequme timo thul the clavi cle


attrahendum in priorem. Ubito be-draton into the former la0nt part). Wheu Conversum-eSt ad pectus, ipsum quidem estit has-been-turnod to the breast, ' itfest indoed is

dandum retro, autem humerus estto bosivon thrust) baok, but the humerus is adducendus in priorem partem: ac, Si is

pectore est non deprimendum, quia e8t immobile: the breusi is not to bo. depressed, beoause it-is immovabis rsed humerus ipse attollendus: Si casu est

implendum lana, et humerus est deligandusto-bosued with wool, and the humerus is to be-bound ad pectus. Si sunt acuta fragmenta, cutis debet to tho breast. IV there-are sharp fragmenis, tho 3hin ought incidi contra; ea eX Ossibusto bo-inoised opporito ; those sparis) out-υ tho bones quae Vulnerant carnem praecidenda: tumuthion mound the se h are) to be-cut-osi; thenretusa Ossa sunt committenda; si qu0d the blunted bones are to be-united; is ony thing)eminet ab aliqua parte, triplex linteolum est proiecta from δomo pari, a three sold little-lint is opponendum ei, tinctum in vino et oleo. Silo heslao Hagainst to it, dipped in tolao and oll. V sunt plura si agmenta, Sunt excipienda


Jagulo comp0sito saepius Pellus quam to the oluviole being-composed barta d) very- len ruther than valentius: quod ipsum quoque est

perpetuum in omnibus fractis ossibus. Vero

jugulo, si id fractum-est, ad sinistram alam; claniole, is that hvs-been-broton, to the lest armpli; a sinistro ad dextram, que rursus Sub Silafroni the lost clavicie) to the right, and again under usala : post haec, si jugulum inclinatum-esturn it ter these things), is the claviolo has-been-inclinea ad scapulas, brachium est deligandum ad to the shouider-bludes, the arm is to ho-bound-down tolatus; si in priorem P rtem, .

ad cervicem, que homo est collocandus down to the noch, and the man is to hemia edsupinus. Eadem cetera laclenda, lying-on-the-bach. The sume other things are) to be- ne, quae Sunt comprehen Sa Supra.whioh are comprehendod ubove. Vero sunt plura ossa sere immobilia, g Aut there-ore very-m y bones almost humovabie, vel dura vel cartilaginosa, quae Vel franguntur, vel either hard or curtilaginous, which cithor are-brohen, orlarantur, vel colliduntur, vel finduntur; utar per oratod, or ure-bruised, or are-vtit; asmalae, pectu8, latum os the cheeh-bones, the breust sternum), the broad bone Scapularum, COStae, Spina, of the 3Iouldor3, the ribs, the spino, tali, calX, manus, the anoles, tho heel, the luviis,

the bone of the hips,

planta. tho solo- -themost. Curatio omnium horum est eadem. Si Vulnus est


supra, id est nutriendum suis above, that is to be-nourishod dressed) with iis sproper medicamentis; quo sanescente, callus implet applications ; which booomisg-healthy, callus stis rimas ossis, aut si e8t quod soramen. Sithos ures of the bone, or is there-is ony opening. Ucutis est integra, et colligimus the 3 in is found without w und), and we colleot inser)ex dolore os laesum-esse, nihil aliud, oul-of the pala the bone to havo-been-woundeL nothing other quam quiescendum; que n0thing else is to be done), than to be-regied; and ceratum est imponendum, et deligandum cerato is to besut-on, and it is) to be-hound-doton leniter, donec dolor finiatur sanitate gent0, untii the patu may-be-ended by the health

9 the hon .i Tamen quaedam sunt dicenda propriel ' I et sonio things) aro to bo-3uid propero de Costa, quia est juxta particularib ) con rning the rib, beouuse it-is neur

Viscera, que is locus est expositus gravioribus periculi S. eviscera, and that place is eaposed to very-heau danget S. Igitur, haec quoque interdum finditur, sic ut There fore, this also sometimos is-vlit, So that ne-qUidem Summum os, Sed interior not- en the h hest bone the outer part), but the inne/Pars ejus, quae est rara, laedatur;

interdum, Sic ut is casus perruperit 30metim , εο that that accident may-have broten-throughtoiam eam. Si tota si acta-est non, nec the wholo thut. V the wholo hu3-been-broheu not, nor Sanguis exspuItur, nec labri Cula Sequitur, nec quidquam

5uPPKrat, nisi admodum raro, nec dolor est SuppurateS, unlega very Setiam, nor the pala is


magnus; tamen is locus indolescit leviter tactu. great; yet that place istat ut si hily by the touch. Sed est abunde sacere eadem

quae Scripta-Sunt supra, et incipere deligare alPhich have-been-writton above, and to begin to bind frommedia fascia, ne iis c inclinet cutem in the midiae ban ge, irat tias may-incline the shin unio alterutram partem: vero ab uno et Vicesimo One-or-other parte but from theone and undiwentieth

die, quo, utique, os debet esse glutinatum, Jay, iv which, truly, the bone ought to be glutinated, id est agendum, ut uberioribus that is to be-ooted aimedat , uat is more-ubundant cibis, corpus fiat quam-plenissimum, quo Hods, tho body mv-hecome asybli as-po ibis, by tilichvestiat os melius; quod illo loco it-mυ- lothe the bone heiter; which in that place being

adhuc tenerum est exposItum injuriae sub tenui a3iet tender is emposea tota tuta under the thincute. Autem per omne tempus Ahin. But throwh au the time curationis, clamor Vitandus, qu0que Sermo, of the treatinent, shouting is) to be-avoi d. aiso discourae, tumultus, ira, vehementior motus corporis, sumus, disturbance, angor, very-violent motion ot the bo , Smohs,

Pulvis, et quidquid movet vel

duει, and whutener moves excites) either sternutamentum; expedit ne-quidem Moering : it is-expedient not-eventussim vel Cough orcontinereto containspicltum magnopere. At Si costa persi acta-est, thebreuth greatly. But is therib has-been-brohen-through, casus est asperior: nam et graves inflammationes, the accident is rougher: Dr both heata in summation8, et febris, et suppuratio, et saepe periculum vitae and fovem , and suppuration, and osten danger 9 lfe sequitur, et Sanguis spuitur. Ergo, SI Vires fullo , and bloou k-vit. There fore, it the strenyths


patiuntur, sanguis est russer, blood is quod est Super eamwhioh is oner that mittendus ab eo brachioto be-sent let from that armcostam: Si patiuntur non, tamen rib in tho sufer not, yet alvus est ducenda sine ullo acri:

non assumendus ante Septimum diem; sed

vivendum sorbitione una; que ceratum factum exto be lioed with gruet alone; and a cerate made out-σlino, cui cocta resina quoque

adjecta-Sit, imponendum ei loco; aut may-hau been- addec is) to besut-on to that placo; ormalagma Polyarctii ; aut panni ex the malagma os Polyarchus; or cloth; out-U dipped in)et rosa et oleo; que super mollis

etandimponenda, to bemu On, a mediis,


quoque imponi, vel ex lolio, vel ex hordeo,atio iobemut-on, either out-j darnet, or out-of burtu, cui tertia pars pinguis fici adjecta-sit. to which a third part offut fg may-have-be -added. Et id, quidem, superjacebit interdiu ; vero And that, indeoc Rhul Γθ-on in the Gy-time ; butnoctu, aut idem ceratum, aut malagma, nutis night, oither the Same Cerate, or malagma, Orpanni; quia cataplasma potest decidere. Ergoolotis; bocause the cataplasm is-able tofulmos . TZere fore resolvetur quoque quotidie, donec possimus it shall-be-tiosed also dat0, untii et e nav-he-able jam esse contenti cerato aut malagmate. Et, ulready to be content with the cerate or malagma. And, quidem, decem diebus corpus extenuat Itur indeoc in during) ten dus the bo shall-b -as onusted lame: vero ab undecimo incipiet

to he-nourishod; and on-that-account the bandage circumligabitur etiam laxior quam primo. Queshal be-bound-around even Do&er than uis st. Andsere ea curatio perveniet ad

ni to that treulment shali arripe be c0ntinued) to quadragesimum diem. Sub qua, si erit the fortioth dv. Under u lich, y thero-shul bemetus suppurationis, malagma proficiet plus quam fear of suppuration, a malagma will avali more thon ceratum, ad digerendum. Si suppuratIoc rute, to dispersing it). IV tho suppurution