Annalium; with introductions and notes

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 303페이지


분류: 미분류


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A. U. C. IS 2 A. D. 29. C. Funus Gominus, L. Ruhollius

Gominus, COSS.

Ch. I-5. Deati, o Iulia Augusta, an immediate attachin Agrippina an Nero. I. Death and character of Augusta. 2. Lehavioliris Tiberius his animosit toward Fufius the consul. 3. Letters of indict-men against Agrippina an Nero sent to the Senate. 4. JuniuS Rusticus advises delay manifestations o popular se eling. 3. Secon letteris Tiberius, ho stili reserve the sentence in his

A U. C. 84 A. D. 31 Nov. unctioin) L. Fulcinus Trio, P. Memmius Regulus, OSS. Suff. E. V. Cn. 6-9. Punishment of person Connected with Seianus. 6. Add res of a Diendis Seianus to his friend s. 7. His sulci debesore condemnation. . De ath o P. Vitellius perit os Pomponius Secundu S. . Executio of the wo ounge child re os

Seianu S.

Cti. 1O. Appea rance of a false Drusus in Asia an Achaia. i. Charge brought against ea hi the by the wo ConsulS. A. U. C. 85, A. D. 32. Cn. Domitius Ahenobarhus, M. Furius Camillus Arruntius orthonianus, COSS. E. I. 1. Tiberius visit the suburbs of Rome, an abandon himself to profligac a Capreae. 2. His repl to the ab Surd proposalo Togonius Gallus. 3. His resentinent at a propoSal by unius Gallio respecting the praetorians. 4. Latinius Latiaris punishedon the information o Paconianus ohe quarre bet ween Trio and Regulu SuppreSSed . . Cotta Messalinus acquit ted at the equesto Tiberius. 6. Menta agony et rayed in his et ter on thesu ecl. 7. Severat person condemne l. 8, 9 Spirited speech and acquit talis M. Terentius severat of the ighest an attached.



IO Other putri death a Capream L. Piso, the praesectu urbi S, dies a natura death. II. Originandi istor of thii praefectura. 'I2 Question respectin an alleged Sibylline book. 3. angerous discontent at he high price of Corn. 4. Certain Roman knighis Condemne sor Conspira Fabatus ut in custod sor leaving Italy. A. U. C. BG, A. D. 33 Ser. Sulpicius Galba, L. Cornotius Sulla Folix, COSS.Ch. 15. Marriage of two aughters of Germanicus to L. Cassius and M. Vinicius. 6 17. Financia Crisis aris inglutis an attemptio ensor e Stricti the law of usur histor of the subjeci. 8. Severa person Condemned, Speciali the descendant of Theo. phanes of Mitylene. 9. Sex. Marius ut o death generalexecution o ali hos delai ne in prison o the charge of conspiracy. O. Gatu Caesar arrie to the aughter of M. Silanus ais servile demeanourri predictionis Tiberius respectingGalba. I. Instructio received by him in astrolog from Thrasyllus a Rhodes. 22. Expositio of the prevalent theories respectin Chance and late. 23, 24 Death os Asinius Gallus, and of Drusus sonio Germanicu insincere state mentis Tiberius respecting the former, an brutalit Shown oward the alter.

23. Death of Agrippina, an imputations Cast pon e by Tiberius. 26. Sui idem Cocceius Nerva, and of Plancina, ido of Cn. Piso. 27. Julia, claughter os Drusus, marri exto Rubellius Blandus; death of elius Lamia, Pomponius Flaccus, Μ LepiduS. A. U. C. ST, A. D. 34 Paullus Fadius Porsicus,

Ch. 2S. Alleged appearance of the phoenix in Egypt narrative of legend respectin it. P. Sulcide os Pomponius Labeo and Mamercus Scaurus, and of their Wive Paxaea an Sextia. o. Some accuser punished old line alieni Lentulus Gaetulicus. A. U. C. TSS A. D. 35. C. satius Gallus, Μ. Sorvilius

Ch. 31-37. Disturbances in the East. 3I. Parthia emba Ss to Rome o Compla in os Artabanus, hohad se his sonin the throne of Armenia 32. Tiberius en d fout Phraates, brother of Vonones, and after hiideath, Tiridates,as a Claimant to the throne o Parthia, and instigates Mithridatest occup that of Armenia ; Vitellius made legatus of Syria. 33. Mithridates sei ges Armenix Orodes sonis Artabanus sent againsthim. 34, 33. Batile, and deseat of Orodes 36. Artabanus satis torecove Armenia an is himself dri ven ut os Parthia, and forced


to tali refuge . illi the Scythians. 37. Ad vancem Tiridates,

supporte by Vitellius, into Mesopotamia.

Ch. S. Death o Fulcinius Trio an other perSons. 39. Tiberiusnea Romeri deat hand character o Poppaeu Sabinus. A. U. C. IS9, A. D. 36 Q. Plautius, SoX. Papinius

Allonius, COSS.

o. eat his Tigranes, nce in o Armenia, Aemilia Lepida, wis os Drusu S, and therS. I. SuppreSSion o a riSing of the Cietae in Cappadocia. Ch. 42-44. Further account of affair in the East. 42. Tiridates received a Seleucia, and Crowned in atCtesiphon by the Surena. 43. Some of the obles fori a newplo to restore Artabanus. 44. Artabanus collect troop and ad vances rapidi y retreat o Tiridates, Iulio is deserte by ali, and ahe refuge in Syria. 43. Great loss by re in Romeri munificence of Tiberius.

A. U. C. IBO, A. D. 3T Cn. Aoerron tu Proculus, C. Potronius Pontius Nigrinus, COSS.Ch. 46. Tiberius aware of the cotiri a id by Macro to Gaius his hesitation to nam an heir, an prediction to Gaius. 47. Albucilla charged illi crimes in hicli Domitius, ibius Marsus, and Arruntius are involved. 48. Sulcide of Arruntius Albucilla imprison ed. 49 Sulcide of Sex. Papinius. Cli. 5O, 51. I ast moment an death o Tiberius. 3o. His ait in health and last ourne to Misenum ad vice os Charicles, an meaSures ahen by Gaius an Macro Circumstances of his death March 6 in the eventy-eighth year of his age. I3. Uicissitude of his liferi hi Character at variou period s.

A. U. C. SOO, A. D. 47. Ti. Clauctius Caesar Aug. Germanicus IV, L. Vitellius III, COSS.Cti 1-4. Person destroye through the influence of Messalina. I-3. Valerius Asiaticus accused by Suillius and Sosibius his acquitiat revente by a device of Vitellius he commit sulcide. q. Two knight name Petra condemne on pretextis Ddream

Cti. 5-T. Discussion respecting the paymen o se e to advocates : limitis te sestertia impoSed.



CL S-IO. flair in the East. 8. The Parthians, alienat ed by the crueit o Gotaretes, cali in Vardanes, holes lege Seleucia. . Mithridates, hora ad been imprisone by Gaius, is sent ut by Claudius an recox ers

Armenia motarges and ardane malae term S, the forme retir- in in favour of the lalter Seleucia Surrendered. O. Olarge Sreneius hostilities an is deseat ed, but re turn to the throne onthe death of VardaneS.Cti. 11 15. Affair a Rome. II. Ludi saeculares hel : ouia L. Domitius in popularsavour. 2. Messalina diverte from attachin Agrippina and Domitius by herme passio sor Silius. 3. Censoria edicis os Claudius : ne letters adde by him to the alphabet. 4. Digression on the origi an history o letters. 13. A college os harus pices founded. Cti. 16-21. Affair in Germany. I 6 17. Italicus, Son o Flavus, the brother of ArminiuS, Senthona Rome to e in of the Cherusci he meet with various fortune at thei hancis. 18. Corbulo, appotiate legatus of Lower Germany restore the discipline of the army, and repet the Chauci froin the province I9, O He impos e term o the Frisii, an dilans an expedition against the Chauci maiores, ut is recalle by Claudius, an malae a canal et ween the Maas and Rhine. I. Curtius Rufus open mine in Uppe Germany his origin an histor described. Cn. 22. Nonius, a night, found with arm in the emperor spre Senci: Candidates for the quaestorshi oblige to give gladiatorial shou origin and histor of that magi StraCy. A. U. C. Sol, A. D. 4S A. Vitellius, L. Vipstanus

Cn. 23, 24 Debat on admittin citi gens rom Gallia Comata toth ius honorum speech o Claudius ora the subjeci. Ch. 25. Ne patricia familie created hin orth Senatorsremove M a lustrum held, and the number of citi gens enumerated. Cn. 2G-3S. I ast excesses an death of Messalina. 26, 27. Silius urges Messalina to celebrate marriage illi him: opportunit talaen of the em peror' ab Sen C at Stia 28, 29. At arm of the hie Deedinem Narcissus alone alae immediate action. O. Claudius informe of the marriage by two omen and Narci SSus. I. Advice gi ven to Claudius Drepresentation by Messalina os a vini age estivat. 32. New of the approach fClaudius disperses the guests, mos of hom are arre Sted. 33. Bol co urse ahen by Narcissus. 34. Claudius refuse to See Messalina and the Children. IS , 36. Narcissus alae hi in to thelxX



horis os Silius and thence to the praetorian carni here Silius and the ther hie person S. at So Mnester the actor a re executed. 37, 38. Messalina goe bacho the ardens o Lucullus oherelier mollier o in her. Narcissus, earinga Change os purpos in Claudius gives oriter in his nam sorte execution, an alloius him o suppos that he had committe sulci de Her memorycondemne by the Senate, and Narci SSu re Warded.

Ch. 1 . In trigue respecting the selectionis a is for Claudius. I. 2. Agrippina, Lollia Paulina, Aelia Paetina recommende on Various around S. Agrippina preserre she imploysVitellius to induce Claudius to annui the et rothal of Octaviato L. Silanu S. A. U. C. SO2, A. D. 49 OmDeius, Q. Veranius, Cosa. Ch G-B. Marriage of Claudius to Agrippina, and evenis connectedivitii t. 3, 6. Vitellius induces the senate to legali Ze the marri age. 7 Marriage and politica influence of Agrippina. . uici de of Silanus, an exile o Calvina Seneca recalle Dom exile madepraetor an instructor of youn L. Domitius . . Octavi a betrothedio DomitiuS.Ch. 1O 21. Affair in the East. IO, II. Meherdates, Son f Onones, Sent rom Romein re quest of Parthia nobi es, and conducte to the Euphrates by L. Cassius, legatus of Syria. 2 I3. Dilator actio of Meherdates in Armenia an Mesopotamia locat orShi o HerculeS. q. Meherdates deseat ed through the treacher of Igates and Acbarus subsequent dealli os Gotarges: hor rei gn o Vonones, hocis succeedod asining o Parthia by Vologeses. IS I 7. Mithridates tries o reCove the Bosporan kingdom, an is resiste by Cotys, at de by a Roman force, an Eunones in os the Aorsi, hobesiege an talae spe, an force Zorsines, in of the Siraci. to submit. 8-2I. Mithridates alie refuge illi Eunones, is deli vere to Claudius, and brought o Rome. Cli. 22 24. Other event of the ear. 22. Agrippina procures the anishment an death of Lollia Paulina, an exile os Calpurnia. 23, 24. Privilege grante tosenator belongin to Gallia Narbonensis: Iturae an Iudaea, vacant by the death of Sohaemus an Agrippa, adde to Syria. Revival of the Salutis augurium. Claudius extend the pomerium os Rome iis ancient limit described.



A. U. C. O3, A. D. 5O C. Antiatius Volus, M. Suillius

Cti. 25, 26. Claudius persuade by Pallas to adopi Domitius, who e comes Nero Caesar Agrippina receives the ille of Augusta ' neglecte conditioni Britannicus. Cti. 27-3O. Tair in Germany. 27, 28. The capital of the Ubii ad a colon an name aster Agrippina The Chatti, ho ad ma de redator attach on Uppe Germany force to SubmiSSioni P. PomponiuS. 29, 3Ο. Vannius, formeri made Ling of the Suevi by Drusus, dri ven ut by his subjecis, ahes refuge in Roman territory his nephewSVangio an Sido divide his dominion et Nee them. Ch. 31 O. flair in Britain. 3Ι. . Storius, the ne legate, hecks attach o the friendlytribes, and quelis a rebellio of the Iceni. 32. The Decangi

ravaged the Brigantes repressex a Colon Munde a Camulodunum. 33. The Silure resis unde Caratacu S, ho tranSfers the eat of war to the Ordovices. 34, 33. Caratacus deseate in agreatlatile his iis and daughter prisoner : his brother submit. 36, 37. Caratacu gi ven up to the Roman by Cartimandua queeno the Brigantes : his arriva a Rome an reception here. 38, 39. UnsucceSSi Subsequent Warfare against the Silures de ath of Ostorius. o. A. Didius, en as legatus, rives bacla the Silures Roma legion assist Cartimandua against her formerhusban Uenutius otio ad attacked her an renounce the Roman alli an Ce. Α. U. C. Og, A. D. I. Ti. Clauctius Caesar Aug. Garmani- oua , Ser. Cornelius Orfitus, COSS.Ch. 41 43. Affair a Rome. 4 I. Nero SSume the toga virilix vario us honour decreed tollim Contrast etween his position and that o Britannicus, whos attendant are replaCed by Creatures of Agrippina. 42. Afranius Burrus ad praefect of the praetorians through Agrippina, ho also proiecis Vitellius Dom an accusation. 43. Prodigies recorded famine in Rome, and popularii Scontent Shown to NardsClaudiu S.Ch. 44-51. Affair in the East. 44. Pharasmanes, hing of the Hiberi, incite his o Radamistusto plo against Mithridates in o Armenia. 45-47. Warbet ween the wo ingdom : Radamistus, ide by a Roman praefeci, talae Mithridates prisone by reacher an put hi man his Son to death. 48. Ouadratus, legatu of Syria, di SSuadedb his ad viser homoahin a vigorou Course 49. PaelignUS.


'rocuratoris Cappadocia, bribed by Radamistus o suppori imin et Zin Armenia. SO, SI Vologe Se Set up his rother Tiridates afain os Armenia, and invade the country. ad mistus a lennii forcedri sty his illa Zenobia ave si om deat han talien captive. A. U. C. SOS, A. D. 52 Faustus Cornelius Sulla Folix, L. Salvius Ottio Titianus, oΟSS.Ch. 52. Furius Camillus Scribonianus exile M astrologer expelle disona Italy. 33. Honour decreed o Pallas. 34. His rother Felix procurator of Judaea an Samaria. 3. Rebellion of the

Clitae in Cilicia putio uni hin Antiochus. 56, 37. Ceremonyo opening the tunnet made to drain alie Fucinus Agrippina

blames Narcissus for the fallure of the work. A. U. C. Sol, A. D. 53 D. Iunius Silanus, Q. Haterius

Antoninus, COSS.

Ch. 58. Marriage os Nero to Octavia : his speeches for Ilium and Bononiaci reedom gi venia cito Rhodes. 39. Suic idem Statilius Taurus unde a salse charge go u by Agrippina. o. Judiciala ut horit o procurators Stabli Sh ex contrast illi previ ou senactinent S. I. Immunit gi ven to the eople o Cos. 62, 63. Remissionis tribute grante to the Bygantines. A. U. C. OT, A. D. 54. M. Asinius Μarcellus, M.' Acilius

Ch. 4-60. Agrippina resolves to kill Claudius. 64. Prodigies anno uia Ced Agrippina, ConScio u of her anger, causes the dea thi Domitia Lepida. 63. Narcissus boldi talaesumthe cause of Britannicus 66 67. He is oblige by lines toleave Rome Agrippina profit si his absenCerio pol Son Claudius by the et o Locusta and Xenophon. 68,69. Oct. 3. Thedeath o Claudius hept secret tili ali arrangement were made Nero salute a imperato by the oldier an confirme by the Senate funerat an deificationi Claudius.
