장음표시 사용
I. Iis standin commander His inventio of themanne os receiving the charge of the enemy' caves , lintho ne restin against the hield, and the spea prosented. ΙΙ. Instances of his command numerated. III. complaint
to tho Athenian Dom the officer of the in Oftersia, heras eialed home DomAEgypt Env of the Athenians toward their distinguished men, Who see thei principia residence in omeotho city. IV. II loses his lis in an expedition against Chios.
24. Namque docuit sor in that batile, inen the consum 49 male genera Agesilnus a confident of victory the mercenary
the romaining columitosiel place, and wit the nee restingagainst the shield, and the spea presented inuo them, c. Vietoricl Meiae: Gr. R. XL oco cedere iri unde R. XVII. 17. A quibus magnas praedas faciebat rom - -ther, is 50.hom, ad area booty. o that Agesilaus tunderocii AEgyptians; ut that his hare os in boot mas great, hich. on by them in batues unde his command.
I. His character Instances of his command an achaevomenta. II. Furine instances ΗΘ compei the Spartana in atreau Wit in expres stipulation to concede to the Athenianathe superiorit at sea on account of Which, the latis institute the worahi os the oddesa eace, an honor Timotheus Mina statue in the sorum. III. In his id age, Athens Mincimvolve in Wars, he and Iphicrates Min appotnte accounae in Μenestheus the eommander, Chares, o cove hi mahnem in an expedition against Samos, accuses them to the eople, and
Timothous is fine 100 talents. IV. Repentin after his death, the remit nine tonius os the fine and the remainde is at is his son: roossis the wisdom an amisit character of Ibmotheus.
Paphlagonia. II. His despatch and the ludicroua presentationos his prisono to the in o Persia: eris richi reWarded, and place at in head of an expedition againat Egypt IV. Whil deepi engam in preparations the in senda him totali Aspis, overnor o Cataonia His nexample despatch, an succem Η aend his prisone to the hing. V. Artaxerxea' messenger, uent in countermand the forme order, meeta theprisoner : Datames promptes gain him in savor of iat, excepi in ossicera; ho, ut os enuy, conspire t ruin him:
By the invice of Pandates, e quit in hing' interest, and retire in Cappadocia. I. The Pisidiana ratae an arm againathim, and ithrobarzanes desertinctam, hi prompt stratagem againat the ene , an ita uoceas. VII. His non deserta him, an informa the ingue ho enda Autophradates in ah him: Heri es refuge, Wit his adherenta, in the passes of tho ountiana VIII. Immense armament sent against iam They attachium nonsavorabie round an Me eseato wit greatrios :We ted by the many ongammenta in hic Datames is alWaya superior, Autophradates endemors in in him ove to thohing's avor. X. Fire Wit an implacabie aue againsthim, the in tries in destro him by stratagem ; hic hesomelimes escapes, and ometimes destata by a counter atrat
M. Hominem maximi orporis, teretibilique faeie et vim ἔ- , barbstque promissa. Gr. R. VII. 56 6. Proviserent: aage Mur.'28. Moram germinum. See note is p. 13, 1. 19.M. Gellius oppressurum Constructio D se aestius o pressurum eum imprudentem parva manu. 57 6. quo eonestato,ehitur rides a suit speed.' 19. Pluris ri mouldie made more f.' M. Perseripta initte tuto tengin stat explaine in Writing.' 5. uendas Sco noterio p. 14,l. 18.14. His is heroisse in the sense of tutis See p. 59 l. 19.28. arethma d scarcely, or Que juat M. 59 1. Ab hisque Mare an to st-d by those. 24. Statui congredi, quὰm se poeium 60 2. II us reserito Autophradates. 20. Oppriini noterio p. 11,l. 33. 33. Suppositus erat: ha been substituted 6 2. Ut unimadvertit. me note in p. 46, l. 31 l. 11, ela..3 Conjeeit he prompti or ageri h led. note top. 19, t. 12.17. Bhtilo magis non ille more. 1 qualiues petivis and studuit. 29. Me --ο dies There is much differene os opinionwhether ante is a preposition or an advect. fratria the lalter, aliquot diebus ant Would have been coordin to the analogyin such cases an is the former analog seem to e violated. The expression relates to time fieri; ut perhaps the very indefinitenes of aliquot ives it the appearance of time mo
I. Caution to the reader' prejudices, in relation to the educ tionis Epaminondas, and tho customa of the Thebana. II. Hia origin and overty His education in the socia accomplis, menta, a et a in philosophy an militar exercis a III. His universa Mincommand devotion to philosophy, satinsul neu , an friendahip. IV. Unaucces ut attempt os Art xerxes iniribe him. V. His aut in argument: Torta finia rivat, eneclidas. I. His rese to tho argumenta os Callisu tus, in Athenian when oth Were delegato in the Arcadian convention: His pie against in Lacedaemonians. VII. is patience unde an readinem in orget injuries instanced: ut o devotion in his country ho retiana his command in the et ponnesua Myon the leges time, an inducea the other commandem to do the fame; hereis ali are table in capita punishment. VIII. At thei tristi, o returning home, he Maumes alline blame attempta no defences ut requesta in haverat Writteni his eat Warrant, that he was ut is death sor sarinthia
17. Ne and leat.' ari modo: of like estimation.' 20. Persona note in P. 1 l. 3. 24. Viasmur disera it Mema torus that me uot.' I. Rebus gestis. race note in p. 30,l. 24. 633. Honesto emere os an honorabie family. Not nobilis, or
44. suorum se vitas Versuum : versus is osten vae tosignis an complete sentence; ut more properly a line. 21. Ut Thebanum euiset sor a Theban inacia.'31 mi objiseret charge againat him. I in ala unde sinodiosor insolentiam, arroganee.'66 1. Num nullius, Ac Construction: nam in ista re volo uti
M. Quid direret, non haberet had nothin in v.' 68 2. Neque set atrae: nor id e mari an desenoe, that heshould the leas, o that he inould nes, suffer the penalty of the law.'3. Perseia here plaini meant in lin f his condenination.'
15. Iudiei capitis triat soriis list, a capital uiat.' 17 Aese instruet parade line. See note in p. 6, l. 15.18. md fecerunt Construction quod putabant salutem suae their patria sitam esse in pernicie ellus unius, universi fecerunt impetum in eum unum. 28. Usque eo-quoad Compare p. 63,l. 22 an se the note. 9 Domo sor domi. See p. 71 l. 29. his is ver unusual. 69 14 Satis Gr. R. HII. Obs 2 adrerbs hould included. 15. Quod nemo eat infrias i. e. perhapso in quod, and ad iocias.'l7. Contra ea. me note in p. 2, t. a.
I. Apolog of the author. he manne in hic the paditans et possession os hebes : Expulsion os Pelopidas indothera. I. The repat to Athona, to ait the opportunit ofliberatin their country: Wolve of thom g to hebes, as is Without design, o a sedis da of the magistrates. III. Tholaiter through thei extreme caretossness, arc ali assassinatedat the anquet and the Lacedaemonia garrison is expelled. IV. his a purei the achievement os olopidas; ut osmost os his ther exploit he hares the fota illi paminondaa. V. Adversit of elopidas When o an embassy to Thessaly, his person is selete hy Alexander os Pherae in a Rr of revenge against hom for this contempt Pelopidas loses his life though his causeris victorious Tribute os the hessalianditios to his memory.2l mistorieis. o historians, ut hos aequain te reit history Always a uaed in the goiden age of the languam.
4. metuque hae fiat inera persona in fine, he wa in secondiersonam. note in p. 1, I. 3.18. Summa se imperii. 23. Meunda vietoria: the victorffossoWing ordus besereri victov. Meundus is here sed in ita origina signification it comes hom sequor, to sono .' he solio in sentenoe, num jam inclinatae, alio Minis tot in meaning of the phrasa.
I His mya descent. he Spartan constitution Ela obruina the throne in presererice to his nephew. II. e marches nam With great despatch into Asia grant a truce to the e stan generat His fidelit thereis. III. He reorganiges hi armyat Ephesum Suecesses of his campiam. IV. Bein recalled heytelo implicit obedienceri an marches his arm bach With great despalati into Gresce Win the batile of Coronea: His clemency. V. He conquere in the Corinthian war: His love os Greece. VI. II refuses toto present at the aut o Leuctra, s satiario his sinis; ut aves Sparta homo ieem: Hi strat gema to that end. VII. His in to the reasur of the state
His ruga mode os liso. VIII. His natura deformity, and -- mirabie qualities Incident in his campa n in gypt Another instanceis his liberality His death. 73 F Harum lisebat Constructio D non licebat regem feria altera harum familiarum in laeum alterius familia. 8. Primum ratio habe ture ac et Note p. 46, l. 10. S l. 11.19. Atque novae, sor aera a no Mand e re a vowel. Me p. 72, t. 19.24. Miserat: -- goincto nend.' 31. Conveniret impera. an adj tmentishould e mine.' Conveni mihi eum eo: cit is agreed belπε- a.'
31. Adversus ac Sum o suos: fit may bo an adverb.
applied as a ter of contempt; ut vir alWay a a mar os distinction Virtus is sed in expreas, streno or soro os character, in ali ita relations.-Se eum esse: that he was the
28. Nisi ine fuisset note in p. 39, t. 4. 4. Et s animadvertisse. me note in p. 4,l. 20. 77
6. Et reliqua. Monstruction: et eomitibus attinetis de suis amicis o militibus, inquit locum tutum. 7. Namque illi, observe me se of the pronouna Mimeans those horarat men to the Hil eorum, thos Who meretest missi them is Agesilaus, and who ere ignorant of the planos the iners to de-rt, qui evertes eram constitii. 3que liben
tius ac se non commovemunt, or tibi permanserunt.- tere: C.
ea: Meviae the supposed that hos thines rematae secret, .hio the had planned. 14. Me fuit Const. Me fuit praesidio omniabus, qui &c. 25. A cujusvis m. M. illa in domo. . uero pede Pomone oot.' 33. - ei usu enit: an instance of mhic happene tohim See p. 29, t. 10. ho precedin sentenc is the antecedent of quod, Whichria theresere neuter. 78 o me thereon: i. e. Pon the sua . 11. Regis nerbis. See noterio p. 11,l. 21. 17. Potissimhm the ather: superlative os in . 23. Quod mes non habebant, cera circumfuderunt tho Greeha carrie thei arma into distant countries, the redueed
I. His extraction: is services o, an intimam missi, both Philip an Alexandor. I. At the deat of the lauer, Maeceives Cappadocia His fidelit to Perdiccas. I. e ovem Asia Μinor misistratagem to mine his soldiem face the enemy. v. Ita success and the dotalis of the batile: His generosity. V. He is proscribed hunto by Antigonus: His expedient in asiege. I. His advice an fidelit is olympias VII. Heuoverna in the nam o Alexander. VIII. His campaig against Antigonus Licentiousnes of the acedonia phalanx : Straba mi Antigonus. IX. utgenerallexis Eumenes. X. m Isbetrved an dolivere u in Antigonus es AEnv of the inicem