A candid narrative of the rise and progress of the Herrnhuters, commonly call'd Moravians or Unitas Fratrum, : with a short account of their doctrines, drawn from their own writings. To which are added, observations on their politics in general, and

발행: 1753년

분량: 198페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


tures, en and Times, a far a the are Creatures.


huteras a thou dos no belleve in the Lord Jesus, and heep'stio a God the Father invented by thyself, and who is

Philari hin Fresen, Tom. i. page 187. Ita habe mita stomost rellaret, da sis insolcher, nach meinensita reus, Doneinentisne de Pupiter des Mercurii, des Apollo, oder Ueines grosse. Iden in die myden den Gotus Tite Cebere haben in nichis disserire. Englissi Phave ostentimes explained myself that such a Person, accordinit myConception, oes no differ from a Servant of Pupiter, Mercury, posio, or an other great ero, o homth Heathen gave the ille of God Natur. Rem . Page 89. Der mi eryland om by si lichen Leutenmanc malaiaher, aftfle nichi begre en das es Ehre genetmor in Vater is Dei Creatoris των Πανlων eis estener undriniger Vater Eu In Englim. The istahe among honesileople, somelimes aris es rom their no comprehending that tris Honou enough for the Father, to e the own an sole Father of God the Creator ofal Things Hymn the 1897th, directed to Jesus Christ. Tu numen gentium sis et Ens entium, Et causCausarum, Und der Amts-Got darum. Englim Thou Godhead os Nationς, art also the ein os ali e-angs, the ause of ali Causes, and for that Reason theossiciatin God Deus incialis. Memoria presented une I a. 7so by the Clerg of the Reformed Churchos the Province III, ech to the States of that Pro-


the common Theology. He ooks ponit a important and necessary complaining much, that since the Reformation, Ρeopte are in rosis Ignorance concerning

the Person of the Holy Ghost, and that the Divines in his Article commit a very palpabie mission He adds that suci ascannot comprehend the Myster of the Trinit in the anne he explain it, Want undoubtedi Uprighines of Heari more than Understandini et . Thus it appears that the Son is chlaflythe object of the Herrnhuters orsi1ip. Though Count Zinaendors in plain ordscalis in the Carpenter esus go, having


yet the mos tender ames are ivenhim. He is called thei Lamb theirlitiis Lamb thei littis yesus They maheliis ame of the seminine Gender, callinghim thei Mother, thesr Mammi sua The Creation, Redemption, an Sanctiscation is the Mork of Chris, ut the Fauer and Holdi Ghos minister toti in ali of them, whicli is the identical orythey use in expressingthenaseives on his Head. Whoeve bellaves in Chris, though hae nocos nothing more of the Gocteta, Elde faves. The posites, to avola Idolato, Mino baptized in the ame of the Father, the Son animi Ghost, ut in Chris's Nam onb Godiad dorted his Amas a Flassos Libining and the o b his Incarnationhad mari a Parenthes in the Godhead What

athis ali ouis are parti invited parti priviledged, when the are received amongst the Sect that the may be friam that Hour in the closest Connection,ith the Carpente Jesus, in that filial and constant Conversation, as the se every one of us is,ith him n. Om. I. p. 738. Ibidem. In de armen Gestali, in der Creutet ositur, in dem veraclitelen una geringe Character, denis mi aus de Welesin die Herrii chlaei genom- men at, is er auch das Special Haupi de Ge- meine. Engli . In the oo Figure, in the Cross- Posture, in the despised and mean Character, hichii has carried long with him out of this Worid in

his Glory isae stili the special Head of the Society.


the leas Pomer more than we have. He had latio de his Godheia, and wrought bracissas Meiare abis to do These are sonae of the Tenet of the Her huter about Christ, that have occurre to me on a CursoryView. For, o give an exad Catalogiae of them, Will require a Iuch longe Timesor reading thei Works than could at present conveniently bestoW. The have a grea Devotion for the Five red Moundsof the Crucifixion but that hicli Christ received in his Side, is extolled boveat the Rest This is hei favourite oun the wer dear litto hol Opening the preci ous and thoufand times pretio bitis Side Theylissiliis Wound the his the Spea that madeit, and would ki1 the Soldier hos Hand conducted the Spear they than k him forit 'Tis in his Opening that the aithful reposes himself there heireathes, there hesporis, there e lay doWn, ometimes

and disposed of by the Society.


is his Country, his House, his Hall, his

litile Bed his litile abieci There he ais, there e riniis, there e lives, there hepraises the dear titile Lamb. his iniis id childish, an indecent Language, whicli true i et neve made se of is the ordinar Stile e meet illi in the Hymns of this Sect mali give omeSpecimens of it underneath, Where Expres sions ill e found that are stili more

mocking than hos I have relatex O. The


Their The Herrnhuters have this distinguishingopinion Character of a Paliciis, that the reiect




that the preser ancycio Philosophy, eel in to


selves out os Books. o demonstrate Religion to mali illas evident a four times four are Sixteen, is an uselesse an superfluous Labour 8 . aith don' require the eas Demonstration. 'Tis rought

find Pleas ure in belleving. everthelessiliis Falth, produced without eas ning, serves them instead os allither Things. No

Ich eige, manichlagi die Menschen mi allem as 1e fur chlusse et te lassen, as 1 fur die scharn ste Argumentatio passire lassen, an plessi si das si oline Antwortileiben, an machi itine alles s evident, das si das Dinis gewiss egi eissen, at vier malit vie sectis geli ist, o gewis ais sie fonst in mathematis che o geometris che Aufgabe gelten lassen; quid inde t was kompi heraus t sie wissens, und glaubens dennoch eben o dent als zuvor, glauben han man si nichi machen. Trans alatia. I suppose, e convince ne by al that is rei puted to e Conclusive by the mos cogent Argu .menis, the are brought to a Non plus, e malae itso eviden to them, that they frid it a certain a Dur

matical or geometrical Proposition the admit C;what theni halcis the Resules they know it, and nevertheles don' belleve it any more than bellare. Belies cannotae givei them.