De bello Gallico commentarii

발행: 1887년

분량: 513페이지


분류: 미분류


23 1

7. i. c. had iugi laid down his consulate and Was in B Om' ;

the nsighbourhood oi,' Vii. 41. I, 79. 1 etc.; nos to,' Whichwould have been simple acc. According to Plutarch, C. I7, he reachod the Rhone in eight days. 2. provinciae toti : refers only to farther Gaul. legio, tho10th. imperat ... lubet: the want Oi connecting parficies Asyndetonin serves to AhoW that the orderA Were hastily givenand in iaci almost contemporaneous; cp. 20. 6, 22. 3; V. 40. 3.3. 1egatos mittunt: they had not yet had time to massupon the Rhone. qui dicerent: 3. 5 and 6 n. nullus, placediast for emphasis, as 18. 3 nemo. TogRTe, Se. 8e. Me, te, δε rarely nos, vos) as subjects of infinitives are osten omitted. Voluntate: 30. 4, 35. 4.

4. Longinus Was utierly deleated and flain by tho Tigurinis12ὶ and Ambrones near Lahe Leman, B. C. 107, the legatus C. Popilius Ioading bach the relics of the army. iugum: Liv. iii. 28. 11, tribus hαstis iustum si, humi faeis duabus,

temperet a lacrimis I Liv. Vii. 20. 9, temperαtum αb Oppugnatione urbium; CP. 33. 4. 6. diem, space of time,' 40. 14. ad, by,' vi. 33. 5; Beli. C. ii. 18. 1: ad quαm diem.

ἀφικ*χενος πολλῆ δυνάμει, Xen. Heli. iii. 5. 9ὶ is used of troops and any War misteriai; e. 9. I5. 3, novi88imo agmine I 53. 3, equitatu. R 1acu. . . Perducit: the fortifications consistod os a series of foris connected where nece88αry by trench and wallion ilis fouth bank of the Rhone. No soldiers could havo dugsuch a french for 19 continuous miles in the time, and notraces of any Such continuous Work have been iound. At paris the steep batilis formed a Suffcient delenee. qui ...1nnuit: so C. fallis, Vii. 57. 4, oi a marsh Whicli soWod 7 drainodin lato the Seine' fsee Crit. App. J. C. Writing forroadera ignorant of the localities mean S merely to convey thogonorat impression that the river and lahe are connected, and that thorolore frona the lahe to the Jura range there Was a natural lino of fortificationes. decem novem: for theunusual order es. Li V. xxxvii. 57. 6, decem octo; book viii.


3. Italiam, i. e., Cisalpine Gaul, citerior provinciα, g 5 : cp. 24. 2. Aquileia Was strongly forti fied to resist the Gavis and Illyrians, severat legions being quartered there. itineribus magnis, by forced marches. ' duas, the 1 Ith and 12th ; sos

Intr. p. XXVii. circum Aquileiam : Winter quartera Were round


3. Strabo iv. 192 συγγενεῖς-ὐνομιάζοντο καὶ πρωτοι


C. in including iis inhabitants : 13. 5, 37. 3.

purnia, daughter of Piso consul B. C. 58, c. 6, 4). Plutarch, e8. 18, and Appian, Celt. 1. 3, attributo this doloat of tho Tigurini nos to C., but to his legatus Labienus. This is improbabis in itfeli, and there is no reason to suppose that C. is falsi bing the Story.


NOTES. I. CHAPS. 14, 15.

eXΡressed it in Ao many Wordes. The idea that the gods offendeterred a punishment in ordor to render it the more signatis nos uncommon in Latin and Greela, e. 9., Ari St. rahet. ii. 23, Who quotes πολλοῖς ὁ δαί χων οὐ κατ' εἴνοιαν-l μεγάλα διδωσιν ευτυχημα , ἀλλ' Dα l τὰς συριφορὰς λάβωσιν επιφανε-σMρας. Hirtius, Beli. Aleae. 25. 4, fortunα, quαe plerumque eos, quos beneflciis ornαvit, ad duriorem ca8um re8ervat. quae polliceantur, 13. 3.7. eius ... testem, allud ing to the deferet oi Cassius, 7. 4.

Noto the intercliange common in C. in os primary and historictenses ; doleant, velint in g 5 axe primary res giving a generret


4. SuperaVerint m iut. Peri. Οi Or. recta una. . . Aeduis et reliquae Galliae et Aeduis e unα cum et With nom. Or Ree. 6. necessaria re nece88itate. Cic. Uerr. iii. 30. 72, audite reliquα et diligenter attendite, quo minus miremini Siculo8 re nece 88αri α coacto8 auaeilium a patronis ...petivi88e. Theobject oi enuntiarit can east ly be supplied hom tho context.


18.-1. lactari, bandi ed abouf. ' dimittit, retinet: tho Want oi connocting particles Asyndeton 'in serves to bring out the opposition belWeen the tWo clauseS. dicit, Liscu8.3. 19Sum, i. e. , the Very man quem Cae8arem de8snari sentiebαt. summa audacia, a man Oi,' etc. This omission offome Auch Word as vir, homo, With proper names followed by ablative os quali ty is rare; cp. ii. 6. 4, 28. 5 : and thelthe usage of the genitiise, v. 6. 1, 35. 7, 54. 2; LiV. XXii. 60. 5, Manlius Torquatus pri8cαe 8everitati8. DOTtoria, ta narroWer Word than vectigαἶiα. redempta habere, held in contraci, 'Atronger than redemi88e, 15. 1 n. At Rome societates of publicαni contracted to tarm the taxes for a period of fius years for a certain sum, Subletting particular districis to underiings, more offen ireedmen than citi etens ; these last woro tho publicans ' of the New Testament. audeat nemo,

191, centum Graeco8 curto centu88e licetur.


xxiii. 2. 6, fliαm que Romam nuptum dedisset. Cic. p. inel. 11. 34, cum in familiαm clari88imαm nupsisset, had marri edinto a most distinguished iami ly. 8. cupere alicui, Wish one well, ' alicui boing tho dativo oi in direct object, and the direct object nos expressed. suo nomine, on his οὐ account, ' a commerciat metaphor. 9. Ιi any disaster Ahould betali the Romans.' Thissostoning down is called euphemism ': familiar instances arothe change of names, Cape of Stornis ' to Capo oi Good Hope,' of the Pontos Aaeetnos inhospitablein to P. Etiaeetnos hospitabis '), of Maleventum to Beneventum; Κieperi, g 17 n. imperio, under the rule,' an extension of the ablativo of tho

Willi proelium I the antecedent being omitted and proelium


phora 'in gives prominence to each ground of complaint; the

bαι I cp. 53. 6, homo hone8tissimus Galliαe provinciαρ. 4. simul With et ostendit. ipso, Divitiαco. 5. He begs him i. e. Div. in ei thor to allow him to try thocase oi Dumnorixin and decide. . . or to bid the State do Eo. 'Beli. Civ. i. 26. 3, ut ipse i. e. C. in cum Pompeio colloqueretur,

postulαt. Nepos Upam. 4. 4, cum rogaret ut eaeiret M ut per eum eaeire liceret. offensione animi form one Word oti Which

monte, Mont Tausin. 2. 1egatum pro praetore, Intr. g 17 obf. quid . . . Sit decreverit. A comparison of the phrasea id consilium mihi est and id consilii mei est potnis out the nature of the gen. ;cp. vi. 7. 8 ; Vii. 77. 12 ; Beli. Civ. iii. 109. 3, quid esset suae Moluntatis. C. 's plan Was this: Labienus was to go round and talio tho hill irom bellind and so attach the Helvetii in rear, while C. attached them in ironi. 4. C. is excusing his choice of the wrong man, iV. 21. 9 n. The sequel Ahows that Considius' Gaula were Labienus and

his men.


occasionalty in C. V. Ι 8. 2) and Cicero, osten in tho comicpoets and Sallust. caesar, the subjeci althe of the principaland subordinate clause, is in a very unusual place in the Sentence. Cp. the more regular Order, ΙΙ. 2, Aereui cum. . . non possent, legatos mittunt. Another Vari ely occurS 50. 4, cum


proelio equos dimittebat et inprimis suum. Just so Catilino Sall. t. 59. Ι), quo militibus eaeαequato pericula αnimu8 αmplior e88et. Suo, equo. Omnium, i. e. , ali his mounted Atas nos the caValry. 3. Gallis, i. e. , Helvetiis. impedimento, predicative dat. ,

nullius amicitiα α si pericula propul8αndα impediremur. cum,