장음표시 사용
home.' The usual construction is convincere quem cuiu8 rei.
at Onee.' Cic. αd Fam. V. 16. 6, neque eae8pectαre temporis medicinam Aed reprαe8ent α re ταtione po88imu8. Phil. 2. 118, 8i repraesentαri morte mea libertas civitαtis potest. In mercantile phrase malae a ready money payment.' Vigilla,12. 2 n. 15. decimae legionis, Intr. p. XXViii. praetoria cohors,
belli, the conduci of the war,' ii. 4. 7, 23. 4; V. 11. 8; vii. 20. 5, 57. 3. 4. alii ceteri. Beli. Civ. iii. 94. 2, 5, Pompeius ut equi-tαtum suum pulsum vidit ... αἶi i 8 quoque diss8u8 acie eaecessit. The usage, frequent in Livy, is not iound in Cicero. For thoidiom most os more thαn ali the rest,' cp. Milion, P. L. iv. 323, 4, Adam, the goodii est man of men since borii, i his sons, the fairest of her daughtera Eve '-an imitation of Ηom.
Il. B. 673, καλλιστος τῶν ἄλλων. ut duceret dependa on itinere
the richost abundance,' Cic. Phil. V. 19. 53, ut quibus militibus αmplissime donati e88ent. Xen. Anab. i. 4. 17, δε καὶ δωρα ελεγετο μι ε γ α λ ο π ρ ε π O s. 5. aditus, right os access,' right '; V. 41. Ι; Cic. ad Fam. vi. 10. 2, si qui mihi erit aditus de tuis fortunis agendi. 6. appetissent, II. 3, 3I. 7. 8. consuetudinem, Li V. XXXVii. 25. 8, praeter consuetudinem perpetuam populi Romani, augendi omni honore regum 8ociorum maiestatem. quod attulissent, ViZ., independenos and leaderAhis, as ii they had these ali eady. posset: questions whicli in or. rectα talae the pres. Subj., take theimPi. in Or. obl. V. 29. 5, persuaderet per8uαdeat). On theini. in question ep. 14. 3 n. s. in mandatis ut pro mαndαtis mandatorum loco) haberent I not among his instructions, ' these being ali he DVe. 44.-2. non Sine, es. Non mediocriter, 39. 1 n. Sse, DTaemiis, nos hendi adys ; cp. iii. 18. 2, yrαemiis pollicitationibusque. ipsorum Voluntate, contraSt 31. 10-13. 3. ac comes betore c, BHl. Civ. i. 48. 5, iii. 78. 3 ; beiore storice, beiore si never. uno DToelio, 31. I 2. 4. paratus, ready 'in talies ini. in C., e. f., ii. 3. 3; Beli. Civ. i. 7. 7, 20. 5 ; iii. 9. 5, but usualty αὰ prepared for,' 5. 3, 41. 2, etc. recusare te, 42. 1 n. Cic. αd Ram. iii.
such a case the demonstrative is otton added : Cic. Brut. 74. 258, omnes qui nec eaetrα urbem viaeerant, nec eos barbαries infuscαverat. The relative is osten repeated, 28. 5 ; iv. 21. 7. Here, too, note that a verb follows With the dative. 3. quodsi ...1mserium: Ariovistus had claimed se prius in Gαlliαm veni88e quαm populum Romαnum 44. 73, to Whiclita repties that ii in every case respeci ought to be pa id tomere priori ty oi occupation,' the victory oi Q. Fabius Maximus over the Arverni and Ruteni, B. C. 121, gave this advantage to the RomanS. quam ... VolutSSet, CRUSal, Hetam, concessive. The Romana alter this victory teit tho Arverni and Ruteni free.
note change of conStructi ΟΠ.3. 1egatum e suis, one of his men as his representativo ' not Aone Oi his enuoys 'me suis legatis), corresponding to Ariovistus A roquest that ii C. could nos come in person e suis aliquem mitteret. 4. c. V. Procillus, 19. 3. C. here Apealis of him as ii mentioned ior th0 first time. humanitas, refinement, ' culture.
TES. I. CHAPS. 48-51. than usual. ' si qui, qui niter si, nisi, ne, numin is usuallyadj., but Eometimes Substantivat, Vi. 13. 6, 9. 7. Si quo erat ...Tecisiendum, but se recipere to refreat'; cp. iii. 4. 4, sui recipiendi. But recipio is also used intransitively, vii. 52. 1; Beli. Civ. iii. 46. 5, qui bus αd recipiendum emtes impedimento fuerunt. Ennius quoted by Cic. I 8c. i. 44. 107, 8e ulcrum quo recipiαι. cursum, iubis, both
v. 49. 1. Contrast iv. 1. 4. See also Inlr. g 26. obs. 1. 4. opus, the fortification. 5. ibi, therein,' 38. 7 n. partem, hali. ' castra munire, i. e. , his firat camp.
C. posted in conspectu hostium that Ariovistus might boli ovo thom to be logionarios. minus, loss than ho could have
2. necessario, Plut. ine8. 19, προσβολὰς ποιουμενος Ῥυμιασι. . . εξηγρίαινε καὶ παροξυνε καταβάντας προς οργὴν διαγωνίσασθαι.
metant. J3. Ariovistus seems to have di ed AOOn niter, V. 29. 3. equitatu, 8. 1 n. consequi, catch. 34. duae uXores: Tae. Germ. 18 : prope soli barbarorum sinstulis uaeoribus contenti 8unt, eaecepti8 admodum pαuci8, qui. . . ob nobilitatem plurimis nuptii8 αmbiuntur.
5. Procillus, Metius, 47. 4. trinis nos tribus), as catenae in C. and usualty in prosein is used only in plurat. Distinguisti
Flor. iii. 10. 4, longe longeque cruentior pugna Belgαrum quippe pro libertate pugnantium. J
CH. 1.-1. quam. We Ahould haVe expected quos, i. 38. I n. stlXeramus, Vig. in i . I. I. By this peculiar use of the pipi the explanatory clause is brought into connection, aS a PaSthistorical iaci, With the entire narrative. It may be translated by our impi. Cp. 24. I, 28. I; iv. 27. 2, quem demon8traveram
tales ut, subdivision oi nonnulli I With ab nonnullis in g 4)supply Belgae sollicitabantur. mobilitate, for this character- istic cp. iii. 10. 3, 19. 6; iv. 5. 1 and ΜicheleUA cette j Eune, molle et mobile race de Gaeis, brillante, semelle et l6gsire, prompte a apprendre, prompte a d6daigner, avide des choses nouvelles. ' Rather than submit to ioreign rute, the Belgae, liho the Aedui i. 17. 3ὶ, preterred to bo subject to the Gaula.
4. oonducere, fine into their pay,' V. 27. 8; Vii. 31. 5. facu1tates, i. 18. 4. eam rem regnum. imperio nostro, i. 18. 9 n. 2. - . commotus, i. 37. 4. duRS 1eg. conserissit, Introd. p. xxvii. inita aestate, Eo Caesar orien and initur not initi, ne verthe commoner ineunte. The Worda depend closely on deduceretrather than on misit. Caesar meant to stari later, When the legiona mere combined and the commissariat arranged for.
2. cum Primum ... inciperet. The conj. beenuae a reason is
3. ea ... cognoscant, stahe notice Oi,' is disserent hom e. de re, receive information os.' 4. constanter, With one consent. '
thought ': the more frequent phrases are praeter contrαὶ omnium Uinionem siV. 30. Ι); omnium spe citius, and tholike. proximi Galliae, i. e. , on the line of Caesar a march. eX Belg. inter Belgas, i. 41. 4. 2. primos ciVitatis, 13. 1. permittere, res no ambiguity is caused, and the repetition Would bo displeusing, the subjectae is omitted; cp. i. 7. 3 ; ii. 3Ι. 3; v. 20. 2; Vi. 40. 6 n. ;vii. 89. 2.3. DRTRlOS...daTe, i. 44. 4n. imperata facere, a formula os surrenderm 8e8e dedere, and used With that phrase, V. 20. 2. Oppidis, for abl. Without in With recipere, Aee i. 40 8 n. recipere, the object is east ly supplied. 4. Germanos, 4. 10. cis. i. e. , on the Gallic fide; so men Rhenum, 29. 4. 5. So great was the excitement of the united peoples thatthey were unable to detor from the combination even the Suessiones their own hin, nay blood-relations, Who enjoy the samo civit righis and laws, and have ono martial rule -- perium) and one form of governmont With themsolves.' Isdem iisdem, i. 31. 1. utantur. ..habeant, α8yndeton; CP. i. 7. 2. 4.-1. on inquiring of them tho namos and sigos of tho States Under arms, and What forces they could pus in tho fiet d.' Sic, nos haec, for reperiebat is used absolutely scp. 15. 4, sic remondebαtur; i. 13. 63. Belgas... ortos . . . ab G. This is especialty true of tho Norvii and Treveri, of whomΤae., Germ. 28, Snys, circα ectationem Germαnicαρ oroinis ultro αmbitiosi sunt. Intr. Ρ. XXi. Rhenum, Ree. Riter trαductos: doubie acc., i. 12. 2; cp. 5. 4.3. omni Gallia, including the Province and Aquitania according to Livy, Epit. 67. For the facts cp. i. 33. Teutoni, i. 33. 4 n. ingressi: With prohibere Caesar uses Simple ini. , or acu. and ini. as usualty Cic. and LiVyὶ, never quominus p
3. memoria, abi. of the reason. Spiritus, i. 33. 5. 4. dicebant ... cognOVerint. Notice change of tense. habere