장음표시 사용
5. consscere, A mahe us. ' armatam αrmatorum. 6. nnes of the extent, agri, the character of the Eoit, i. 49.
munire iubet. Tho subject oi munire is omitted sus v. 3, 3 ;34. I, etc. in Ι) When it cun east ly be supplied ironi the worditseli, as milites here, 2ὶ When it is a generat order, given to
it was 'in hold out '; cp. g 4, sustinere, and vii. 86. 2. COH-trast construction in V. 39. 4, αegre is dies su8tentatur. 2. oppugnatio. In the mode of siego described bolom animmodi te attach Was possibio Without the usual siege-WorkS. Verbal substanti vos iu -io osten express 1ὶ the method ol
occultatio. totis moenibus, abi. , along the wholo litis of the fortifications,' vii. 72. 4. coepti sunt, i. 47. 1 n. 3. testudine f., they formed a testudo.' In tr. g 15. 5. Tennyson, Dream of Fair Women,' heroos tali l distodgingpinnacle and par et i upon the tortoise creeping to the Wall. succedunt, come up to the walis),' opposed to the earlier fighting at a distance. Tac. Hist. iii. 27, primo 8agitti8
densα testudine succedunt. Sall. Iust. 57. 4, pαra eminu8l idtibus pug=ὶαre, alii εuccedere ac murum 8 odere f8uccendunt, the mS. reading, can hard ly be right, as they do not burn thegatesJ. conicerent, Plur. , because multitudo implies plurality. Liv. XXiV. 3. 15, Locro8 omni8 multitudo αbeunt. nulli, note emphatic position; cp. i. 2. I, Orgetoriae. 4. Summa nou. , i. 18. 3 n. gratia, popularity,' insu- ence,' i. 9. 3. Praefuerat praepo8it erat, et tum
mines it ideo. J ducibus usus, employing res guides. ' Thepi. Ρt. oi deponents and Semi-deponenta is Oiten used os an action contemplated with tho chlei action, instoad of the preSent, V. 7. 3. Numidas, iamΟUS ior cavalry, as We See in tho Punic Wars, but Caesar used them us light infantry ; cp. 10. 1. Bowmen from the date of the Punic Wars formodregulis divisions of the Roman infantry. Baleares, Strabo, Gostr. iii. P. 168, σφενδονῆται ἄριστοι λέγονται. The AlingerSused stones and glandes or leaden bulleis. 2. alventu. Verbal substantives in abi. express Ιὶ time, 2ὶ combined time and ground of action, as here; cp. i. 32. 2 n.
cum Sse ... accessit, A With tho hope of beating them Oss came also an impulse to aut on the offensive ' m animus αugetur OfVii. 70. 3. potiundi is here pass. as Oiten ; ΟΡ. iii. 6. 2.Liv. xxiii. 15. I, cupidus maritimi oppidi potiundi. 3. quos agrees With the more important antecedent. Omn. costis, instrumental abl. i. 8. 1 n. ab ... luodus, at a diStance of less than tWo miles.' ad, cp. 30. 3 ; iv. 22. 4; V. 32. l. minus, adVerbial, i. 38. 5 n. 4. castra . . . Re cRStra, for the repetition, i. 6.1 n. amplius, here With abi. oi comparison, i. 38. 5 n. 8.-1. EXlmiam, their extraordinary reputation for valour not op. virtutis eae imi α e), 24. 4, 35. 1; Vi. 24. 3. Proelio, a decisive engagemens,' i. 50. 4. 2. periclitabatur, 'Was making triat,' i. 40. 5 n. ; cp.
Plaut. Amph. 688, αn peri Mitamini quid animi hateαm J
SuggeStion, 5. 3. cognoVerant, the ind. emphasiges the faci usopposed to their thought about it. neque is used because thereare not two distinet actions ; αuaeilium ferrent is contained asa natural conclusion in diutiu8 morarentur.
position os a prep. With an ad j. and subst. is bolore both; some phrases are inVariable fcontrast ob eam rem, ad eas res With quαm ob rem, quα de causaJ. But When tho adj. is to beemphasiged is is placed beiore the preposition ; this is thousual place of superlatives ; cp. i. 10. 2, 18. 9, 41. 1. nullo
his to equitatum ; g 4, hi to equita tu8 and le9. trtibus, together;
it implies graia fing oi pardon, lite and liberty, 15. 1.
in ndem, to talio into his protection, admit to pardon alter Voluntvry SubmiSSion made. quod ... poposcit, by the αδ deton the opposition belween the two clausos is euiorced ; thoughior D. A salie he pardoned them, vet,' etc. 3. attingebant. This impi. is frequent in geographical statomenis, as in Engli Ah and Greela, Xen. Anab. iv. 8. 1.
quidquαm vini, the neg. reatly quali tying the verb. inferri mimportαri ol iv. 2. 6. relanguescere animos, ta generat State-ment, not confined to the Nervii. The German origin of the N. Ahowed itseli in their modo oi liis more than in that oi theother tribes. Tac. Germ. 28, 2'reveri et Nervii citrα ectα-tionem Germαnicae originis ultro αmbitiosi sunt tαmquαm perhαnc gloriαm 8αnguinis α similitudine et inertiα Gallorum
during three days.' For the accumulation os geniti Ves, i. 19. 5, 30. 2 n.; Vii. 76. 2; Cic. 2 c. ii. 15. 35, functio vel animi vel
corpori8 graviori8 operis et muneris. neque ... negotii. The Same
to See, mueli more to torce a Way. ' incidere, ρ clip. ' Cic. ad Att. iv. 2. 5, qui mihi pinnas inciderαnt, nolunt ea8dem renasci. instar, in apposition With munimenta. quo in quae munimenta, i. 42. 5. The hedges are nos fronti er forireSSes,
3. his stl1L, dat. of disadvantage, against these dissicultios Beli. Civ. iii. 70. I, his tantis malis haec subsidiα occurrebαnt; Cic. p. Sull. 16. 45, quαe 8ubsidio Oblimo ni e88e possent. Subsidio, predicative dat. scientia atq. usus, technical skill and practical experience,' iii. 8. 1; iv. 1. 6. 21.-1. necessariis, immediate,' What Was qui te necessary,' time forbidding more to be done. quam in Partem meαm pαrtem quam. Nepos, Pelop. 2, ut quem locum fors ob
tho lsit Wing. 2. neu Perturbarentur goes closely With and in oppositionto uti retinerent hostiumque. . . . 8u8tinerent and depends on the Same as a second clause; So that this passage is not ones of
thoso in whicli an ut is to be supplied ironi a preceding ne as
Beli. C. i. 19. 1, ne animo desciαnt quαeque usui 8int parent. Cp. V. 34. 3; Beli. C. iii. 92. 1, praediaeerant ut impetum eaeciperent neve se loco moverent, aciemque eiu8 distrαhi paterentur.
cari. Tho difficulty oi observing the movements of thoonomy through the thicli soreen os felices provented thoirplacing their reserve on any desined plan certα certis locis). in tanta, i. 27. 4 n.