De bello Gallico commentarii

발행: 1887년

분량: 513페이지


분류: 미분류


C. put the legions bach to bach, so that ho could not be talion in rear see g 2); convertere f. is ot coui se strictly applicabieto only one of the legions ; i. 25. 7. 2. timerent, the soldiera as a Whole, nos for the singularWith alius alium, Vii. 71. 23. mil. . . . duarum, I9. 3. Oroelio ... incitato, ΙΙ. 5 n. 5. Versaretur: When severat subsis. oi disserent numbers

come gether, the Verb is ussed in the sing., ii tho most important subject is in the sing. and Atanda nexi tO it. nihil . . . reliqui, lit. they leis thomsolves nothing o ver in regard to Speed,' i. e. , they used ali the speed they could ; Liv. vii. 35, m. . . nihil vobis fortunα reliqui fecerit.


tarch, Cae8. 20, πεντακόσιοι απι μυριάδων σωθηναι λέγονται, βουλευταὶ δὲ τρεῖς detro τετρακοσίων. ViX is AO placed nos AO much


2. castella, i. 8. 2.3. Vin. actis, i. 24. 3 ; ii. 12. 3. turrim is a commoner formthan turrem, turri than turre. Primum, aΠSWered by vero,


irom Whom this could least be expected. staturas, not -OR, as they promised it in the name of their tribes. Operata fac. 3. 3 n. 2. Illyricum, Which formed part oi C. 's pro vinco. 1vita Rest. , 2.1 n. 3. Turonos, Aee Crit. App. ubi d. gesserat: Napoleonthinks that tho name of Crassus has here dropped oui. raberna 1a, ouly here in C., Sall. Jug. 103. I, Mercitu in


2. per Alpes, over the Great St. Bernard into tho Valais andon to tho talae Oi Genova. causa mittendi, With obj. omitted;cΡ. Ter. Phorm. 50, puer causα erit mittendi. mercatores,


NOPES. III. CHAPS. 2-5. cause of the ou re . sibi : tho only place in good classicalprose in Whicli stibi is thus usod With persuadere. Cp. Beli. Hisp. 22. 8, neque sibi ullam spem, victoriae propositam


3.-1. To the generat opus hibernorum, lines of Winter camp,' is ad ded as a special potnt, tho erection of iis fortiscation; cp. 6. 3, i. 3Ι. Ι2 n. , ulso I 2, lingulis promuntoriis, etc.

te, for,' i. 42. 12 n. frumento ... commeatu, i. 39. I n. consillo, Acouncit of War.' neque subsidio ... Dossent, nor


2. liximus, ii. 25. I. 3. certiores facit, he leis them know that they are to construed like mαndare, hortari; V. 36. 3, communicret, ut eaecedant. Beli. Civ. i. 64. 3, ut certior feret, ne labori 8uo pαrceret. So legatos mittere ut and the like.

io quoli risings of the Alpine tribes, he would certainly havo

expression AhoWA that Ariovistus' hordes are meant. Tho

importans and representative, 2. crassum, i. 52. 7 n. e mare Oceanum, i. 30. 2 n.


3. 1egatos ... Tetentos ... coniectis, added to explain




5. Vasto ... sortibus, ablatives absolute. 13. 1. 19SOTum m Venetorum. namque . . erant, giving the