장음표시 사용
7. The mode of eXpression is nos quite logical, for only in the absence of the commander-in-chi et could a lestate have thochance of so doing. The idea is this: it is never allowable even ior an independent generat, much less for a legαtus, in absence of his generat.
Velit, V. 2. 3.3. pro, as,' as ii he were,' i. 22. 4, pro viso. PTODOnlt, pictures,' describes,' l. 17. I, 20. 6; V. 52. 5. 4. n. longius abesse quin, that on the nexi Dight at latost
Sabinus Would secretiy, ' lit., that it Was no further distant that he would nos Ioad out his torces the very nexi night, 'quin, Roby, g 1698, put on account of the negative in abesse
The passionate undextaking oi a plan c. 8. 3.), and the spiritshown at the beginning oi the fame, is ins subject of tho imus, of tho ieeling and wili; the capabili ty oi continuingstoad fast in mistortune, and of meeting the Same by compre-
eX tertia P. G. e. ae., must be regarded as th0 third part oi Germany '; no parallel to the phrase DCrit. App. J. cum intellegeret is answered by intellegebat, and on it in iis turn dependS cum servenisset α88u8, cum, po8tguαm in A. pervenit, intellesteret. Just Eo With ablative absolute ii. 26. 3. Paucis ante annis, B. C. 78, in the war against Sertorius 23. 53, Hirtuleius, Sertorius' quaestor, had Won this victory. Mallius Was proconsul os turther Gaul.
sine reliquis legionibus. According to ΙΙ. 3, he had onlytWelve cohorta and caValry. Vertere : the form of tho perfectin -re is very rare in Caesar tWice in Beli. C.), and the fornis coinciding With the insin. are rare in Other Writers also. Butilio historio insin. is here out of the queAtion. 2. ex itinere, i. 25. 6. Vineas, ii. 12. 3. turres, ii. 30. 3.3. aerariae structurae, mining Works.' Caesar probablymeans by the choice of this expression to intimato that thoyunderstoost the construction os cuniculi. diligentia, 29. 2 n. faciunt, used absolute; after tradere iu8si, an Objeci sueti asiu88α at onoe suggeais itAeli.
ccusative, of that to whish attention is directed, horo of that in Whicli it occupies itfeli. devotus, lit., dedicated by avom ' ευχωλιμαιος), even to the death, Vii. 40. 7. The sameleeling among the Germans Tac. Germ. 11, infame in omnem vitαm, super8titem principi suo eae αcie rece8sisse. Valerius Max. ii. 6. 11, Celtiberi nefα8 esse ducebant proelio 8upere88e, cum is occidi88et, pro cuius 8alute spiritum devovissent. Thename soldur11 derivation unknownin is not oi Teutonio, butΚoltic origin, uni ess indoed, as confine i to re single Aquitani an tribo, it is Iberian. Plui. Sertorius, l4, calis the custom
4. cum his resumes alter the long parenthesis; this is called Epanalepsis cp. se l. 35. 4, ii. 25. I, vidit.
liis arrival iv. 18. 1, V. 26. I. quoqueversum, ineVery direction, ' O in omnes pαrtes; suos quoquo ver8um Vii. 4. 5,14. 5. 3. citerioris, L f., Ταrmconensis, betWeen Pyrenees and Ιb0rus in Ebro. On the bordors of Aquitania dwelt tho Cantabri, 26. 6. 4. quorum astVentu, i. 50. 3. AA their arrivat has thotollowing effeci, a causal signification also lies in the ablative. auctoritate, influence. 35. cum Sertorio, in the war Which he carried on, B. C. 80-72, against Rome in Spain. omnes annos, Vi Z., of thi S War, V. 44. 2. -que, I 9. 16. consuetudine p. R. They had learns tho Roman tactios from Sertorius, Which he, himseli a Roman, had introducedinto Spain. The raWness even of the Gauis in this respuet is Ahown by the previ ous campaigns. Even the fortitying of acamp Was nos untii later Iearns by them, vii. 30. 4. Ioca
sub sarcinis in firmiore animo sablative os qualityὶ essent. Beli. Afr. 78. 6, intestros recentiorib u8que viribus equites. Tho Want of participies of esse causes this brevi ty. It is soli-ovident that not only does sub sαrcinis belong to ing. αnimo
TES. III. cΗΑΡS. 24-28. as in mine to impeditos), but that impeditos ...sub εαrcinis contain the reason os in i miore αnimo; the connection is thereioro like g 2, obsessis viis commeαtu intercluso. impedimenta, sub sarcinis sit. 17. 2ὶ, cp. Intr. g 26.4. Romanorum, V. 32. 1 n. 5. opinione timoris, the impression Whicli they conveyedio our men), 17. 6, 25. I. This impression is the result of the
22. 1. Orion with dative, D. 22. Ι ; V. 28. I ; Cic. p. Suli. 20. 58, ut hoc credi possit, eum bellam populo Romαno j cere
secure his conquesis. It Was With this end in viow that tho Germans and Britona mero attached. 1.-1, 2. hieme, qui fuit annus: π. 29. I, lunα plenα, qui dies; Roby, g 1068. magna cum m. , See i. 52. 2 n. quo m in quod I thia Was near ita mouth. eXagitati, ii. 29. 5.
this division only in the case of the Semnones, While Caesar extends it to ali the Suebi. Possibly ut each iresti Aethlement
7, 8. 1onglus, of time, as Vii. 9. 2, 71. 4; Sall. int. 29. 1.
For the abi. anno, cp. i. 15. 5, 22. I n. neque ... Ilcet, mentioned as an universat German custom, Vi. 22. 2. Caesar
Was reatly common to ali the German tribes. anno, thanone year,' Vii. 32. 3. ver8αntur, fare occupied in '; cp. vi. 21. 3. 9, 10. quae res, ii. 5. 5 n. atque, iii. 15. 3 n. 1ocis frig1lissimis, in spite of this very cold climate,' abl. abs. neque ...et, like the Greeli Oh τε ... τε. haberent.. . 1RVarentur. The impi. is nos uncommon astor thoperi. With have, ' even When, as here, the result is regardedas lasting. Cic. p. m. 13. ade ti e8tis,... ne metueretis; αd P m. i. 7. 10, profecisse tantum mihi videntur, ut auctoritate plus ταlerent. The preSens is hoWeVer Usuat; Μadv.,
ἰαtissime circum se τα8tatis sntibus 8olitudines habere. Vacare, Ac. incolis, be uninhabited,' untilled,' etc. significari. . . non Posse. A further reason is given at vi. 23. 3.
Aiter nemo est, nihil est, quis quidi est, the non goes closelywith the relative. The close connection of the two Word Sis further shown by the faci that quin is osten substituted. as se. 9.ὶ res vi. 39. 3. The tone recalis the speeches of the Helvetii, i. 13, Ariovistus, i. 36, and Vercingetorix, vii. 29. J
some distance N. E. of the Lingones. ex Rheno eae Rheno derivαta. Insulam essicit, namely, with the N. arm of the Rhino and tho North Soa; it is fit si montioned by Caesar.