장음표시 사용
quinum copiarum) eται 8-mα trium legionum: op. i. 29. 3 n. nostris ... nostros, 21. 6 n. resistentibus. The pronoun is addod to the abi. abs. only When emphatio; here We could nos say cum ii resisterent. Bus other Writers Seldom uso the participi e thus, preferring the periphrasi S. ad sedes, Seec. 2. 3. subfossis, Stabbed in thebetiy,' op. i. 26. 3, subicere; iv. 19. 1, succidere. The asyndeton marks the qui ch succes- Sion oi evenis. compluribus nostris: i. 52. 5 n. perterritos
egerunt, a Stronger continuation os in fugam coni. I V. 17. 3;Li V. ii. 15. 4, eques u8que ad cα8trα ηαvidos estit. The wholebody of horso flies, as res i. 15, beiore 500 Helvetii; so hereboforo 800 Germans. Tac., Germ. 32, SVS, Tencteri 8uper solitum bellorum decus equestris disci linae arte praecellunt. But the smali numbers of the enomy mahe one suspeet thattho flight Was preconcerted. J4-6. Vir fortissimus, Worda in apposition usualty foliouν
2, 3. que, explanatory, RS it Was by the return of the horso that thoir forcos Would be augmented. inlimitate, Q. 5. 1. existimabat, ho there fore thought. '4. ne . . . Praetermittet depend on consilio, Athe plan that no,' etc. Pugnae, genit., of the figlit,' i. e. , any day on whicli hocould offer batile. quod consisting in the iaci that, ' inasmuch as, ' lienee quod rather than ut. postridie eius diei, i. 23. 1.
Germani. . . Venerunt, Only the principe8 et mαiores natu came; es. thereiore Q. 1. 1, m,nα cum multitudine hominum tho
5, 6. Simu1. . . Simul, lihe αμα ρι, ... ἄμια to denote thesimultaneous occurrence of unlike things, here only in Caesar, in Cicero never. Aut purgandi causa, iii. 6. I n. dictum, determined upon.' le, i. 42. 1n.; v. 36. 3. illos could beomitt0d alter quod, but is inserted to mark the opposition totho following clause, hence nos eOS.
Germans. 1idertatem concessit, i. e. , hept them With him, but troated them as iree men. On the whole assair Aee
quisque commodi fecerat. Ibi v. ix. 45. 18, ut mιtterent orαtorespαcis petendae αmicitiαeque. his defensoribus, abi. abs. α his defendentisius. Defen8ores nos here a technical term m pile-
diebus quibus, iii. 23. 2.2, 3. nrmo, i. 3. 8. liberaliter, Ahindly, 'as ii. 5. I. respondit, iubet: for change of tenSe ep. V. 49. 6 n. 4. institui, bulli'; V. 11. 4, 52. 2. fugam comparare, Atalaetosi glit'; Ῥαr e, vii. 61. 4), like bellum pαrare, lit. pre-
paro.' Contrast Liv. XXViii. 33. 1, ad iter 8e comparare. OS... habebant, C. 16. 2.
This is montioned only in iii. 9. 10, but the ringloader of the revolt among the Bellovaci sit. 14. 4ὶ also sed thoro. Tho
4. maiorum, including both the lovae and onerariαe. Themerchants Would need no large harbours for their litile vesssis,henco their ignorance in Spite os frequent visits. Qui essent ... idonei, Whiel, Were the harboura sui tabl0'; What would qui portus idonei essent mean Τ21. 1. periculum, Atriat,' i. 40. 5, connected With ox-
Galus Volusenus Quadratus iS mentioned iii. 5. 2; vi. 41. 2. In viii. 48. I, and Beli. Civ. iii. 60. 4, he is a praefectus
equitum. 4, 5. Veneticum bellum, iii. 9. solliceantur stare: the more exact construction is 88 daturo8 6886, RS C. 22. l, but the pres. ini. is sornetimes used to murk the certain and immediato
7. quem ... culus, i. 1. 4 n. Atreb. Suseratis, on the Sabis,
tudinis, Vig., of Spuring those Who Voluntari ly gine themselvesup. Bellum, iii. 29. 3. anni tempus, c. 20. 1. tantu1arum rerum, brought about by Auch tristes,' c. 16. 6 n. Britanniae, preterred to Britain,' i. e. , to the expedition to B. 3, 4. eos, the Morini; cogere, A colleci.' contrahere, bring togother,' to a desinite place. Cp. ii. 2. 4, manu8 costi, eaeercitum in unum locum conduci; i. 16. 4, frumentumὶ conferri, comportari. ad milibus P. Vill, cΡ. ii. 7. 3 n. The preposition αb inserted Willi eae eo loco is eXceptional. Liv. XXXVii. 6. 4, ab seae milibus fere pα88uum inde.
6. Ventum et aestum iii. 12. 13 secundum. A Wost Wind Tang up and brought Caesar round the South Forolandabout seven Roman miles, to the stat coast belWeen Walmor
quis copiis, the So-called military abl. ,' ii. 7. 3 egredi probib., ii. 4. 2 n. ignotis locis, cp. 1. 10, locis frigidissimis, g 3, noti88imis locis. Simul et . . .et, for a like Atate of things
alter.' supra, e. 22. 4, 23. I. de quibus ... quae, C. 4. I. sustulerant, had tinen on board,' conveyed.' superior portus the ulterior p., cΡ. c. 23. I. Soruerunt, c. 23. 1 n.