장음표시 사용
eae α quis mensuris; Vi. 37. 3, cohora in 8tαtione. perequitant, drive round .' 19SO, by the mere i. e. , mexely by the fright '; Beli. Civ. i. 56. 2, ut ipsα multitudine classis terreretur. Cum Se, i. . . . Proeliantur See c. I. 5 n.). i. f., When theypenetrated in to the spaces between the severat trores of theenemy's horse ; Li V. Xli V. 41. 8, Romani, quacumque dαια intervalla essent, insinuabαnt ordines suos. See the delailed description in v. 16. 2.
camp Which Sulpicius Rufus see c. 22. 5ὶ had boon obligod
complement qui ... stuXerant, See e. 22. 5.5. lierum XX supplicatio, See note on ii. 35. 4. The extra
even ii tho actuat resulis Were Amali, it Was teli that tWocountries mere Opened up and the hope os further conquesta Was arouSed. Tae. Astr. 13, Uitur primu8 omnium Romαnorum divus Iulius cum eaeercitu Britanniam ingre88 quamquαm prosperα pu9nα terruerit incolα8 ac littore potitus sit, potest
videri ostendisse po8teris, non tradidisse. This is also thoiud ginent of Dio Cassius, 39. 53; cp. Plus. Caes. 23. In opposition to the honour Cato proposed that Caesar Ahould bo gi ven up to the Usipetes und Tencteri for his conduct
centuriones tribunosque militum in furet, quorum egrestitam ... virtutem cognoverαι. curarent, On the Sequenee Oi tenses ep. i. 3. 5 n.
Pirustae over and above restitution.
inspection, ' henco to inspect '; so With virilias, portα8. in inspiα, See i. 27. 4 n. Cuius m cuiu8 generis naves, of the aboVedescribod patiern. instructas, fifted us,' So. armαmenti8. quin folloWA neque multum αbesse, no regard being paid to the intervening Words αb eo, Whicli mould formalty take ut I With Which hoWovor the clauso quin deduci possint is to be closelytaken. Cic. I m. v. 7. I, illud non dubito, quin ...Te8 publicα nos inter nos conciliatura sit; Whore in lilio manner illud does nos affect tho construction. deduci, launched.' possint nos possent; invenit is present. 3. quid neri velit, ostendit, an osten recurring formula, m he gives the necessary directions '; see iii. 18. 2 ; vii. Ι6. 2, 27. I. huic rei, for this purpose, ' vig., that they should muster there Without danger of an attach. quod militum, iii. 16. 2 n. 4. concilia. These assemblies of the Gauis convolied by Cassar and so different hom those mentioned, i. 30. 4; ii. 4.4) mest us here for tho first time, as they Were nos introduceduntii Gaul was to Home extent subjugated; ΟΡ. Vi. 3. 4, concilio Gαlliαe primo vere, ut instituerαt, indicto. The auXiliaries whom Caesar Wished to have he included in them, vi. 4. 6. The non-attendatice of the Treveri Was a sign oi deiection, vi. 3. 4. neque imperio parebant, as also in the Sth year of tho War, Viti. 25. 2, cultu et feritαte non multum α Germαnis di ferebαι civitαs Preverorum), neque imperαια ungurem, nisi eaeercitu coαctα, j ciebαt.
l. Rhenum tangit, this proximi ty to the Germans made them more dungerouS, See c. 2, g 4. 2. Here again the struggle of rival chleis holps Caesar spirens ; they preferred to be subject to the foreigner rather
5. privatim is opposed to civitαti, defines mi8 more closely, and by virtuo of iis place in the sentence is praeticatly an ad j. fas deinceps, iii. 29. 1 n. J; Liv. Vi. 39. 6, mreaeimo priτα tim periculo, nulli pullice emolumento. Unable as theyWero to turthor the interesis of the state, they put in petition s
21. 9, and res qui fui8set in g 4.
p. re, as time anil circumstance Ahould domanti. '2. quem follows pαrim eodem. Africus m λlip. cursum non tenuit: iv. 26. 5. et, but,' iV. 35. 2 n. delatus aestu.
change of fido to the N. E. , so that tho Norin Foroland wasseen to tho leti, no other land being visibie. sub sinistra rel. ,
10, nατρ8 deiciendi operis. quisque certain individuals ';Οi eourse every one had nos a private Vesset, bus Only those Who could afford it; cp. vii. 22. 1 n.
as c. 7. 4. eXpessulo, est iter αdversus hostem α militibuse editis suscipiendum, ' Schneider.
the enomyJ, so that the clause is an amplification of his Mist. itineris prostressis. in litore Verg. Aen. 4. 373, eiectum litorex not in litus. subsisterent, helii firm.' Caesar useSine impi., nos pluperi. , as in direct speech subsistebαnt and poterαnt vig., during the Stormin Would have Stood; See noteon Sublevαrent, i. 40. 5. eo concursu, the collision Which
legions who happen ed also to be Ahilled Workmen. ex continenti, iv. 31. 2. 4. posset, instituat, See iii. II. 5. iis legionibus, i. 8. 1. Quαe sunt ud eum, Should be tint, as the relative sentence isnot here an addition of the writer fAee vi. 10. 5 n. J, but oi necessisy dependent on scribit. The Same anomaly occurSili. 8. 4; Vii. 78. I. 5. multae operae ac laboris, ' involving much troubie and toll. Τ6. ast gives the aimm even the hours of night being turnodio account for the completion of the Work,' See c. 40. 5. Contrast vii. 24. 2, and Beli. Civ. i. 32. I, ut reliquum tempus α ἰαbor e intermitteretur. 8. summa Belli, chi ei command , ' furthor desned by tho more generat anil comprehensive bellique administrandi i andentire charge of the war.' Contrast the order of Words in g 9. n. quod, contrast l. 38. I, Ue8ontio, quod est oppidum.
Gaula, Vii. 18. 1, and Germans, Tae. Germ. 2, ipsos Germαnos indigenas crediderim, cΡ. Agric. II, ceterum Britαnniam qui mortales initio coluerint, indissenae an αdvecti, ut inter bαrbaro8 parαm compertum. 19S1. . . dicunt: just So the Gauis se omnis αb Dite pαtre prognαtos praeuicrent, Vi. I 8. l. memoria, orat tradition '; Cic. Verr. l. 18. 47, quod est proditum memoriα αc litteris ud me have heard and read.' Thousual phrase, memoriae tradere, differs in meaning. praedae
2. pertinet, stretches' in this S. W. direction, Vi. 10. 5, longe intror8us pertinere. pari spatio tr. , oi a like distance of
4. nisi Videbamus, Cic. Fam. 13. 73. 2, de re nihil possum iudicαre, nisi illud mihi persuαdeo. The sense is : We found none of those statementa veri fied, but Wo did sud one varia
took place. Plin. Nαt. H. ii. 75. 77, sic sit ut longissimus dies