De bello Gallico commentarii

발행: 1887년

분량: 513페이지


분류: 미분류


5. quom αd quos. deducta, the regular Word for the ceremoniolis conducting oi the bride from her parenta' hou se to her

these Worcis are opposed to eX essedis desilirent et Delmus . . contenderent. 4. Tari, c. 9. 6. The me os integrique means and in con-86guence,' RS eaeαnimαti-que, iii. 19. 1.


were drivon into the bottom. tegebantur, ior the tense Aeenote on muniebatur, i. 38. 4. 5. Sess, celeritαtem, quam prαe8tαbant milites, opponit ei, quαm C. confe8tim eos 8ubsequi iubens postulaverαt,' Schneider.

qua eae8tαrent alae sineae αtque hoc α egre transiri poterα J19. 1. ut supra dem. , to be talien With omni depositα spe contentionis, and referring to e. 17. 5. Servabat mimpeditis, inaccessi ble,' vi. 8. 4. The opposite expreSSion locus eaepeditus occurS Beli. Civ. i. 27. 6. 2. cum eleeerat . . .emittebat, iii. 4. 2 n.; 14. 6 n. hoc

27. 1; eius fugae, i. Ι 8. 10.

tantum quantum, See i V. 35. 3 n. 20.-1, 2. nrmissima, note On l. 3. 8. earum Temonum,


2. 11 cum Venissent. The subject is placed as at iv. 11. 1,


2. Q. cicero, brother of Μ. Tullius Cicero. IIo remainedirom B. c. 54 to the end of 52 as le9αtus Witti Caesar, to Whomlio seruod res a Lind of plodge of his brother's conduci. Cic. αd Quint. iii. 8. 1, non enim commoda quaedαm 8equebαmur νατυα αc mediocriα. Quid enim erat, quod discessu nostro emendum putαremus J μαesidium Hrmissimum petebamus eae optimi et potentissimi viri benevolentiα αd omnem διαtum no8trαρ

the considerate treatmont whicli his brothor received ut Caesar's haniis, Whicli is also evident in Caesar'A OWn account: see 40. 7; Vi. 42. 1.3. BelloVacis, See Crit. App. quaestorem, See i. 52. 1 n. 4. unam legionem, See Infr. p. XXVii., as to the then state of the army. la Eburones, to Aduatuca, cp. Vi. 32. 3 ; 37. 8.


NOTES. V. CHAPS. 26, 27.

ortum est. This pleonastic phraso is found tWice in tho Beli. Civ., in Livy 24. 47. 7 in and Cicero pro Cluent. 64. I 80ὶ ; cp.

initium nαscitur, once in book viii. , onee in the Beli. Civ. , and Liv. 9. 40. 16. 2. praesto fuissent, had met.' oppugnatum, Supine, theobject being cαsti α. Sallust. Cat. 28. 1, constituere ρα nocte ... 8icuti 8αlutatum introire αd Ciceronem; Corn. Nepos Lum.


VOTES. V. CHA PS. 27-29. II. hibernis, irom the burden Of) Winter quarters.' In this way levari is used With onere, αere αlieno, metu, and liko ablativos in the sense of liberari; Li V. Xxi. 26. 7, levαri-

28. 1. bellum populo R. facere, see iii. 29. 3 n. sua sponte, i. 9. 3 n. ViX erat credendum, Ait Was scarcolycredibie.' The gerunda and gerundive osten have the senseoi possibili ty, nos ot necessity or obligation, aiter negati ves

or viae.

3. Ariovisti mortem, not mentioned in i. 53. But broughtup, as it here is, as a ground of the riSing against the Romans,


discovered Why it Would be unsule to remain, and how thodangor mould be increased by the fatigue and protractodwatching of the troops.' These WordS, Out oi place here, per-haps originalty Atood in 3 niter perducitur, being urged by Sabinus and his party at the councti Oi War. 6. Cassar had himseli adopted this order of march sit. 17. 2ὶ, but not Whon the enemy Was near. The sequet is to be Aeetio. 33. 3, cum propter longitudinem αgminis, etc., Intr. g 14. 1. In this chapter Caesar, by the way in Whicli ho istis thosfory, depicis the qui ch succession of the severat evenis and the excitemerit. J


Against tho tr. basin,' Lis. i. 12. 10 appears decisive, in mediα convαlle duorum montium.

mind, circumspection, and the like. 2. auctor is the backer or supporter rather than the author, though somelimes the two things are the fame ' SidgWia onVerg. Aen. ii. 150ὶ; cp. iii. 17. 3, quod auctores belli esse nolebαnt. imperatoris . . . multis, Sall. int. 60. 4, strenui militis et boni imperαtoris inciα simul e eguebαtur; Tae. Hist. iii. 17, nullum in illα trepidαtione Antonius constantis ducis aut fortissimi militis osseium omisit. 3. obue m aonly here in Caesar. pronuntiare, Eo munire iubet, ii. 5. 6 n. , cp. 34. I contrast pronuntiari, 34. 3, 51. 34. The tribunos and centuriona must be supplied asthe Subjeci. orbem, cp. iV. 37. 2, orbe j eis: Intr. , g 15. 6. 6. vulgo, on ali Aides, ' i. 39. 5. On the unusual couplingoi the sentences see Roby, g 2201-3.

peri. eXistimarent mimperative or hortative conjunctivo)oi direct speech, Μad V., g 404.


omphatic position from the iaci that the march besan alnight, unlike i. 38. 7 n. noctem, object oi intermittit, notace. of time; cp. II. 6, nocturni8 temporibu8 intermi88is; cp. 40. 5; vii. 21. 2; Beli. Cis. i. 32. I, ut reliquum tempus αἰαbore intermitteretur. 2. in Nervios, ii. 28. 2. sui liberandi, iii. 6. l.


material ior completing the fortifications c. 40. 2ὶ.3. atque joins the second part of the clause, horum omnium socii et clientes, With the first pari, Eburone8, Nervii, Aduatuci. 4. 1s stlos the day and What happened on it, viz., thesi ego c. 37. 63; cp. Viii. 39. 3, quαm aestatem in si sustinere potuissent. ContraSt ii. 6. I, aestre eo die 8ustentαtum est. astopli, they onoe gained '; the Word properly belongs fothe dependent clause m se, αdeptos, fore, but is attached to tho