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INTRODUCTIONJ XV manipulos egerritus minimus munus, quae unum 8equuntur Signum, Varro L.L. V. 88). Munipuli and signa are Oiten used fide by fide : si continere ad signumanipulos τellet vi. 34); se in signil muri quosque coniciunt Vi. 40). The ensign-bearer Was called signifer. 2. It is probabio that in tho time of Caesar thocolioris had ensigna; We see ii. 25. l) a cohort signifero interfecto, signo amisso: a littio later Taditus mentions signa cohortium Ann. i. J8ὶ.3. The signum legionis, adopted by Marius duringliis second consul Ship, Was a spread ea gle carried Ontho top oi a stass, originalty oi silver, later of gold:
Riislow disputes the existence of the signα mαnipulorum in Caesar's time. Hug, on the contrary, allows that themaniplos as Woli as the cohorta had ensigna at that date, and this is the more probable Vie .
ga gemens began the signa of the maniples Were placed in front of the maniples and cohoris. During the onga gement the soldiers of the first line of batile, i. e., the sirst Dur cohoris, Were in front of the signα,
so that these st00d in the mi dillo of the linos. The ea gle of the legion, Whicli originalty Was in thethird lino, i. e. , in the middie of the trirerii, Was placed by Marius in the sirst, and carried by the aquiliferunder the guard of the primipilus, and theresore intho 1irst cohors of the legion. In camp, the ea gles Were close to the tent of tho commande in-chi ef praetorium), fixed in the gr0undunder a stight shelter Cic. Cαι. i. 9. 24); the place
tho courage of the troops, the signa Were carried or
But in Caesar antesi uni denotes a speciat corpS Whieli existed in eaeli legion; according to Lange 300 strong Beli. A r. 75. 78j. These bore no particular hind of armour, but Were a light-armed body, liho the velites. Caesar defines the antesignunt aselectos eae omnibus legionibus fortissimos siros Beli. Cis. i. 57). In any case they Were e editi r
The arrangement of the Roman camp varied atdifferent epoclis according to the nee is introduced by the strength of combined legions and auxiliarytroops. We have two delailed descriptions of it, oneby Polybius vi. 27-32), referring to the period of tho Punic Wars, an other by Hyginus Liber de munitionibus castrorum, referring to the time of Trajan. Forthe whole intermediate timo W0 have inadequale information, and We can complete it only by passages Dom the historians. Fundamentally, hoWever, the principia elements of the camp remained the Same . Only an oviline of the clites paris can here be given; fuller delatis may be Aought in Ni 8Sen, dus Templum,pp. 22-53; Marquardi, p. 391 ff. l. The Roman camp Was in the time os Polybius vi. 31. 10; Josephus, Beli. Jud. iii. 5. l) Square,
2. For the site, the most convenient ground was considerod lo bo tho sitit incline of a hili, bocause of tho facilities Whicli it offered for getling Water, mel, and Drage. The contrary practice is regarded asthat of barbarous peOple: cα8ιτα eorum, ut barbarorum fere consuetudo est, relictis locis superioribus, ad ripαs
4. The cardo murimus and visi principalis, Whichfollowod iis direction, divided the camp into tWo paris. Τhat in front i. e., that Which Was turn odioWards the enemy) Was meant to serve exclusiVelyas the camping ground ior the legionaries, and at thetime oi Polybius) ior the corresponding contingent Oi
the ατα, augurale augurretorium). Next to the praetorium on one Side Was the forum, the place set apart for the soldiers' contiones, Where the commander-
in ellios addressod thom from the tribunal: Onthe other si de Was the quaestorium, Or quarterS Oithe quaestor. A litile turther, betWeen these places and the entrencliment, Were encampod on both sides the commander-in-chiei's body-guard delectu manus imperatoris, 3 8). In ironi Oi the praetorium, quum-torium, and forum, and separating these Spaces trom
INTRODUCTION. lxxithe vita principαsis, st0od the tents of the militarytribunos. Half that of the hinder part of the camp,
nearest the portα decumαnα, Was occupied by theen campments of the pedites et equites eaetraordinarii
the central potnt for the communications of the
niae entrenclimenta under the direction os the centurions and the superintendetice of tWo tribu es onduty. Every entrencliment consisted of an embank-
contubernium, contubernales), under the command of
stellum also M a closed fors of leSS importanee, tan en-frenched post; res Beli. Civ. iii. 36, f vonium αd flumen Aliα monem ... praesidio impedimentis reliquit cαstellumque muniri iussit. See iii. l. 4.
lxxiv INTRODUCTION. avoid conflict of tho soldiers With tho inhabitanis; they Di med speciat entren ched positions. Galba iii. 1), est lishing his Winter quarters in a hami et,
Cin. iii. 50ὶ. Besore Avaricum, semper duae legiones pro castris excubabant, Vii. 24. Generalty on outpostduty, in front of the camp gates, there Were in stationeone or tWO cohoris and One turmα equitum iv. 32,
cubiae eaecubitores, excubare guard posts ' in generat, Or picheis,'and nos merely dayguariis, i. 11. 6 cp. Vii. 24. 2; 69. 7) veritus, ne nocte eae oppido profugerent, duus legiones in armis eae cubare iubet. On ouisi de guards see Beli. Cis. iii. 50, 64. Vigili te