장음표시 사용
simo of tho third Punic War the anulus aure . Although at this period the tribunos Woro stili chosen by the pe0ple Caesar himself had been tribunus comitiutus, Suet. Caes. 5; Plui. Cues. 5) they Were more osten nominated by the imperutores, principally bythose Who had kept the imperium for many yenrS. Caesa A tribunos are chosen by himself. Thence rWard, the choice of tribunes Was an assairrather os family influence and personat friendAhipthan os military efficiency see a significant passagei. 39, non magnum in re misit ri usum habebant). These tribunes Were most frequently yOung men Ofequestrian fami ly iii. 10; Vii. 65), ohosen aiter serVingone Or tWO years, nos as simple soldiers bus as comites imperutoris in the cohors fruetortu ῆ 8). Consequently, thoir duties in Caesa es army are insignificant, Withthe exception of C. Volusenus Quadratus iii. 5; iv. 21; vi. 41). The most important charges, Such a Stho command of the legions, Whicli formerly rested With tho tribunes, Were en trusted to the leguli, and tho tribunes commanded only smali delachments vi. 39; Beli. Cin. ii. 20, 2 l), While, on the contrary, thecenturions gained in importando. We find the tri bunos occupied With delatis of military administration
to the assertion that in Cla army, as under the empire, there Wore triibuni cohortium.
Obs. l. Decimus, nonus triαrius is ne ver used, but Dius. Tho tri it wore called pilαni ; each ordo of the Same, pilus ;hence, for instance, primu- pilum ducere v. 35ὶ. Ob8. 2. By a peculiar abbrevitation the centurion, Who is ductor ordinis is generalty callest ordo v. 30ὶ : cum α Cottα primisque or dinib us resisteretur, vi. 7 ; tribunis militum
primisque ordinibu8 convocatis primorum ordintim centu
Thu first centurion of the firAt maniple, Or, What is the fame thing, the centurion ol the first century oitho triurii is primus pilus, primitiis, primi pili centurio. A iter the adoption of the formation bycohoris, the first oi the si X centurions ot eaeli cohort, consequently the pilus prire, had the com mand of the whole cohori. Consequently the ten pili priores h ad preceden ce of the Other centurioris, and thus formed a species grade. Dolabiless theseare meant by the primi ordines, Who habitually, alone among the centurion S, are called to a coiincit os War i. 4I, V. 28); these primi ordines appear else-Where many times V. 44); We can ea8ily understandhoW important it Was for centurions to reacti theseprimi ordines. In contrast to them inferiores i. 46),inismi Beli. Γλη. ii. 35ὶ ordines are mentioned.
Obs. 3. That the phrase primi ordines indicates a iunctionaliogether peculiar, and not, as Μadvig Will have it Kletne philolog. Schrist. p. 515ὶ, an indefinite number of centurions, tho oldest and of the highest rank, has been completolyproved by Μarquardi p. 359, 2nd edition). The theory that by primi ordines the centurions of the first cohoris seithor allsix, or only the three priore8ὶ are meant, is also there refuted. Ιt resis on the supposition recently defended rene by A. Mulier, Philologus 38, p. 126 Tὶ that With the adoption os formationby cohorta a change Wus introduced into the relation of rauli
and promotion of each centurion-thas is to say, that thocenturion starting in the tentii cohors rose by ali fix grades from decimus hαstatus po8terior to decimus pilus prior, topass nexi into fh enanthico Inortas nonu8hα8tatus po8terior, and tondVance in Succession in the fame way right up to the first cohort. But this system is inadmissi bio bocause, in this Way, the centurion Who had atready commanded a Whole cohortWould be reducod to the command of a century merely. Is it
rest oi tho rank and sile, as in Pompe 's army at thebatile oi Pharsalia, somelimes in a distinet regiment Beli. Γλη. iii. 88) and under a special commander praefectus ei oculorum, Cic. ad Pam. iii. 6. 5 . Vegetius it. 7) spealis of them, eorum opera atque girtute Mercitui
Obs. I. Is oti any occasion individual soldiors woro callodout by name nominαtim evocαre, iii. 20; Bel . Civ. i. 393, the very faci that this circumstance is expressty brought into prominence AhoWA thut it could not be a question
1. At the time os formation by manipleg eachmaniplo had iis signum, and the Very name manipulus comes hom the Wisp of hay used in very old times as an ensign. δ' The soldiers bolonging to the Same maniple Were called unius signi milites Liv. XXV. 23. 16). The ancient signα Were AtaVes carrbsing at the top, as a badge, figures of animais; an eagle for the first maniple ; this Was Dom the time of Marius the standardof the legion), a Wolf, the Diinotaur, a horse, a Wild boar. Later, these figures Were replaced by a lance, at thepoint of Which Was a liand munus manipulus) Withlinobs of metal below. Aster the adoption of the so
mation by cohoris, the signa manipulorum Were preserved, but there Were no signa for the centuries