장음표시 사용
the commander-in-chi et to the tribunes, praeieci, and commanders ot cavalry. Theso distributed it to thetroops by means ot a tesserarius, charged in eaeli corps
surrender of a toWn by preventing the arrival of ali proVisions; notably at Auch places as Alesia, Whichwas Woli forti sed but badly provisioned vii. 79, erutoppidum in colle summo admodum edito loco, ut nisi
ment Was effected by means Oi circumvallatio, a con
Trebonius made one os extraordinary Sige and Strength.
Siege-engines are usualty called by the names of animais: e. 9., αΥie8, cuniculus, mu8culu8, Onaster, 8corpio, corvus sanongine tor baltering .psi Vineαe, ad tegendos milites sub iis opus facientes et murum Subruentes, Vel aggerem iacientes; iter munientes
vii. 58ὶ, sed etiam ad ipsa opera,' Schneider .