Dialogorum liber XII: Ad Helviam matrem de consolatione, texte Latin;

발행: 1918년

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the alter a Massilia in et A. D. The wil os Augustus e an imthe word quoniam atrox fortuna Gaium et Lucium /Hos i. e. sons

by adoption mihi eristi is Suet mih et 3 .

. Ruunculi mei magni, is great-uncte': Claudius a thenephew of Tiberius, an Tiberius a the adoptet sonis Augustus. 6. princeps luventutis format ille conseri edin them both

CL Isson Anc. c. I flios meos, quo iuuenes mihi eripuit fortitua Gaium et Lucium CaesareS, ... equite Romani niuersi principem iuuenturis ureremque eorum . . . fel auerunt. When Augustu re-

organi sed the equestri an order, this ille a devi sed for the honorar chie os the equites, iuuenDι bellast sed in iis militarysense As Augustus himsel camerars o the oli os senators, sothe ouia princes, his heirs, came rest o the roti linighis 'Momnisen alies his as ne os the cleares indications that Augustus intended his power o b hereditary. 7. in apparatu, ,hen e a mali in preparations sor cf. ut he had gone to Asia sor his purpose, hen he was

5. Tiberius a bona in et his rother Drusus in 38 B. C. Tiberius, travelli nil illi great speed rom Italy-he covere 2 oo miles in ea ch et inours Plin Nat. At vii 8ψὶ-was present hen Drusus dled, and returned illi his body, alliing on Mo the wholeway Suet Tib. 7ὶ Val. Maximus, ritin unde Tiberius, i vesthe fullest an most alterin description of the ut ard ourney

13. in compleX et in Oseuli cf. Hem. 2 5. I . misit mria him die. 16. attonitum, distracted illi grief. Drusi sui, o Drusus, thei dari ing. 'i7. ad morem Romani luctu redegit forced them tore turn to the Roman ashion os mourning, when the were sorrunia in into XceSse Worth of barbarians.



1. 22. Ruux Antonia, the mother of Claudius, as a claughteros Mari Antony. 2 . triumuirali potestate : in 3 B. C. Antony, Augustus, and Lepidus Ormed a coalition, unde the style os friumuiri rei publicae conStituenda : a merciles proscription sol lowed in hicli Cicero was the mos prominent of the victinas se n. to Paul. 24 2.26. fratrem : Gaius Antonius, praetor in B. C., a Put tocleathi Brutus in Macedonia heiace audiuit at the beginia in os

I. arbiter et reser to the proscription Anton lini litile mora right to complain o fortune. . eius lugere, his mourning. The se of the in s. as a nounis much more restricte in Latin han in reelici for Sen. cf. Paul. I De en v Io, a uultum uterest inter Sares et accipere vi cum utrique uelle τι βουλεσθαι Eefuerit Butthe present instance, in hicli a possessive gen is attached to the in L is much arsher than those. It sed to e justi fled by quid aute=u Ilii S tinere est ' EN IOI, 3ὶ, ut his rea ling seem lo


les surprising than the gen and much leSs rare Petron C. Sameum intelle Ere an See Coningtonii Persius I, 9. s. uiginti legionum i. e. the arm o Brutus an Cassius at

Philippi the were not alia illed a Sen. Seem to mPly. parentare, inferias dare: cf. N. Iaa, 3 mortuis interdiu starentatur', i V XX iv I, et uociferatum the Cried ut), parentanaeum regi sanquine coniuratorum e e.

a. 7. Di : et only one ereavenient os his in is mentioned elow and Claudius ad only one brother, Germanicus, the ather o Caligula. Aster the repented his, the referen e to Germanicus alone leaves the senteno ulteri lanae I have there re inserte amisi sororem, hicli might asit be os ou in to therei eate V ord, and whicli explain bis for Claudius ad also a sister, Livia r Liuilla. As he was seduce by Sejanus and polsone her usband her enth 3I A. D. was notis subjec sorregret; and Sen. iste referredo her here, reali sed noloub that the es said the eiter. But noto mention her at ali asterwritin bis cet. Would e to ali speciat attention to her- fallure in lac unu orth of Seneca The insertion is supporte to sonae extenti sorores i. e. Octavi and Livia in 74 3. 9. Germanicum the son os Drusus an adopte son os Tiberius a man os many gist an unbounde populari ty he di edat Antioch, in his 3 in ear in I A. D. Os the astronomica poemos Aratus e posses a version in 686 hexameters, hich was rittent, GermanicuS. 12. adfectum, is Deling, the Delinglein desiderium, lov

relinquerem, dest undone. 'I3. a bono fratre, 4rona a lovin brother. 'I . in principe : Claudius a no emperor then, o lihel toben ut ovem antithesis has ted en astray. g. 5. parentem Dublicum the ather of ali meis' a more comprehensive ille than pater patriae as applied to Claudius by

the senate, it occurs in Plin Esp. viii 6 8 and Io, an is sed againan again o Trajan by lin himself in his an raris cc. Io, 26,

I 8 petitur is strange here, ecause petere osten means uoattacti': it has been proposed to read paritura.



ao priuatR domos cf. Juv. 6, 1 quid priuata domus, quid fecerit 'pia, curas respice rinales tuorum Ganditis undi quae tulerit Ia I. modestiam, Ael restraint. 22. Duluinari couche on hicli the mage os the god and the dei fie em perors ere place in temples an carrie at the pompa Circensis the procession e re the races the were oneo the attributes of divini ty. 5. a publico, is ali men '25. se .eXiget, , ill Orce he way' the phras is unusualbut defended by advig, ho explain it thus penetrabit et, quo ire intenderat, per et ' A PerS. II P. O3ὶ.

i iniuriae Rusa in orde to rota them ' causi has generali this final orce. q. per templa aditur the mean in is uncertain Sen. may reser to the an temples hicli stoodin the Palatine Hill thoseos Victo , Jupiter Stator, Augustus himself, and the great templeos Apollo cf. Ovid Trist. iii j o the referen e may be to an improvenient of Caligula' uel Cal. et partem Palatii ad forum usque promouit, ... aes Caytoris et Politicis in testibulum trans- injurati this bullding may have remat ne in the early par of Claudius rei gn. laureatis foribus : his privilege, grante by the senate to Augustus, a retaine by ali hi succesSors Aug. thought it of sufficient importance to include in his recordi res Pylaea cf. IAN.Anc. c. 3 senatu conSulto Aug. appellatus Sum et latiret postesaeium mearum uestiti this ord is dotibi sui, alliut therars letterbein erased publice, coronaque ciuica Super ianuam meam a est. Mommsen p. 5 of his edition discusses hether the oor- postswere adorned illi laurei-wreatlis oriad acti a laurei-tre in fronto them, an inclines to the lalter view, solioWing the videlice of coin and the poets e. g. Ovid et i 56 et Apollo spea in to Daphne postibus urtistis eadem dissima custos ante fores stabis mediamque tuebere quercum l. e. the corona ciuicain. atram ... inluet uestem unles this is metaphoricat, it implies that asteris death in the imperial sami ly the Palace-doors ere hungis illi mourning.


. genus humanum ithout Claudius to save them, at man-kind would peristi. 5. OnSumere, no destro ulterly se n. to Paul. In I. Rebuc stili, i. e. as he di in the past. Romanum nomen cf. Ovid et i oo os conspirac against Augustus cum manus impia saeuit sangmine Caesareo byshedding the lood of Augustus Romanum extinguere nomen.

Romanum nomen here an osten m Romanam Entem: SO SP. nomen Latinum.


1 11. adscito caelo Julius Caesar Augustus, Livia, and Drusilla the sister o Caligula, ere the ni Mur member of the imperial sami ly ho ha been sormali dei fiesumto his time.

I3. per quos iuramus: so Claudius himself Suet Gaud. ii itis tiran m neque Sanctius si/i neque crehrius institnit quam per Augustum: as early as Horace, e read of themath b Augustus: Esp. ii I, 16 iurandasqne tuum per nomen ponimus ara CL Tac. Ann i 73, a Rubrio crimisai Sabatur uiolatram periu= o nomen Auxusti 15. in quantum, here Cicero ould Se quantum common in the Silve age cf. Juv. I 8 Plin Pane . 83 maritum, inquansiim patitur Sexus, imitetur. a. 8. uirtus et Cf. De Hu. iii 18, et nulli prae ιsa uirtus II omnibus pater, Omnes admittit, omnes inuisai: Ioi e igit

Omum uec censum: uiuo homine contenta est.



in melio posita est, is accessibi to Jl': f. De fen iv 28, quaedam in medio ponuntur tam honis sor good men quam malis conduntur rhes; at Guarat. V 3, 3 quam obis male SI, quod quicquam a rerum natura in messio relictum est air light and water are the instances there iven).10. qui modo, sollowed by ind. cf. Hem. II D . et I 19SOM: Sed sor Se se n. to Paul. 2 4. 22. ius, es appropriate than ei na, is nevertheles preserredi the salie of the assonance illi iniuriam. 25. non est Ominis, is ianworth of a human eing homo here has it good Sense s. Juv. 15, 3 molsissima cor timano

generi dare se natura fatetur, linae lacrimas Sedit pit is thequalit whicli distinguishes en rom animal s. 27. Sorore ἰ i. e. Octavia an Livia P . Pompey's sister is notquali fiest for inclusion here.

a. 28. Omni caeSarum numero, Dona very enumeration fili Caesars': omni is no here, I hinti, sed sor toto.

1 in exitium, 'in orde to destroy' se n. to Pauli. I. 3. adustum atque euersum the participies are in reverseorde in m Ss., ut Mersum is constantly oine i to tinditus : cf. Cic. In D. 86 euerristi miseras funditus ciuirates a IIum S a referenceto the stor os Phaethon, so that Claudius repeat what Zeus id in the legendὰ cf. Ovid et ii o a pater omnipotens intentia moenia caeli l circuis, et, ne quid labefactum uiribus ignis i corruat, explorat. q. . Drusilla, the lavourite sister os Caligula die Min 38 A. D. :cf. Suet. Cal. et eadem Hefuncta, iustititim edixit, in quo risisse, lauisse, cenaSSe cum parentibus aut coniugi liberisue capital fuit. ac maeroris impatiens, cum repente noctu prost isset ab ni betranscucurriSSetque Campaniam, Syracusa petiit rurSusque inde profere rediit, barba capilloque promisso. 5. Principaliter, las an emperor hould.' 6. COASDeetum . . . Profugit sor lie ac , cf. Hor 'o . 6, 8 uelut profuiit, execrata ciuisa S. conuersationem, society,' intercourse 'ci se n. to Paul. 34 3. S. iusta 'funerat rites.

Albano suo, iis villa at Alba.'


9. OTO, dice board cf. Suet. Aur 7 forum aleatorium: the oard is usualty calle stabula or δει us. Claudius hare thistaste illi Caligula : cf. Suet. ClauH. 33 aleam studiosissime lusit; de cuius an e librum quoque emisit solitus etiam in Eslatione, fere ira essedo alueoque ad fatis re Disus confunderetur. Dervolgatis is Haase' emendation ut it cloes no account sorthe et aster the participi in mss. meriZ's emendation Leeps et and may be right. Io acerbissimi, deepi regi etted' innus acerbum cannot have it usual sens here, as Drusilla a not ery Oungat heri eath: he had been arrie twice. eleuabat, he ad light D D . I g I. pro pudor imperii, ,hat a disgrace to the empire 'g5. Ia furiosa inconstantia. 'Mith the restiessnes os insani ty se n. O ID I. 13. SudmittenSQ promittere is commone in his SenSe cf. Suet quoted on tondens is righil inserte i here so the sense requires it Thissoria o mourning was no Roman, ut barbari an : Suet. Cal. 5 of the mourn in sor Germanicus, ather o Caligula ferunt. . . rexitDSquosdam barbam posuisse et uxorum capita rasisse ad iudicium

maximi ictus. I . Permetiens emetiantur, Hem. 844. satis certus, qui te Sure.'I5. 1ugeri, a a mortal: Oli, as a go idess.

I 6 puluinaria: se n. to 64 5.18. nimaeuersione, iunishment' cf. Dial. V I9, 2 animai IterSisenes, quo notiores Sunt, plus in exen D si sciunt. The veri, in his sense, is anima uertere in aliquem. intempsrie animi: cf. Dial. X 2, 7.

2 o. intumeseebat, i e welled illi pride.' G. 23. Sordium et refers to his leti in his at grow, alienis malis to the punishment inflicted on those ho id not

malis is abi. of instrument, Solacio abi. Os manner. 2 minime humano, ulteri uia orthyis a humari Leing. '




26. quoniam quissem: common in Sen. cf. Paul. 2 5; i5 Val. Maximus ardi ever se quoniam Whhout ad lingsstiidem cf. quandoqui em. Bentley, in his copy, always Chara gessitoniam quidem quandoquidem. BR. Stulta. thos literar pursutis. In hat ollows there is reminiscence of Cicero's amous prais os literature Pro Arch. 16 haec Studia adulescentiam alt/nt, mectutem oblectant, secundas res ornant, aduerSi persu Dιm ac Solacium irae erat, dolectant domi non in Mitin foris, fernoctant nobiscrim per rinantur, ruSIicantiar. But o sar superior o Seneca his is

3. te iustiis tuis inmerge altius. bury oursei dee in Ourbooks cf. Val. Max. iv Iιm se Pitharorae praeceptis penitus immer D. 5. X ulla tui parte, latinny poliat in ou so the metaphor,

a. 7. monimento play on the do utile sense of the word

si a record in ritin et a sepulcra monument: s. Pliny E .

ii io urgin a friendo Publi h habe aut oculo mo=ralitatem, a Ita adserere te hoc It/to motrimento aut cetera fraxilia et


ca fuca non minus quam issi homines occidunt desinuntque; Mart. 2, O marmora MESSame su fit capri cras . . . l. II a chartis nec furta nocent et saecula prosuus, i Solaque non norunt haec monimenta mori. 9. uetuStas, futuri ty se n. to Paul. I D . The las Murword have fallen into a metrical orna Suet siccare Tomstinas afuSES. cetera, α μἐν αλλα, is in contrast illi the nex clause. IO. constructionem lapidum: Such a the Pyramid s.

et . . . aut Cither et . . . et o aut . . . aut Ouid e more normal, Sthree distinc forins of monument are referre tΟ. marmoreas moles the mos famous of these a the Mausoleum, the magnificent tonat, erected abolit 35 B. C. at Halicarnassus

by Artemisia for her usi, and Mausolus. At Rome to there asa grea Mausoleum uilii Augustus for the imperial sami ly.

II. terrenos tumulos must. like the the two phrases, referto a sepulcra monument the Roman mus have nown the great grave-mound whicli stili exist in Etruria. II. Propagant, prolon , ought to have memoriam as an object but en preser acies obviouS X preSSion.

quippe, Jor' iis regula meantia in Latin poetry. For thethought cf. Plin and Martia quoted abovea Juv. Io I 6 data tintimis quoque fata sepulcris. I 3. ingenii memoria, alie fame conferred by genius. Statius osten malae this comparison in his dirges for the dea : Silu. iii

3, 3 tu messes Cilicumqtie Arabumque Superba mergo rogis ... I9S non arsura Premus i munera, uentltrosque tuus urabit in annos, me monStrante, dolor ib. V I, O Sed mortalis honos, vilis quem dextra laborat i. e. patiatin and sculpture) uo tibi. . . longa nec Gyωrum sinem latura serenui l te/us amus dare iuSIa lyra ... haud alio melius condere Sepulcro. I . largire, besto in abundance the wor is more compli mentar than da ould e, ecaus it suggest that Pol has a boui dies powerrio besto immortali ty. conloca fame is spolien Das a tonab, si Statius above.r5. duraturo et triple antitheSis, of epithet, verb, an noun. a. 17. causa Fortune is the prisone at the har Polybius the

Vi nec sem concepissem, Iam iniquo tempore, tam inimico indice



i. e. OurSelsi, tam inuidioso crimine posse me sicere ut o lunam tuam absoluero in that case there is a third pari mentioned, i. e. Sen. a patronti os Fortune j. 2 o. dies, lapse os time. '23. etiamnunc 'in future' se n. t Paril. 34 3. 24. quod relative. 25. deSSe continues the metaphor rom the law- couri do notbe the atronus os ou grie andisse ali ou eloquence to alieit Seem greater than it cf. Hem Dial vi , et nec ulli animali longum fetus stii est Grium est nisi homini ατοι ἀνθρίποι Sin, qui a sest dolori suo, nec tantum tiantum sentit sed quantum

et ne hoc iam quoque i9Sum sit Superuacuum, ,hether even his e no by this time superfluous' much time has elapsed that o solacisim is nee led. Eo quoque linum, Se n. to 2 g 5. I seque, evela, i Separate ii, iam frona the wor it quali fies. aliquid, C. doloris: cf. 's. 99, 16 tu ostentatio doloris exigit quam dolor. 3. plus uanitate contranitur, tu more is the result o norea cause the sense of sanitas cf. Paul. I gQ and anus

Solor, ibid. 34 3.

contrahitur, it amassed ' cs. MI 6, 1 omnia, quibus ira contrahisI r De Ciam ii 5 tristitia ex alienis malis contracta. numquam cet. cf. Stat Sim. ii I, 3 nec te iugoresetierus t arceo. ne e toto maereas is compressed sor ut maerorem . toto