Dialogorum liber XII: Ad Helviam matrem de consolatione, texte Latin;

발행: 1918년

분량: 403페이지

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ex tofo CL 5 4. 5. et Scio, land et Ianow cs es 4 . quOSdRm i. e. the Stoics, o hicli schoo Sen himself belonged; butae consideriit iser, in the present case, to keei his principies in the acti round . 7. hi non uissentur cet. cf. Stat Silu. v 5 59 o nimium felix, nimium crudelis et expers i imperii, Fortuna, tui, qui diceret Em delibus audisne andri censere dolendi l8. alioquin ει o μη or et se' sor a different and far rarer SenSe Cf. Paul. 34 6. excussisset sapientiam, V ould have nocked thei arrogant philosophy ut of them ' cf. N. I9, 15 hoc nobis praestitituatura praecipuum, quod necessitati fastidium excussit Troades 58 magnifica uerba mors gros admota excutit. m. o. Satis praestiterit, 'vili have done nough. i. e. Oucannot asti more os t. Tatio, philosophy cf. a.

I Seruet the subject is probabi dolor. impietatem, lo=a olendo insaniam, nimis dolendo.

reuerretur, Si erit Sine acer itate uentura nemo enim libenter Irissi masc. conuerSatur, eaeum tristitiae. H. 28 in promissiS, C. Seruanaeis.



r. qualis sperari potuerit, ,hat a future it a possibi toexpect so hi m. quid-posset though theorderis ord is very harsh, Pheli evetha Sen. means uiae de illo non ponderi posset, tuto fratre, i. e. i Dyo lived, our influence made his ad vancement certain. Strangeas his is, it Seem to me les strange tha that fratre, placeti here tris, hould agree illi Vo. I should also expect this closing sentence to contain a compli mentio Polybius, hi licit does not, is ut is an adu quali*ing sponderi. It is possibi that tuto and sponderi hould e transposed.

go. . utcumque potui, as best I could 'under present circum

hebetato animo : cf. T Festes 923 to a restored exile pectora Ion is hebetata malis, i iam sollicitas ponite curas Cic. Ad Att. iii , 3 writin in exile plura scriberem, nisi mihi dolor meris cum

omnis artis mentis, tum maxime huius feneris facullatem ademisset. TeSPOnstere, to come u to,' to e on a levet illi': his meanin is Mund in Cicero, .g. Tusc. Diss ira nec tamen, si qui magnis in enses in eo genere extiterunt, non satis Graecorum gloriae responderunt. The order os respondere ano mederi is reverse in

What sol lows by the figure calle chiasmus. 6. uacare, to have eisure for' cf. Paul. I he cannothave a min at ei sui e roni iself, o oothe an sympathise.'8. 1atina uerba, correct langua Sen. oes no mean that he has orgoiten his mollier longue, ut that he is a Daid os lapsinginto barbarism and sol ecism in the se of t cf. Cic. De Ort. Gen. Or. pure et emendate loquentes, quod est, latine Herenn iv 7 nisi in sermone, quo minus is larinu sit, duo posSunt esse soloecismiι et barbarismus mari ii 8, 2 latina parum bad grammar). barbarorum Cf. Hem 7 4. 9. grauis, inpleasing. 'io fremitus, it 'howling : sed of il animais, o storinyseas and winiis, or an angry crow here it implies oud nilunintelligiliae sotind.


This conclusion is perhaps an imitation os vid' account os Tomi his place of exile : Trist. iii 1 Threicio S thicoque iere circumsonor ore t e uideor Geticis scribere posse modis. reae mihi, timeo ne sint inmixta latinis i inque meis scriptis Pontica uerba legas i qualemcumque legias, uenia Quare tabellum i sorris et

excuSa coIIdicione meae.


as a Uriter.

g 1. I. impetum cepi have ad an impulse' impertis is sed os hasty instinctive action. hicli reason a checli orreverS : Cf. N. 78, 2 aes in elum cepi abrumpendae nitae patris me in lentissimi senectus retinuit Suet. Cal. 3 expeditionis Germanicae impetum cepit. consolanti te, to rite an conasori ou. The angvage of the whole passage suggest that Sen. ad been soni time in

multa three motives for rit in sollow, and re symmetri catly balance by three againSt. 3. depositurus contain the protasis os a conditiona sentence, Pthought I should get id os ali in troubles ...' . su99rimere: tu premere, Pol b. 54 5.6 habiturum this constr. after non dubito, cf. Paul. 242. D. S. IS



7. XCitiundam, surreXisSem the suggestion is that Sen. andali his relations have been prostrate by the lo os his exile the are describe a sol iter lying ounde on a batilesield is the principat victim is the rs to rise, his example ill have special force illi the thers.

9. utcumque, as bestes could for the longe form utcumque potui, cf. Pol b. 8 4. io obliganta, osten se of medicat id, e. g. Diat. 4, 3 asSen. ha no ne to an lage his xv n ound he had to sto theblood by pressin his han dispon it, besore givin firstini to the resto the party.

uestra, Ina et meorum his brother an other member of thesamit are mentioned later in the reati se . II. restare, a Crawl On and and nees, is the actionos ne to severely Ounde to allici f. De Ben. V et , et tita impeditus with a prat ned antile ire ad fontem proximum non poteram, repere manibu uolebam. a. rursus, in the ther and ' os Polib. I there were cons RS ellis prOS, and the Same number os ach. 12. Saeviret subj., ecause the clauSe i in virtuat oratio obliqua. I . Reeensterent, ' inflam ' cf. incendere, Paul. 164 5.15. immatura medicina to hasty reat ment : the wise

cf. Diat. v 39, 2 remedia in reminionibus froSunt: ... initia morborum quies curat Plin E . V 6, i ut crudum a ticuulnus medentium manu reformidat, . . . Sic recen animi dolor consolationes reicit ac refugit. 16. 9Se ... SuRS, .C. Withis interserence On m Part. 17. mora, i mere laPSe of time': a common mean ing

cf. Ovid et i o saxa... ponere uritiem coepere . . . t mollirique



and then dissatisfiet illi the result, composed a Consolatio ad-dressedo himself, hici, ne may be fure that en read cf. Cic. Ad u. xii i , 3 nihil de maerore minuendo scriptum ab et Ilo est, qItodero non domi tiae legerim I sed omnem consolationem uincit olor. quin etiam feci, quoi profecto ante te nemo, ut ipse me per litteras consolarer, quem librasm ad te mittam, si descripserin librarii Thecomfori, hicli many mourners ould no seeli rom religion the

ancient Sought froni philosophy. This stlows that Sen. in his exile ad accesso books, hetherii Mund them in Corsica o took them illi him. 2o. euoluerem, uiarolled, i. e. read 'ci thoe Moriis rare equivalent lecause the ancient book was a uolt uolumen D cs. Cic. Ttisc. Disp. et euolue dili Enter eius eum librum qui estiue animi i. e. the Phaedo os Platoὶ omplicarem to hui' a

i consolatus reser again to a format condolen e in riting many at the poliat o death, ad solen ord os com ri to the

a resti delati: f. Paul. I gQ. . nouis uerbis Lucretius i 38 complain of the fame difficult when e has to explain in a Latin poena the philosophyo Epicurus But Sen. means that, hereas in os cases A is consolin B so the os o C, in the present case C himself is consol in B, so that the stocli arguments illiso do. 5. adlocutione, condolence' se n. to os b. I thenou is sed in his sense as early a Catullus, 38 7 paullum quiae lubet ad cutionis i maestius lacrimis Simonideis.



9. Intercludat, stops for a time, the reposition avin thesorce hicli it has in interiungore to give the orses a rest and sonae ther verbs includere is sinapin no stop, as death would stop

g. liducia ingenii, helying pon in eloquence.'Io Selinula-consolator, tu hecause the mere fac that Pamthe coinsorte ma amount i a mos effective com fori i. e. the very fac that I an ho suci strengit os in may cheer o morethan nythin eis could. instar originalty bulli or si Ze': then in bi .as': cf. Epp. Ο non habebant domos ins a montium: and lasti asgood as,' in place of ' so here and De Ben. vii 5, 2 Mucio manus, in hostili ara relicta, inStar occisi Porsenae fuit.

bo neve dented me anything oherefore Pliope ...' hoc utique utique has here an osten the ense os certe hoc is define i in the ni clause hicli follows. 13. desisteri : the love and sorro fel for the absent orthe ead: se n. to Paul. 74 8.


omnia, init those ounds.' I9. iam : ecause the beton to the past. obducta se n. to Pol b. I in his case the woundSare covered illi ne skin cf. Val. Max vi et 8 obducta iamtietustis cicatricibus bellorum ciuilium uulnera. a. I. aerumnarum this ord, called by Cicero De Fin. ii 118 tristissimum uerbum is the stronges term for Sorro S.'eta unius Patientem the res participi o an active Verti, when Sed a an adj., Suali tal es the genitive. et . conualuerint, they have become Strong ' cf. E . 2, 3 nou conualescit planta quae aes Iransferrtir innalesco S commone in this ense. For contialescere, no ge well, cf. I Det. contrariis, i. e. to the Sual remedie cf. De Clem. 9 6 fac, quod medici solent, qui, ubi usitata remedia non procedunt, temptaIII contraria. The procedure Seem unscientific. 25. curari, are reaten' not are cured '): se n. to Paul.



27. urere Re Secare, καέειν καὶ τεμ νειν, osten sed os the Surgeon Cf. De Ben. v o, et uua benescia tris em frontem et asperam habent, quemadmodum secare et urere, ut an S.

29. tam cicatricoso, bearing the scars of so many ound ' cicatrix, a healed ound per urere ad cicatricem, heal a

a. o. delicatas mentes eneruauit felicitas cf. Diat i , fugite elicias, fugis enertiantem felicitatem.

2. Per in a succession of cf. Patis. I 4 3.3. quoque, even.

gis uacationem, respite' s. Paul. a 2. 7. natalem tuum, the da os you birili': we avem 'birth-Jay tili, are a year old. S. stum nasceri : s. Plin E . vii et infantiu/u, ae sun parentibus i. e. mothers statim et duo nascuntur orbarae. a uitium . . .eXposita es, intering li se, ou ere like a child ex- posed' hecause he lostrae mollier at hirth Helvia is compare toan infans expositus, a child who the parent resus to rear and expose to peristi o neglect There is a good deal about expositi in the controuersiae of the eide Seneca, e. g. Controu. - 33J. ad nitam, lit. in the occasion o li ' cf. l. I ad motus Dial. v et 8 6 ad singula usitis sienaeitur; ib. 25, I ad ista concitari. 9. Sub nouerca, unde the care os a stet mother': cf. Hor. En ii 4 sub nutrice neola nem si tu feret infans. II. conspici be admired f. conspecta uiritis 6 4.


I . uirum there is a litile wkwardnes in the repetition os uirum helo in a disserent sense also precede by a superlati Ve. aduentum the uncte a Seneca's uncte, he was probablyreturning rom gyp CL 10 he was Helvia' uncte, whicli the ex certaint suggeSis, the circumstances are Unknown. 16. inueendo. by dividin it, i. e. y leavin an intervalbet ween her lows. I7. uirum : Lucius Annaeu Seneca See Introd. p. XXXVii. trium liberorum : Marcus Novatus late by adoption unius Gallio), Lucius Annaeus Seneca, and Marcus Annaeus Mela: See Introd. p. li. 5. 8. lugenti, when Ou ere mourn in atready so the

nuntiatus hows that Helvia an he hvsband were apar at theti me of his eat hos that extulisti is noto be alien iterati : onema have been a Corduba, the therint Rome ut the facts are

I9. de industria, in Purpose 'ri s. De Ben. longis sermonibus et Se in Stria non inuenientibus existim Sen. at SouSes ex in Stria. 2 o. coniectis, concentraled, is diductis. 22. Od modo: See n. to Paul. 84 5. 23. tres nepote : hos childre these ere, is no state :nor is it clear hether the writer' Son mentione below, a Oneo them emiseras probabi means that he boys ad grown ut os insancy so that Helviam longe carrie them in her arm s. For sinus os the grand parent- regula convention-cf. Pli ny Epp. vi 26, 3 mihi nego es tuos ex ferar sinu Sumere contingor. 2 . SS recePisti CL ac Ann ii 5, 1 Aprissiua ascensi classem cum cineribu Germanici, miserantibu cunctis, quod. ferales reliquias sinu ferreti Lucan ix o ossibus et testiua uestes implere fauilla. When the pyre was extinguished the eares relati Vegat hered the ashes in his arm the sulles description os theceremon fossilenum isai veni Tibullus iii soli.

25. quium postquam the ellipse i common aster numerat S. 26. raptum me, that I ad been nalched rom ou,' by the Sentence of exile to Corsica. audisti she was absent Domino me a the time.



io ou besore' i. e. there a only one hin xvant ing, o Complete your Xperience of sorrow cf. De Ben. iii 5 hoc unum deestatiaritiae tit benescia sine sponsore non denta s: the phrase Scommon in the tragedies of Sen. cf. Here. Fur. 836 erat hoc Solum numero laborum Phoen. 7 erat aerumnis meis, i ut et hostem amarem ae . I95 hoc erat nefas, ut ... Troad 898 hoc erat unum PhrἘζibus euersis malum i audere: Med. oo Sera hoc unum mihi, i sectaror iste, differs in ense. The et de Seneca uses id deerat, ut. . . SeVera times in a Simila Sense Controu i et 2 and 3 ID: cf. Val. ax ica, et id malorum miserrimae tunc rei publicae deerat, ut CaeSar caderet. So e speal of thecias straw, and thes rench say, i ne anquat plus que cela 27 1ugere uiuos, uo mourn or the livin a.dead, exile eing

io 257 thacum Iugore natantem.

J his is the ostirievous morand oti ave ver et erei ut, si ethe veteran soldier in hospital, ou re botinae in honori Iosubmit it coura e to the surgeo ui . The cris anae rear of mos momen re uot for I u, after ali ou experienceos Sorrois My me hod furerament has laces ali Four fasteries more su . 1. 28 grauissimum to the modern reade it is remari abletha Sen. tali es for granted that his mollier suffers more rom herson 's exile than he id rom her hiisband ' death. ut the actthat he hvsband ad ea hed a reat age, may have seeme tomali his death, as a natura event, o fit subjec sor Sorrow. 29. descenterunt, have gone deep': s. m. o haec oratio, suae Sananaeis mentibus adhibetur, descendere in nos debet.

the rares mean in .