Dialogorum liber XII: Ad Helviam matrem de consolatione, texte Latin;

발행: 1918년

분량: 403페이지

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της πόλεως χρωνται.

eXSamari, a b drai ne os matter the sanies corrupted blood of their ound has tot remove the meantia is disserent in Esp. 86 6 multa sudatione corpora exsaniata drai ne of

moisture).For the contrast belween veterans and oun soldiers, cf. LI. ad suspicionem ιtimeris tiro pallescit, audacter Neleranus cruorem suum spectat, qui scito saepe uicisse post sanguinem aster

dixerat, nec perdiderat mirustra ae erat, dicta This idiom, bywhic perderemsari frustra, dicere frustra, and many the VerbSso quali fied is found chi est in Seneca an Lucan cf. best. IIo I perdideram frustra admiseram scelus, i nisi sic doleres Med. 98 non in occulto tibi est perdenda uirtus; Iam 539 g naua fortes fata consument uiros perdenda mira et a patienda mors est D Lucan ii quod non ipsum perdat mirustra faciat Deruili o non fer fere mirustra pari letum maxima cura fuit; 37 quod fecimus una perdidimusque mirusrra fecimus nefas. The passive of perdere, i .e perire, S also somSed. e can harillyus vaste in his senseri ut the Latin idioni a preserve by the man who calle out in a Dublin theatre, hen an objectionable person a bella ejected rom the allei Don't ast hina, boys ill a d iter id hi in 'miser esse, io to e retched, i. e. o to bear



I3 circumscriuere to cheat cf. Epp. 87, sarrius este Ignare adfectus, non circumscribere. The proper meaning of circtimscriptio is cheatin in business cf. N. 97, 1 laetatur ille circumscripsisne furtoque here it is metaphoricat.16. quos conting. to homo in related' san uine orsonae Such or is almost always Mund with the veri, in his

17. ne tuam quidem cet. as en is the hie sufferer, ne qui fem here does no mean tot even,' ut also not, there eingno de os comparison et ween the things negative cf. De fen. iv 9, 2 e ought to selectrahe recipient of ur benestis, quod ne agricolae et idem semina harenis committant sarmers also do notplough the and there, no even would impi that sarmersanowles os agriculture than other eople here, tot even Would impi that Helvi had more to bear than her Son. a. I9 hoc, sed for id, is the antecedentis quod other i se illud would e sed sor therars poliat os two tot proved. pietas love, sat of ei ther parent o children. et o me premi that jam crushed. 'et I putat has pietas Iu sor subjeci: ut it is probabi a

mihi ipse placebo. shali e proud os myself sibi laesere aliqua re has generali a ad sense, be concei ted about athing cf. Mart. vii 76 quod te iripiunt scramble sor ov)potentiores, i ... nolito nimium tibi placer delectas, Philomuse, non



23. ero, am': the Latin tenSe is due to the preceding


a. a . de me vitii regarduo in condition, don' heed whatother people say f. Hor. Era i 6, 19 Sed uereor ne cui de te plus qua/u tibi credas. 25. incertis opinionibus, i not knowingoliat to thin k :or the opiniones may be hos os alii. 26. instΙco inform ou, froni iudicare.

stiam a latoribu accepimus, Si quiden teneremus genitiis nati. 29. id egit rerum natura, mature' intention as...' Bene uiuendum 'iappmesS,'m beatam uitam se n. to Paul.



beauty, were refused the ille good by the Stoics, who maintaine that the ni good.' ere ψυχος γαθά, i. e. Virtue : CLDE Ben. V 3, 1 Sun animi bona sunt corporis, sunt fortunae illa animi bona a stulto ac malo submouentur: ad haec the the two

hin is admittistir This triple division goods passe DomPlato io Aristolle. . RPientem, the age, the Perfeci an the Stoic ideat See n. to Paul. 54 3. 5. ut 1 Se Plurimum poneret, uouet entiret upon himself' cs. 13 Dial. ii 5 sapiens omnia in se reposuit, nihil fortunae

credit. 2. I. quid ergo See n. to Pol b. 54 2. Io in uicinum leo the Stoic were ver char of awarding

the ille sapiens; ut suci a person, i he id exist was litile

inferior to the od the main disserence was his mortali tys cf. Diat ii , et sapiens uicinus proximusque dis consistit, excepta mor alitate similis eo Epp. 73, 3 uspiter quo antecedit uirum honum diutius bonus est. II. nunc, as it S, i. e. notiein a Sapiens. I 2. Saolentibus uiris the Stoic the epithet is not sed init strici senSe a it a no agreed by the Stoic that even Zeno o Chrysippus wa a SasianS. me dedi I have put myset in the and Of. ...' nondum : Sen. a a prosciens se n. to Paul et g 5 and hope to gro in stren th. I 3. aliena castra, .e the Stoic schoolci Sen. oes no meanthat he had belonge to any the school, ut that he had fought in other the strength whichine diuiso fini in himself.

Sen. se this phraSe in a different ense hen e quote precept frona Epicurus : gr. 2, 5 soleo in aliena aura transire, sentamquam transfuga Sed tamquam explorator.

a. I . iusserunt, in thei books. The language that ollowsis alien rom military life : en holit a sor against the assauit os



duraret, si rerum etduersarum eandem uim aestaeuitas haberet quam primus ictus Thuc vi 9 τι γαρ πρῶτον παν στρατευμα δεινοτατον


g. 25. Lonores Sen. ad been quaestor cf. 9 et and ei ther aedile or tribune he was praetor the ea aster his return rom exile. gratiam, influence' due parily, in his caSe, to eloquence:

cf. I a 3 Esp. 68, ri gratii forensi.

26. sine motu meo, without morin me. '27. abstulit, non auolsit, si, took them rom me and id nottea them away, as hemus have done is these κτος αγαθα hadbecome partis him cf. N. of externat goods omnia ista nobis accedant, non haereant, ut, si abducentur, sine ulla noStri laceratione discedant. 29. decepit, teguites him first': the past ense ives his mean ing. 5. o. suspici, be ooked umto cs Dial vicio, non est quod no suspiciamus tamqItam inter nostra soSiti mutua accepimus the are ni lent us). The nouit, in his sense, is Suspectus cs. Diat vi , a facta eius dictaque quans meruit

suffectu celebramuS.

I. iacent et maerent, lare humhled ani disti essed' so the Same ordS, CL Cic. Tusc. i. iii 36. a. solistae. Atable': se n. to Paul. 5 Q. falsa et mobilia, ieceitsul and transient.' ne . contrahit. C. Se also oes no collapse.'nec ne quidem, has the sense Xplained on confrahere se is in in sare se cf. Diat ii io, et humilitas animi contrahentis se ob dictum favumve inhonorificum. 6. Xploratae, tested' cf. Pol b. g 3 gen os description, to e alien ei the with animum, or illi the subject of tenet. 7. quid . . . ualeret, hi oWn strengili.' - optant, ira sor ': se n. to Paul. I. 9. tum, ieSides, ans ergo semper bove opinion waSjusti fied by experience : Cicero ould have ut a cum in the rst



inania is in solida

Io. Circumlita as a technical terna, circumlitio is the application os colour lucus to statuary, e .g. to theiai and eyes NiciaSdid circumlitio sor Praxiteles Plin Nat Hist xxxv 1333. For hi Smetaphorical Se cf. Quint. xii , 8 si forte susceperunt ne tia

paulo ad dicendum tenuiora, extrinsectis adducti ea relu circum

I 3. uerbum the word exile . I . lam, by this time.'15. 1tR. . . iussit, 'has decreed that it shali be o. 'iubere an uerare, no vote Aye or o, are technical term AC i. Cic. Pro Flacco I maiores nostri, quae scisceret plebes the tribes), aut quae postilus thecenturies iuberet, ... iuberi uetarique uoluerami.

I7. Rurogant, repeat' a metaphorica way of saying that philosophersit Sagre on many potnis illi the opinion si ordinarypeople cf. Cic. Pro Planc. 9 semper sapientes ea, quae populuS fecisSet, ferenda, non semper laudanda duxerunt.


aufert, carries ost , i. e. Master 'ri transuersos is osten ad dedi auferre in his sense : .g. Dial. V 6, 3. 2o ne uidear cet. there is an ellipse here sonae ord like

I teli ou ' must be inserted after subtrahere : Such an ellipse is notuncommon in Latin cf. 194 6 Virg. Ecl. 3, 23 si nescis, meris ille caper fuit; and Se n. t Juv. , 59.2I. quidquid pessimum in se Ladet: s. Juv. 3, 5 et ni habet infelix paupertas duriu in Se. 22. sequuntur, lare attache to the word oes no meantha poveri comes aster exile ut that it is inseparabie honi it forthe w Senses of Sequi, comp. N. Io 7 8 noctem dies sequi ur illi Medea O6 tim solent dies j noctem sequenIur astra, here eget lasthe Same meaning as here There is a similar his of meantia in

Pro ego Man. 55 non modo prouinciis . . . sed etiam Appia iam uia carebamus o win to the incursion o pirates). The wor has two

Suspicione careat were re Domin animo aequo Se carere can dowithouti suis omnibus commodis icis. 28. tiane frequentiam: istam ould e more correct in thecircumstances but possibiy an of our time' s. Paul. I DI. Bent ley, in his copy, hanged ha/acri istam. The population o Rome cannoti precisely estimatem Fried tander is os opinion, udgin parti by the number of those hostiare in the distribution os coria that it was belween ne millionandis hal and wo milliolas, at the en of the rs century. 29. patria caret: here is a play on two senses o caret, S deprive os and loes ithoiit. '

1. municipiis et coloniis mali townsis Ital cf. Diat via I Furneaux, i Ving many inStances of this phras froni Tacitus onMun i 79ὶ, oes o note that it is o used by much earlier riter :instances illi Mund in Sallustiat. I and 58 Cicero In D. I,



Pro Mil. o Post ei In Sen. 3 and 38, os Ked AS uir. Io inali these passages, the contexi proves that the resereno is to Italyexclusi vely though there utere tinicipia an coloniae in many province of the Empire. 2. V Itura petitio honorum s. Paul. I. About Io6 A. D. Trajan require ali candidates sor ossice toinvest one-thir of their ealth in Italia land deforme arbitratus honorem petituros tirbem Italiamque non pro patria sed pro hospitio aut stabulo quasi pere rinantes habere Plin Epp. vi I9 Those who istie tot quaestor must cense Oi carpet-baggers. '3. ossicium publicum is ossice os a les distinguisheda in than

inposita legatio, the ut os deput imposed pon them :i. e. the have been sent toruom to represent thei native place in the matter of Some equest O grievance These ho ever, ould

no spen their hole lives a Rome. . OPPortunum et opulentum uitiis, that offers a fietessor the vici ous and abound in vices' uitiis is dat . illi opporItinum and abl. illi opulentum. 5. 1iberalium studiorum: e ea les of Ome as a placeo higher educatio than os Athens, hicli remat ne the hie centre of philosophic instruction, uni ille schoois e re losed by Justinianii 529 A. D. ut the est rhetores ere probabi tot Mund there, even e re Quintilia hegan to leach in 67 A. D. the hie grammatici a Rome unde Tiberius an Claudius ere M. Pomponius Marcellus, Q. Remmius Palaemon, and M. Valerius Probus Suet.

Circense or Chariot-races. The provincial towns ad theatres sorplays, an amphitheatres for gladiatorial howsa ut the had noCircus heiace in Juv. 3, 223 auelli Circensibus m Romam relinquere. e osten ea os the croviis hicli gatherei on specialoccasions CL Suet. Iul. 39 o Caesar' game in 6 B. C. ad quae omnia spectacula autum indique cons ait cf. l. et hominum, ut flerique aduenae aut inter uicos aut inter uias tabernaculis postris manerent, ac saepe prae turba elisi exanimatique sint plurimi.


industria, lactivi ty. 7. 1RXam ... materiam, an ample stage cf. Pol b. Dial. vii 22, 1 quid dubii est, quin haec maior materia sapienti ira sitauinatim explicandi suum, in muttiis qtiam in paupertate uirtuti thei capaci ty.'8. formam these ould e laves, hos beaut fetche aprice in the Roman martiet. a. o. magna retia ponentem, alia offers ighiriges ': here again the Pres participi is cloing the work of a relative clause se n. to destruentis, Pol b. I. I a. unde stomo, ,hat is ou domicile Θ': cf. Virg. Aen. viii

II ; Hor. Is i , 53 the abi. osten sed in inscription to denote domicile se Cagnat Epigraphis p. 3), is probabi an abi. os origin donto bein in apposition illi tinde hicli is a quo loco 'maiorem partem, more than alf of the whole population this is furet incredibie.

gQ. I5. civitate, city. ueluti communis, senserio belondito ali, so that residenceat Rome is no expatriation or an man: o Pli ny Nat. Hist. iii 39 describes Ital as a land choSen by eaven, quae una cunctarum Pntium in toto orbe patria feret. I 7. multitudinis gen o definition lit . every cit has alarge fraction o iis population consistin os a foret gn crows' cf. et o pars pauperum, the fraction o manlii nil consistingos the oor' Pol b. portu mortis.

I 8. ab iis a transire regulari talies the acta, his constr is remari able. amoena refers, a uSual, to natural beaut but urbs pulcherrimais made S by man. Ι9. Iures m a speciali large number.

asperrimas, ockyy the stands to hicli exiles ereianished - SyStem revive in the case of Napoleon an Garibaldi are osten calle scopuli: cf. ac Hist. lenum exiliis mare, infecti caedibus costili Mart. ii per freta, per scopulos exulis ibo comes Juv. Io, 17 ut Gyari clausus scopulis paruaque Seripho. Sciathus, Seriphus, and Gyarus o Gyara are ali sinali standsin the Aegenn.2o. COSSura Corsicam, the readin os the mss. cannot eright, ecauserit anticipales the ex poliat an spolis the climax. D. S. 6



26. caeli naturam, the climate, i. e. the summe heat: f. 74 8. Maia os these complaint recur in the epigram attrihu texto Sen. cf. Digr. I, 5 Corsica terribilis, cum primum incanaeuit aratas, saeuior, ostendit cum ferus ora Cani ; ib. 2. I barbara praertistiis inclusa est Corsica saxis, i horrida, desertis tinique uasta locis i non

et 8. consistunt, reside' regulari used os resident aliens cf. Val. Max. ix Io 2 ciue RomanoS, qui Vticae conSistebant: see M omnisen in Hermes vii 3o9. 29. quoque, even.

soui, cf. Dial. ix , II natura humanus animus agilis est et frontis admotus grata omnis illi excitandi se materia est Esp. 39, 3 n teranimus in motu St, eo mobilioris actuosior, quo uehementior fuerit. se tenet, remain a rest.'

spargitur, 'it scalter itself, i. e. t is ubi quilous in his sense Lucan ses sariere bellum i 682 and Martial says, spargior, Mysam is spread' viii 6 I, in. For another SenSe cf. Sen. EN Io7, 2 queri, quod Spargaris in rablico because ou are plashed in thestreeis . U. . originem: cs. Quint i I, 1 nobis propria est mentis itatio atque sollertia, unde orimo animi caelestis creditur ButSeneca's inferen e that an active in demand a constant changeos place, i queStionable elsewhere 's et i h himself declares locorum mutationes tot agri animi iactatio.