장음표시 사용
9. caelesti Spiritu cf. Epp. 66, et ratio nihil aliud est quanι in corpus humanum an inini spiritus n/ersa. Zelle Stoic etc., p. o The human ou is Ot ni a par of the universaliowero lila, ut be auge it possesses reason, it has a speciat relationshipto the Divine Being. 'IO. CaeleStium πων χετεωριον, the heavenly Odies, including the gods, who ere osten denti fled by the Stoic With the tars. II. Sidera, the laneis, among hicli the sun is rectioned: cf. 84 6 hut the are osten called stellae also. munium, thesky' cf. Paul. Io 6 Rodib. 7 DI osten in the poets. 13. 1ocum ex loco mutat, Ahisis si om placeno place ' cf. Nat.
Quaest. vi I 8, 1 spiriti s natura citus et Locrim e loco mutanS.
cum uniuerso, Mith the Universe ' se n. to Pol b. I Da. i . in contrarium the apparent dati motion of the sun dueto the arth' rotation is fro eas to est, like that of the tars; but his annuat motion along the ecliptic due to the earlli 's revolution, is in the opposite direction, rom est to east cf. Ovid et ii oadde quod adsi a rasitur uertigine caelum i Meraque Ita trahit celerique uolumine torquet. nitor Da aduerSum, nec me, qui cetera, uincit impetus, et rapido contrarius evehor orbi. I 5. signorum, the Sign of the Zodiac, i. e. the odia itself, through,hicli the ecliptic passes. R. I7 omnia, Vallis them, i. e. the laneis. I 8. neceSSitas, γ εἱμαρμέν , he Fate O Desti ny whicli, ac cordin to the Stoics, has rescribed the course of ali hings human and divine by immutabie law. I9. Der, in the Course Lycerta annorum Datia: cf. Nat. Quaest i rol. regio caelestis per triginta annos elocissimo Sideri Saturn Diana praestat. et o orbe Suos explicuerint, the have complete their orbita. per quae ueneriunt, inlong the ourse the took efore' onewould expect quos, o agree illi orbes. 21. 1 nunc et puta, how id te then to thinii that ...' se n. to Paul. I et '. et et liuina, divine heings.' et 3. ei naturx deus. 25. conseruet thei perpetua motion a b the cause osthei immortali ty.
HistorF regales counties instaures of migrations on a large cale. Greece sent ut colonias oriri, east, and west. Eor man
27. gentes OPulosque: here these re distinguished stomeach ther here the may be synonymS), the secon i the more compli mentar titie, an denotes the ut in nations as distinc Domthe subject peoples cs Lucan ira nec gentibus ullis commo i in populum terrae pelagique potentem l inuidiam Forttina suam. Thus the Roman are constanti describe by Cicero an later riter assopulus gentium uictor cf. Cic. Pro Planc. Iici De Domo ori Sen.
51. Greece an Rome re both populi in his ense, the Ligures
test belli nil in the East. 3o ferarum is ambiguous, ut is probabi adj., no noun.
I ciuitates enatae, Greel towns : Pontus as ne of thechies centres of Greeli coloni sation cs Ovid Trist. iiii hic quoque sunt igitur Graiae quis crederet ' urbes t inter inhumanae nomina
barbariae. huc quoque Mileto missi uenere coloni, i inque setis
3. ingent cet. s. Dies ivo5 5 in frigora septemtrionempus usi Entibus immansueta ingenia stini, ut ait poeta, suoque simialima caelo' the poet' nam is uni nown Benile potnted ut that his verse probabi hegan with in Enia ivrynansuet in . . caeli sui, of thei climate ' climate vas supposexto affect character f. Lucan viii 366 of orientals emolli uentes clementia
transferentibus quominus transferrent. a. . Atheniensis turba the main od of Athenians' Sen. refers to the coloni sation os Ioniai Athens. Miletus f. iiii Nat Hist. v I a Miletus, Ioniae caput, Super LXXX ti bitim per cuncta maria renetrix her colonie werechi est on the lacti ea.
6. populum aenough eol le t Pol uinte .... 7. infer mari: the Tyrrhene ea: superum mare is the Adriati C. 8. maior Graecia a more exact ut rarer term than maena Graecia : cf. Liv xXXi , II ora illa Italiae, quam maiorem
Graeciam uocant Val. Max. viii taliae partem, quae tunc maior Graecia appellabatur. fuit. Masince' it ad ceased tot so: s. Paul. D et . Tuscos Asia sibi uinclicat Asia claim the Etruscans as herown' the tradition, hich may be rue that the eople o Etruria were immigrant hom Lydia in Asia, is firs found in Herodotus i 9 j, and was generali belleved by the Romans. 9. Africam, ispaniam Carthage was a lites eat of the Phoenicians in Africa, and Gades ne os thei oldest setilement in Spatia Sen. seem to impi that the Carthaginians Munde Gades; bu Gades a much olde than Carthage. Graeci, i. e. the hocaeans se n. to gra. io Gallici th Galatians, lio came hom Gaul an occupi eda district in Asia by orce of arnas in therar Centur B. C. II. Pyrenaeus, C. mons. o genera migration o Germansio Spat is recorde viatilis much later date possibi Sen. may reser to the Celtiberi ho came rom Gaul. II. umana lauitas m homines, quia sunt leues resti ess):
Da. 1 . iudicio, i deliberate choices' the word is hardlywanted with eleg runt, ut is place there to balance lassitudine. 15. rami sibi ius fecerunt, Vestablished thei right y theswordyci cs. Diat vi I, 7 luctus iam sibi ius mora iecit. 16. quaSstam gentes et is en is referring to a historical incident, it is uni nown to S.I8 deposuit, strande Miliem. go. 9. Patriam se Should suppi ne one' a theobjec o quaerendi.
22. Superfluentis populi frequentia, exces os population, 'O utrunning the means o subsistence. 23. ad XOnerandas uires, in orde to discliarge the burdenos thei numbers': cf. ac Hist. v et quidam memorant exundantemper e plum multitudinem ...proxinta in terra exoneraram iruires m population), cf. Veli Pat i , et ire ueterra earum urbium hodieque ma nitudo ossentat moenium. et . terrarum latus the constant ariliquake a Tyre ere Someti me aSSignedos a cause of her activit in colonising cf.
Lucan iii ai TFros instabilis Sen. Nat OnaeSI. Vi I, I Tyros aliqtiando infamis ruinis init.
25. eiecerunt: See n. to eiciunt, Paul. 24 I.
26. corrupit, iribed, tempted.' 5. 27 utique, at least cf. I Cicero ouidisse certe. nihil eodem loco et f. Medea 372 terminus omni momS, et urbes t muros terra postiere notia. seruius orbis i ni qua uerat sede reliquit. 29. iscursus, running to and Do, i. e. resti esSneSS. 3O in tam magno orbe in since the wori is o large i theworld were maller changes ould e les frequent.
et aut in accessionem ualidioris conuersis, i having sunt tob a mere appanage of a stronger eople': Cf. Plin Nat. Hist. vi in Persis Persia in Parthorum iam ridem translata nomen Sallus Lug. 84 12 ιicti omne in Entem nomenque imperantium concra re For accessio, a make-weight something thrown in,' Se n. t Patil. ra i.
ualidioris hows that gentibus, no nominibus, i tote suppliediuith prioribus. sublica, is a nation. 7-9. Evander, an Arcadian prince, setile o the sit os Romebe re the Trojan war Antenor, a Trojan, and Diomedes a Greela, reache Ital aster the war an solande cities there Such ereth legendS. V. o. Romanum imperium, the Roman empire iseis': the Latin orde malae itinnecessar to ad ipsum. auetorem, in iis Munder. Some of the phrases here are aliensrom the fit si lines of the Aeneid.
Ia uictoris metus: in the Aeneid, the param ount motive os Aeneas is the divine Command . I 3. deinde, in turn ' porro an rursus are more osten sed in
15. ubicumque uicit Romanus, abitat a potiated a os Saying that coloni sation always came aster conquest, follOwed the flag, as e might say. The Solidit os the Roman empire ast arget due to a ell- planiae colonia syStem. Gibbon chap. 11 confirm this very jus observatio of Seneca' by the fac that about fori years aster the reductio of Asia, eightythousan Roman were massacre in ne day by the ruet order of Mithridates.
ducte to thei destination ille an army, sub exit , an sormeda garrison os the place here the set iled. The colonia as a
Who ver eard he astis, fine id man whoclest his altar to followcolonisis ho ere ali oun and id not leave thei altars Butit seem possibi that senex might e m senes cs. Q), and that relictis aris suis might appl also to colonos. They est theiriwn altar belli rid, and even the grey-beard went illi the colonisis across
I9. in oculos se ingerit, Dirces it selsi pon the figlit,'' cannotescape notice : cf. Dial. iii 18, 2 etiamsi iugoritur oculis ueritas, amat et tuetur errorem t. Quaest. Vii 25 5 artim quinque stellarum the laneis quae se inmerunt nobis, quae alio atque alio
occurrente loco curioso no erae Gunt.
21. uetustas antiqui ty' Se n. to Paul. I D . et et ΡΛOeiste the eople o Massilia id not come rotia Phocis in reece, ut frona Phocaea in Asia Minor Lucan repeat his uncte' error iii 3 o post translatas exustae Phocidos arces t moenibus exi is alieno in litore tuti v a Massiliaeque suae Sonatur libera
Phocis u here Phocis in reec is rongi connected with Massiliain. For the laci, os Herod i 16 foll. He telis that he Phocaeans sanit iron in the se and wore neve to return to thei Country illthe rora came to the sui tace. They then set out so Cymus Corsica), hut hal of them repente and went bach those ho enimn lived in Corsica sor ve ears, and then est it in consequence of the attack of the Carthaginians and Etruscans. Sen. appear not. to know or o disbeli eve the reason assigne hy Herodotus for their departur froin Corsica. 25. inDortuost: f. Plin E . vi 3Ι,17 per long issimum spatium litus importuostim : Corsica is no reali ill- provide with harbours. 26. in causa: f. Patis. 34 3 II 6 8 nolle in causa est, non posse praetenditur the reason is antis,ill the excuse is antos power).28. Galliae populis cf. Cic. Pro Flacco 63 in a fine panegyricon Massilia cum in Dimis terris cincta Gallorum Gentibus barbariae suctibus a matur. s. transierunt, δώβησαν, trosse the ea: the Ligurians were the inhabitant of hat is no calle the Riviera and the Maritime AlpS. 3o ritus, is thei custonas': i. e. the present inhabitanis resemble Spaniard in ome par of their res an langvageta sorthis meaning of istis which Gert dentesin cf. Val. Max ii , ,
where patrius ritus Vin ita Latina. tegmenta, C. Sunt Corsis. The Cantabri ere a peopte os Hispania TarraconenSi S.
2 uerba quaedam, se Words are the sameras in panish. nam there is a light ellipse ondi a se words; for in thei language a a hole, win to association illi Greelis and Ligurians the have bandone thei native diom, i. e. panish. conuersatio is no conversation ' se n. t Paul. 34 3. 5. coloniae : cf. Plin Nat. Hist. iii o o Corsica colonias abest, Martianam a C. Mario eructam, Aleriam a Dratore Sulla both own werein thera coaSt. 6. spinosi impli es that the vegetatio consist os spineta thorn-brahesin. sanci f. an invidiotis term for a mali ock island cf. ac Ann. v I of an exile saxo Seris o consenuit To S The ook suggest different ideas. 1 O. uiX. . . ullam the qualification is perhaps due to thelam ous instanc os Athens, tiae uetustare en est, ut i a ex Sese suos ciates renuisse dicatur Cic. Pro Flaccola . 7. etiamnunc, this day' se n. to Paul. 34 3. 8. permiXta omnia et insiticia sunt, very where the population is of mongret an importe stocli. 'IO. expulerat, had riven ut thers' ille of this claus isno identical vitii illi os the last.
o. fortunam, the condition state.
voluminous writer herei sat this, is unlinown he wa never Stricti an exile himself. 15. uenimus, we come ': ut the Latin ense is pers, a theidioni requireS. rerum natura the seque Ahows that this is no nature, in the SenSe os picturesque pene Sen. dentes to CorSic allis luantage of that ind. natura here is restricte to the meaning fmundus, the firmamen and what it contain and this ould ear much the fame aspectu an exile in an par of the Mediterranean. I 6. M. Brutus 85- et B. C.) one os Caesar'MasSaSSin he wroteon PhiloSophy See n. to The quotation is probabi tali ensrom his De Virtute, here e prat sed the conduci o Marcellus durin his exile a Mytilene.
gi ven here: si a personat God et impersonat Reasona 3 an Air
a operis huius dominus et artifex fatum 5 causa causarum
ille is subjecti leus predicate. 26. luinus Spiritus elle Moses etc. p. God is an internat atmospheri current, penetratin ali hings, an assumingvarious ames accordin to the objecis in hich he resides. 'et 7. aequali intentione, Mith uni rin pressure.'29. ut ...nlSi ullissima quaeque non alerent, that ni the
ga. i. humanam' sither men. et nec clari nec eripi cf. Sall. Ing. 14 3 probitarem industriam aliasque artis bonas neque dare neque eripere orinna cuiquam poteSt. mundus te, yonder ky. '2- . The optimum for an is no saida consis of two things
animus are masci, the predicat is neuter.
7. manebimus includes the lis aster death os limited duration, accordin to the Stoics as etllas hodii lila.
8 res tulerit, circumstances carr us' nos is probabi tobe supplied as objectis tulerit. 5. . quRSCumque terras, any countries halever': the pron. originali relative, is sed as an indefinite : cf. Suet. Iul. 66netustissima naue imposito quocumque uento in quascumque terraS iubebo auehi. Io mundum, the wΟrid, here, probably. The supplement os aliten is indispensable the word have fallen ut owin to the repetitionis rindum. Sen. refers to the Stoic dogma that ali mei are sellow-citigens in the great Cit of the orly cs. MI. iv 3I, 7 nefas est nocere patriae ergio ciui quoque, nam hic par patriae est erro et homini, nam hic in maiore tibi urbe cinis sellow-citigen est viii as
res publicas animo complectamur, Peram amnam et uere publicam, qua di atque omine continentur, in qua non ad hunc angulum respicimus aut ad illum, sed terminos ciuitatis nostrae cum sole metimur. II. undecumque-Reies: sor an illiterate proveri, to the fame effect cf. Petron C. 45 tibique mediu caelu est. For undecumque in hi senSe, Cic. se uniuique CL Tusc. Diss i io undique a 4nfero tantundem uiae est.
I7. interualla, the distances bet ween them. 19. et would e helter away. alias non uestigium: ,hile ther do no trave to a great distance, ut heel round with in the fame pol, i. e. constellations nea the ole suci a the Great ear intra suum Nestigium in eoiuem uesti is se n. to Paul. Ioa 6. 21. URSuam quRSctum comeis, and shoot in Stars, ostencadled facta. subito, incerto tempore. igne fuso praestringentes aciem, daggling the sight with spread in fire': L Nat. Quaest. vii II, et cometarum, quibuS I Sus Stignisn Lucan i 53 nunc sarso lumine lampas i emicuit caelo. et et quasi ecidant: en belleved that the di no reatly fati: cf. Nat. Quaest i I, 9 stultissimum est existimare descidere
longo tractu, leavin a long ake bellin them ' cf. Lucr iieto nocturnasque faces caeli sublime Nolantis j nonne ides Dugos ammarum ducere tractus J