Dialogorum liber XII: Ad Helviam matrem de consolatione, texte Latin;

발행: 1918년

분량: 403페이지

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1. I. at an imaginar opponent of the argument potnis ut the desecis o Corsica. laetarum the epithet, common os se etes an pabula, is leSSCommon of reex but cf. Diat vi 6, 7 adolescunt amissis laetiora more flourishing hooisin Aulus Gellius xii 1, 6 arborem laetam Initentem Lucr. v et herbarum genera ac rure arbuStaque

laci, it appears that trees gre weli in Corsica se Introd. P. XXXV. . tutelam, Suppori sustenance': cf. Suet. Iul. 68 cum tenuiorum tutelam locupletiores in se contulissent. 5. apis, martile' sor caelitur. Cf. Mart. Vi 2, 2 certantuario ecore saxa, quae Phryx et Libs altius cecidit. a. i. am Stus, petiy, limite l. '7. illa, i. e. caelestia Gold an silver in thei natural state, are hidden an havem lustre. 8. et noc cogitandum est there is nother hingo bearin ind': .e the errena re not ni inferior in thenaseives, ut also hinde thei possessor in the ei oymentis caelestia. 9. per 'b means of ' falsa an praue credita re epithet os



But the expression is very wkward is it possibi that Sen. Wrote issa, o per o that he here sed perfalsa, very salse ZIo sorti us, covered allis, in hicli the rich ook their drives, hel tered rom sui or alia it was an object illi theluxurious to have these ostrea len th s. Juv. quid refertim tir quantis iumenta fatiges po= ticibus J Suet Nero 31 of the Golden House tanta laxitas, ni sortistis riplices miliarias a mile long haberet.

expedierint explicuerint ould e more usual but the two Verbs re alii in meaning cs. Cic. Ad Fam xiii 26, et ut ne otia explices et expedias. o. quo latius uicos porreXerint, the wide the malae their streeis': elseu here uici are the public streeis; ut, o agre withthe contexi, these uici must elon to the ricli an an sor some partis his great mansion Sen. E . o, 3 speak of donios instar urbium town-houses a bi a citi es); the paris of such a domus might satirical lyrae calle uici. quo lepressius, the deeper': cf. Dial. V 33 pecuniam ea omnibus metallis, quae deprina inatis we are sinking .

gro unda Secure coolnes in hol eather. li ny in describin his villas, mentions cr)s oporticus 's. ii Pandis 6ὶ hut these ereno underground whicli the pecu Clearly are. fastigia cenationum SubluXerint, the rear the gabies of theirhanquet ing-rooms' for Subducere, uo aise, ' cs. N. 8, 7 Supercilia subduximus Aulus Gellius iv constitit eant statuam in locum editum subducendana. A commoner ord here ould beeduxerint: cf. II b. 184 2. I 3. noe plus erit quot, 4 much the more there ill be, to . . . : hoc is abi. Os amount of difference.

caelum abscondat of the ther uildings an excavations hisis ruen ut hal of the nici The result of aking wide streetsi suo give a large vie of the ky. a. I . te has noth in to do illi Helvia : en is nowad dressing the public, an in the ardour of his discourse has sorgoite a litile about his mollier.


I7. Romuli casam ooden hut illi a thalched roos on the Palatine Hill, reverest for iis supposed connexion,ith helegi nningsos Roman histor it a thought typical of the simplicit os earlier times: cf. Val. aX. iv , O per Romuli casam perque ueteris Capitolii humilia tecta iuro, nullas diuitias talium uirorum paupertati osse praeferri. An exile, compellet to live in a ut might console iniself perhaps there ad been an actua instance of this happenino by recalling that the sacre dwelling of Romulus as

justos umbie; ut says Sen. there are much igher ource of consolation tha that.18. istud is used with the sense of hoc, asino uncommoni in Seneca Lucan, and later riters. nempe uirtute recipit, offers, I suppose, a roo to the Virtues.' I9 iam, goon, when the Virtue have alien umhous there. eto, et 1. iustitia three of the Cardina Viriues, δικαιοσυνγὶ σω - φροσυνγ , σοφία, are mentioned the Murth, fortituis, νδρεία, is rathe stranget omittex the exile ould nee it.

et et humanorum iuinorumque scientia, the nou ledge os God an man ' the adjective are, of course, neuter this is a Stoicdefinition o philosophy, ἐμ πειρία των θείων καὶ ἁνθρώπrένων. f. p. 89, 5 Sapientia est, nosse mina et Ismana et horum causas; Cic. De O . ii 5 sapientia est, ut a ueteribus philosophis ae finitum I rerum diuinarum et humanarum scientia Tusc. Disp. iv 57 Quint. xii et 8 ut oratoris uita practi caldi se cum scien se minarum

rerum si humanarumque coniuncta.

23. tam magnarum Or tantarum Se n. to Pol b. I I. et . turbam, company' the wor has here no sense fcrowdin o di sorde elsewhere e Spealis o comitatus virtutum

o σωφροσυνη a uirititum chorus, an ha the Same phras in Titsc. Disp. v I 3 of constantia, grauitas, fortitudo, sapientia.

capit, ian hold 'ri se n. to Paul. 74 9. Q. 26. de uirtute: L Cic. De A. ira to Brutus id facio



frouocatus ratissimo mihi libro, quem ad me 'de uirtuti misisti yo dedicate to me another philosophical orti by Brutus Con- Cerning Duty, περὶ καθηκοντος, i mentione by Sen. Epp. 98, 5 an a third, De Patientia, is et Seuthere recorded. Marcellum M. Claudius Marcellus, OnSul in I B. C. Wa a Stron partisan of the senate in thei breach illi Caesar. In Lucan i 3 13 hecis calle by Caesar Dynax, the an os ords' and e certaini took litile par in the war Aster Pharsalia heretire t Mytilene an devoted himself to stud ; When allowed by Caesar o return to Italy, he was murdere in Athens on his way home 46 B. C.).28. ominis, humana.

pateretur permits 'ri Latin idiona retain the time o uidisse, but it is uianatura in Englisti cirra. 29. Onarum artium, .e rhetori and philosophy cf. I gQ. Marcellus studie orator at Mytilene an attende the lectures of Cratippus, a Peripateti philosopher, hora sterward was the teacheros Cicero' son at Athens Cic. Brutus 25 o).

et restiturus, inbout to return to Rome': Brutus fought against Caesar a Pharsalia, butino his pardon besore Marcellus di d. g5.5. rei Dublicae consulatum, sc adprobauit this is aflourishis rhetori Cicero himself, a stron parti San f the Senate, expresses disgust illi Marcellus, hen, a consul, he ogged an ex-magi Strate os Novum Comum, a colon Munde by Caesar Cic. Ad Att. v ii, et Marcelitis foede in Comensit. 8. Catoni suo: cf. Pol b. 15 4 Drusi sui Brutus a the Son-in-la Os Cato, and is e ma trus Lucan considere him an infalli tile guide in politic a in ther matters To en himSel Cato as liat a canoni Sed Sain is to a devout Catholic. s. o. praetervectum, had alle past without land ingthere probabi in AuguS B.C., after the Campat gn againSt

he had os the trappings of great nesM: s. Cic. Mur. 88 imaginem deformatam ignominia Sallus I V. 1 4 7 deformatus aerumnis. II. quidem does no qualis illi, bui the whole clause.


1ΠDetrauit senatus it was in his occasionalia Cicero deliveredhi Speech, Stili extant, Pro Larcello. I . Si sine illo fuissent there is an ellipse here: as exiles tho ou de is the had toto ithout Marcellus. '

I 6. O potuit, couldio bear, i. e. und it hard, sor Brutu diae leave im it a Caesar ho could o bear loo upon him facts have' bend so the salie of antithesis. I9. Tubuli Sen. Supposes that ham prevented Caesar rom Seein Marcellus frona hat e now of his character it is muchmore likel that he was ei ther in a hurry, or uoi ded the intervi becauserae istiexto spare Marcellus mortification. V. num cluditas again the question is ad tressed to therea ter noto Helvi is for his benefit that a solito tu is no v put in to the ouili os Marcellus. 22. disciplinis methodicat studies': s. are old Cic. Brutus 2 9 that Marcellus studi ed orator excluSi Vely. Omnem locum cet. cf. Eur fragm. ἄπασα γαρ χθὰν ανδρὶ γενναίω πατρί : vi FasIi i 93 omne solum forti patria est Ving Richarae II 4 275 Al places that the ye of heaven visits Areto a is mala oris and happy havens.'23. qui porro cs. Pol b. I D .

qui te expulit quem tu fugisti ould represent the factmore accurateb: Marcellus sed frona Italy illi Pompey in

et . per annos cleeem cs Lucan i 283 bellantem Zminis tenui te Gallia lustriis Caesar est Ital for his province of Gaul in Marcii 58 B. C. nexi ouche Italian soli 'on the out hiant of the Rubicon in Ian. 9 B.C. 25. sine studio, cit is true, answered by the se ,hicli sol lows for his an other meaning of the phrase, se n. t Pol b. 3 4 26. nemPe, indoubted ly.' S. Africa Hispania Aegyptus ohe historical orde is not



there e re Caesar en to Egypt Nor could Marcellus lino in 7 B. C. that there ould e a final struggle in Spalim he ni kneu that Caesaria at ready conquere Spat in B. C.

refouet: used of the sanae stru gle Paul. 54 2. Aegyptus inlida: So calle froni the reacherous murde Of

3o intentus, Strat ned, i. e. excited in a state finreSt erectus μιετέωρος i commoni used in his sense cf. ac Arri Me ecfaprouinciari Ann. xiv 57 erectas Gallias ad nomen dictatorin m. 3 i. parti par of the worid, no 'faction' sor only one asos posexto hi in cf. De Clem io, et nulla arS. aget ...uietori Sua is meant to e a paradox o b hunt edove the wori is generali the tot of the anquished.

Note the triplae antithesis the Tollowini clause: the 'ast sentence of the solito tu is bound to e hight rhetoricat.

descriptiora. nondum is an ironical suggestion that veryone is movin in that direction.


and PaSS in s. cf. ire ani relinqui Virg. Aen. iiii omnibus idem uimus, Scelerata excedere terra j linqui pollutum hospitium ei

dare classibus auSII S.I2. frigus Summoueri: cf. Lucan's descriptioni Cato ii 38 3: huic epulae vicisse famem uigne penates, i summovisSe hiemem


I 3. utiquist-laboratur, cis e cove anythin heyond wetoil to Serve no ou nee is, ut ii vices. For extra, Cicerowould se praetcrea. I . uitil dat . common in Sen soriae and acc. cf. Diat viii 5, I natura no ad utrumque oratiit, e contemplationi rerum et actioni Esp. 19, 5 ad salutem omnia parata Sunt Et in promptu, deliciis omnia misere ac Sollicite comparantur.

profunda et insatiabilis gula hinc maria scrutatur, hinc erras Juv. 4 95 retibus adsiduis penitus scrutante macello proxima. 16. conchylia, si ell-fisti,' specialty ysters Sen. probablymeans yster froni Rutupiae Richborough in Kent these eremuchirige a Rome it mus have been cli cultri get them resti. OySter are ne of the se ea tables bout hicli ancient and modern opinion re at ne Pli ny Nat. At XXX ii 59 say sarcasticatly that he cannot rite o much abon ostrea, cum palma mensarum therars place in good eating Uiti iam im natur Vis. 17. ignoto is more than pererrino : thus it is sed of hin De Ben. iii 5.18. inuillosi meto great for aset lit. exposed to inuidia,'because scit extent: cf. Epp. 87, 7 tantum Suburbani agri possidet, quantum inui iose in desertis stilia fossideret. imperii lines Sen is, as Pthinii, referring to British oySterS,



credo, in profunda Satin est, et Strearum genera naufragio exquira, aues una Phasim amn m peti, ne tabuloso quidem terrore ut IS. The river Phasis, on the east os the Euxine, usi solith of the CaucasuS gaverit nam to the phasiana auis pheasant, ' hichwas ound there, it a sald by the Argonauis. ambitiosam, pretentiolis 'ri f. Paul. 244.

22. gulam the vice of glutton is a common mari for Seneca's diatribes CL SP. N. 5, 15-28. Ie ad a right to rebul e thers, sor his own iet a simple: cf. ac Aun. XV 5, 6 per- sin fici nictu et arrestibu sontis uitam tolerat ibid. 63, 5 corpuSparco uictu tenuatum.

ali a page of Gibbon into Englisti.'2 . oeean this must referri British oysters. uomunt ut stant there is litile videlice to ho that this revoltin practice a common it is true that the Ronians sed emetic on medicat advice more than is common no se Munro's Catullus p. a soli. 25. nec concoquere dignantur, ' the do no dei gia even to digest,' ut rejec the ainties cruda.

nec ne quidem.

26. ista sinoverned by both verbs, despicit am concupiscit. 28. Sanatur, te is in Proces of hein cureo' i. e. e si orce to live the simple is an so et a chance to e cured permanenti O luxurious habiis. Temelia... Tec19it, 'Swallo the medicine': is he di this, hewould e permanenti cure ; a it is, temporar absenc homluxuries is ens orcedispon him sor recisit, s. Paul. t. QuaeSt. vi 2 , 5 totas urbes recipit hiatus ilia. 20. um non potest, illa nolenti similla est his an of


power i like a an os destre so thos things': cf. Epp. 7, 2 of the ensor e temperance of id age quicquid debebam nolle, non possum, ,here it is my ut to have no destre, I have no

1 illa, i. e. tu XurieS. caesar : here Caligula, ut ullus Caesar 94 6. 2. edidisse, to have produce l. 'ut ostenderet that he might how' rerum natura, no Caesar, is hown tot the subjecti simila passage. cf. Epp. 66 I inique Se ressit natura, aut fortasse uoluit hoc isSum nobis ostendere posse in enitim fortissimtim siι qualibet tite latere De seu vii , et Demetrius, nem mihi uidetur rerum natura nostri tu SSe temporibus, ut ostenderet, nec illum a nobis corrumpi posse cet. 3. fortuna, position, Arank. 'centiens this an simila adverbs re ali multiples of deciens, whicli standoso deciens centena milia sestertitim the resore centiens

Sestertio, abi. of price, the contracted gen Plur. sestertium te ingdecline as a neuter noun. . in hoc, for his objeci.' aliutus ConceSSiVe. 5. tributum is subjeci, cena predicate. The phras is rhetoricat; so the sum mentione is too mali for the early reveniae frona nythree Roman provinces 'heia CaeSar OrganiSed Gaulla a province,

we are old that he fixed the pol tax stipendium t heiai very

5. . palatum appetite, sor hicli Latin has no recise equivalent Celsus se cibi curiditas Juvenal 6, 27 uses orexis, and Aulus Gellius xvi 3, et aaeperitio esuritio use' by Catullus and Martiat is a painsul sensation an os appetite, fusti tum i common an is sed even os animais.



ad , at the ight os.'9. Alioqui, other vise.'II. uentri serulentinus, in the Callis the et ly. i. e. enti relyo cupied in ministering to t. mercaturis importation, of Such ainties a pheasanis at theen os the sirs centur A. D. Martial spealis of these an guinea fowl as rei in Roman oultry-yariis, o that importation Ouidio longe be necessar Mart. iii 58. Ia et Datur omnis turba sordidae

inritant the ood the eat is intende to het thei appetite, noto put a topo it a reseren e to the ysters os,hicli Pli ny Vat. Hist. xxiii in says, stomachum et nice re cirιnt. s. libet dicere. like o say' cf. Paul. D et Sen. no staris an postrophe ad Jressedo glutions principally, ut also to

modation in oti insides : cf. Diat viii, quid mihi totustatem nominas hominis bonum Isaero, ora uentris, qui recudibus ac hemis laxior roomier est: so ille Turkish adi reproved his