Select orations of Marcus Tullius Cicero, with explanatory notes ..

발행: 1873년

분량: 331페이지


분류: 미분류







aecomplice eleven SenatorS, OUr member of the equestria ordor,


opono communication illi Quintus Curius, ne of the accomplices of Catilino, and by means os large promiSes, engaged imio Loomtho govorument informe in regari torali ho movements of the conspirators. Curius prove a faithm and rustWorthy


ando to his indignation in a torrentis invective, pronounde his Flas Oration against Catiline. The effect was perfecti eleutrient Catiline a so the moment paralyZed, ut, quiekly ree OVerin his etf- possessionan assumin the tono O injure innoceneo, he implore tho senato notato trust the base lander Whicli the consul hadaeapedupon him; e even ventured pon arsit an abusivo langvago against Cicero, ut his Volce a at Once drOWne With cries of


goverument. Lentulus, Cethegus, Statilius, and Gabinius, ero arrested homoX morning. Later in the day the prisOners ero ad rought elare the bar of the senato thon assemblud in the Templo o Concord The evidence of thei guill Was overWhelm- ing, and was sinali consirme by thei oWn ODDSsions. Aster the alournment of tho senato, Cicero addi esse thopeopte O tho reat evont of tho da in his Thir orationagainst Catiline Tho indignation against the conspirator be- came almOS ungovernable; Xecrations ore eapodispo Catilinoe Cicero a tho her of the bour. O the fifth of Documber, in senato et in the Templo ofConcordiri docido tho fato of the prisOners. D. Junius Silanus, ConSUl-eleet, recommended the punishment of destili, ut C. JuliusCaeSar, praetor-eleut Ob ected to capital punishmentius illegat, and recommendod imprisonment sordiso It Was in the cours of this debat that Cicor pronounde his Fouri oration against Catiline Tho sontone o deat Was decreed by the senato, an executod that ver night, unde tho directio of the consul himsols. In tho mea time, Catiline as in Etruria a the oad os a formidabie forco, here, in the e suin Spring, he a desealedi a desperate contest, aud soli in the thickest of therarat.


I. Introduction The Aureae it of Casilino in Vpererino in the Senate. His Crime meriis eath.

ginning of the oration explained by the ac that Catilin the conspiratorii ad just alien his placo in the Senate. Se Introductio p. 39.- Tanilem, pram his diomatio Sem tandem, expressive os impatione enni surpi isse, is not uncommon in Cicero' orations.-Catilinuri . 60 VI. Patientia m. 419.2. Quam diu, quem ad sinem Synonymus With quousque reser-ring to time. Quam diu how long givin prominone to the durationos the aetion, quem ad finem, like quousque hors long lit to hat eud, limit, callin attention to the end of the action.-Etiam, et jam et cun ore stili. Quam diu etiam ho long stiit, i. e. ho muel longUr.- Iste tuus that fisoui s. G. 450.-EIudet, display iis se ery, Synonymo illi sese actabit, in the nexi line. 3. Nihilne G. 380, 2 457, 3. Observo the disserenco etWcon



probabinguarded though it Was also unde the pr0tuctio of the orco dupon the Palatine heiice munitissimus. s. Habendi senatus G. 562 598, 3.-Or vir tusque Observo the disseretice of meantng-ora referringo the eatures, the face vultus to the expression of the laee, the OOLS. Theclook of surprisoan iudignation illi,hic the sonate received Catiline a he 00li hisseat in that hod are here meant. T Non sentis, non vides linera) G. 346 II. 1, 2)- Constrio- tam teneri, is held in hec . s. Proxima, Superiore nocte, ad night the night more I Abl. o Timo One of the evenis O hie Cicero here refer is thu,00tingat tho ous Os Laeca, hic t00 place On the nio bolare tho last yuperiore nocte), theothesis probably the attemptrapon the lis of Cicero, Whic mayio have been actuali made untii tho ex night aster themeeting though Catilino' agent offerexto mulierit that ver Dight. It

of the commonWealth. 13. Immo . . . Etiam Observe the accumulationi partietos, missithe fore of each. Immo nu more, Strengthening the reviou State-

oportebat Observe the orce of the Imperfeci. G. 467, 2, 1).


144 NOTES.

20. An vero, or dii in deed. Observe the ellipsis, cadit supplied from tho precedin Sentenee δε no this op-P. Scipio P. Scipio Nasica Serapio, consul in 138 . . in 133, the eade in tho move-men against Ti. Gracchus, the fam0usoribune Wh in the interes of the oorer classes revived the Agraria laW so the distributionis the public landS. 21. Mediocriter in a m0dcrate Sree, i. e. in comparison illi thetroason able plotis Catilino. I. Privatus, though a private citizen, i. e. the igh-pries Wa a private citigon, sae heldi civit Omee o magistracy G. 363, 3.

3. IIIa nimis antiqua, th08 reel known cases, a to ancient. G.

450 4 412. The plural illa implies that Cicero ha in minx classis


the decree ache a at the time absent Dominomo, commandinii tho IGallic provinco.-Ut videret: Mixe Purposse G. 492, 3 consul consules videret viderent ne quid res Publica detrimenti caperet asthe regula formula by hich in times of rea publie danger, extraordi

12. Ne caperet G. 492 1.-Qui detrimenti G. 396 III. 2, 3).14. C. Gracchus Caius Gracchus, the brother of Tiberius Gracchus su p. 1 line l), b his bold reform in the interesis of thoi00plo

incurred the enmityis the Senate an patricianS.-CIuriSSimo utre, avo Abl. o Characteristic. G. 428. The ather, Ti. Semprotitus Gracchus, hadiso oni hel in ossicus Os censor an consul, ut ad tWico Hoyed the honori a triumph. The materna grand&ther asth colebrated Scipio Africanus tho older, the conqueror O Hannibal. 15. M. Fu1vius M. Fulvius FlaccuS a partisan O C. Gracchus, consul in the ear 125 B. , ut o death With his Ons Dordoris L. OpimiUS. 16 C. Mario Dative. The occasion ore referre to a thoconsula electio in the ear 100 . , he ille agent O Saturninus and Servilius oughtrio Securo the electio of Servilius by SSassinatingliis rival C. Memmius.

an time arrest the actio of the magistrates, an evenis the Senate. Praetorem. The praetors ere Officer neX in rank to the consuis. They ero icti in number. Re PuBIicae poena, the punishment

imposed by the republio Et of the republio Rei subIicae Sulla octivo Genitivo. G. 396 Ι.

Vicesimum stiem. Cicero here spealis in round numbers. It Wasoni themighteent da sinu the decree a PaSSed. 20. Hebescere aciem. Observe the figurativo lingua ge in hichtho decree of the Senate is poken os as a W0rd. Se also elo in

ηαyina reconditum.

21. Hujus modi, of this in , i. e. os tho amo in asotioseundor hiel the consuis Opimius, Marius, and Valerius,aad aeteil. 22. In tribulis, in the recor is i. o. of the Oing of the Senate.-Quo ex Senatu ConSu1to Se Lai. Omp. 189, 2.23 Interfectum esse convenit. Convenit is in the Porsecttense. InStea os interfectum esse, intersci could have been used a duci


146 NOTES.

is sed . I, lino 18 duci oportebat but interfectum esse malles the completionis the actio and iis result more prominent; mu ought to havebcen put o dea th, i in the work should have been sinishod G. 5 12 3. 21. Ad deponendum . . . confirmaridam nudaciam ; G. 62, 3 565, 3. 25. Cupio, cupio. Observe the repetitioni cupio and the omis- Sion os the conjunctio autem, O v ro G. 587, III 4; 01 I. 1 and II.