Select orations of Marcus Tullius Cicero, with explanatory notes ..

발행: 1873년

분량: 331페이지


분류: 미분류




i. e. the executionis Catilino. 4. Qui audent G. 501 1. s. Ne possis Negativo Purp08e G. 491. - Commovero te contra, o move in hostilit i , lit to move30urseis agatu3f. A transitivo ver With a reflexive pronoui is ometimes best rendere into Englisti byan intransitive Verb. S. Fecerunt, haves ne, i. e. have alched an guarded. Observo

iliis specialis os uolo, like the Englis ver to do.

III. IV. Eaehortation to Catili ne to abandon his Purpose, as his Movenient and Flansire auranoren Attempti on the me of theton 8 d.

the concrete.

12. LIIustrantur, are brought to ight oppOSedri tenebris obscurare. Erumpunt, urat orth, i. e. come Ortho public gaze, oppoSed toparietibu coxuiuere. 13. Istam G. 450.-Mihi Cresse, belleve me, i. e. belleve hat Isay and talio m advice.-Caedi G. 406, II. 14. Luce G. 417. 15. Quam objectis recogn08caδ. - RecognoSQRS. Vt is omitte l. G. 495 496, 1. 16. Meministine G. 346, II. 1, 1).-Ante cliem XII. . . NOvombres, on the welfth ambefore me calend of November i. o. O the twentycirs of October For the methodis obtaining the Englisti dato, se G. 10, II. Ante diem XII Kalendas die duodecimo ante Kalen, das, on the we G My more, e c. G. 708 III. 3. ut the hole Xpressio ma be rogarde a an indoclinable nouit in tho Ablative os imo. G. 708, ΙΙΙ. 4 426.-NOvembres adjective agrestin Wit Kalenda8. G. 08 III. 2.1τ. Dicere. The present is horumsed after meministi in aecordatice With Latin sage hecause the memor recalis the paS aetio an contemplate it a prcient. G. 41, 3.-FOro. Ilio subjec is Manlium


148 NOTES.

G. 529. 18 Ante diem . . . Ovembres Indeclinable noun, predicate nominative after futurus esset. G. 708, III 4.-C. Manlius. Se note ncastra, P. 2 line 28. 19. Num me esse Iit, non modo TES. . . Verum . . . die S, id not

trealed cither a an accusativo in exclamation o a thoibjectis a verbio e Supplied asii or cenam. G. 381.-Quum considerem G. 18, II. l. -Pruone Ste, Praen to, Palestrina, a Strongly-sortisiud toWia in Latium, Solitheast os Rome.




1O. In hoc consilio, in his counci ci. e. the Senate. 11. Nostro omnium interitu the destruetion Vis ali. Omnium agroes With in genitive nostri implied in nostro G. 397, 3. Instendo nostro the genitive no8frtim might have been used. 13. Cogitent Subj. o ReSult. G. 501 I.-HOSce. Observo ili force of e th e more me, th oracre G. 186, 1.-Sententiam rogo, Hau thfir Pinion, i. e. I invite them in comm0n illi thorsenator i participat in the discussi0n. his a tho usual formula in culliniso the opinio O renator upon an queStion Dde diSeuSSion. G. 3 4. 15. Igitur then, i. e. t resume. The Orator here reSume thetopic hich Was interrupte by the xclamation, O dii immortales 16. Distribuisti, oui88igne G. M., O Our OVerat neeomplices.-Quo . . . PIaceret Indirect Question, objec o statuisti. G. 25;525, 2. 17. Romam G. 423 II.-HeIinqueros Potentia Subjunctive. G. 485. 20. Etiam utino even now, i. e. at the time of the remarii Thesessores of the direct disc0urso paululum mihi est etiam nunc morae arereta inod in tho indirect inst0ad of oin change to etiam tum, hichmight have seu sed G. 33, 2.-Moram Partitive enitive dopend-ing upon paululum, hic is the subjectis me. Quod ego viverem; in app0Sition illi pa Eulum. G. 363, 5. O Mood, e G. 29.-Duo equite S two nighD, i. e. member of the equestrian Order, C. Corneliud and L. amunteius, aceordinito Sallust though he calles the attera Senator See ali. Catia 38. 21. Qui therarent. Explain Mood. G. 501 I. -Te Curri. Construction G. 425, 3, 2).-IΙΙ ipsa nocte Tho ossere icio, ittha very nighs, but Whether the attempt Was actuali madem that nicti, ori tho ollowing, is stili an ungetllud question. 23. Vixdum etiam, careet ye . Se note On etiam P. 1 line 2.-Coetu Construction G. 431. 21. Comperi. o obtaine his information rom Curius. Seo Introduction, p. 138. 25. SuIutatum; G. 569 Distinguisbe Roman an magiStrate5


150 NOTES.

V. An L hortation to Catiline to leave tho City.


mueli more forcibi and emphatio command than te tibeo, ascit set forthon the one and the authorit o Cicero, an oti tho Otho the uili os Catiline.


152 NOTES.

hens iv than domesticae, sed in the sine bove. Privatae res embraeos the hole private lisse, hil domesticae res is confinei to that partis it whiel directi asseet theriami ly. 31. Libido, facinus, uagitium. Observo the fore of thu ordsin his climaX. 33 Quem irretisses, re in ou had en8nared. G. 501 I. 34. Ad Iibidinem facem, a toro for his hist. In the streuis os Rome a lave usuali cari ted a torei besore his mastor at night to lighthim o his Way. The allusion in the ex is d0ubiles to this custom. Catiline Cicero means O Say, is eading the 0uniinto cenes of do-

ut the latest, o in Calend. i. e. the sit Sthos the solion in moniti. G. Quae Subjectis pertinent. T. Domesticam issicultatem, donetrali discuis i. α, pecuuiary

S. Summum rem uti icum, the highes publie reo are. 10. Spiritus, reath. 11. Iucundus. Se Syn L. C. 216 Horum, of these, i. e. Ofth senators.-Qui nesciat. The Subjunctivo ould e require eveni tho direct discourso G. 50J I. 12. Pridie Kalendus G. 43 , 1 Lepido et TuIIo consuli-hus Manius Lepidus and Volcatius Tullus consul in the yea 66 B, C. 13. totisso cum telo su00d armcd. 0 and his accomptio chad sui med the dc igia os assassina in Cotta pndo quatus, the c sul eleet. Sed niu0ducti in P. 138.-In comitio Tho comitium a s pari solio Roman forum.



05, VI.

18. Designatura Suppi con8tilem. 19. Petitiones thrusis, the technica terra for th thrusis of tho gladiator. 20. Ut . . . Viderentur, thal f eeme impossibi lo avoi them, lit., that thoe eemed not orae able fode avoide ἐ-Deo1inutione et corpore declinatione corporis, ieelintea language raW D0 lancin or romthe gladiatoria combais. The stelinica character of the language is algo homi the Ords, ut aiunt.

22. Titii de manibus Latin idior instea os de manibus tuis. G. 398, 5. 23 Excidit et o Iapsa est G. 04 IV. 24. Quae this I G. 453.-AB te m. 434, 3.-Devota sit Indi-


154 NOTES.

parent of us ali parens omnium OStrum.


2G. Atiliorreat, is fre,from. M. 501. 27. Mihi G. 384 II. 386, 2.28. Verus, et grounded. Suppi timor.

30. Loquatur, debeat G. 509. 31. Impetrure, to obtain her equest, expressest bove in diseede, eripe, etc.-Quid, quod, hat of the fac that iat. Comp. 482. 32. In custodiam dedisti. Person suspecto os troasonable designs Sometimes place them selves thus voluntarii in the custodyos som influentia citige unti their uili or innocunce could e stablished. 33. Ad ML Lepidum, at me hous of Manius Lepidus Tho usual propositio in his ense is apud Manius Lepidus a consul With olcatius Tullus in the oa 66 B. Se p. 6, lino 12.35. Omi meae G. 423, 3, 2); 421, 2.-Quum tulisse S G. 518, II.

36. Me n IIIo. . . contineremur in apposition illi raponsum. G. 363, 5 553, ΙΙ.-Iisdem parietilius, in the fame Iouse, lit by the fame horise-walla. G. 414.-Parietibus, moenitius. Se Syn. . .

a 7. 1. Qui essem m. 19. 32. Contineremur G. 29. Q. MeteIIum. Quintus uotollus Celer is meant de subsequently 0O an active par in tho militarypreparations ad against Catiline Se p. 14 liue 31. He a consul in tho ea 60 B. C. 3. Virum Optimum. In irony.-M. MeteI1um Marcus Motellus, probabi the brother os Q. Metellus Creticus, a frient of Verres, praetor 6 B. C. 4. Quem tu vide Iicet. . . PutnSti. In irony. . Videtur. he subjec is tho pronou is the omitte antecodentos qui G. 445 6.-Qui justicarit m 501 I. S. Custodia m. 419 ΙV. s. mori, o die a justio demandS. 11. MuItis justis uehitisque Lat. Comp. 166, 3.-NupsIiciis; Dative G. 386, 2.12. Refer a senatum, refer the question to the enale the sual technica sexpression o the actio of the consul in bringiti a Subjeet tothe Otie of the senate.-Id, his i. e. that the subjuci se laid bosoru

13. Hi Ordo; i. e. the senat0 - Nitii placere, that i is meis


1 G. Quid sentiunt Indirect ueStion.-Πi i. e. ille Senato PS.IT. Metu G. 425, 3, 2).-Hau Vocem; i. e. e ilium. IS. Quid est ulterod after a hori pause, during hicli the Silence of the sonato hoWA thei approva os the ODSul'S OurSe.-Ecquid, at ali interrogative adv. 20. Auctoritatem loquentium, the spo en decree, lit., the authoriti command of thos spea ius. Loquentium 'his agree Willi eorum, the omitte antecedentis quorum. 22. Hoc idem, his sanie ging, i. e. in milium prosci8cere.-P. Sestio Publius Sestius, tho quaestor, Subsequently Ver active in rOcuring the recal o Cicero rom exile.-Si dixissem, intu Iisset. G. 10.23. M. MarceIIo. Marcus Marcellus, consul 1 bitte opponentis Caesar by Whom eoas pardonod ii 46 B, C , pono hi hoccasio Cicero deli vered his ration formareellus, contained in his volume Se p. 81.-COIIS II i, though consul. 21. Vim et munus, violent an is lit., violene and an is Is On-