The doctrine of the new Jerusalem concerning the Lord

발행: 1821년

분량: 224페이지


분류: 미분류


rejoico in tho Holy one os Israel. ' Isaiah


ed.' liv. . t also appears stoin the circumstanc os thei adorinthim, and saltingdown O thei saces bes ore him, Matthewix. 8. Chap. xiv. 33. Chap. XV. 25. Chap. xxviii. . ar i. 40. Chap. v. 22. Chap. vii. 25. Chap. X. T. Luke vii.

into his tabernacles, e ii reorshipit his Joolatool.V Psalm xxxii. 15, 16. Thattheior is orshippe in heaven is declare in the Apocalypso. d was in the

Spirit, an belloid, a throne a se in heaven an on the throno ne sat that was like a jasper an a Sardine tone tolook pon and there Was a ra inbΟWround about the throno in Sigh like uiato an emerat L and the ou and wentyoldors fel dorenae reaim that satin thethrone, and worshippe hi that linethforeve an ever, an cast thei crowns binore the throneV v. 2, 3, 10 An in another


book, and they fel dolon e fore the Lamb, and worshippei him that livet for ever


43. Thut the Lord is calle David, πα


21, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 35 36, 37;

Scio 18. Tha there is ne God, and that the Lordis that God.

duco stomoti Wor in the precedingarti cle, it ma be evidenti Seen that the


might. V Deuteronomy vi. 4 5. ne came uni Jesus and a id Good a Ster,


the Lord is hcit God is consi med romthe foliorein passage of the ord;

iuret God is in theo, and there is noneelse, there is no God eis : erit thou arta God that hi dest hyseis, modis Israel

the Sario ur.' Isaiah xlv. 14, 5. Amno I dehovah, and there is no God elsebesides me, a just God and a Sariour, thereis non besides me. Look tanto me, and be ye sared, at the end of the arti, sorΙim God, and there is non else.' Isaiah xlv. 21, 22 am dehovah, and besides



at the arva, and in that ay theroeshallae One dehovali, and his nam One.' Zechariali xiv. . nasmuch no a the Lordalon is tho Savioli an Redeemer, andit is suid that dehovali is that avio urandine de emer, and that there is non be-sides him, it sollows that the ne God is